Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

do you understand that I agree with YOU on this particular topic? You seem confused.

Thats great but not an answer to my question.

I don't have a solution, one things for sure, this isn't really going to make a difference one way or the other. It's purely political.

Youre right only if you believe fried food intake has no effect on health at all. But thats so dumb you'd never say that

Let's be real. no one is going to change their eating habits over this change. They''ll just stuff their faces at home now.
Only if parents bring the junk home.

Which they will. Do you really think parents are going to en masse say "oh the schools aren't serving such an such any more, so I won't buy it either?" LOL
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved
Kids are fat pigs these days because riding a bike and playing outdoors has been replaced with video games and computers.
And parents who give their kids junk food rather than nutritious meals.

I call those kids "waddlers".

If those kids were getting any exercise they'd burn off those calories.

So you want the government to mandate exercise for fat kids?

Actually ClosedCaption aske me what my solution is, it's simple, the higher your body fat percentage, the more you pay for unhealthy food. Let some 500 lb dude pay $135 for a Big Mac, he'll lose the weight.

What a clown.
You suggested I want to mandate exercise for kids in one breath and then you turn around and say you want to mandate food prices based on weight.

How about schools stop dropping PE from the curriculum for starters.

For the love of God, buy a sense of humor. As if we'd really impose a fat tax on food.

You laugh....Mayor Bloomberg tried to impose a limit on soda sizes and wanted to tax them at a higher rate.
More nanny state bullshit.
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
RWrs like Staphunny cannot stand the idea that someone may get between them and their junk food.
Its their right to junk food.
God you people are pathetic

No one is keeping anyone from junk food, for being fatties, from eating garbage like frosted flakes and bologna.
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved

I'm sure you'd want Laura Bush telling your kids what to eat
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved
We also learned that you refuse to answer whether you are for or against drug testing welfare recipients.

Of course you could just borrow a line for Jillian an pretend that strings to attached to government money in one scenario is different than in another scenario.
Little wonder there's so much type 2 diabetes.

yup... look at them whine that their kids won't be stuffed full of sugar and fat in daycare.

Oh sweet Jillie...don't you know our food supply is completely controlled by corporatism and the government you so love, protects the status quo...not the people.

Yes, we would really be grossed out, if we really knew what is allowed in our food.

For Instance: Hair from China is in our bread to keep it fluffy.

I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.
Tell me you don't think the Left does the same thing?

How about the current lefty fascination with boys/men using women's restrooms???

Its the RWNJs who are lying about men/boys using women's bathrooms.
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved

If the kids wont eat it what good are you doing?
I remember in high school they stopped deep frying the tater tots and fries,for our own good of course,and they all ended up in the trash.
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved

I'm sure you'd want Laura Bush telling your kids what to eat
Is that what it is?
I wouldn't mind Laura Bush starting a campaign to get kids to eat healthy........but is the First Lady TELLING kids what they are allowed to eat?
I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.
Tell me you don't think the Left does the same thing?

How about the current lefty fascination with boys/men using women's restrooms???

Its the RWNJs who are lying about men/boys using women's bathrooms.

What does that bullshit have to do with this thread?
'We know thats why this isnt a bill against Frosted Flakes only and exclusively

It's ridiculous anyway

It's just another symptom of the I will tell you what to do because I' know what's best disease

You mean health professionals know more about health that trash men? Well yeah. I'll leave it up to you to make the argument of why fried food is the better option.

But I get a feeling you cant make that argument. So why defend something you cant say?
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

Where is that happening?

Where is anyone telling people how live their lives? Where is this "ban" on cupcakes you're so concerned about?

WHY do you RWNJ traitors always have to lie?
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved

If the kids wont eat it what good are you doing?
I remember in high school they stopped deep frying the tater tots and fries,for our own good of course,and they all ended up in the trash.
And the same thing with kids bringing healthy food from home. Hey...if they get hungry enough, they will eat anything.

