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Trump will bring down the Republican party

AND..., he, like Ronald Reagan will NOT wear sweats and T-shirt in the oval office, i believe he has too much respect for the Oval Office, the office of president of the United States of America the White House and the United States of America!!

as we have seen in in the past and present demoscum presidents have desecrated the entire building. :up:
The 'fumigation crew' is getting ready to go through the White house inch by inch.
We can only hope the Obama's take those fucking 'African' Zebra curtains with them.
I think after Obama leaves they'll have to repaint everything and change the carpet to get rid of the smell of Mary Jane.
well the bush stink is still there so turn around is fair play
8 years?

Give me a break.

That stank is all Michelle and Barack puffing on crack. Obama is busy releasing drug traffickers from prison.....so he'll have a connection.

Obama Releases Drug Traffickers from Prison, More Americans Die from Drug-Overdoses - Breitbart
Instead of bashing Hillary and the guy who brought America back from the republican bush cesspool ,why not give Obama your gratitude, your heartfelt thanks for keeping us safer than the moron did and not getting us into any BS war???

Not getting us into any "BS war"? The Middle East is on fire from the East Coast of Africa all the way to Afghanistan plus Russia, China, and North Korea are all threatening us due too weak impotent Lame Duck President Obama.

Obviously, you avoided reading that President Obama and Vice President Obama took credit for the great victory in Iraq. Here, allow me to refresh your memory. Oh, you won't find it on the DailyKOS, The Nation or any others on your Favorites list.

Clinton also said Bush should not be faulted if banned weapons of mass destruction aren't found.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….

The people have become uppity and the political ruling class are shitting their pants.
the old bitter white christians are shitting their pants with the demographic shift , white christers now down to 46 percent of the population in 2015 down from 55 percent in 2007 and every year dropping even more, numbers for 2016 not in yet, maybe down to 42 percent now and dropping, they cannot win without some minority support , women and younger people. time and numbers not on the republicans side, let's not forget the large electoral blue states with larger populations
oh one of very low IQ, no one said humans came from monkeys but we do have a common ancestor 98% DNA match

So you believe this is how the earth and all these wonders were created. Good for you!


If Donald wins the general election and does as poorly as most (rational) people assume he will do...then we will be looking at our first, serious three-party election in 2020 in over a century.
I think Trump has 0% chance of winning the general.
But a three party system may come out of the mess he is creating for Republicans.
That would be a good thing.
I actually give Trump a decent shot at winning...maybe somewhere around 40%. I think that most Americans are tired with how politicians in Washington act...and he looks to be going against probably the best example of a dirty Washington politician, Hillary. Now, I'm not saying that Trump is a good candidate by any means, but I also see how some people have legitimate reasons to support him.
Hill is a dirty politician?? Corrupt too?? That's just republicans throwing more crap against the wall hoping to get something to stick Trump on his best day is a scumbag and he gives scumbags a bad name
I actually give Trump a decent shot at winning...maybe somewhere around 40%. I think that most Americans are tired with how politicians in Washington act...and he looks to be going against probably the best example of a dirty Washington politician, Hillary. Now, I'm not saying that Trump is a good candidate by any means, but I also see how some people have legitimate reasons to support him.
Hill is a dirty politician?? Corrupt too?? That's just republicans throwing more crap against the wall hoping to get something to stick Trump on his best day is a scumbag and he gives scumbags a bad name
Either you aren't paying attention to the elections or you are just trolling. You do realize that Bernie and almost all independent media sources echo the same thing. Or are you calling Sanders a Republican or something?

Now I am not saying Trump is a good guy, but I feel it best to have an earnest picture of the candidates rather than a convoluted one.
Can we start off with 4 bankruptcy's and 3 wives and 1000's he hurt when dealing with him and his team of lawyers?

