Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren

For President

:) Hillary has already been rolled under the bus?

sure seems that way, hell they rolled her under it for Obama... now they are going to back it up over her for the new Saul Alinksy, clowerd-pivin admirer and you didn't build that, lizzy Warren, according to her we owe our lives, our children lives to this government...just yea for us
And Liz Warren is still not part Indian

Do you have evidence that she is not part Native American? If she believed her ancestry included native americans she is not a liar, only mistaken.

And Rabbi remains a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren: ?Your Native American issue has not been put to rest?

"Let me make one thing clear. Your Native American issue has not been put to rest.

You say your “ancestry” played no roll in your hiring. That is not the only issue. You were listed as a minority in diversity reports. That is an issue. You admit you made the schools aware of your “heritage.” They counted you as a minority in their reports to the federal government when the criteria to list you as such had a two part requirement – you had to have both the ancestry and maintain tribal ties. Something you did or said led the two schools in question to believe you met those requirements despite the fact you didn’t…."

Again, Liz lying about her background gives her instant credibility with Democrats. Without that she's just another Marxist Loon with a Che T-shirt. Taking advantage of American Indian preferences shows she's ruthless in the pursuit of power and I'm telling you, she's a lock for the Dem nomination in 2016

You wonder why anyone with 2 functioning brain cells would support a person with such obvious issues as this. If she lied about that, she'll lie about anything. She denounces Wall Street while taking campagin contributions from them. She vows to "get" the big banks while insuring their continued existence no matter what they do. WHo would be so stupid as to think she gives a rat's ass about anything but herself?
Why do we want to destroy the successful? Seems counterproductive...

That's how Progs roll. Their economic system comes with a 100% fail guarantee but its always the fault of their scapegoats: the kulaks, the Jews, the capitalists, the 1%, Boosh

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Yep, emotional as well as ignorant, that's true. Your feeble attempt to put words in my mouth is noted. Suppose you make the case for smaller government and convince me how over 200 years of law, treaties and a population of 300 Million Citizens can be administered by a small government. The floor is yours, since you seem so sure of you opinion I suspect your report on small government will be posted shortly.

Here's a novel concept for you, Wry...instead of trying to run people's lives from the Federal level...return power to as local a government as possible. City government, County government, State government...they ALL administer government services in a more efficient manner than at the Federal level.

Instead of a top down system...let's get back to local people making the majority of decisions for their own lives. The Federal Government can go back to doing what the Founding Fathers envisioned for them.

Federalism is alive but not well in America. Most local governments are broke and many State Governments are not fiscally healthy. My life is not impacted by the Federal Government, yet daily I'm reminded of the lack of local services we once expected.

The topic (Federalism) is worthy of a thread all its own, of course it would be co-opted by the stupidest among us.

Your life is not impacted by the Federal Government? Obviously you don't live in the United States then...because if you DID then your life would be impacted by the Federal Government on a daily basis!

Or do you simply pretend that it doesn't because you love "Big Government" and don't want to admit that the Federal Government intrudes on the average American's life more and more with each passing year?
Why do we want to destroy the successful? Seems counterproductive...

That's how Progs roll. Their economic system comes with a 100% fail guarantee but its always the fault of their scapegoats: the kulaks, the Jews, the capitalists, the 1%, Boosh

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The nastiest environment for the successful and for business in general that I remember.

And they wonder why the economy is still so flat and mixed.

At the time of the Cherokee removal from North Carolina, the Principle Chief of the Cherokee, John Ross, was only 1/8th Cherokee. The people of that region had always desired an independent nation (a nearby settlement in Jonesboro was the first place in the colonies to declare its independence from England, as a republic, separate from the other colonies). The folks living in the region thought that they had found the answer to the problem of independence...they would embrace their Cherokee ancestry and live on a separate, autonomous, reservation. It didn't occur to them that the US .gov would just order them to move and seize their land. The reason that so many "Cherokees" are left in the mountains of NC is that when the Military arrived, folks like my 8th great grandfather could simply say, "No Indians on this farm". Even though his mother was a Cherokee, his name was Welsh, and so were all his children similarly named. The folks who had names like, "Running Deer", who had really lived the Cherokee life==not just married a Cherokee and lived as a white--were the ones who got hauled down the trail of tears. Those folks also tended (but not always) to be poorer.

