Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

No he doesn't. His AG does. Why do you think Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre happened?

Just like Benedicts claim of a Multi-State conspiracy in 2020, everyone knows there is no evidence of coordination between President Biden and the DOJ's investigations into Jan 6th or the hiding and lying about the Classified Documents case.
Not to mention how Garland dragged his feet on appointing Smith to investigate. Essentially being forced to do so by the revelations coming from the Jan. 6 committee's investigation.
Her server was sent to the technician for decommissioning before a subpoena was issued. So as far as she knew the HD had been wiped. But everyone should know the only way to truly ensure no one can read what was on a HD is to take it apart and put the disks in a blender.
The last thing they care about are the facts.
‘I Would Have Every Right To Go After Them’

Surveying the news of the past 24 hours, we’re presented with a particularly sobering reflection of our current state of affairs. I will lay it out brick by brick in the items below, but first I want to circle back to Donald Trump’s appearance two nights ago on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program.

Hannity asked a leading question, clearly trying to throw Trump a softball that will let him deny his intention to use the office of the presidency to exact retribution against his political foes – even though Trump has spent many months now promising to do precisely that.

At first, Trump took the easy swing and suggested that he won’t perpetuate what he implies is a cycle of retribution he’s already been victimized by. But then he launched into an extended justification of doing exactly what he had just disclaimed and asserting that he has “every right to go after them”:

Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

This could be one of the better cons he's invented in a while. Setting up a win-win scenario by which should he be re-elected he can claim righteousness and excite the base for going after his proclaimed enemies, or get credit with the minions if he does not. Because if he goes after those who have held him accountable for his many crimes he'll say he's justified. If he doesn't he'll say he is showing great restraint. The Following will love him either way. This guy is a genius in a manipulative, malevolent kind of way.

Same thing with the hush money trial. Win or lose he set up a construct by which he was being unfairly treated by the system. Acquittal.......the charges were made up. Conviction.......the charges were made up. Amazingly, the rubes fell for it AGAIN.

Trump has no rights. He’s a convicted felon.

And those rights don’t magically restore whether of no he is reelected.

And any violation of his terms of probation while he was in office are not pardonable, and he would be held accountable for them.
What’s conspicuously missing from your posts is any attempt at making a compelling argument.

All you have is dogma which you accept without thinking for yourself.
About Hillary? Why bother? The only folks that give a fuck about her are you and your cult.
About Hillary? Why bother? The only folks that give a fuck about her are you and your cult.
Do we? The only people I ever see binging her up are deranged and obsessed conservatives.

She wasn’t prosecuted for the deletion of the server because there was no case that could ever support and indictment let alone a conviction.

And you have no evidence to the contrary.

Trump on the other hand is a moron who leaves plenty of evidence.
I got the raging hypocrisy of your legal hero Barb handwringing about what Trump might do while ignoring the fact that Biden is actually prosecuting his political enemies.
You're lying again. Biden does not control the judgement of multiple grand juries who have voted to indict Trump in various jurisdictions. Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over?
Fascism has been on the rise in Europe since the migrant crisis caused by Shrub's invasion of Iraq and the consequent chaos in the ME that ensued.
It's been on the rise here since the Orange Fraud was carried in to political life on an escalator.
The left will be destroyed, then we'll kick dirt in their faces while laughing.
Do we? The only people I ever see binging her up are deranged and obsessed conservatives.
Perhaps you should stop watching so much FoxNews.
She wasn’t prosecuted for the deletion of the server because there was no case that could ever support and indictment let alone a conviction.
He wasn't prosecuted because, unlike your cult leader, he doesn't prosecute his political enemies.
And you have no evidence to the contrary.
He didn't prosecute his political enemies.
Trump on the other hand is a moron who leaves plenty of evidence.
LOL Good luck with that.
You're lying again. Biden does not control the judgement of multiple grand juries who have voted to indict Trump in various jurisdictions. Why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over?
Deal with reality rather than the propaganda your media feeds you.

Fourth and last time I'll ask, what does your hero Barb have to say about Biden actually prosecuting his political enemies?
He didn't prosecute his political enemies
He couldn’t. To prosecute someone, you need evidence and he never had any. The DoJ wouldn’t stand for meddling from politicians. They still don’t. The prosecutions of Trump have not been influenced by Biden whatsoever.

But we saw in the Trump Ukraine impeachment, that republicans believe it was his duty to go after his political enemies. They already defended this behavior years ago.
LOL Good luck with that.
It’s worked so far.
He couldn’t. To prosecute someone, you need evidence and he never had any. The DoJ wouldn’t stand for meddling from politicians. They still don’t. The prosecutions of Trump have not been influenced by Biden whatsoever.

LOL Sure. Good German
But we saw in the Trump Ukraine impeachment, that republicans believe it was his duty to go after his political enemies. They already defended this behavior years ago.

It’s worked so far.
That's what "republicans" believe. Doing some Miss Cleo now? LOL
LOL Sure. Good German

That's what "republicans" believe. Doing some Miss Cleo now? LOL
They told us in the impeachment trial.

We had unrefuted evidence of Trump personally trying to go after his political enemies.

The Republican defense was that it was his duty as president to do so.

No mind reading necessary. Just ability to recall past events.
They told us in the impeachment trial.

We had unrefuted evidence of Trump personally trying to go after his political enemies.

The Republican defense was that it was his duty as president to do so.

No mind reading necessary. Just ability to recall past events.
The "Republican defense" huh? I didn't know "Republicans" were on trial. Interesting world you live in.

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