Kamala Harris: “Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue."

I think Kamala Harris is pleased that she doesn't have distinctly black features. However she must've always known she's racially marginalized because she attended a historically black college. Graduates of black colleges are typically wildly successful compared to black alumni of traditional mainstream universities. It's not what you know it's who you know. However my mom turned me off to black colleges when she told me they were originally founded by antebellum slaveholders to educate the select blacks they emancipated. The motive for establishing these universities was not racially neutral. It was specifically to reinforce racist divide-and-conquer tactics, ultimately to further oppress the general black population. Since black colleges also have low academic standards, I decided to take my chances attending a mainstream university.
Ironically I would've joined an organization for biracial people at a historically white college. Birds of a feather. I just wouldn't want to attend a school which was founded for the express purpose of making the slave system more sophisticated. No indeed. That's a labyrinth you'll NEVER find your way out of.
Ironically I would've joined an organization for biracial people at a historically white college. Birds of a feather. I just wouldn't want to attend a school which was founded for the express purpose of making the slave system more sophisticated. No indeed. That's a labyrinth you'll NEVER find your way out of.
Other biracial people might be more inclined to listen to the rock music I listen to and stuff like that, but to learn how to be a black slaver? Oh f**k no. I don't
Ironically I would've joined an organization for biracial people at a historically white college. Birds of a feather. I just wouldn't want to attend a school which was founded for the express purpose of making the slave system more sophisticated. No indeed. That's a labyrinth you'll NEVER find your way out of.
Slaveholders founded black colleges, but they also founded black churches. The Civil Rights Movement was yet another ploy to rehash the slave system in a manner consistent with America's updated economic priorities. The GI Bill engendered an explosion of white suburban neighborhoods. The subsequent Fair Housing Act diverted housing market competition away from black neighborhoods and towards these established white communities. In a free market where popularity influences pricing, housing values flowed in the exact same direction. Preexisting white homeowners effortlessly pocketed the additional equity from this scam. And vice-versa. It further depleted black-owned housing values. The economic impact of this policy is permanent. Equal employment rights are negotiable on an ongoing basis. Since the overarching purpose of civil rights policies was to rip blacks off yet again, these auxiliary rights which might actually benefit blacks somewhat, have a way of getting negotiated down.
Other biracial people might be more inclined to listen to the rock music I listen to and stuff like that, but to learn how to be a black slaver? Oh f**k no. I don't

Slaveholders founded black colleges, but they also founded black churches. The Civil Rights Movement was yet another ploy to rehash the slave system in a manner consistent with America's updated economic priorities. The GI Bill engendered an explosion of white suburban neighborhoods. The subsequent Fair Housing Act diverted housing market competition away from black neighborhoods and towards these established white communities. In a free market where popularity influences pricing, housing values flowed in the exact same direction. Preexisting white homeowners effortlessly pocketed the additional equity from this scam. And vice-versa. It further depleted black-owned housing values. The economic impact of this policy is permanent. Equal employment rights are negotiable on an ongoing basis. Since the overarching purpose of civil rights policies was to rip blacks off yet again, these auxiliary rights which might actually benefit blacks somewhat, have a way of getting negotiated down.
On the slaveholders' behalf, Dr. King also ensured that egregious abuses against blacks' persons would accompany our "civil rights". In one of his speeches, he decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm a biracial female who's instinctively more attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm both too phenotypically black and too poor to evade this clause.

Newton established that the appropriate resistance to this policy entails and equal and opposite force. I'm not at all interested in the legal or public opinion spin on what constituted and effective resistance. These are not exact sciences. Physics is an exact science, and since obviously I'm going to have to finalize the resistance by pulling weapons on people, I'll only consult science and not gossipy garbage. This erotically oriented "principle" pertains to my employment rights. That's why science dictates that one must first advertise a phone sex line promising conversations with concubines--an archaic term for biracial females of these proclivities.
...The fabled land of Atlantis crashed into Western Africa 12 millennia ago. Then the whole midsection of the continent, once a lush and fertile land, gradually became a desert. What doofuses-in-charge allowed that to happen? What, water-stealing wasn't grandiose enough to warrant the government's attention? Somebody was asleep at the wheel, I'll tell you that much.

VP Harris's mother is a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. I wouldn't second guess her as to what constitutes a "real issue".

Wikipedia shows nothing about this. Are you sure?
On the slaveholders' behalf, Dr. King also ensured that egregious abuses against blacks' persons would accompany our "civil rights". In one of his speeches, he decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm a biracial female who's instinctively more attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm both too phenotypically black and too poor to evade this clause.

Newton established that the appropriate resistance to this policy entails and equal and opposite force. I'm not at all interested in the legal or public opinion spin on what constituted and effective resistance. These are not exact sciences. Physics is an exact science, and since obviously I'm going to have to finalize the resistance by pulling weapons on people, I'll only consult science and not gossipy garbage. This erotically oriented "principle" pertains to my employment rights. That's why science dictates that one must first advertise a phone sex line promising conversations with concubines--an archaic term for biracial females of these proclivities.
My great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. If your national policy threatens my chastity and virtue and my nature to boot, I'll unerringly implement exacting scientific procedures to combat it. My great-great-great grandpa was also Otto von Bismarck. Like the Princess from the Princess and the Pea, I can detect these policies based on subtle information, even if I can't yet trace them and recite them chapter and verse.
Dual income no kids is gaining traction. More and more young couples aren't having kids. The issue will take care of itself.
Absolutely correct! My kids have 2, 1, and 0 grandkids. It's already happening.

On a family basis, My grandparents were unsuccessful when it came to replacing their kid's families. My Dad had two brothers and four sisters. His two brothers had 4 kids, 2 kids, and he had two. Only one of his 4 sisters had 1 kid and he is the oldest of us cousins. Two of my male cousins died with only one child, and that one was illegitimate and does not have the family name. My brother is childless. I have four female cousins and they have 4 children between them. I have three children and three grandchildren, only one with the family name. My cousins and I (8 people total) have a grand total of 7 children. Our family name also dies with this generation, as there are no male children except my son, and he has a daughter only.

That's 8 people replaced by 7 total.
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Wikipedia shows nothing about this. Are you sure?
Wikipedia shows nothing about this. Are you sure?

Wikipedia shows nothing about this. Are you sure?
The fabled Eye of Atlantis is a geological feature in West Africa. It has a few enormous concentric rings which are only visible as a big picture from a distance. Unlike say the Great Wall of China which is immediately obvious to pedestrians. Even then I think you have to use special equipment to detect these variations in altitude which define the rings. Additional testing revealed that these rings were submerged under the ocean around 12,000 years ago but the water has since receded.

Hitler who declared his intent to be the King of Atlantis was probably once literally the King of Atlantis. America is so politically correct about anti-Nazism but have adopted the same abominable practices which prevailed in Atlantis. US scientists are hybridizing humans with animals these days. All of the experimentees I know of are black. They also tend to be intelligent but unassimilable into white society at face value. This is consistent with America's statistical pattern of intense discrimination against highly educated blacks. Dr. King's regulations regarding blacks' emotional and erotic disposition lend themselves to these horrific abuses. They are antithetical to the biological predisposition of some blacks. And our chastity and virtue. The exact nature of these abuses may vary, depending on exactly how these people can get their hands on you.

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