Elizabeth Warren's family was among those pseudoCherokee, who stayed in NC...until after the Civil War...when they left for Oklahoma--which at that time was called" Indian Territory" this time, many whites pored into Indian Territory, once again, displacing the Cherokee. Ms Warren's family prospered on their stolen land in Oklahoma, making something of a family joke out their Cherokee roots. Ms Warren did not flinch when given a shot at stealing a chair on the Harvard faculty that was meant for a Native American. Just like her family stole their land from native Americans, Ms Warren stole her seat at Harvard...
At the time of the Cherokee removal from North Carolina, the Principle Chief of the Cherokee, John Ross, was only 1/8th Cherokee. The people of that region had always desired an independent nation (a nearby settlement in Jonesboro was the first place in the colonies to declare its independence from England, as a republic, separate from the other colonies). The folks living in the region thought that they had found the answer to the problem of independence...they would embrace their Cherokee ancestry and live on a separate, autonomous, reservation. It didn't occur to them that the US .gov would just order them to move and seize their land. The reason that so many "Cherokees" are left in the mountains of NC is that when the Military arrived, folks like my 8th great grandfather could simply say, "No Indians on this farm". Even though his mother was a Cherokee, his name was Welsh, and so were all his children similarly named. The folks who had names like, "Running Deer", who had really lived the Cherokee life==not just married a Cherokee and lived as a white--were the ones who got hauled down the trail of tears. Those folks also tended (but not always) to be poorer.

Elizabeth Warren's family was among those pseudoCherokee, who stayed in NC...until after the Civil War...when they left for Oklahoma--which at that time was called" Indian Territory" this time, many whites pored into Indian Territory, once again, displacing the Cherokee. Ms Warren's family prospered on their stolen land in Oklahoma, making something of a family joke out their Cherokee roots. Ms Warren did not flinch when given a shot at stealing a chair on the Harvard faculty that was meant for a Native American. Just like her family stole their land from native Americans, Ms Warren stole her seat at Harvard...

Which makes her a PERFECT Democrat candidate for President of the USA
Top-down is dead, guys. The only question is, "How many people will top-down harm on its way out?"...but Top-down? Deader than a doorknob, a zombie system...
Here's a novel concept for you, Wry...instead of trying to run people's lives from the Federal level...return power to as local a government as possible. City government, County government, State government...they ALL administer government services in a more efficient manner than at the Federal level.

Instead of a top down system...let's get back to local people making the majority of decisions for their own lives. The Federal Government can go back to doing what the Founding Fathers envisioned for them.

Federalism is alive but not well in America. Most local governments are broke and many State Governments are not fiscally healthy. My life is not impacted by the Federal Government, yet daily I'm reminded of the lack of local services we once expected.

The topic (Federalism) is worthy of a thread all its own, of course it would be co-opted by the stupidest among us.

Your life is not impacted by the Federal Government? Obviously you don't live in the United States then...because if you DID then your life would be impacted by the Federal Government on a daily basis!

Or do you simply pretend that it doesn't because you love "Big Government" and don't want to admit that the Federal Government intrudes on the average American's life more and more with each passing year?

Would you care to explain how the Federal Government impacts my life daily? Methinks you're full of shit, shit produced and presented by AM Radio 'philosophers' and Murdoch's 'Marauders'.
Federalism is alive but not well in America. Most local governments are broke and many State Governments are not fiscally healthy. My life is not impacted by the Federal Government, yet daily I'm reminded of the lack of local services we once expected.

The topic (Federalism) is worthy of a thread all its own, of course it would be co-opted by the stupidest among us.

Your life is not impacted by the Federal Government? Obviously you don't live in the United States then...because if you DID then your life would be impacted by the Federal Government on a daily basis!

