Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
What am I supposed to be addressing?

All the bailout bullshit (which I do NOT think saved us) was done under Bush.

Nothing Bush did saved our nation but it did allow big fat cats to raid our treasury.

Likewise, nothing Obama did improved our economy or employment rate, because nothing can be done by government. Government does not create an economy.

Likewise, nothing Trump has done has continued to improve our economy and jobs, because again, government does nothing to create or improve economies.

So, which point am I not addressing?


Of course that's all nonsense. Obviously the measures taken, first by Bush and then Obama, stopped the hemorrhaging and stabilized the economy. Obviously that had a great influence on jobs and unemployment.
And, what evidence do you have that proves those actions "stopped the hemorrhaging and stabilized the economy"?

I will be very surprised if you can prove anything but mere correlation, just like the people saying Trump caused an improved employment rate/economy.

And, what evidence do you have that proves those actions "stopped the hemorrhaging and stabilized the economy"?

Umm....the fact that it stabilized.

You really don't know anything about it. Do you?

Watch Too Big to Fail.
Proof that both sides throw around tribal, partisan bs for the sake of the tribe, not for truth.

C'mon, dude.

I have been anything but a Trump hater.

He pissed me off when he gave in to Democrats and signed a huge spending bill without getting more border security, and he appears to be going back on his pledge to never sign another bill like that again with this new proposed FedZilla spending monster.

Other than that, and a few criticisms about the structure of some (very few) of Trump's tweets, I have been anything but critical. Check my post history.

Every serious economist says trump policy is what’s driving the economy. Sorry buddy.. if you ever get hired as a economist I’ll look out for your opinion
Who is saying it and what policy?

Don't assume that I disagree with you.

Every one
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

Sorry buddy.. tds is strong with you

As normal you ignore facts and make stupid comments.

Mic drop

He was correct, those jobs have not come back. We have created other jobs, but those jobs have not come back. Carrier is still making their stuff in Mexico and not Indy

1,000 new manufacturing jobs a month because of trump lol

Poor liberals hahaha

It hurts I know!

Been happening for 7 years try and keep up.

View attachment 272133

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Sorry buddy
Every serious economist says trump policy is what’s driving the economy. Sorry buddy.. if you ever get hired as a economist I’ll look out for your opinion
Who is saying it and what policy?

Don't assume that I disagree with you.

Every one
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Go get me a sandwich lol
Somehow you strutting around here waving your pencil dick just isn’t impressing me.
First you whine that didn't provide context. Then when I show I did, you get vulgar.

You're not alone, of course.

You guys are cowards.
The main point of my first post wasn’t context. It was me saying you’re pretty much a dick for doing such a thing. You run around here preaching your moral superiority daily, You sure don’t live it.

So is it ok if I pull some of your posts.
Make a new thread of it.
Don’t say a damn thing but just ask for opinions.

Would that be an asshole thing to do?
I think that would be an asshole thing to do.
because he's an asshole, that's why. I suppose we could make a thread ask everyone to post if they think mac's an asshole. those who complain are therefore his ass kissers.
Who is saying it and what policy?

Don't assume that I disagree with you.

Every one
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Go get me a sandwich lol
See. That wasn't so hard. Why did you resist? I caused you to make a more convincing argument.


Every one
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Go get me a sandwich lol
See. That wasn't so hard. Why did you resist? I caused you to make a more convincing argument.


nothing personal, but that's pathetic.
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Go get me a sandwich lol
See. That wasn't so hard. Why did you resist? I caused you to make a more convincing argument.


nothing personal, but that's pathetic.

He said that "everybody" agrees that Trump's policies are super-duper sweet. I just asked him to back it up (and even told him that I didn't necessarily disagree). He was making an argument without support, which is, in essence, the reason this thread got so hostile and out of control.

Every one
Do you have some examples? That's kind of vague.

There is nothing wrong with asking for some sort of reference. I was just asking so I could be informed. I wasn't demanding proof as a means of disproving your point. I know a lot of "economists" are closet commies who do nothing but defend leftist spending policies as "economically sound" and we're supposed to accept that as gospel truth because they are "experts."

Read what I wrote, if you want to prove me wrong feel free I wish you luck
Well, now you're shifting the burden of proof to someone other than the person making the claim. That's not fair.

I can't prove a negative. It's impossible.

That's like "prove that God does not exist." How can anyone prove that without being omnipresent in the universe or actually taking a picture or video?

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Go get me a sandwich lol
See. That wasn't so hard. Why did you resist? I caused you to make a more convincing argument.