As you know, Donald Trump has never declared bankruptcy. Do believe that he WANTED those companies to go bankrupt? Yes, people were hurt. How many people were HELPED by all of his successful businesses or does that not matter? Our founding fathers considered the ability to declare bankruptcy was so important to the growth of America that it is included in out Constitution. How many cities have declared bankruptcy and did GM not declare bankruptcy as well? That was AFTER President Obama told us that the purpose of his mammoth bailout for they and Chrysler was to PREVENT them from going into bankruptcy was it not?

He's had, three wives. How does that impair his ability to run the country?

Former President Bill Clinton committed sexual assault and rape. Did that not place the country in far more danger due to Clinton exposing himself to blackmail? Hillary Clinton headed up the Bimbo Eruption Assault Team and led the payoffs to the list of Bill's conquests. Are three marriages worse than a string of women leading all the way back to his time as Gov. of Arkansaw?
Of course Trump declared bankruptcy

Four separate times...

  • Trump Taj Mahal (1991)
  • Trump Plaza Hotel (1992)
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004)
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)


Do you know the definition of a corporation? Have you ever owned any? I mean other than owning stock in Conoco/Phillips, Home Depot or stock in a retirement fund.

DONALD TRUMP has never declared bankruptcy.

Who has created many thousands of jobs over DECADES? Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump.
As you know, Donald Trump has never declared bankruptcy. Do believe that he WANTED those companies to go bankrupt? Yes, people were hurt. How many people were HELPED by all of his successful businesses or does that not matter? Our founding fathers considered the ability to declare bankruptcy was so important to the growth of America that it is included in out Constitution. How many cities have declared bankruptcy and did GM not declare bankruptcy as well? That was AFTER President Obama told us that the purpose of his mammoth bailout for they and Chrysler was to PREVENT them from going into bankruptcy was it not?

He's had, three wives. How does that impair his ability to run the country?

Former President Bill Clinton committed sexual assault and rape. Did that not place the country in far more danger due to Clinton exposing himself to blackmail? Hillary Clinton headed up the Bimbo Eruption Assault Team and led the payoffs to the list of Bill's conquests. Are three marriages worse than a string of women leading all the way back to his time as Gov. of Arkansaw?
Of course Trump declared bankruptcy

Four separate times...

  • Trump Taj Mahal (1991)
  • Trump Plaza Hotel (1992)
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004)
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)

Wrong. Businesses that he had a stake in declared bankruptcy. He never declared himself personally bankrupt.
Moron. Trump Corporation, of which Donald Trump is (and was during all 4 of those bankruptcies) president and CEO, filed those bankruptcies. Trump Corporation was also the largest stake holder in each of those when bankruptcy was filed.

Hope it was worth it...


Trump corporation didn't declare bankruptcy. That's all the matters.

One thing Trump didn't do is make taxpayers and bond holders foot the bill for bankrupt union pension plans, which is what Obama and GM did.
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.

How about the FACT of the matter is that the OFFICE OF PRESIDENT is an EXECUTIVE office.

Our government is made up of three branches. Here I thought you had taken Civics in high school. Believe it or not, we have the Legislative, Judicial and EXECUTIVE branches. That is the reason former Governors usually make better Presidents than Congressmen. They have experience with surrounding themselves with competent people with specialties in the areas needed. Then they MANAGE THEM.

Hang around, I'm here to help you!
Of course Trump declared bankruptcy

Four separate times...

  • Trump Taj Mahal (1991)
  • Trump Plaza Hotel (1992)
  • Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004)
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)

Wrong. Businesses that he had a stake in declared bankruptcy. He never declared himself personally bankrupt.
Moron. Trump Corporation, of which Donald Trump is (and was during all 4 of those bankruptcies) president and CEO, filed those bankruptcies. Trump Corporation was also the largest stake holder in each of those when bankruptcy was filed.

Hope it was worth it...


Trump corporation didn't declare bankruptcy. That's all the matters.

One thing Trump didn't do is make taxpayers and bond holders foot the bill for bankrupt union pension plans, which is what Obama and GM did.
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.

