Understanding Christianity

I think it's interesting that religious folks always site the divine intervention that saved their lives but fail to explain the exact situation.
Your friend's grave can be visited for proof, and I can ask other people about this person's personality... your god, not so much.

Ever hear of scattering ashes.... You can ask others about her personality, but that will not prove that we actually did what I present. They weren't around. But enough. I am certain you understand my point. People down through the ages, and people currently living, have had experiences of God and are willing to stand up and say so despite scoffers who only scoff because they personally require physical proof from God.

To what end?
You can't blame me for you not being able to explain it. If you can't explain it, you should have just said that. I would have said, "Okay". But, I have to point out, , we've kind of drifted away from your idea that a true thinking person knows when he has "an experience of god". It sees to me a thinking person could explain that to another person.

And, worth noting: Human beings are notorious for being easily fooled, and for fooling themselves. Anyone can be fooled, and anyone can fool themselves. You, me, anybody. So, anyone can sometimes lose the ability to tell the difference between imaginary and real. That being the case, your conditional statement, "If you don't know how you know something, or someone, or whether something is dream or imagination or reality...." can sometimes be applied to everyone, including you. Perhaps we could apply it to your "experience of god"? Maybe you were fooled?

You are over thinking this. I know I am at a desk because I am at a desk. I know when I am awake, when am dreaming, when I am imagining things, etc. I presume this is true of most people.

No, I was not fooled. Not surprised you would come to that conclusion as it seems the "Go to" line for some militant non-believers. Keep in mind, however, a conclusion can also be the point where someone stops thinking/considering all possibilities. In your case, your conclusion is, "It can't be God because I don't believe there is a God--therefore the person must have been fooled."

" I know I am at a desk because I am at a desk. "

No, that does not follow, sorry. You know you are at a desk because you can see it and touch it and confirm with others that it is true. Other tomes, you may "know" you are at a desk, but it turns out you were dreaming or hallucinating.So, many things come together for you to "know" you are at a desk.

This is a lot harder than you thought, eh? All we have so far is that you "know" it was "an experience of god", because you "know " it. That is some very poor reasoning.
I think it's interesting that religious folks always site the divine intervention that saved their lives but fail to explain the exact situation.

Well, when one can claim he "knows" something only and totally "because he knows it", you can claim to know just about anything. I know unicorns exist, because I know they exist. So there.
Don't you find it a tad strange that NO ONE has ever come forward with real proof of your invisible god? Not. One. Shred.

It blows my mind how otherwise intelligent people expect to find physical proof of a spiritual being. It's like expecting a fish to walk on land. Science: Physical studies. Religion: Spiritual studies.
I think it's interesting that religious folks always site the divine intervention that saved their lives but fail to explain the exact situation.

Well, when one can claim he "knows" something only and totally "because he knows it", you can claim to know just about anything. I know unicorns exist, because I know they exist. So there.

Don't you find it a tad strange that NO ONE has ever come forward with real proof of your invisible god? Not. One. Shred.

It blows my mind how otherwise intelligent people expect to find physical proof of a spiritual being. It's like expecting a fish to walk on land. Science: Physical studies. Religion: Spiritual studies.

Very true. Once magic is entered into the idea, nothing can be proven or disproven. That's magic for ya!
Well, when one can claim he "knows" something only and totally "because he knows it", you can claim to know just about anything. I know unicorns exist, because I know they exist. So there.

Talking plants and now unicorns and magic. Can't help you.
Well, when one can claim he "knows" something only and totally "because he knows it", you can claim to know just about anything. I know unicorns exist, because I know they exist. So there.

Talking plants and now unicorns. Can't help you.
You haven't even tried. heck, you can't even explain how someone knows they have had an experience with god. If you can't even explain this simple idea, how do you intend to help ANYONE?
" I know I am at a desk because I am at a desk. "

No, that does not follow, sorry. You know you are at a desk because you can see it and touch it and confirm with others that it is true. Other tomes, you may "know" you are at a desk, but it turns out you were dreaming or hallucinating.So, many things come together for you to "know" you are at a desk.

This is a lot harder than you thought, eh? All we have so far is that you "know" it was "an experience of god", because you "know " it. That is some very poor reasoning.

You're still overthinking it...and being silly as well. Time to change the subject.
I think it's interesting that religious folks always site the divine intervention that saved their lives but fail to explain the exact situation.

When people don't really care, there is no point in taking the time.
" I know I am at a desk because I am at a desk. "

No, that does not follow, sorry. You know you are at a desk because you can see it and touch it and confirm with others that it is true. Other tomes, you may "know" you are at a desk, but it turns out you were dreaming or hallucinating.So, many things come together for you to "know" you are at a desk.

This is a lot harder than you thought, eh? All we have so far is that you "know" it was "an experience of god", because you "know " it. That is some very poor reasoning.

You're still overthinking it...and being silly as well. Time to change the subject.

Is this the standard defense? when asked to explain how someone "knows" they have had an "experience with god" ( a position YOU delineated hazily as "the true thinking man's position), you say, "because they know". And, when this bit of fallacy is scrutinized, that represents "over-thinking". Well, please, let me say, "mea culpa", as ANY thinking, apparently, is "over-thinking", here. But, how ironic that ANY thought on the matter is "over-thinking", yet it is the true thinking man's position. Your claims do not make a lick of sense, when placed next to each other.
You haven't even tried. heck, you can't even explain how someone knows they have had an experience with god. If you can't even explain this simple idea, how do you intend to help ANYONE?

