Trump just said ON LIVE TV from Florida if the wall is not funded DACA is dead.

But since a popular vote election was never ran, we will never know

Trump won by picking up key swing states. His total victory margin in those states was around 80,000 votes.

Had Trump shifted his resources to picking up votes in California etc, he would have lost votes in the key swing states. Trump needed to pick up 3,000,000 nationally , while not losing 80,000 targeted votes.

Remember the fable of the dog with two bones.

Goddamn did all you libs flunk science? Okay what is your basis for claiming, "he would have lost votes in the key swing states" let me save you the trouble you have none, you pulled that out of your ass. lol
Would Trump have changed his election strategy, campaign stops, ads, if this had been a popular vote election? Yes, hence you cannot claim Hillary would have won such an election. One of two things are true, you are too dishonest to admit this or you are trolling.

Like the dog with two bones fable, Had Trump shifted his time and resources, out of the swing states, where he won by narrow margins, and into other states to pick up popular votes, he likely would have lost both the popular and EC votesl
The results of that "Electoral College" election you believe in:

Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063

December 19, 2016—Meeting of Electors:
The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States. The Electors record their votes on six “Certificates of Vote,” which are paired with the six remaining original “Certificates of Ascertainment.” The electors sign, seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the Federal and State officials listed in these instructions.

U. S. Electoral College: Roles and Responsibilities
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?
80 percent of Americans want illegals to have legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

The majority of Americans also want stronger border security.

These are not contradictory positions.

Trump will grant amnesty to the DACA kids, and he will get a token brick or two for his wall.

I just wish I could see the faces of the pseudocons when Trump signs an amnesty bill.
No sweat..amnesty...effective the day the wall is finished. Must sign up today. But if the wall isn't finished, all bets are off.
I don't care what other Americans want. My priority is to my family and my business. That is what defines my opinions and my opinion is BUILD THE DAMN WALL
Would Trump have changed his election strategy, campaign stops, ads, if this had been a popular vote election? Yes, hence you cannot claim Hillary would have won such an election. One of two things are true, you are too dishonest to admit this or you are trolling.

Like the dog with two bones fable, Had Trump shifted his time and resources, out of the swing states, where he won by narrow margins, and into other states to pick up popular votes, he likely would have lost both the popular and EC votesl

More idiocy ^^^. You have no basis for claiming Trump would have done anything you say, or what the results or impacts would have been. And since the guy is a multi-billionaire resources are not really an issue now are they.
Goddamn did all you libs flunk science? Okay what is your basis for claiming, "he would have lost votes in the key swing states" let me save you the trouble you have none, you pulled that out of your ass. lol

If Trump spent less time and less money in the swing states, he would have lost votes in those states.

It's not rocket science.
Goddamn did all you libs flunk science? Okay what is your basis for claiming, "he would have lost votes in the key swing states" let me save you the trouble you have none, you pulled that out of your ass. lol

If Trump spent less time and less money in the swing states, he would have lost votes in those states.

It's not rocket science.

LOL okay its official ^^^ :cuckoo:
And since the guy is a multi-billionaire resources are not really an issue now are they.

Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

Just like spending more time in the swing states, means getting more votes there.

It's not rocket science.
And since the guy is a multi-billionaire resources are not really an issue now are they.

Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

Just like spending more time in the swing states, means getting more votes there.

It's not rocket science.

LOL your argument is retarded, but since you insist lets play this out. Hillary is subject to the same limitations and losses you claim Trump is subject to correct? Oh but but but...but... :laugh::laugh::laugh:
And since the guy is a multi-billionaire resources are not really an issue now are they.

Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

Just like spending more time in the swing states, means getting more votes there.

It's not rocket science.
How do you know he would spent less time?
Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

Just like spending more time in the swing states, means getting more votes there.

It's not rocket science.

LOL your argument is retarded, but since you insist lets play this out. Hillary is subject to the same limitations and losses you claim Trump is subject to correct? Oh but but but...but... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

My argument is the more you campaign in a locale, the more votes you get, there.

It's not rocket science,
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?

He has to say that.

It's called getting the Steve King xenophobic wing of the base to calm the fuck down… AKA placating the white drama queens…

I thought we were all on the same page about not taking him literally… just, um… figuratively, or whatever?
Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

Just like spending more time in the swing states, means getting more votes there.

It's not rocket science.

LOL your argument is retarded, but since you insist lets play this out. Hillary is subject to the same limitations and losses you claim Trump is subject to correct? Oh but but but...but... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

My argument is the more you campaign in a locale, the more votes you get, there.

It's not rocket science,
how come that doesn't always work for the local candidates?
Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

It's not rocket science.
How do you know he would spent less time?

There are only 24 hours in a day. He could spend them in the swing states, or he could spent them in the other states.

More time here, means less time there. It's not rocket science.
You can't believe anything drumpf says. He says one thing, changes it to something else an hour later, then his leper colony goes on tv and changes it to something else again.

This is the problem with a congenital liar like Trump, he cannot be trusted on anything. The Democrats would be idiots to cut any deal with this loser.
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?

He has to say that.

It's called getting the Steve King xenophobic wing of the base to calm the fuck down… AKA placating the white drama queens…

I thought we were all on the same page about not taking him literally… just, um… figuratively, or whatever?
the drama queen is out selling her book.
Even a multi-billionaire can't defy the laws of nature. Spending less time in the swing states, means getting fewer votes there.

It's not rocket science.
How do you know he would spent less time?

There are only 24 hours in a day. He could spend them in the swing states, or he could spent them in the other states.

More time here, means less time there. It's not rocket science.
or he could have rearranged his calendar, he could have done many many things different and maintained the same time per locale. the thing pasty is you don't know. you will fking never know. and again, you still haven't produced that national popular vote yet. what election is that one?
My argument is the more you campaign in a locale, the more votes you get, there.

It's not rocket science,
how come that doesn't always work for the local candidates?

I didn't specify the shape of the curve. Just that it's positive for votes, for an increase in time.

Of course one candidates curve may be steeper, or start from a higher spot making it impossible for the other candiate to catch up. But the simple trend is the more time and money any one individual spends, the more votes that individual gets on election day.

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