Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice
Did he mention he cannot charge Trump either. How do you obstruct an imaginary crime?
The FBI paid $168,000 to Christopher Steel, British Foreign Agents, to get dirt on President Trump. Can you say, dirty cops? It only takes a couple of dirty cops backed by dirty Hillary Clinton to wishfully think they can come up with dirt on this innocent President, Donald Trump. There just wasn't one single thing that tied President Trump to collusion with Russia. That's because President Trump is innocent of this ludicrous charge, and after Maxine Waters' dirty, dirty mouth accused President Trump over and over on the air where she had an audience, she lie, lie, lied her way into people's conscientiousness without a shred, and I do mean without a single smidgen of a shred of evidence against President Trump. The DNC barks out false accusations. Just look at Nadler's taking up this winless war, straining every nerve in his ugly fat face that President Trump is guilty of something. Like dirty Maxine, she hopes, she hopes and she keeps on hoping the FBI will find a morsel she can then tear him up with, although she has personally dragged his good name through her black slime pit of lies.

To think, all that money George Soros placed on Hillary has come to nothing but a filthy pile of false allegations. It only proves that money can't buy the American people off, except for the ones who were taken by lying Maxine Waters, dirty Hillary Clinton who shifted money around like a craven animal hides his poop so he can plunder other animals, biting into their flesh with dagger teeth, tearing at the fibers of their life. How can Democrats and their supporters sink this low?

Robert Mueller wanted a different outcome, too. He hates Trump. But he had a job to do, and reluctantly, he found the evidence to clear Trump. But he cannot clear Trump due to hatred poisoning the well of his own eyes. Aside from the facts, he would LOVE to find any untoward thing he could to pin Trump then nail him to the way. It isn't there, and it never will be, because Trump did not collude. All that's left is Trump's clean hands. He didn't do what Maxine Waters wanted him to do, which she said every day for 600 days or more. All it left her with is the smell I of lying on her breath. It doesn't pay to lie all the time. It may give a short relief to someone who has to have a scapegoat. It's just that dirt doesn't stick to someone who is a rock of getting good advice and sticks through that good advice to the end. The report showed Trump to be a better man than those who charged him falsely. And the difference is a chasm between a good human being and a plethora of those who've fallen from grace with the most evil will imaginable--trying to ensnare a good man with lies.

1. I wanna know how much of the $145 million bribe that Putin paid Hillary for our uranium found its way into Mueller's piggy bank.

2. A peek into Mueller's motivation is here:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.


3. The esteemed Lee Smith has a slightly different take.

"News that special counselor Robert Mueller has turned his attention to Erik Prince’s January 11, 2017 meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker, a Lebanese-American political fixer, and officials from the United Arab Emirates, helps clarify the nature of Mueller’s work. It’s not an investigation that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading—rather, it’s a cover-up.

4. After all, Mueller took his job not at the behest of the man who by all accounts he is likely to professionally and personally disdain, Donald Trump, but of the blue-chip Beltway elite of which he is a charter member. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. That’s because Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Jail 'em all!!!
Come on PC that uranium crap is all BS as has been proven many times Unfortunately you go back to it without uttering a word over the vile thief in our office now
Trump didn't obstruct justice, he obstructed a coup attempt.

Just sayin'.
The FBI paid $168,000 to Christopher Steel, British Foreign Agents, to get dirt on President Trump. Can you say, dirty cops? It only takes a couple of dirty cops backed by dirty Hillary Clinton to wishfully think they can come up with dirt on this innocent President, Donald Trump. There just wasn't one single thing that tied President Trump to collusion with Russia. That's because President Trump is innocent of this ludicrous charge, and after Maxine Waters' dirty, dirty mouth accused President Trump over and over on the air where she had an audience, she lie, lie, lied her way into people's conscientiousness without a shred, and I do mean without a single smidgen of a shred of evidence against President Trump. The DNC barks out false accusations. Just look at Nadler's taking up this winless war, straining every nerve in his ugly fat face that President Trump is guilty of something. Like dirty Maxine, she hopes, she hopes and she keeps on hoping the FBI will find a morsel she can then tear him up with, although she has personally dragged his good name through her black slime pit of lies.

To think, all that money George Soros placed on Hillary has come to nothing but a filthy pile of false allegations. It only proves that money can't buy the American people off, except for the ones who were taken by lying Maxine Waters, dirty Hillary Clinton who shifted money around like a craven animal hides his poop so he can plunder other animals, biting into their flesh with dagger teeth, tearing at the fibers of their life. How can Democrats and their supporters sink this low?