Or do you simply pretend that it doesn't because you love "Big Government" and don't want to admit that the Federal Government intrudes on the average American's life more and more with each passing year?

Would you care to explain how the Federal Government impacts my life daily? Methinks you're full of shit, shit produced and presented by AM Radio 'philosophers' and Murdoch's 'Marauders'.

Do you really not know that the Federal Government's rules and regulations affect virtually EVERY facet of your life? Just something as simple as getting up in the morning and making yourself a bowl of Corn Flakes is profoundly affected by the Federal Government. The cost of the milk you pour into your bowl is affected by FMMO's (Federal milk marketing orders). The cost of the cereal is affected by Federal subsidies for ethanol (pulling millions of bushels of corn from use as food to be used as fuel thus driving up the cost of food). The cost of the sugar you sprinkle on that cereal is directly affected by Federal regulations on the importation of sugar from abroad.
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I think Dems gravitate toward Liz BECAUSE she's a nut with no real world experience, hates free enterprise and is a sociopath and pathological liar in pursuit of control over her mindless subjects
Your life is not impacted by the Federal Government? Obviously you don't live in the United States then...because if you DID then your life would be impacted by the Federal Government on a daily basis!

Or do you simply pretend that it doesn't because you love "Big Government" and don't want to admit that the Federal Government intrudes on the average American's life more and more with each passing year?

Would you care to explain how the Federal Government impacts my life daily? Methinks you're full of shit, shit produced and presented by AM Radio 'philosophers' and Murdoch's 'Marauders'.

Do you really not know that the Federal Government's rules and regulations affect virtually EVERY facet of your life? Just something as simple as getting up in the morning and making yourself a bowl of Corn Flakes is profoundly affected by the Federal Government. The cost of the milk you pour into your bowl is affected by FMMO's (Federal milk marketing orders). The cost of the cereal is affected by Federal subsidies for ethanol (pulling millions of bushels of corn from use as food to be used as fuel thus driving up the cost of food). The cost of the sugar you sprinkle on that cereal is directly affected by Federal regulations on the importation of sugar from abroad.

Good thing I only drink Almond milk and eat Uncle Sam cereal. See your problem is all about money; my 'problem' is quality of life. Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer. These agencies weren't created by authoritarians who covet big brother to care for their every need, they are necessary 'cause callous conservatives don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their sole motivation is money and power.
Would you care to explain how the Federal Government impacts my life daily? Methinks you're full of shit, shit produced and presented by AM Radio 'philosophers' and Murdoch's 'Marauders'.

Do you really not know that the Federal Government's rules and regulations affect virtually EVERY facet of your life? Just something as simple as getting up in the morning and making yourself a bowl of Corn Flakes is profoundly affected by the Federal Government. The cost of the milk you pour into your bowl is affected by FMMO's (Federal milk marketing orders). The cost of the cereal is affected by Federal subsidies for ethanol (pulling millions of bushels of corn from use as food to be used as fuel thus driving up the cost of food). The cost of the sugar you sprinkle on that cereal is directly affected by Federal regulations on the importation of sugar from abroad.

Good thing I only drink Almond milk and eat Uncle Sam cereal. See your problem is all about money; my 'problem' is quality of life. Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer. These agencies weren't created by authoritarians who covet big brother to care for their every need, they are necessary 'cause callous conservatives don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their sole motivation is money and power.

Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer.


Without the EPA, we wouldn't have MTBE flavored drinking water.
Do you really not know that the Federal Government's rules and regulations affect virtually EVERY facet of your life? Just something as simple as getting up in the morning and making yourself a bowl of Corn Flakes is profoundly affected by the Federal Government. The cost of the milk you pour into your bowl is affected by FMMO's (Federal milk marketing orders). The cost of the cereal is affected by Federal subsidies for ethanol (pulling millions of bushels of corn from use as food to be used as fuel thus driving up the cost of food). The cost of the sugar you sprinkle on that cereal is directly affected by Federal regulations on the importation of sugar from abroad.

