NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born -

Blacks don't really want their children adopted out to whites.

Is there any polling that demonstrates this?


Proponents of transracial adoption argue that transracial adoption is a preferable alternative to foster care. In the United States the majority of families wishing to adopt a child are white, and about half of the adoptable children in foster care are black (The New Republic, 1994). A simple solution would be to place the black children into the homes of white people, but the controversy over race-mixing has kept thousands of black children in foster care, though many white families are willing to adopt them. The National Association of Black Social Workers has discouraged the transracial adoption process by calling it "cultural genocide" (The New Republic, 1994). Other black groups, such as The National Association for Advancement of Colored People protested the statement and adopted a resolution to support it. The case in favor of transracial adoption comes primarily from empirical studies. Studies have repeatedly found that transracial adoption is a good situation for the children and families (Simon&Altstein, 1996). One study found that children made as successful an adjustment in their adoptive homes as other non-white chidren had in prior studies. According to this study's results, seventy-seven percent of the children had adjusted successfully. Other studies have also shown that the foster care system produces adults who are developmentally disabled, socially isolated, highly unemployed, and are over-represented in the homeless population (Taylor&Thornton, 1996).

Opponents of transracial adoption are concerned that black children will lose their racial identity if they're adopted by white parents. They also claim that black children will lose their cultural, physical, and psychological identity if adopted by parents of another race. The National Association of Black Social Workers is one group opposed to the placement of black children into white homes. This group is opposed to transracial adoption for these reasons: 1) to preserve African-American families and culture; 2) to enable black children to appreciate their origin by living with a family of the same race; 3) to enable black children to learn to cope with racism and learn how to function around it; and 4) to help make it easier for African-American families to adopt. Many black groups believe that if black children, who have not yet established a sense of racial identity, are adopted into white families, they will have diffuculty coping with prejudice and discrimination. Those without a strong sense of racial identity may internalize racist behavior directed toward them, resulting in a variety of negative outcomes, such as psychological distress (The New Republic, 1994). Also, individuals with poorly developed racial identity may become isolated. They may reject their black peers, while at the same time may never feel socially accepted by their white peers.

Transracial Adoption: what do the proponents and opponents say? - Oakland Mental Health |

There is a large group of black social workers who are VERY vocal on this issue. They say that adopting black children into white home causes that child to be lost to the black community. I have worked with some of those social workers.
Blacks don't really want their children adopted out to whites.

Is there any polling that demonstrates this?


Proponents of transracial adoption argue that transracial adoption is a preferable alternative to foster care. In the United States the majority of families wishing to adopt a child are white, and about half of the adoptable children in foster care are black (The New Republic, 1994). A simple solution would be to place the black children into the homes of white people, but the controversy over race-mixing has kept thousands of black children in foster care, though many white families are willing to adopt them. The National Association of Black Social Workers has discouraged the transracial adoption process by calling it "cultural genocide" (The New Republic, 1994). Other black groups, such as The National Association for Advancement of Colored People protested the statement and adopted a resolution to support it. The case in favor of transracial adoption comes primarily from empirical studies. Studies have repeatedly found that transracial adoption is a good situation for the children and families (Simon&Altstein, 1996). One study found that children made as successful an adjustment in their adoptive homes as other non-white chidren had in prior studies. According to this study's results, seventy-seven percent of the children had adjusted successfully. Other studies have also shown that the foster care system produces adults who are developmentally disabled, socially isolated, highly unemployed, and are over-represented in the homeless population (Taylor&Thornton, 1996).

Opponents of transracial adoption are concerned that black children will lose their racial identity if they're adopted by white parents. They also claim that black children will lose their cultural, physical, and psychological identity if adopted by parents of another race. The National Association of Black Social Workers is one group opposed to the placement of black children into white homes. This group is opposed to transracial adoption for these reasons: 1) to preserve African-American families and culture; 2) to enable black children to appreciate their origin by living with a family of the same race; 3) to enable black children to learn to cope with racism and learn how to function around it; and 4) to help make it easier for African-American families to adopt. Many black groups believe that if black children, who have not yet established a sense of racial identity, are adopted into white families, they will have diffuculty coping with prejudice and discrimination. Those without a strong sense of racial identity may internalize racist behavior directed toward them, resulting in a variety of negative outcomes, such as psychological distress (The New Republic, 1994). Also, individuals with poorly developed racial identity may become isolated. They may reject their black peers, while at the same time may never feel socially accepted by their white peers.

Transracial Adoption: what do the proponents and opponents say? - Oakland Mental Health |

There is a large group of black social workers who are VERY vocal on this issue. They say that adopting black children into white home causes that child to be lost to the black community. I have worked with some of those social workers.

