Trump is not a conservative

One has to wonder just how these Leftist become so confused about realty ....

It's the Fake News MSM ...

They are to blame along with the Sheeple who believe what they post.
Speaking as a non-leftist, I wonder how it is that you cannot recognize how badly that the Bushes and their neocon henchmen have dragged the nation so far to the left, that a life-long democrat like Trump could now be considered "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore).

Not for nothing, you of course realize that to govern, one has to get elected.
A hard core conservative simply can not win enough of the country to win.

Purity tests lead to continual loses.
Strawman argument...Nobody said anything about purity...You either have governing principles or you don't.

All of your posts suggest it.

Its okay
I'm a hard core conservative in theory
In theory, watches while somebody else governs.
You're watching right now while a democrat governs, and jizzing all over yourself about how allegedly "conservative" he is, like Obama's boot lappers.

You're exactly the kind of complacent and weak "conservative" that got the party where it is today.
So i guess you're voting Libertarian on November 3rd huh? :smoke:
Haven't voted since 2000....A waste of time with these "choices".

I am thinking that the purity test, was not a strawman argument.
I didn't vote against anything, except re-election of judges and new taxes....Nobody presents me anything to be in favor of that meets my criteria, so I don't bother.
I don't think Ted Cruz would have beaten Hillary Clinton in 2016 :icon_rolleyes:

Luv Ted
Voted for Ted in our primary. Knowing that trump would win.
While what you say is true, Trump has also undone more regressive liberal policy than any republicrat in my lifetime, and has not allowed the global collectivists to undermine our sovereignty in any way.

Plus anyone who is so loathed by leftist parasites has to be someone of decent caliber.
Trump is an old style Classic Liberal, which makes him to the right of Ghenghis Khan in todays politics, and he is a Pragmatist, which is what I really love about him.

The old Free Trading numb-nuts conservatives supported by the likes of the Globalist wing, NeoCons and job exporters can all kiss my lilly white ass.
I read he jettisoned everything important to religious conservatives.

Is that true?

No Trump bitch slapped the left on abortion declaring the right to life for unborn children. Trump vowed to protect our 2nd amendment rights and all the other Constitutional rights under attack by the left. Chief among them the left's attempt to strip our 1st amendment rights and silence any opposition to the left's world view. Trump vowed to support law enforcement, the military, border security, jobs, bitch slap countries like China who rip us off.

Here's a small hint at Trump's conservative roots...instead of spending $1 billion dollars to build an American embassy, he chose a building we already own and converted that into the embassy for only $500k!
I read he jettisoned everything important to religious conservatives.

Is that true?

No Trump bitch slapped the left on abortion declaring the right to life for unborn children. Trump vowed to protect our 2nd amendment rights and all the other Constitutional rights under attack by the left. Chief among them the left's attempt to strip our 1st amendment rights and silence any opposition to the left's world view. Trump vowed to support law enforcement, the military, border security, jobs, bitch slap countries like China who rip us off.

Here's a small hint at Trump's conservative roots...instead of spending $1 billion dollars to build an American embassy, he chose a building we already own and converted that into the embassy for only $500k!

He is definitely what we have needed since about 1988.
Ivanka is bragging about stuff that Republicans don't usually stand for.

Trump has pulled the Republican Party to the left.
There are more than a few things he has done that would be considered more liberal than the Repub party of just 10 years ago stood for. I'm behind him on ALL of them. The problem for the dems is that since Orange Man took their platform in quite a few cases, they've had to move farther left or in some cases they have moved right such as TPP (Sanders and others were against TPP even though it was put in place and supported by the Obama administration).

1. Tariffs - traditionally a liberal ideal
2. Scrapping TPP
3. Working toward ending "Endless wars"
4. Two Bills to support STEM
5. More funding for black colleges
6. First Step Act

There are many others, but these are some of the bigger ones.
While what you say is true, Trump has also undone more regressive liberal policy than any republicrat in my lifetime, and has not allowed the global collectivists to undermine our sovereignty in any way.

Plus anyone who is so loathed by leftist parasites has to be someone of decent caliber.
Trump is an old style Classic Liberal, which makes him to the right of Ghenghis Khan in todays politics, and he is a Pragmatist, which is what I really love about him.

The old Free Trading numb-nuts conservatives supported by the likes of the Globalist wing, NeoCons and job exporters can all kiss my lilly white ass.
The Repubs are sold quite differently by the Elites, the Progs, the Media and the Entertainers. Propaganda can affect people in bad ways. People believe the Handmaid's Tale is true. And what is sad, so are the actors who play in it. And so many others.

More greatness
There has not been any president, not in our lifetimes, that has ever been remotely as disrespectful as trumpf. Nobody comes close. No president has openly called people names. None have flagrantly and obviously lied, on a daily basis, like trumpf. And nobody has divided this country like trumpf.

None have ever declared, in advance, that an election is fraudulent, essentially a call to arms of his base. None have ever ripped at the very fabric of America as trumpf has.

If you insist that trumpf is no different than any other president, then you aren't honest.

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