I did explain it. I'm not trying to "help". My testimony is that God is, and that He loves us. Seek, knock, persevere. Or don't.
I think it's interesting that religious folks always site the divine intervention that saved their lives but fail to explain the exact situation.

When people don't really care, there is no point in taking the time.
"When people don't really care, there is no point in taking the time."

On the contrary, I DO care. I honestly want to know how so many otherwise intelligent, rational people can also believe what appear to be baseless, magical claims. I want to know how they can eschew evidence and decades of education to believe, for instance, that man came back from the dead, or cured blindness, or that men lived hundreds of years, or that apostates or gays deserve punishment or death. I am truly fascinated by this.
You haven't even tried. heck, you can't even explain how someone knows they have had an experience with god. If you can't even explain this simple idea, how do you intend to help ANYONE?

I did explain it. I'm not trying to "help". My testimony is that God is, and that He loves us. Seek, knock, persevere. Or don't.
"I did explain it."

You explained exactly nothing. i asked how one "knows" he has had "an experience of god". Your "explanation"? "Because he knows".

That, sir, is NOT an explanation. It's not even an attempt at an explanation.
On the contrary, I DO care. I honestly want to know how so many otherwise intelligent, rational people can also believe what appear to be baseless, magical claims. I want to know how they can eschew evidence and decades of education to believe, for instance, that man came back from the dead, or cured blindness, or that men lived hundreds of years, or that apostates or gays deserve punishment or death. I am truly fascinated by this.

(Highlights mine)

1. We are intelligent, period.
2. It is your assessment, not ours, that faith/belief is "baseless" and "magical."
3. The majority of Christians do not claim apostates or gays deserve punishment or death.

Seriously, we cannot reach people like you. You have no wish to learn about our beliefs--your wish is to tear down and destroy what you, yourself, do not understand. Finally you broad-brush all religion with what are both extremist and a minority view. This is like discussing bowling with someone who only understands football, and keeps asking about field goals.
On the contrary, I DO care. I honestly want to know how so many otherwise intelligent, rational people can also believe what appear to be baseless, magical claims. I want to know how they can eschew evidence and decades of education to believe, for instance, that man came back from the dead, or cured blindness, or that men lived hundreds of years, or that apostates or gays deserve punishment or death. I am truly fascinated by this.

(Highlights mine)

1. We are intelligent, period.
2. It is your assessment, not ours, that faith/belief is "baseless" and "magical."
3. The majority of Christians do not claim apostates or gays deserve punishment or death.

Seriously, we cannot reach people like you. You have no wish to learn about our beliefs--your wish is to tear down and destroy what you, yourself, do not understand. Finally you broad-brush all religion with what are both extremist and a minority view. This is like discussing bowling with someone who only understands football, and keeps asking about field goals.
1. We are intelligent, period.

*** yes, I said exaclty that. that is what fascinates me. it would not fascinate me if you weren't. No, it is not an expression of intellect to believe somethihng without evidence or which contradicts all the evidence. No, whether or not something IS evidence is NOT determined by whether or not you think it is.

2. It is your assessment, not ours, that faith/belief is "baseless" and "magical."

*** Correct, and you have failed badly at every opportunity to counter that idea. I remain unmoved.

3. The majority of Christians do not claim apostates or gays deserve punishment or death.

***Christianity is not the only religion, friend. And, actually, there were times when many Christians believed EXACTLY those things. what changed? Classical liberalism, secular government, scientific enlightenment.

You know, you can quit anytime. If you do not want to try to meet the challenge given to you, you can say so in a simple sentence, instead of equivocating for 10 posts.
"I did explain it."

You explained exactly nothing. i asked how one "knows" he has had "an experience of god". Your "explanation"? "Because he knows".

That, sir, is NOT an explanation. It's not even an attempt at an explanation.

Look, I cannot give you what you want. You want me to tell you to show up on Fourth and Main streets at 2:30 p.m., and God will be there for you to take a selfie with Him.


I said again and again, people have to do their own search. No one can do the search for you. I assure you, when/if you have an experience of God, you will know it--the same way you know whether you are awake, dreaming, talking, silent, blinking, or hiccuping. The same way you say, "That was a dream" you will be able to say, "That was God."

Again, my experiences or useless to you. Yours may be entirely different. If you are interested in God, then go seek Him. Seeking me doesn't do anything particularly useful. Seek Him.
"I did explain it."

You explained exactly nothing. i asked how one "knows" he has had "an experience of god". Your "explanation"? "Because he knows".

That, sir, is NOT an explanation. It's not even an attempt at an explanation.

Look, I cannot give you what you want. You want me to tell you to show up on Fourth and Main streets at 2:30 p.m., and God will be there for you to take a selfie with Him.


I said again and again, people have to do their own search. No one can do the search for you. I assure you, when/if you have an experience of God, you will know it--the same way you know whether you are awake, dreaming, talking, silent, blinking, or hiccuping. The same way you say, "That was a dream" you will be able to say, "That was God."

Again, my experiences or useless to you. Yours may be entirely different. If you are interested in God, then go seek Him. Seeking me doesn't do anything particularly useful. Seek Him.
"Look, I cannot give you what you want. "

Then you should have said that. When I asked, "how does one know he has had an experience of God?", you should have said, "I have no idea and cannot explain it to you.", instead of trying to put a tuxedo on a turd.
You know, you can quit anytime. If you do not want to try to meet the challenge given to you, you can say so in a simple sentence, instead of equivocating for 10 posts.

Shrug. You are not a challenge. I am not equivocating and you can't even grasp that much. I'm wondering how many times I need to keep repeating myself. That is up to you.

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