How about the FACT of the matter is that the OFFICE OF PRESIDENT is an EXECUTIVE office.

Our government is made up of three branches. Here I thought you had taken Civics in high school. Believe it or not, we have the Legislative, Judicial and EXECUTIVE branches. That is the reason former Governors usually make better Presidents than Congressmen. They have experience with surrounding themselves with competent people with specialties in the areas needed. Then they MANAGE THEM.

Hang around, I'm here to help you!
Govs like the moron bush gov of texas whose gov can play golf all day and the lakeys run the place?
hey bri Talking about looting Reagan tripled our debt gwb doubled it Did you complain then?? If so I can listen to you now

That helps a bit at understanding the Progressive mindset.

So the DEBT under President Reagan increased from #1 TRILLION TO $2.6 TRILLION. An increase of $1.6 TRILLION. (You missed that President Reagan also doubled the income due to tax cuts over the decade) President George Bush increased the DEBT from $5.6 TRILLION to $10 TRILLION, an increase of $4.4 TRILLION. Lame Duck President Obama has increased the DEBT from $10 TRILLION to, when he leaves office, $20 TRILLION. An increase of $10 TRILLION in only EIGHT YEARS.

Using your logic, if I increase the number of houses I sell in a year from 1 to 2, I have a 100% increase. If I increase my sales from 20 to 25 in a year, I had a 25% increase, in other words, in the Progressive world I had a much better year when I went from 1 to 2 sales in the year.

Got it!
hey bri Talking about looting Reagan tripled our debt gwb doubled it Did you complain then?? If so I can listen to you now

That helps a bit at understanding the Progressive mindset.

So the DEBT under President Reagan increased from #1 TRILLION TO $2.6 TRILLION. An increase of $1.6 TRILLION. (You missed that President Reagan also doubled the income due to tax cuts over the decade) President George Bush increased the DEBT from $5.6 TRILLION to $10 TRILLION, an increase of $4.4 TRILLION. Lame Duck President Obama has increased the DEBT from $10 TRILLION to, when he leaves office, $20 TRILLION. An increase of $10 TRILLION in only EIGHT YEARS.

Using your logic, if I increase the number of houses I sell in a year from 1 to 2, I have a 100% increase. If I increase my sales from 20 to 25 in a year, I had a 25% increase, in other words, in the Progressive world I had a much better year when I went from 1 to 2 sales in the year.

Got it!
How come you didn't mention the 8 or 9 tax increases under reagan and yes he did increase our debt and pub shut their big mouths then Now they open them Hypocrite
So let me guess, you are one of the "Anyone but Trump" mentality.
So if Trump is the GOP Candidate then you are voting for the Hildabeast.
You are correct; anybody but Trump.
He does not represent USA values
He represents American values more than any other person in the race.
Trump is the only candidate that will put America first and foremost.
An America of the white man, for the white man and by the white man.
Our founding Fathers came from countries that did not allow diversity. Many were members of a minority that were persecuted in the countries they came from.
We were founded as a country that would allow differences and welcome immigrants,
That is not Donald Trump.

It doesn't matter what happened 400 years ago. We have nothing to gain by admitting low priced labor from third world countries. That's the bottom line. The idea that we should screw ourselves for the sake of tradition is too idiotic for words to describe.
Your head is thinking like 400 years ago.
in the NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY makes the US compete with labor pools in Thailand, China, Vietnam, India etc.
If our labor is too high priced our goods will not be competitive.
We need to have a blended labor force that includes using some manufacturing off shore. We need to produce products in the USA that can support higher labor costs.
There are plenty of jobs today and in the future in the USA if you have the right skills.
Just voting for Sanders or Trump will not get you a job.

Specifically, what products can we produce that will support fifty percent higher labor costs?

Our government schools are a massive failure. Kids graduate without a basic education just so their feelings won't be hurt. When the wrongfully graduated high school students enter college, the majority have to take remedial courses because they do not belong in college.

