Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

Get back to me when you have evidence to suggest Hillary directed the deletion after the subpoena was issued.
Why? You'd ignore it anyway. Back to my question about your OP. What does Barb have to say about Biden actually prosecuting his political enemies?
Can you think of any other candidate over your voting life you would vote for if he stole money from a charity, was convicted of what is tantamount to election interference, was found to have cheated on his taxes, raped a woman, orchestrated a violent attempt to block the elected prez's certification, and tried to use fake electors to steal an election?
Seek help. Seriously.
What chicanery that is comparable to violently blocking Biden's certification and trying to use fake electors to steal the election?
If you are constantly pounded 24 hours a day for having a different viewpoint which may not even be far from the Progressive Cult, the endless Progressive despising spews brings a mistrust from those attacked with it. We have a healthy number of people who do not believe the system is fair in elections. Mainly because the population is guilted on past wrongs on certain groups. Groups that wanted tolerance and acceptance that now is ruling with a jackboot on the necks of White males and/or Christians. Any woman who is not a Progressive. Any person of any culture that is not a Progressive. The voting system is corrupted. People with strong political views based on their feelings of how the system treated them unfairly have no concern about cheating.
No one had a case against Clinton that could get an indictment.
SO you claim. WHat about your hero Barb hand wringing about what Trump might do, when your cult leader is actively prosecuting his political enemies?
SO you claim. WHat about your hero Barb hand wringing about what Trump might do, when your cult leader is actively prosecuting his political enemies?
Your narrative is false. Biden has nothing yo do with the prosecutions.

Like with Clinton, you have nothing.
He does. They committed crimes. Serious crimes, like treason, insurrection, and election interference.
No he doesn't. His AG does. Why do you think Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre happened?

Just like Benedicts claim of a Multi-State conspiracy in 2020, everyone knows there is no evidence of coordination between President Biden and the DOJ's investigations into Jan 6th or the hiding and lying about the Classified Documents case.
Why? You'd ignore it anyway. Back to my question about your OP. What does Barb have to say about Biden actually prosecuting his political enemies? don't have any. Got it.
Other than the fact that the data on her server was deleted after the subpoena was issued. LOL
Her server was sent to the technician for decommissioning before a subpoena was issued. So as far as she knew the HD had been wiped. But everyone should know the only way to truly ensure no one can read what was on a HD is to take it apart and put the disks in a blender.

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