Maybe schools should stop feeding kids altogether, eh?
It's ridiculous anyway

It's just another symptom of the I will tell you what to do because I' know what's best disease

You mean health professionals know more about health that trash men? Well yeah. I'll leave it up to you to make the argument of why fried food is the better option.

But I get a feeling you cant make that argument. So why defend something you cant say?
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

if someone is taking care of my child, I'm all for them being told how they are going to treat my child.

No kidding!

I would want to know that decent food was guaranteed. If its not, I would take my child to someone I could trust.
I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.
Tell me you don't think the Left does the same thing?

How about the current lefty fascination with boys/men using women's restrooms???

Its the RWNJs who are lying about men/boys using women's bathrooms.

What does that bullshit have to do with this thread?
Ah...there it is again. Wagging your finger at Luddley when it was gipper who brought up boys/men using women's bathrooms.
Why aren't you wagging your finger at gipper?
Little wonder there's so much type 2 diabetes.

yup... look at them whine that their kids won't be stuffed full of sugar and fat in daycare.

Oh sweet Jillie...don't you know our food supply is completely controlled by corporatism and the government you so love, protects the status quo...not the people.

Yes, we would really be grossed out, if we really knew what is allowed in our food.

For Instance: Hair from China is in our bread to keep it fluffy.


Yes, but it is much more than that. All sorts of damaging chemicals are in our food. Then add in tons of sugar and grains, further damaging American's health.

It makes one think it is all a conspiracy to sell more Big Pharma drugs, use the expensive HC system, and make us weak feeble people.

Our government as huge as it is, protects the big corps and further screws us.
more good news about: THE GOVERNMENT

Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany’s Economy
Regs have cost economy $4 trillion, $13,000 per person

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
April 26, 2016 12:50 pm

The cost of U.S. regulations is now larger than Germany’s economy, amounting to a $4 trillion loss to the American economy, according to a new study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

The study, released Tuesday, found that regulations over the past several decades amount to a loss of $13,000 for each American worker.

“The impact of regulation on economic growth has been widely studied, but most research has focused on a narrow set of regulations, industries, or both,” according to the report. “These studies typically rely on regulatory indexes that measure subsets of all regulation, on country-to-country comparisons, on short time spans, or on surveys in which experts report how regulated they believe their country or industry is.

“In order to better understand the cumulative cost of regulation, a comprehensive look at all regulations across many industries over a long period of time is imperative.”

Researchers at Mercatus studied data from 22 industries from 1977 to 2012, finding regulations have distorted “investments choices that lead to innovation” and have “created a considerable drag on the economy.” The result: an average shrinking of the economy by 0.8 percent a year.

“If regulations had been held constant at levels observed in 1980, the American economy would have been 25 percent larger than it was in 2012,” the report said. “This amounts to a $4 trillion loss in 2012 for the American economy or $13,000 loss per person, a significant amount of money for most American workers.”

The cost of federal regulations amounts to the fourth-largest GDP in the world, surpassing the economies of Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, Russia, and India.

all of it here:
Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany’s Economy

This latest mandate from the White House should be a real winner --- akin to Michelle’s previous demands.

1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards

As School Meals Have Gotten Healthier, 1.4 Million Students Drop Out of School Lunch Program

Students in Full Revolt Against Michelle Obama's Horrible School Lunch Mandates! - The Political Insider

Kentucky kids to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’
So what did we learn kids?

We learned that Republicans are pro fucked up food for no other reason than Michelle Obama is against it.

But when asked why they support feeding kids more fried food they take the Michelle Obama route and tell you they dont.

So they agree with the plan they just dont like....The person involved

If the kids wont eat it what good are you doing?
I remember in high school they stopped deep frying the tater tots and fries,for our own good of course,and they all ended up in the trash.

This is why kids dont run shit. What they like and whats good for them are often 2 different things. When they like something like starting trash can fires we dont defer to them because their enjoyment ranks higher than diabetes

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