Anything more current than '96? Perhaps views have evolved since then. Perhaps we should see what our black USMB members have to say about the subject. Interesting, and disheartening that anyone would prevent a child from being placed with a good family over skin color. I wonder how some of those same social workers feel about gay adoption? Many questions.
This should be a tragedy in anyone's book. The abortion rate, along with the rate at which blacks kill other blacks is nothing short of genocide. A perverted form of racial and cultural suicide. And the left laps it up.

They not only lap it up they encourage it. They only time they get excited about a black child dying is when a white causes that death. The rest of the time it's "so fucking what"

That's not true.

They were excited about a white hispanic as well.
lol, then I guess you 'nuts are happy that the Hispanic population, which will ultimately vote about 70% Democrat,

is growing so rapidly. lol, no genocide there!! Rejoice!!

isnt it a bit racist to presume someone will vote for someone based solely on their race?

And btw I am very happy the Hispanic population isnt aborting at the same right. I'd like to see abortion cease in all populations no matter what color or race.
lol, then I guess you 'nuts are happy that the Hispanic population, which will ultimately vote about 70% Democrat,

is growing so rapidly. lol, no genocide there!! Rejoice!!

isnt it a bit racist to presume someone will vote for someone based solely on their race?

And btw I am very happy the Hispanic population isnt aborting at the same right. I'd like to see abortion cease in all populations no matter what color or race.

Ever hear of an exit poll?
Is there any polling that demonstrates this?


Opponents of transracial adoption are concerned that black children will lose their racial identity if they're adopted by white parents. They also claim that black children will lose their cultural, physical, and psychological identity if adopted by parents of another race. The National Association of Black Social Workers is one group opposed to the placement of black children into white homes. This group is opposed to transracial adoption for these reasons: 1) to preserve African-American families and culture; 2) to enable black children to appreciate their origin by living with a family of the same race; 3) to enable black children to learn to cope with racism and learn how to function around it; and 4) to help make it easier for African-American families to adopt. Many black groups believe that if black children, who have not yet established a sense of racial identity, are adopted into white families, they will have diffuculty coping with prejudice and discrimination. Those without a strong sense of racial identity may internalize racist behavior directed toward them, resulting in a variety of negative outcomes, such as psychological distress (The New Republic, 1994). Also, individuals with poorly developed racial identity may become isolated. They may reject their black peers, while at the same time may never feel socially accepted by their white peers.

Transracial Adoption: what do the proponents and opponents say? - Oakland Mental Health |

There is a large group of black social workers who are VERY vocal on this issue. They say that adopting black children into white home causes that child to be lost to the black community. I have worked with some of those social workers.

Anything more current than '96? Perhaps views have evolved since then. Perhaps we should see what our black USMB members have to say about the subject. Interesting, and disheartening that anyone would prevent a child from being placed with a good family over skin color. I wonder how some of those same social workers feel about gay adoption? Many questions.

I doubt on the internet. Professional journals likely so. But I'm not subscribing just to have a quote. You may if you like, though! I retired this year. I worked with those SWs for years. Nothing changed. They still oppose white adoption of black children.
Between abortion, birth control and just outright killing one another, black Americans should be an endanged species.

Transracial Adoption: what do the proponents and opponents say? - Oakland Mental Health |

There is a large group of black social workers who are VERY vocal on this issue. They say that adopting black children into white home causes that child to be lost to the black community. I have worked with some of those social workers.

Anything more current than '96? Perhaps views have evolved since then. Perhaps we should see what our black USMB members have to say about the subject. Interesting, and disheartening that anyone would prevent a child from being placed with a good family over skin color. I wonder how some of those same social workers feel about gay adoption? Many questions.

I doubt on the internet. Professional journals likely so. But I'm not subscribing just to have a quote. You may if you like, though! I retired this year. I worked with those SWs for years. Nothing changed. They still oppose white adoption of black children.

Did you get that same impression from the public at large?
Jeez, one day the Democrats are trying to create more poor black people so they'll vote Democrat,

the next day they're trying to kill them off.

Comon, 'nuts, make up our minds for us!!!

This should be a tragedy in anyone's book. The abortion rate, along with the rate at which blacks kill other blacks is nothing short of genocide. A perverted form of racial and cultural suicide. And the left laps it up.

The latest statistics on the abortion rate put it at it's lowest since RvW thanks to the ACA providing contraception. It will go even lower in the next couple of years as more and more young women avail themselves of it nationwide.

This reduction in the abortion rate is a good thing but you will have a kneejerk negative reaction to it because it came about because of the ACA.
What kind of society do we live in where the killing of the most innocent is defended as a cost savings?
And? You hate black people, remember? Black people commit crimes and mooch off the system, remember? Black people use drugs, steal car stereos, and rape wholesome Christian white women, remember, Confederate douche?

Go fuck yourself.
It's either abortion($500) or more welfare(tens of thousands of dollars), which is it mr.small government?

You assume they weren't conceived by loving responsible woman/girls speaks more to where your head is, not the pro life small govt people.

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