What is your solution for a far more effective school system? Should students be allowed to obtain loans for majors which will not even pay them enough to repay their loans? Why do you not demand that not all students are a good fit for college and instead seek a high paying trade education?
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

Horseshit. Businesses go bankrupt for many reasons other than the skill or competence of the owner. For instance, GM and Chrysler went bankrupt because the UAW drove them into the ground. Border's books went bankrupt because of the internet. Many brick and mortar retailers are going bankrupt because of the internet.

See, that's how the market works: consumer preferences change, and technology changes, which makes many businesses become obsolete. There's no longer a demand for their product. A smart person who isn't ideological driven understands this, but a douche bag who is ignorant of economics claims bankruptcy occurs only because of incompetence.
There are legitimate bankruptcies but the vast majority can be traced to incompetence or lack of a moral compass.
I am not counting chapter 11. I am talking about chapter 7 , full bankruptcy which Trump used.

Under "full bankruptcy" the assets are liquidated. The company doesn't exist after it's over. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Briputz said
Under "full bankruptcy" the assets are liquidated. The company doesn't exist after it's over. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about.[/QUOTE]
Elmer responds
You know nothing about business or bankruptcy. I would call you an idiot but I do not want to hurt your feelings.
A corporation owes $1,000,000 and has $100,000 in assets, the creditors receive $1 for every $10 owed. The creditors are screwed. Who cares if the corporation is gone.
The majority of corporations are owned by 1 person. The person is free and the creditors are left holding the bag. Corporations are a way of protecting individuals from liability. It is needed but too many take advantage of the law like DONALD TRUMP.
You are correct; anybody but Trump.
He does not represent USA values
He represents American values more than any other person in the race.
Trump is the only candidate that will put America first and foremost.
An America of the white man, for the white man and by the white man.
Our founding Fathers came from countries that did not allow diversity. Many were members of a minority that were persecuted in the countries they came from.
We were founded as a country that would allow differences and welcome immigrants,
That is not Donald Trump.

It doesn't matter what happened 400 years ago. We have nothing to gain by admitting low priced labor from third world countries. That's the bottom line. The idea that we should screw ourselves for the sake of tradition is too idiotic for words to describe.
Your head is thinking like 400 years ago.
in the NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY makes the US compete with labor pools in Thailand, China, Vietnam, India etc.
If our labor is too high priced our goods will not be competitive.
We need to have a blended labor force that includes using some manufacturing off shore. We need to produce products in the USA that can support higher labor costs.
There are plenty of jobs today and in the future in the USA if you have the right skills.
Just voting for Sanders or Trump will not get you a job.

Specifically, what products can we produce that will support fifty percent higher labor costs?

Our government schools are a massive failure. Kids graduate without a basic education just so their feelings won't be hurt. When the wrongfully graduated high school students enter college, the majority have to take remedial courses because they do not belong in college.

What is your solution for a far more effective school system? Should students be allowed to obtain loans for majors which will not even pay them enough to repay their loans? Why do you not demand that not all students are a good fit for college and instead seek a high paying trade education?
you're building scarecrows only to knock them down Dems don't think everyone is a good fit for college and should be working towards jobs that will support them
You are correct; anybody but Trump.
He does not represent USA values
He represents American values more than any other person in the race.
Trump is the only candidate that will put America first and foremost.
An America of the white man, for the white man and by the white man.
Our founding Fathers came from countries that did not allow diversity. Many were members of a minority that were persecuted in the countries they came from.
We were founded as a country that would allow differences and welcome immigrants,
That is not Donald Trump.

