Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

Former U.S. Attorney Barb McQuade has a new essay on Trump’s threats of revenage and their consequences. After running through all the checks and balances that would limit the president’s ability to use the justice system as a tool of political reprisal, McQuade then asks what the point of it all really is. This part of her answer is spot on:
LOL What does Barb have to say about Biden actually prosecuting his political enemies? Lol
Last time the DoJ was still staffed primarily by normal prosecutors without a political agenda.

The Republicans are talking about changing that, which should have us worried.

Bull shit. It'll get overturned as soon as an honest judge sees it. You know it was a scam trial, everyone knows. You are just happy with the results.
The evidence isn’t contested. You guys just say it’s not illegal.
YOU PEOPLE on the left need to wake up. The EU just had a election EARTHQUAKE that REJECTED your progressive shit. The left got wiped out!
Fascism has been on the rise in Europe since the migrant crisis caused by Shrub's invasion of Iraq and the consequent chaos in the ME that ensued.
It's been on the rise here since the Orange Fraud was carried in to political life on an escalator.
There is no evidence linking her to the deletion of the server after subpoena was issued.
Other than the fact that the data on her server was deleted after the subpoena was issued. LOL
Fascism has been on the rise in Europe since the migrant crisis caused by Shrub's invasion of Iraq and the consequent chaos in the ME that ensued.
It's been on the rise here since the Orange Fraud was carried in to political life on an escalator.

Other than the fact that the data on her server was deleted after the subpoena was issued. LOL
Get back to me when you have evidence to suggest Hillary directed the deletion after the subpoena was issued.
It tells me that you are a brainwashed moron.
Can you think of any other candidate over your voting life you would vote for if he stole money from a charity, was convicted of what is tantamount to election interference, was found to have cheated on his taxes, raped a woman, orchestrated a violent attempt to block the elected prez's certification, and tried to use fake electors to steal an election?

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