Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Warren is simply one more liberal with a background in academics that is clueless as to what goes on in the big bad world outside of her college campus. In her is bad...government is good. So if what you WANT is another President just like Barry...and another four years of a stagnant economy and out of work all means elect Elizabeth Warren.

That about convicts the entire District Of Criminals.
One of our many operatives undercover in the Democrat party has started
to send a lot of intel regarding the Democrat party choice for the 2016 presidential ticket.

Looks like it's gonna be

Lizzie Warren... she gets the chick vote,and the American Indian vote.
Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez .... locks up the Hispanic vote and the gay vote...

Our spy at the Wed. Night meetings, conducted by Grover Norquist, reported their focus will remain convincing the Red Necks, Social Conservatives, Racists and other plebeians that the Republican Party will actually represent them and their interests. Grover reportedly said, they're so dumb we don't have to spend any money, we've talked the talk for years now and they've never even asked why we've never walked the walk for them .
Bad news...the President doesn't matter (much) could elect her to 5 terms and she wouldn't change a thing that her handlers didn't want changed...she's a good, weak political neophyte who would be as shocked as Jimmy Carter to find that she doesn't get to pick her own cabinet, her own appointees, or guide policy (much)...given a choice between her and Hillary, I'd take her, she isn't near as ruthless, or experienced...she'd be as much of a disaster as Billary2, but easier to get rid of, once she realizes that all she does is pose for pictures and give orders that are ignored, or circumvented, at every turn. Hilary already knows this and is completely comfortable in the role. She's just there to get richer...

So who tells the president who he can or can't pick for a cabinet appointment?
Obama a wealth distribution socialist? How so?

Seriously? Here's an example: ObamaCare. Obama's signature achievement. Forcing healthy people to buy health insurance so they can overpay in order to offset the subsidies which support health insurance for high school dropouts.

And look at all the increased taxes in ObamaCare which are there to pay for those subsidies.

That's wealth redistribution.

It's also socialism since the State is taking over the production of health care. It now acts as gatekeeper to your access to health care, and determines how much and what kind of insurance you must have, and how much your employer must give you, and how much profit the insurance corporations are allowed to make!

And Warren and her ilk are right there, cheering this on.

Well, Obama could have redistributed income with single payer, which many of his supporters thought they'd get with an Obama presidency. With Obamacare, the health insurance companies stay in the game, Obama made sure of that because he's a corporate democrat, not a socialist. There are many ways to redistribute income. In the last few decades most of the income gains have been redistributed to the very wealthy. I haven't heard of any working stiff being able to depreciate the vehicle he uses to go to work for instance. And, if he declared the Cayman islands for his residence for tax purposes like Mitt Romney and thousands of other very wealthy people can do (wealth redistribution), the IRS would laugh and then hit the working stiff with a fine and then ask to see his tax returns for the last ten years probably. Look at all the thousands of lobbyists in D.C. They are not there influencing politicians to make sure income is redistributed to the poor or working class. . I'm not convinced yet that Obama is a socialist.
Which words? Where she claimed she was part Indian to get hiring preference at Harvard?
The words where she claims the deck is stacked against people while she lives in a $14M house and makes over $1M a year?
The words where she claims that business owners didnt really build their businesses?

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to flack for that nasty lying piece of shit. But you're just the cocksucker to do it.

Exactly what I would expect ^^ from the stupidest among us. Thanks Rabbi for more evidence that you're a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

And Liz Warren is still not part Indian
Which words? Where she claimed she was part Indian to get hiring preference at Harvard?
The words where she claims the deck is stacked against people while she lives in a $14M house and makes over $1M a year?
The words where she claims that business owners didnt really build their businesses?

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to flack for that nasty lying piece of shit. But you're just the cocksucker to do it.

Exactly what I would expect ^^ from the stupidest among us. Thanks Rabbi for more evidence that you're a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

And Liz Warren is still not part Indian

She never WAS. She can't prove it.
If you put your blinders aside and actually thought about issues you might be able to follow reasoning. As it stands, the entire conservative ideology is fraught with emotion and framed by ignorance. Man up and think, it's not too hard if you practice.

Yeah, that whole Government is too big and needs to be smaller concept is SO emotional and ignorant! Man up and think? You just elected the same idiot twice on vague slogans like "Think Progress" and "Forward"...if that's evidence of deep thought on your part then I'm not all that impressed...just saying...

Yep, emotional as well as ignorant, that's true. Your feeble attempt to put words in my mouth is noted. Suppose you make the case for smaller government and convince me how over 200 years of law, treaties and a population of 300 Million Citizens can be administered by a small government. The floor is yours, since you seem so sure of you opinion I suspect your report on small government will be posted shortly.

Here's a novel concept for you, Wry...instead of trying to run people's lives from the Federal level...return power to as local a government as possible. City government, County government, State government...they ALL administer government services in a more efficient manner than at the Federal level.