Robert Mueller wanted a different outcome, too. He hates Trump. But he had a job to do, and reluctantly, he found the evidence to clear Trump. But he cannot clear Trump due to hatred poisoning the well of his own eyes. Aside from the facts, he would LOVE to find any untoward thing he could to pin Trump then nail him to the way. It isn't there, and it never will be, because Trump did not collude. All that's left is Trump's clean hands. He didn't do what Maxine Waters wanted him to do, which she said every day for 600 days or more. All it left her with is the smell I of lying on her breath. It doesn't pay to lie all the time. It may give a short relief to someone who has to have a scapegoat. It's just that dirt doesn't stick to someone who is a rock of getting good advice and sticks through that good advice to the end. The report showed Trump to be a better man than those who charged him falsely. And the difference is a chasm between a good human being and a plethora of those who've fallen from grace with the most evil will imaginable--trying to ensnare a good man with lies.

1. I wanna know how much of the $145 million bribe that Putin paid Hillary for our uranium found its way into Mueller's piggy bank.

2. A peek into Mueller's motivation is here:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.


3. The esteemed Lee Smith has a slightly different take.

"News that special counselor Robert Mueller has turned his attention to Erik Prince’s January 11, 2017 meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker, a Lebanese-American political fixer, and officials from the United Arab Emirates, helps clarify the nature of Mueller’s work. It’s not an investigation that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading—rather, it’s a cover-up.

4. After all, Mueller took his job not at the behest of the man who by all accounts he is likely to professionally and personally disdain, Donald Trump, but of the blue-chip Beltway elite of which he is a charter member. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. That’s because Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Jail 'em all!!!
Come on PC that uranium crap is all BS as has been proven many times Unfortunately you go back to it without uttering a word over the vile thief in our office now
the vile thief in our office now
What has he stolen, and where is your proof?
You didn't bother to read the Mueller report, did you?


The report also says that he may not be indicted as long as he's president, but he could be prosecuted for his crimes once he leaves office. The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes.

You sad little woowoo.

The process doesn't require the investigators (or the faux accused, for that matter) to PROVE INNOCENCE. The fact that there is not sufficient evidence to indict is all that is needed for Trump to be cleared. I realize that this doesn't fit the agenda for the Prog Reign of Terror, but it is how the proper rule of law functions.
Proving guilt is the system in this country, proving innocence is unnecessary.
You didn't bother to read the Mueller report, did you?


The report also says that he may not be indicted as long as he's president, but he could be prosecuted for his crimes once he leaves office. The entire second half of the report is a laundry list of indictable crimes.
A Landry list of fantasy bones thrown out to those on the left in hopes of, and all due to his failures on the way out. He's just like a retreating German army attempting to burn everything after their complete failure to achieve the unachievable. That was his call on the way out, but what is remarkable is the fact that he milked this thing for all it was worth, only to end in failure because the facts didn't line up or the inquiry was so full of biased bullcrap, that he couldn't hold out any longer in trying to create something out of nothing with the taxpayers money.
The FBI paid $168,000 to Christopher Steel, British Foreign Agents, to get dirt on President Trump. Can you say, dirty cops? It only takes a couple of dirty cops backed by dirty Hillary Clinton to wishfully think they can come up with dirt on this innocent President, Donald Trump. There just wasn't one single thing that tied President Trump to collusion with Russia. That's because President Trump is innocent of this ludicrous charge, and after Maxine Waters' dirty, dirty mouth accused President Trump over and over on the air where she had an audience, she lie, lie, lied her way into people's conscientiousness without a shred, and I do mean without a single smidgen of a shred of evidence against President Trump. The DNC barks out false accusations. Just look at Nadler's taking up this winless war, straining every nerve in his ugly fat face that President Trump is guilty of something. Like dirty Maxine, she hopes, she hopes and she keeps on hoping the FBI will find a morsel she can then tear him up with, although she has personally dragged his good name through her black slime pit of lies.

To think, all that money George Soros placed on Hillary has come to nothing but a filthy pile of false allegations. It only proves that money can't buy the American people off, except for the ones who were taken by lying Maxine Waters, dirty Hillary Clinton who shifted money around like a craven animal hides his poop so he can plunder other animals, biting into their flesh with dagger teeth, tearing at the fibers of their life. How can Democrats and their supporters sink this low?

Robert Mueller wanted a different outcome, too. He hates Trump. But he had a job to do, and reluctantly, he found the evidence to clear Trump. But he cannot clear Trump due to hatred poisoning the well of his own eyes. Aside from the facts, he would LOVE to find any untoward thing he could to pin Trump then nail him to the way. It isn't there, and it never will be, because Trump did not collude. All that's left is Trump's clean hands. He didn't do what Maxine Waters wanted him to do, which she said every day for 600 days or more. All it left her with is the smell I of lying on her breath. It doesn't pay to lie all the time. It may give a short relief to someone who has to have a scapegoat. It's just that dirt doesn't stick to someone who is a rock of getting good advice and sticks through that good advice to the end. The report showed Trump to be a better man than those who charged him falsely. And the difference is a chasm between a good human being and a plethora of those who've fallen from grace with the most evil will imaginable--trying to ensnare a good man with lies.

