Trump removes Florida from the offshore drilling order

Trump Administration Drops Florida From Offshore Drilling Plan

Drill baby drill, just not in the backyards of Trump's pals.
I hope Lepage can work the same magic for Maine. Only a million or so of us, though, so probably not. NO ONE wants drilling in our coastal waters. A spill would kill not only our fishing industry but our tourist industry, and except for logging, that's pretty much all we got. But we only gave him one EC vote, so I'm sure we're screwed.
Who would want drilling off their coast except for maybe alaska?
The tourism excuse is comical.

1. It's a tacit admission that offshore drilling hurts states' economies, or at least that is the claim.

2. California is the state with the largest tourist industry.

3. Trump, i.e., the real Trump, is just one more standard issue establishment partisan hack Republican.
Why is it comical? It's not the drilling--it's the inevitable spills. Not everyone who comes to California does so to spend time right on the shore. In Maine, they do. AND WE DON'T NEED THE OIL FROM THERE!

One thing I do NOT understand is this insistence that we need energy independence -- and yet we turn around and SELL our oil to foreign countries.
Explain, please.
Trump Administration Drops Florida From Offshore Drilling Plan

Drill baby drill, just not in the backyards of Trump's pals.
I hope Lepage can work the same magic for Maine. Only a million or so of us, though, so probably not. NO ONE wants drilling in our coastal waters. A spill would kill not only our fishing industry but our tourist industry, and except for logging, that's pretty much all we got. But we only gave him one EC vote, so I'm sure we're screwed.
Who would want drilling off their coast except for maybe alaska?
Alaska doesn't need it--they can drill the North Slope now.
Do we really need this type of off-shore drilling? With the current directional drilling technology, all ocean drilling can be done inland. I am a drill-it-all Texan, but if there's a safer way, do it.
"Our" oil? We don't have any oil. The oil companies own that oil.

Just to pour some salt in our collective wound, then there's this:

As of October 2017, Oil Change International estimates United States fossil fuel exploration and production subsidies at $20.5 billion annually. Other credible estimates of annual United States fossil fuel subsidies range from $10 billion to $52 billion annually – yet none of these include costs borne by taxpayers related to the climate, local environmental, and health impacts of the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International

Governor Scott, who has done a very good job here in Florida talked the President into taking us off the list. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I agree that the sight of the rigs kind of spoils the view from the beaches, but we need energy independence and jobs. In the end Florida will likely not be effected either way.
The tourism excuse is comical.

1. It's a tacit admission that offshore drilling hurts states' economies, or at least that is the claim.

2. California is the state with the largest tourist industry.

3. Trump, i.e., the real Trump, is just one more standard issue establishment partisan hack Republican.
Why is it comical? It's not the drilling--it's the inevitable spills. Not everyone who comes to California does so to spend time right on the shore. In Maine, they do. AND WE DON'T NEED THE OIL FROM THERE!

One thing I do NOT understand is this insistence that we need energy independence -- and yet we turn around and SELL our oil to foreign countries.
Explain, please.

Great question. We have a glut as it is and oil is stuck at $60 a barrel. Just not enough profit to motivate oil companies to drill offshore at present.
Not to worry - States are going to file a class action and Trump an Stinky Zinke are going to lose.
The Florida exemption is transparent as hell an will be a big part of that loss.

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