Instead of a top down system...let's get back to local people making the majority of decisions for their own lives. The Federal Government can go back to doing what the Founding Fathers envisioned for them.
And it's about time, the antisocial callous conservatives need to be driven back into the woodwork where the other kockroaches lie.

Personally, I like the fact that liberals are more willing to admit that they want a European-style social democracy with a far more authoritarian centralized bureaucracy. It's a conversation that should be had. The Left wants to fundamentally change the country, and this is what they're after.

The right wing has been screaming about "socialism" and "Marxism" and they're completely missing the point. This is what the Left is after, and they're going to end up getting it right under the Right's nose.


Gee, Mac...I'm really looking forward to the day that I can have healthcare just like the VA's! Can't wait for THAT to happen!

I'm telling ya, if the GOP doesn't stop with the "socialism" and "Marxism" stuff and focus on what their political opponents are actually after, that's what you're gonna have.

Well how lovely, we will be getting another Junior Senator who only served one term in Congress as President.. Obama showed us what we get with someone of no experience for President...a petulant man/boy who take's no Responsibility for any wrong, struts around telling we the people, we are in his way and bullies and uses this government against you if you cross him...IRS, BLM, EPA, etc

So if it takes that little for you people to run someone for President

We have gone beyond hopeless and are doomed
One thing that should be consider on the left is
1. Robotics and machines to produce enough food to make food a right.
2. A living wage of probably 10,000/year
3. Expand free public education for the first 4 years of college. Making your typical college experience free.

This would be some good idea's.... On the other hand, I wouldn't touch the micro of the free market. History should of taught us that it simply doesn't work...

I also believe that larger investments into science and pro American trade policies would be a good path to take!
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Which words? Where she claimed she was part Indian to get hiring preference at Harvard?
The words where she claims the deck is stacked against people while she lives in a $14M house and makes over $1M a year?
The words where she claims that business owners didnt really build their businesses?

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to flack for that nasty lying piece of shit. But you're just the cocksucker to do it.

Exactly what I would expect ^^ from the stupidest among us. Thanks Rabbi for more evidence that you're a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

And Liz Warren is still not part Indian

Do you have evidence that she is not part Native American? If she believed her ancestry included native americans she is not a liar, only mistaken.

And Rabbi remains a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.
lol; look at these left-wing clowns acing as shills for yet another far-left progressive failurecrat!
Exactly what I would expect ^^ from the stupidest among us. Thanks Rabbi for more evidence that you're a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

And Liz Warren is still not part Indian

Do you have evidence that she is not part Native American? If she believed her ancestry included native americans she is not a liar, only mistaken.

And Rabbi remains a liar, a fool, vulgar and an asshole.

Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren: ?Your Native American issue has not been put to rest?

"Let me make one thing clear. Your Native American issue has not been put to rest.

You say your “ancestry” played no roll in your hiring. That is not the only issue. You were listed as a minority in diversity reports. That is an issue. You admit you made the schools aware of your “heritage.” They counted you as a minority in their reports to the federal government when the criteria to list you as such had a two part requirement – you had to have both the ancestry and maintain tribal ties. Something you did or said led the two schools in question to believe you met those requirements despite the fact you didn’t…."

Again, Liz lying about her background gives her instant credibility with Democrats. Without that she's just another Marxist Loon with a Che T-shirt. Taking advantage of American Indian preferences shows she's ruthless in the pursuit of power and I'm telling you, she's a lock for the Dem nomination in 2016
Yeah, that whole Government is too big and needs to be smaller concept is SO emotional and ignorant! Man up and think? You just elected the same idiot twice on vague slogans like "Think Progress" and "Forward"...if that's evidence of deep thought on your part then I'm not all that impressed...just saying...

Yep, emotional as well as ignorant, that's true. Your feeble attempt to put words in my mouth is noted. Suppose you make the case for smaller government and convince me how over 200 years of law, treaties and a population of 300 Million Citizens can be administered by a small government. The floor is yours, since you seem so sure of you opinion I suspect your report on small government will be posted shortly.

Here's a novel concept for you, Wry...instead of trying to run people's lives from the Federal level...return power to as local a government as possible. City government, County government, State government...they ALL administer government services in a more efficient manner than at the Federal level.

Instead of a top down system...let's get back to local people making the majority of decisions for their own lives. The Federal Government can go back to doing what the Founding Fathers envisioned for them.

Federalism is alive but not well in America. Most local governments are broke and many State Governments are not fiscally healthy. My life is not impacted by the Federal Government, yet daily I'm reminded of the lack of local services we once expected.

The topic (Federalism) is worthy of a thread all its own, of course it would be co-opted by the stupidest among us.
I think the left should focus on a handful of things and drop the racial crap.
1. Automation of food production in order to feed everyone.
2. Science and infrastructure
3. A living wage of 10k/year for everyone that can't make it.
4. Pro-American trade policies for companies to stay in America.

I'd consider some of this reasonable issues to move on.

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