1. I wanna know how much of the $145 million bribe that Putin paid Hillary for our uranium found its way into Mueller's piggy bank.

2. A peek into Mueller's motivation is here:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.


3. The esteemed Lee Smith has a slightly different take.

"News that special counselor Robert Mueller has turned his attention to Erik Prince’s January 11, 2017 meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker, a Lebanese-American political fixer, and officials from the United Arab Emirates, helps clarify the nature of Mueller’s work. It’s not an investigation that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading—rather, it’s a cover-up.

4. After all, Mueller took his job not at the behest of the man who by all accounts he is likely to professionally and personally disdain, Donald Trump, but of the blue-chip Beltway elite of which he is a charter member. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. That’s because Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Jail 'em all!!!
Come on PC that uranium crap is all BS as has been proven many times Unfortunately you go back to it without uttering a word over the vile thief in our office now
the vile thief in our office now
What has he stolen, and where is your proof?

Lets try Americas dignity for starters ,,Our countries respect for the rule of law , a respect for our constitution Need more ?
Trump didn't obstruct justice, he obstructed a coup attempt.

Just sayin'.

You're repeating his bullsh!t.

Why am I not shocked?

He's saying that they impaired the investigation (pro-longed it), because if they wouldn't have gotten paranoid about having any legal contacts with the Russians in which wasn't illegal as was found in the context of the investigation (in which ultimately proved they did no wrong, other than lie out of their paranoia), then the investigation would have ended far sooner than it did.
The FBI paid $168,000 to Christopher Steel, British Foreign Agents, to get dirt on President Trump. Can you say, dirty cops? It only takes a couple of dirty cops backed by dirty Hillary Clinton to wishfully think they can come up with dirt on this innocent President, Donald Trump. There just wasn't one single thing that tied President Trump to collusion with Russia. That's because President Trump is innocent of this ludicrous charge, and after Maxine Waters' dirty, dirty mouth accused President Trump over and over on the air where she had an audience, she lie, lie, lied her way into people's conscientiousness without a shred, and I do mean without a single smidgen of a shred of evidence against President Trump. The DNC barks out false accusations. Just look at Nadler's taking up this winless war, straining every nerve in his ugly fat face that President Trump is guilty of something. Like dirty Maxine, she hopes, she hopes and she keeps on hoping the FBI will find a morsel she can then tear him up with, although she has personally dragged his good name through her black slime pit of lies.

To think, all that money George Soros placed on Hillary has come to nothing but a filthy pile of false allegations. It only proves that money can't buy the American people off, except for the ones who were taken by lying Maxine Waters, dirty Hillary Clinton who shifted money around like a craven animal hides his poop so he can plunder other animals, biting into their flesh with dagger teeth, tearing at the fibers of their life. How can Democrats and their supporters sink this low?

Robert Mueller wanted a different outcome, too. He hates Trump. But he had a job to do, and reluctantly, he found the evidence to clear Trump. But he cannot clear Trump due to hatred poisoning the well of his own eyes. Aside from the facts, he would LOVE to find any untoward thing he could to pin Trump then nail him to the way. It isn't there, and it never will be, because Trump did not collude. All that's left is Trump's clean hands. He didn't do what Maxine Waters wanted him to do, which she said every day for 600 days or more. All it left her with is the smell I of lying on her breath. It doesn't pay to lie all the time. It may give a short relief to someone who has to have a scapegoat. It's just that dirt doesn't stick to someone who is a rock of getting good advice and sticks through that good advice to the end. The report showed Trump to be a better man than those who charged him falsely. And the difference is a chasm between a good human being and a plethora of those who've fallen from grace with the most evil will imaginable--trying to ensnare a good man with lies.

1. I wanna know how much of the $145 million bribe that Putin paid Hillary for our uranium found its way into Mueller's piggy bank.

2. A peek into Mueller's motivation is here:

….."Russian Collusion"….Hillary's tale, picked up by her colleagues in the sale of American uranium to Russia for $billions in bribes…er, 'donations.'

The reason for the Mueller Investigation? camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption of the uranium deal: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.


3. The esteemed Lee Smith has a slightly different take.

"News that special counselor Robert Mueller has turned his attention to Erik Prince’s January 11, 2017 meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian banker, a Lebanese-American political fixer, and officials from the United Arab Emirates, helps clarify the nature of Mueller’s work. It’s not an investigation that the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading—rather, it’s a cover-up.

