The Iron Law of power density and the myth of solar and wind energy .....

A by product of petroleum is NOT petroleum.

Natural gas is burned in the process to isolate nitrogen for nitrogen based fertilizer there is no methane in the fertilizer end product

Phosphorous and potassium based fertilizers don't use any petroleum products in their manufacturing process.
The point is that 'traditional' agriculture puts all sorts of unnatural stuff into the soil, much with a direct link to fossil fuels.
A by product of petroleum is NOT petroleum.

Natural gas is burned in the process to isolate nitrogen for nitrogen based fertilizer there is no methane in the fertilizer end product

Phosphorous and potassium based fertilizers don't use any petroleum products in their manufacturing process.
So every plant is a byproduct of petroleum
I'm not a petroleum engineer.. I just listen. As I understand it different crude oils have different properties depending where they're from, whether they're light sweet or heavy sour and what other chemicals are present.

I'm not a petroleum engineer..


As I understand it different crude oils have different properties

Yup. Mostly hydrocarbons. Nothing you'd use as fertilizer.
Where does petroleum come from?
A Peek at the Peak-Oil Hoax

Titan, a moon of Saturn, has huge deposits of natural gas (methane and ethane). So a biomass is not the only source of such hydrocarbons, even here on Earth. Besides, there's plenty of petroleum left to be discovered on Earth, which the hoarding oil oligopoly doesn't want us to know about.

More proof that Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. If a lake of diamonds was discovered, the diamond merchants would bribe a scientist to claim that the glitter from millions of cheap diamonds would cause global warming.
I'm not a petroleum engineer.. I just listen. As I understand it different crude oils have different properties depending where they're from, whether they're light sweet or heavy sour and what other chemicals are present.

Nitrogen fixation is a chemical process by which molecular nitrogen (N
2), which has a strong triple covalent bond, is converted into ammonia (NH
3) or related nitrogenous compounds, typically in soil or aquatic systems[1] but also in industry.

Don’t see petroleum anywhere In this
A Peek at the Peak-Oil Hoax

Titan, a moon of Saturn, has huge deposits of natural gas (methane and ethane). So a biomass is not the only source of such hydrocarbons, even here on Earth. Besides, there's plenty of petroleum left to be discovered on Earth, which the hoarding oil oligopoly doesn't want us to know about.

More proof that Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. If a lake of diamonds was discovered, the diamond merchants would bribe a scientist to claim that the glitter from millions of cheap diamonds would cause global warming.
I’ve said it many times, oil will never get depleted! Ever
A by product of petroleum is NOT petroleum.

Natural gas is burned in the process to isolate nitrogen for nitrogen based fertilizer there is no methane in the fertilizer end product

Phosphorous and potassium based fertilizers don't use any petroleum products in their manufacturing process.
Corporate Patents Are the Well-Hidden Crime of the Century

Far more important is the fact that the two geniuses who invented petrochemical fertilizer didn't become billionaires. The homo erectus parasites who own the oil companies did. Science is for suckers.

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