Because like I said you are deranged,, every one knows trump is the greatest.. why waste my time.. but I’m glad I could inform you
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Two things, official unemployment during true Hussein went “down” simply because they stopped counting people that gave up looking for a job after two years. If you look at the percentage of population in the workforce, it dropped drastically during his reign.

It only started to creep up for the better when Dems were thrown out of Congress and the Hussein became a lame duck.
There was no change in the BLS how they calculated the unemployment rate. It was the same under Obama as it was under Bush as it is now under Trump.
Correct, however the workforce participation rate is different.
Yes, for reasons such as baby boomers retiring and a massive recession.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Two things, official unemployment during true Hussein went “down” simply because they stopped counting people that gave up looking for a job after two years. If you look at the percentage of population in the workforce, it dropped drastically during his reign.

It only started to creep up for the better when Dems were thrown out of Congress and the Hussein became a lame duck.
There was no change in the BLS how they calculated the unemployment rate. It was the same under Obama as it was under Bush as it is now under Trump.
Correct, however the workforce participation rate is different.
Yes, for reasons such as baby boomers retiring and a massive recession.

Retirees don’t get counted in the participation rates, only working age adults.

Try again.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.
This is a post from another thread.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.


Two things, official unemployment during true Hussein went “down” simply because they stopped counting people that gave up looking for a job after two years. If you look at the percentage of population in the workforce, it dropped drastically during his reign.

It only started to creep up for the better when Dems were thrown out of Congress and the Hussein became a lame duck.
There was no change in the BLS how they calculated the unemployment rate. It was the same under Obama as it was under Bush as it is now under Trump.
Correct, however the workforce participation rate is different.
Yes, for reasons such as baby boomers retiring and a massive recession.

Retirees don’t get counted in the participation rates, only working age adults.

Try again.
Which is why the labor force participation rate dropped as they began retiring in huge numbers.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
What you provide is FauxNooz, Rush Limbaugh, rolled up bullshit that can infer that the 98+% of US citizens that have been screwed by the policies of both parties are doing okee dokey.
That ship, the SS Bullshit, has sank.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

Hey, lookie 2014 this place had a 95.2% occupancy rate and was going through a 100,000 sqft expansion. And Trump was not even POTUS yet. How is that possible?

You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
What you provide is FauxNooz, Rush Limbaugh, rolled up bullshit that can infer that the 98+% of US citizens that have been screwed by the policies of both parties are doing okee dokey.
That ship, the SS Bullshit, has sank.

I provide hard, cold data. you provide stories about relatives that may or may not even exist.

you have never once, ever, backed up a thing you have claimed.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

Hey, lookie 2014 this place had a 95.2% occupancy rate and was going through a 100,000 sqft expansion. And Trump was not even POTUS yet. How is that possible?

View attachment 272161
And was losing tenants every 3 months.
The tenants were signing 3 month contracts because the economy was so bad.
I know because my job requires me to know.
It was horrible seeing all the money invested in store spaces being lost.
You are very good at presenting rolled-up data.
I understand you don’t belong to a community or have any friends or family who do.
Perhaps you should evaluate yourself the way most other people evaluate you.
You have some severe emotional and mental issues.

Not my problem.

I provide data, you provide made up stories about family members that may or not may exist.

This is an internet forum, your "community" whatever that may be is meaningless. If you cannot back up what you claim, then you are just telling made up stories.

I evaluate myself the way people that matter to me evaluate me. My family and friends and co-workers and boss. I do not give a flying fuck what some mindless partisan on the internet thinks about me.

You are nothing but a fraud, never supporting any claim you made, always pointing to some family member or somebody else as if you have never actually done anything for yourself in your whole life.
I laugh at you because the information, If available, is at your fingertips, and yet the only time you will search for anything is to prove Trump is a failure.

Heck, all you have to do is look up Roosevelt Field at Carle Place, but I’m betting you won’t.

I gave you information, you ignore it and ramble on about some unknown relative.

A mall that has been around since 1956 is your proof that Trump completely changed the face of commercial real estate just by getting elected?

Wow, that is pathetic even by your standards.

By the way, I have never said Trump was a failure, just that he is not a god that you people make him out to be.
What you provide is FauxNooz, Rush Limbaugh, rolled up bullshit that can infer that the 98+% of US citizens that have been screwed by the policies of both parties are doing okee dokey.
That ship, the SS Bullshit, has sank.

I provide hard, cold data. you provide stories about relatives that may or may not even exist.

you have never once, ever, backed up a thing you have claimed.
Statistics are not data; they are data manipulated.
For instance, if you can show me 3 hoods being completely regutted under Obama, I’ll be impressed.
Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt are undergoing a reinessance, let alone Levittown, East Meadow and Bellmore.
People are spending and Americans are doing the work.

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