Good thing I only drink Almond milk and eat Uncle Sam cereal. See your problem is all about money; my 'problem' is quality of life. Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer. These agencies weren't created by authoritarians who covet big brother to care for their every need, they are necessary 'cause callous conservatives don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their sole motivation is money and power.,29569,1986457,00.html

Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer.


Without the EPA, we wouldn't have MTBE flavored drinking water.

Simple responses require both more detail and a bit of critical thinking:

Now, for those who care read about MTBE, why it was added and why it has been removed. Shit happens; some correct their mistakes, others rewrite history and blame others.
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Would you care to explain how the Federal Government impacts my life daily? Methinks you're full of shit, shit produced and presented by AM Radio 'philosophers' and Murdoch's 'Marauders'.

Do you really not know that the Federal Government's rules and regulations affect virtually EVERY facet of your life? Just something as simple as getting up in the morning and making yourself a bowl of Corn Flakes is profoundly affected by the Federal Government. The cost of the milk you pour into your bowl is affected by FMMO's (Federal milk marketing orders). The cost of the cereal is affected by Federal subsidies for ethanol (pulling millions of bushels of corn from use as food to be used as fuel thus driving up the cost of food). The cost of the sugar you sprinkle on that cereal is directly affected by Federal regulations on the importation of sugar from abroad.

Good thing I only drink Almond milk and eat Uncle Sam cereal. See your problem is all about money; my 'problem' is quality of life. Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer. These agencies weren't created by authoritarians who covet big brother to care for their every need, they are necessary 'cause callous conservatives don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their sole motivation is money and power.

Actually my "problem" is that you want government to take MY money to support YOUR quality of life!

Funny how it was Richard Nixon who formed the EPA. Refresh my memory...he was a liberal Democrat...right?

Almond milk? Seriously? Why doesn't THAT surprise me? Let me're intolerant? Why doesn't THAT surprise me!
Good thing I only drink Almond milk and eat Uncle Sam cereal. See your problem is all about money; my 'problem' is quality of life. Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer. These agencies weren't created by authoritarians who covet big brother to care for their every need, they are necessary 'cause callous conservatives don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their sole motivation is money and power.

Complete List - Top 10 Environmental Disasters - TIME

Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer.


Without the EPA, we wouldn't have MTBE flavored drinking water.

Simple responses require both more detail and a bit of critical thinking:

Now, for those who care read about MTBE, why it was added and why it has been removed. Shit happens; some correct their mistakes, others rewrite history and blame others.

Shit happens?

You mean the EPA did something that hurt the environment?
Something that lowered the quality of life?
Good to know. I wouldn't want anyone to rewrite history.
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

On the contrary, you posted a fluff piece and were shocked, "shocked I tell you!" that she is nothing more than your typical, average, corrupt politician who just happens to be a little more brazen than the others.

I welcome a run from this fraud. She's not as smart as Hillary, and will be destroyed if she goes national.


Or it could have been this one........
Complete List - Top 10 Environmental Disasters - TIME

Without the FDA, EPA, CDC, et al the quality of our life would suffer.


Without the EPA, we wouldn't have MTBE flavored drinking water.

Simple responses require both more detail and a bit of critical thinking:

Now, for those who care read about MTBE, why it was added and why it has been removed. Shit happens; some correct their mistakes, others rewrite history and blame others.

Shit happens?

You mean the EPA did something that hurt the environment?
Something that lowered the quality of life?
Good to know. I wouldn't want anyone to rewrite history.

Well, I suppose you need to take that sentiment to the ministers of truth.
Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

On the contrary, you posted a fluff piece and were shocked, "shocked I tell you!" that she is nothing more than your typical, average, corrupt politician who just happens to be a little more brazen than the others.

I welcome a run from this fraud. She's not as smart as Hillary, and will be destroyed if she goes national.


Or it could have been this one........

Once again. It's a factual statement. Is it necessary that for someone to be a liberal they must park their brain at the door and no longer think for themselves? Is THAT what it means to be a liberal to you?

I'm sorry. I DO have a brain and I prefer to use it. I am a liberal and proud of it. I am however not an unthinking blind progressive which is what you seem to think I claimed to be. I am not, and will never be a progressive. They are scum.

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