4. After all, Mueller took his job not at the behest of the man who by all accounts he is likely to professionally and personally disdain, Donald Trump, but of the blue-chip Beltway elite of which he is a charter member. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. That’s because Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Jail 'em all!!!
Come on PC that uranium crap is all BS as has been proven many times Unfortunately you go back to it without uttering a word over the vile thief in our office now
the vile thief in our office now
What has he stolen, and where is your proof?

Lets try Americas dignity for starters ,,Our countries respect for the rule of law , a respect for our constitution Need more ?
Our countries respect for the rule of law , a respect for our constitution
Respect for law like the due process denied Kavanaugh? That is rule of law. The president can fire anyone in the executive branch. That is the rule of law.

The Constitution gives the president that right. The Left has no respect for either. Why the projection, it is not working. It is a method used by Goebbles.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.
MULEr had to give his buddies something to hang onto to justify their incessant howling at the sky.

America has moved on. Wake up dumbass.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

According to the Mueller report Trump CLEARLY had the intention to obstruct the investigation. Trump's actions clearly demonstrate this. Mueller laid out in the report those actions by Trump himself & by Trump's instructions to subordinates, that demonstrate Trump was active in his attempts to circumvent Mueller's function as SC. There is no debating those facts. Thus Mueller's statement, "The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."
That statement has real potential to be both politically & legally damning for Trump.

It seems that those replying to your OP either refuse to acknowledge the fact, or they are just too stupid to understand that the so called 'collusion' issue is a completely different issue than the obstruction of justice concept. No surprises though as these folks typically seem to play stupid.

If that's the best thing you morons got out of this report, you have nothing.

He could have might have thought and talked about maybe trying to possibly do something or nothing about the investigation.

So, you obviously are OK with any POTUS making massive attempts to obstruct SC investigations.

Not surprised .......
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

According to the Mueller report Trump CLEARLY had the intention to obstruct the investigation. Trump's actions clearly demonstrate this. Mueller laid out in the report those actions by Trump himself & by Trump's instructions to subordinates, that demonstrate Trump was active in his attempts to circumvent Mueller's function as SC. There is no debating those facts. Thus Mueller's statement, "The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."
That statement has real potential to be both politically & legally damning for Trump.

It seems that those replying to your OP either refuse to acknowledge the fact, or they are just too stupid to understand that the so called 'collusion' issue is a completely different issue than the obstruction of justice concept. No surprises though as these folks typically seem to play stupid.
Lol, keep this crap up. The more you whine, the higher Trump approval rating gets.

Yet another brain dead that would rather sling shit than to acknowledge there are 12 active/ongoing investigations that most likely involve your wittle hero in The White House.
'Special counsel Robert Mueller explicitly stated in his Russia investigation report that he and his team had not cleared President Donald Trump of accusations of obstruction of justice.

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state," the report read. "However, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."'

Mueller explicitly says he can't clear Trump of obstruction of justice

If Trump and his Trumpbots think the Mueller report cleared the former of obstruction of justice?

They are 100% wrong.

According to the Mueller report Trump CLEARLY had the intention to obstruct the investigation. Trump's actions clearly demonstrate this. Mueller laid out in the report those actions by Trump himself & by Trump's instructions to subordinates, that demonstrate Trump was active in his attempts to circumvent Mueller's function as SC. There is no debating those facts. Thus Mueller's statement, "The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred."
That statement has real potential to be both politically & legally damning for Trump.

It seems that those replying to your OP either refuse to acknowledge the fact, or they are just too stupid to understand that the so called 'collusion' issue is a completely different issue than the obstruction of justice concept. No surprises though as these folks typically seem to play stupid.

What did Trump actually DO to "circumvent" Mueller's function as Special Counsel? Call it a witch hunt? It was! Rail about who was on the Mueller team? Who wouldn't be angry that a supposedly unbiased investigation was stacked with people that just did a smear campaign against you in the election that you won?

With a response such as that at least I know you are not playing stupid. :21:

And with your response it's quite obvious that you ARE playing stupid! It's a simple question, Caddo...what did Trump actually DO to prevent Mueller from investigating what he was charged with?

There are at least 10 instances that are clearly indicated in the report that demonstrate Trump's intent to obstruct the SC investigation.
Why don't you try reading the report & you may learn something; why ask me for my opinion?
All you will do is come back and sling shit like everyone else in the thread.
Go read the report yourself; the 10 incidents are in there for you to read about.
If Mueller had eveidence of obstruction he would have presented it. He doesn't. By saying he can't clear Trump, he's saying "I can't find anything, but I have to keep muddying the waters". Democrats have nothing but a false narrative. I really hope they continue this crap until election day because the American people are getting smarter.

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