Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Or is Elizabeth Warren's progressive agenda somehow different than Barry's?

Her "you didn't build that" speech is practically a carbon copy of Obama's.

Her breathtakingly simplistic "roads and bridges" defense of Obama's "you didn't build that" absurdity really brought the social democrats out of the woodwork and emboldened them.

That week was a turning point.


And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.
Her "you didn't build that" speech is practically a carbon copy of Obama's.

Her breathtakingly simplistic "roads and bridges" defense of Obama's "you didn't build that" absurdity really brought the social democrats out of the woodwork and emboldened them.

That week was a turning point.


And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.

Personally, I like the fact that liberals are more willing to admit that they want a European-style social democracy with a far more authoritarian centralized bureaucracy. It's a conversation that should be had. The Left wants to fundamentally change the country, and this is what they're after.

The right wing has been screaming about "socialism" and "Marxism" and they're completely missing the point. This is what the Left is after, and they're going to end up getting it right under the Right's nose.

Or is Elizabeth Warren's progressive agenda somehow different than Barry's?

Her "you didn't build that" speech is practically a carbon copy of Obama's.

Barry's good at taking credit for the work of's pretty much all he's done since he started in politics. That and blame others when things don't work out...

It's kind of a "tails I win...heads you lose" kind of thing...
Her breathtakingly simplistic "roads and bridges" defense of Obama's "you didn't build that" absurdity really brought the social democrats out of the woodwork and emboldened them.

That week was a turning point.


And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.

Personally, I like the fact that liberals are more willing to admit that they want a European-style social democracy with a far more authoritarian centralized bureaucracy. It's a conversation that should be had. The Left wants to fundamentally change the country, and this is what they're after.

The right wing has been screaming about "socialism" and "Marxism" and they're completely missing the point. This is what the Left is after, and they're going to end up getting it right under the Right's nose.


Gee, Mac...I'm really looking forward to the day that I can have healthcare just like the VA's! Can't wait for THAT to happen!
Her breathtakingly simplistic "roads and bridges" defense of Obama's "you didn't build that" absurdity really brought the social democrats out of the woodwork and emboldened them.

That week was a turning point.


And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.

Personally, I like the fact that liberals are more willing to admit that they want a European-style social democracy with a far more authoritarian centralized bureaucracy. It's a conversation that should be had. The Left wants to fundamentally change the country, and this is what they're after.

The right wing has been screaming about "socialism" and "Marxism" and they're completely missing the point. This is what the Left is after, and they're going to end up getting it right under the Right's nose.


I can't speak for all liberals, though you seem to have such an expertise. I can offer my opinion and that is we can learn for the mistakes made by other nations, and are not beholden to anyone solution to solve or at least mitigate the myriad of problems which face our nation. Many of which might be easily solved by men and women of good will not stuck in an ideological malaise or so focused on keeping their job that they disregard the needs of others.
And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.

Personally, I like the fact that liberals are more willing to admit that they want a European-style social democracy with a far more authoritarian centralized bureaucracy. It's a conversation that should be had. The Left wants to fundamentally change the country, and this is what they're after.

The right wing has been screaming about "socialism" and "Marxism" and they're completely missing the point. This is what the Left is after, and they're going to end up getting it right under the Right's nose.


I can't speak for all liberals, though you seem to have such an expertise. I can offer my opinion and that is we can learn for the mistakes made by other nations, and are not beholden to anyone solution to solve or at least mitigate the myriad of problems which face our nation. Many of which might be easily solved by men and women of good will not stuck in an ideological malaise or so focused on keeping their job that they disregard the needs of others.

I'll take that as an affirmation.

Vague, but an affirmation.

"As a child in small-town Oklahoma, Elizabeth Warren yearned to go to college and then become an elementary school teacher—an ambitious goal, given her family’s modest means. Early marriage and motherhood seemed to put even that dream out of reach, but fifteen years later she was a distinguished law professor with a deep understanding of why people go bankrupt. Then came the phone call that changed her life: could she come to Washington DC to help advise Congress on rewriting the bankruptcy laws?

Thus began an impolite education into the bare-knuckled, often dysfunctional ways of Washington. She fought for better bankruptcy laws for ten years and lost. She tried to hold the federal government accountable during the financial crisis but became a target of the big banks. She came up with the idea for a new agency designed to protect consumers from predatory bankers and was denied the opportunity to run it. Finally, at age 62, she decided to run for elective office and won the most competitive—and watched—Senate race in the country.

In this passionate, funny, rabble-rousing book, Warren shows why she has chosen to fight tooth and nail for the middle class—and why she has become a hero to all those who believe that America’s government can and must do better for working families."

A Fighting Chance: Elizabeth Warren: 9781627790529: Books

Interiew on PBS: Sen. Warren on ?A Fighting Chance? for every American

And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words.

Elizabeth Warren could and WOULD promote the kind of public policies that would do far more to help poor and middle class White conservatives in terms of education, job training, and economic opportunity than all the conservative politicians put together. That means that she's a threat to politically conservative hegemony in the red states. Consequently, I think it's a forgone conclusion that she will be portrayed as a communist and worse.