It doesn't matter what happened 400 years ago. We have nothing to gain by admitting low priced labor from third world countries. That's the bottom line. The idea that we should screw ourselves for the sake of tradition is too idiotic for words to describe.
Your head is thinking like 400 years ago.
in the NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY makes the US compete with labor pools in Thailand, China, Vietnam, India etc.
If our labor is too high priced our goods will not be competitive.
We need to have a blended labor force that includes using some manufacturing off shore. We need to produce products in the USA that can support higher labor costs.
There are plenty of jobs today and in the future in the USA if you have the right skills.
Just voting for Sanders or Trump will not get you a job.

Specifically, what products can we produce that will support fifty percent higher labor costs?

Our government schools are a massive failure. Kids graduate without a basic education just so their feelings won't be hurt. When the wrongfully graduated high school students enter college, the majority have to take remedial courses because they do not belong in college.

What is your solution for a far more effective school system? Should students be allowed to obtain loans for majors which will not even pay them enough to repay their loans? Why do you not demand that not all students are a good fit for college and instead seek a high paying trade education?

The strength of the USA economy, currently, is intellectual properties despite our educational failings. We have a huge challenge on our education. I do not have all the answers but I feel we need to build stronger villages around our children that will influence schooling. We cannot put all the pressure on schools for failings in other places in our society.
Technology, services, healthcare, will exppand
"The Donald" will bring down the Republican party.
If he is nominated, the majority of main stream, intellectual Republicans will not support him and the party will be split forever.
If Trump is not nominated as the Republican Presidential Nominee he will run as an independent and split the party.

The question is how will the Republican Party rebuild its self after the Trump disaster is over.
If Donald wins the general election and does as poorly as most (rational) people assume he will do...then we will be looking at our first, serious three-party election in 2020 in over a century.
I think Trump has 0% chance of winning the general.
But a three party system may come out of the mess he is creating for Republicans.
That would be a good thing.
So let me guess, you are one of the "Anyone but Trump" mentality.
So if Trump is the GOP Candidate then you are voting for the Hildabeast.
You are correct; anybody but Trump.
He does not represent USA values
Do the Clintons?
USA 'values' are based on the premise that if you work hard you can get ahead in life. Trump>Works Hard>Gets ahead in life.
Then when you have 'gotten ahead in life' you do what you can to help deserving people.
Trump has never had a drink. He has worked hard for decades. Through his hard work he has been able to hire thousands of people.
The only people the Clinton's ever hired were the fucking thugs who flew in the tons of cocaine for the Clintons back in AK when Bill Clinton was the governor.

In politics, an individuals values are not as important as the laws they push and the laws they eliminate.

Reagan was very accepting of all races but his politics hurt minorities.
LBJ appears to be a racist as a person but the laws he passed help minorities.
I think Trump has 0% chance of winning the general.
But a three party system may come out of the mess he is creating for Republicans.
That would be a good thing.
So let me guess, you are one of the "Anyone but Trump" mentality.
So if Trump is the GOP Candidate then you are voting for the Hildabeast.
You are correct; anybody but Trump.
He does not represent USA values

Please explain for us how he does NOT represent USA values.

Elmer thinks sucking on the government tit is an American value.
Elmer is a third generation welfare bum. Can't expect much else from him.
I will bet between my business and personal filing I paid more taxes this year than you made in the 3 best years of your working career.
"The Donald" will bring down the Republican party.
If he is nominated, the majority of main stream, intellectual Republicans will not support him and the party will be split forever.
If Trump is not nominated as the Republican Presidential Nominee he will run as an independent and split the party.

The question is how will the Republican Party rebuild its self after the Trump disaster is over.
Ted Cruz is destroying the GOP.

By going after the state primaries and bribing delegates he's exposing the shady underside of the election process.

At least the Democrats support their front runners regardless how fucked up they are. They aren't stabbing them in the back.

Ted Cruz is a low-life scumbag.

I agree that Cruz is bad for the Republicans also
Moron. Trump Corporation, of which Donald Trump is (and was during all 4 of those bankruptcies) president and CEO, filed those bankruptcies. Trump Corporation was also the largest stake holder in each of those when bankruptcy was filed.

Hope it was worth it...


