NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born -

Bear in mind that CNS News is a partisan news source.

The source report (which is linked in the OP article) has one hopeful piece of information left out of the article, and that is there has been a significant drop in the rate of abortions in NYC since 2003. Even more interesting, the drop has been accelerating since the economic crash (or since Bush left office if you want to be a dick :D), which is counterintuitive.


The birth rate has been flat:

As opposed to the ones that aren't reporting on this as it fits their agenda? Really?
lol, then I guess you 'nuts are happy that the Hispanic population, which will ultimately vote about 70% Democrat,

is growing so rapidly. lol, no genocide there!! Rejoice!!
the apathy for the situation discussed in the OP is disturbing.

I joke about a statistic like that...I mean...come on. Be real. Be human.
OP- Ends this year with free birth control. No thanks to Pubs who love this bs wedge issue...

The wedge issue we have because we continually oppose black babies being aborted while being told we are racist?

You do realize that birth control doesn't stop abortion, right?

Nearly half of all abortions are the result of no birth control of any kind being used during the sexual act which led to the unwanted pregnancy.

Countries which have higher use of birth control experience lower rates of abortion.

Birth control helps prevent pregnancies.

They do not stop abortions.

They prevent the NEED for abortions.....but they do not prevent them.

If one wants to abort, they will abort...assuming they are pregnant.
lol, then I guess you 'nuts are happy that the Hispanic population, which will ultimately vote about 70% Democrat,

is growing so rapidly. lol, no genocide there!! Rejoice!!

Actually, fertility rates among "the Hispanic population" are declining rapidly.
Nearly half of all abortions are the result of no birth control of any kind being used during the sexual act which led to the unwanted pregnancy.

100% of those are due to engaging in "the sexual act."
The Sanger/Planned Parenthood/liberal social experiment seems to be working in NYC.

NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News

( – In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News
Her whole philosophy was to weed out 'undesirables', and she is ADORED by the left.

?The Negro? Project Lives On Through Planned Parenthood - TexasSparkle

She would have been happy if she were alive today.
The Sanger/Planned Parenthood/liberal social experiment seems to be working in NYC.

NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News

( – In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News

Well that settles it. The racist right is going to have to approve abortion.
Regarding this issue, I support any form of birth control that prevents the sperm from bind to the egg. Whichever controls do this should be free, and available to all. In an ideal world it would be better if people were responsible and didn't fornicate; enjoy hot, blissful sex when married (just one hairless ape's opinion :tongue:). If you can't really afford to live on your own, it's probably not a good idea to risk getting a woman impregnated, because you're putting multiple lives and futures in peril.
The Sanger/Planned Parenthood/liberal social experiment seems to be working in NYC.

NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News

( – In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprised 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. - See more at: NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born | CNS News
Her whole philosophy was to weed out 'undesirables', and she is ADORED by the left.

?The Negro? Project Lives On Through Planned Parenthood - TexasSparkle

She would have been happy if she were alive today.
And I have to ask where is Sharpton? Jackson, and the other poverty pimp racists held in high esteem by the left...Oh...they sold out for a seat at the DNC table...

Miller reports on how Planned Parenthood is now involved in a media blitz in African American media to show how “important” Planned Parenthood is to the community. Read the entire article. He explains how the NAACP and leaders like Jesse Jackson sold out to the Democratic party, and now ignore the genocide of black babies

I feel these woman are making the right choice as they're clearly not able to raise the child for many ways. Where is the men to add stability and resources to raise these children? No where to be found in most cases within this community.

What exactly people want? More tax payer welfare to raise them????
I feel these woman are making the right choice as they're clearly not able to raise the child for many ways. Where is the men to add stability and resources to raise these children? No where to be found in most cases within this community.

What exactly people want? More tax payer welfare to raise them????

You have to look at it from a moral and ethical standpoint. Morally, abortion may be wrong, and many people believe this. But ethically, the utilitarian use of abortion prevents the people who would have to support another layer of generational poverty.

The cost to individuals. I don't know, but think likely that individual Americans having to support through taxes a person born into generational poverty would cost far more than all the free abortions that would get passed out.
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I feel these woman are making the right choice as they're clearly not able to raise the child for many ways. Where is the men to add stability and resources to raise these children? No where to be found in most cases within this community.

What exactly people want? More tax payer welfare to raise them????
Know how many people are in line to ADOPT Matt? LIFE...Liberty, Persuit of happiness...and to further? IF you can't afford to raise a child? Don't mess around and get pregnant IF you can't support them, and IF you do wind up expecting? Don't snuff it out. Simple premise really.

DO YOU support Planned Parenthood and what they're doing? What Sanger stated? I hope not.
I feel these woman are making the right choice as they're clearly not able to raise the child for many ways. Where is the men to add stability and resources to raise these children? No where to be found in most cases within this community.

What exactly people want? More tax payer welfare to raise them????
Know how many people are in line to ADOPT Matt? LIFE...Liberty, Persuit of happiness...and to further? IF you can't afford to raise a child? Don't mess around and get pregnant IF you can't support them, and IF you do wind up expecting? Don't snuff it out. Simple premise really.

DO YOU support Planned Parenthood and what they're doing? What Sanger stated? I hope not.

Blacks don't really want their children adopted out to whites. Unfortunately, there just aren't that many blacks in line.

You have to respect Russia for sticking with their anti gay guns. They have curtailed adoption of Russian children by Americans.
This should be a tragedy in anyone's book. The abortion rate, along with the rate at which blacks kill other blacks is nothing short of genocide. A perverted form of racial and cultural suicide. And the left laps it up.

They not only lap it up they encourage it. They only time they get excited about a black child dying is when a white causes that death. The rest of the time it's "so fucking what"
I feel these woman are making the right choice as they're clearly not able to raise the child for many ways. Where is the men to add stability and resources to raise these children? No where to be found in most cases within this community.

What exactly people want? More tax payer welfare to raise them????
Know how many people are in line to ADOPT Matt? LIFE...Liberty, Persuit of happiness...and to further? IF you can't afford to raise a child? Don't mess around and get pregnant IF you can't support them, and IF you do wind up expecting? Don't snuff it out. Simple premise really.

DO YOU support Planned Parenthood and what they're doing? What Sanger stated? I hope not.

Blacks don't really want their children adopted out to whites. Unfortunately, there just aren't that many blacks in line.

You have to respect Russia for sticking with their anti gay guns. They have curtailed adoption of Russian children by Americans.
SAD state of affairs.
Know how many people are in line to ADOPT Matt? LIFE...Liberty, Persuit of happiness...and to further? IF you can't afford to raise a child? Don't mess around and get pregnant IF you can't support them, and IF you do wind up expecting? Don't snuff it out. Simple premise really.

DO YOU support Planned Parenthood and what they're doing? What Sanger stated? I hope not.

Blacks don't really want their children adopted out to whites. Unfortunately, there just aren't that many blacks in line.

You have to respect Russia for sticking with their anti gay guns. They have curtailed adoption of Russian children by Americans.
SAD state of affairs.

And getting sadder.

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