I keep waiting for middle class conservatives to wake up and smell the coffee, but it's like trying to rouse a person who's in a coma. Some conservatives don't seem to grasp the concept that the rich get richer off the cheap labor of the poor and the favorable policies of the state gov'ts toward the wealthy which the wealthy pay for with campaign contributions. Yet these people keep supporting politicians who essentially give away the rights to natural resource exploitation to well-connected business interests for next to nothing and who also support policies that only serve to hobble the average person when it comes to moving up and out of the economically poorer strata of society like generations of Americans have previously been able to do far easier than can be done today.

I keep waiting for middle class conservatives to wake up and smell the coffee

They did. They aren't fooled by big government lefties like Warren.
Warren is simply one more liberal with a background in academics that is clueless as to what goes on in the big bad world outside of her college campus. In her is bad...government is good. So if what you WANT is another President just like Barry...and another four years of a stagnant economy and out of work all means elect Elizabeth Warren.
Bad news...the President doesn't matter (much) could elect her to 5 terms and she wouldn't change a thing that her handlers didn't want changed...she's a good, weak political neophyte who would be as shocked as Jimmy Carter to find that she doesn't get to pick her own cabinet, her own appointees, or guide policy (much)...given a choice between her and Hillary, I'd take her, she isn't near as ruthless, or experienced...she'd be as much of a disaster as Billary2, but easier to get rid of, once she realizes that all she does is pose for pictures and give orders that are ignored, or circumvented, at every turn. Hilary already knows this and is completely comfortable in the role. She's just there to get richer...
Elizabeth Warren could and WOULD promote the kind of public policies that would do far more to help poor and middle class White conservatives in terms of education, job training, and economic opportunity than all the conservative politicians put together. That means that she's a threat to politically conservative hegemony in the red states. Consequently, I think it's a forgone conclusion that she will be portrayed as a communist and worse.

I keep waiting for middle class conservatives to wake up and smell the coffee, but it's like trying to rouse a person who's in a coma. Some conservatives don't seem to grasp the concept that the rich get richer off the cheap labor of the poor and the favorable policies of the state gov'ts toward the wealthy which the wealthy pay for with campaign contributions. Yet these people keep supporting politicians who essentially give away the rights to natural resource exploitation to well-connected business interests for next to nothing and who also support policies that only serve to hobble the average person when it comes to moving up and out of the economically poorer strata of society like generations of Americans have previously been able to do far easier than can be done today.

Dude, I hate to interrupt your rant...but didn't the rich just get a WHOLE LOT RICHER under six years of Barry and the poor get a WHOLE LOT POORER? I'm not following your reasoning here...

If you put your blinders aside and actually thought about issues you might be able to follow reasoning. As it stands, the entire conservative ideology is fraught with emotion and framed by ignorance. Man up and think, it's not too hard if you practice.

Yeah, that whole Government is too big and needs to be smaller concept is SO emotional and ignorant! Man up and think? You just elected the same idiot twice on vague slogans like "Think Progress" and "Forward"...if that's evidence of deep thought on your part then I'm not all that impressed...just saying...
Quote from Mustang:"I keep waiting for middle class conservatives to wake up and smell the coffee, but it's like trying to rouse a person who's in a coma. Some conservatives don't seem to grasp the concept that the rich get richer off the cheap labor of the poor and the favorable policies of the state gov'ts toward the wealthy which the wealthy pay for with campaign contributions. Yet these people keep supporting politicians who essentially give away the rights to natural resource exploitation to well-connected business interests for next to nothing and who also support policies that only serve to hobble the average person when it comes to moving up and out of the economically poorer strata of society like generations of Americans have previously been able to do far easier than can be done today."

I guess the left is working hard at letting all those illegals cross the border and giving them amnesty so that middle-class wages will rise? UUUHHH, no. You guys are perfectly willing to let 20-30 million unskilled workers cross in the fucked-up hope that they will vote to keep you in power....a form of warfare, BTW...the technology already exists to have robots do most of the manual jobs done today by unskilled workers...that tech is 10-20 years out, and we'll have an ADDITIONAL 20-30 million unemployed...oh wait, I'm supposed to embrace Alinsky and stay focused on short-term self interest... You can't govern a NATION that lasts that way.
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Dude, I hate to interrupt your rant...but didn't the rich just get a WHOLE LOT RICHER under six years of Barry and the poor get a WHOLE LOT POORER? I'm not following your reasoning here...

If you put your blinders aside and actually thought about issues you might be able to follow reasoning. As it stands, the entire conservative ideology is fraught with emotion and framed by ignorance. Man up and think, it's not too hard if you practice.

Yeah, that whole Government is too big and needs to be smaller concept is SO emotional and ignorant! Man up and think? You just elected the same idiot twice on vague slogans like "Think Progress" and "Forward"...if that's evidence of deep thought on your part then I'm not all that impressed...just saying...

Yep, emotional as well as ignorant, that's true. Your feeble attempt to put words in my mouth is noted. Suppose you make the case for smaller government and convince me how over 200 years of law, treaties and a population of 300 Million Citizens can be administered by a small government. The floor is yours, since you seem so sure of you opinion I suspect your report on small government will be posted shortly.
One of our many operatives undercover in the Democrat party has started
to send a lot of intel regarding the Democrat party choice for the 2016 presidential ticket.

Looks like it's gonna be

Lizzie Warren... she gets the chick vote,and the American Indian vote.
Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez .... locks up the Hispanic vote and the gay vote...

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