Trump corporation didn't declare bankruptcy. That's all the matters.

One thing Trump didn't do is make taxpayers and bond holders foot the bill for bankrupt union pension plans, which is what Obama and GM did.
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?
Trump corporation didn't declare bankruptcy. That's all the matters.

One thing Trump didn't do is make taxpayers and bond holders foot the bill for bankrupt union pension plans, which is what Obama and GM did.
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?
With those bankruptcies how many did he screw? Hes an expert at using other peoples money
Trump corporation didn't declare bankruptcy. That's all the matters.

One thing Trump didn't do is make taxpayers and bond holders foot the bill for bankrupt union pension plans, which is what Obama and GM did.
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?

Most businessmen who are as large as Trump and have created as many or more jobs than Trump have never declared bankruptcy.
But I will agree that Trump has net positive effect on the economy but if we want a President who is a good business person there are many that are much better than Trump.
The people have become uppity and the political ruling class are shitting their pants.
the old bitter white christians are shitting their pants with the demographic shift , white christers now down to 46 percent of the population in 2015 down from 55 percent in 2007 and every year dropping even more, numbers for 2016 not in yet, maybe down to 42 percent now and dropping, they cannot win without some minority support , women and younger people. time and numbers not on the republicans side, let's not forget the large electoral blue states with larger populations
oh one of very low IQ, no one said humans came from monkeys but we do have a common ancestor 98% DNA match

So you believe this is how the earth and all these wonders were created. Good for you!


So what existed before God?
My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?
With those bankruptcies how many did he screw? Hes an expert at using other peoples money

Why would a tick on the ass of society like you object to using other people's money? How many people has the federal government screwed?
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My own two cents, who gives a shit whether or not he has declared bankruptcy? Declaring bankruptcy is not necessarily an indication of being a bad business man...in fact, in pretty much any sort of realistic viewpoint, Trump is a FANTASTIC business man.

Unfortunately, the presidential seat is a political office, not a business position. Bankruptcy or no, it is an irrelevant matter.
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?

Most businessmen who are as large as Trump and have created as many or more jobs than Trump have never declared bankruptcy.
But I will agree that Trump has net positive effect on the economy but if we want a President who is a good business person there are many that are much better than Trump.
In the times we are living in I'd like someone with experience in foreign affairs No one but hillary fits the bill
A bunch of idiots who have never owned a business.
As a small business owner, one of my major clients going bankrupt and not paying me is more damaging and threatening to my business than any taxes paid even if Sanders were President.
Well it is clear you didn't start your own business. Every successful entrepreneur I've talked to tells me that losing money, closing business ventures, even going bankrupt, is all pretty much par for the course. Are you going to sit here and tell me that McDonald's, Wal-Mart, or any other major corporation I can think of is an utter failure because they have ALL started ventures, opened franchises, or explored different markets and have failed in doing so at one time or another?

As is, it sounds like you don't even have a hand in any sort of business if you don't think that failing is simply part of the game.

Bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses. Bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people who do not know how to manage money or slime buckets who use bankruptcy to stiff others for their mistakes. We know where Trump falls.
Failure is part of business but failure usually does not include bankruptcy.

I agree, bankruptcy is not par for the course for businesses.

However, it is so vitally important for businesses AND individuals that the ability to declare bankruptcy was included in our US Constitution.

To say that bankruptcies are usually brought on by very unskilled business people is in error. Someone without a solid business plan, will not be able to get a business loan to even start a business.

The 2007-2008 housing/mortgage/financial collapse caused millions of people to declare bankruptcy. Many through absolutely no fault of their own.

Four of Donald Trump's companies declared bankruptcy. How many have not and how many jobs has he created?
With those bankruptcies how many did he screw? Hes an expert at using other peoples money

Why would a tick on the ass of society like object to using other people's money? How many people has the federal government screwed?

How many people has the US Government helped.
The problem is they spend way too much money doing so.
They have screwed a few too.

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