What Do Centrists Stand For?

I'm of the view, and I've repeated it often around here, because it's blatantly observable when you read or listen to people out in the GP, that so-called ''moderates '' are the single biggest threat to the cause of Individual liberty in America today simply because they tend to consistently just be okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both sides of the party-of-one.

Moderates and Independents pick our Presidents
Always have
Moderates and Independents pick our Presidents
Always have



The thing is...and that's kind of why I pasted that bit of history there...is that the establishment sees so-called ''moderates'' as a kind of gauge, or, a more suited term, a kind of ''stalking horse'' to see just how much usurpation the truly independent will take from the party-of-one before they snap collectively.

And they're really reving it up; people can deny their own eyes if they so willfully choose, but they are. It's just a fact. The entire country is in decay. Morally. Financially. The establishment is invested in it being this way. And staying that way until they're 1 - comfortable passing the baton off to the commies who said zat zey haz already peneetrated zee cabeenets anyway, or...2 - Do the exact same thing, except ride it out and stir up the natives as a bonus, til it all crashes...and it will...and then bring in men with guns from the government, then pass off the baton to the commies. The next forever war, clearly, has gradually become, is now and will be for the foreseeable future, against the American patriot. And ultimately the very fabric of the Republic.

I don't necessarily blame so-called ''moderates'' collectively, because the fact of the matter is that the wole process has been wittled down to a glorified political football game, highlighted by meaningless political catch phrases and arrow icons. Two sentences and a link, man. That's where we are now. lolol...
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We're always hearing the Democrats are too far left and Republicans are too far right. We're told we need a third party that is centrist. To me centrists are people who don't believe in anything except compromise. So here's your chance to change my mind. What do centrists really stand for?
Our country was founded based on compromise. Have you ever read the history of our nation.
The structure of our government was based on a compromise that created the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. How can Americans not know this.
That is why those on the far right and the far left, who will not compromise, will bring our country down People like you.

The compromise created the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
No idea what you are babbling about

Bah. You know what I'm talking about. Get real, RWer. You're not stupid. lol.

But that kind of rubber stamped response, which you also know...which is why you threw it out there like that, lol... is naturally the one you'd get, collectively speaking, from the majority of so-called ''moderates''

Do you see why the party-of-one wants more of them? Like I said. Two sentences and a link, man.

"Shut Up!! Listen!!"

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We're always hearing the Democrats are too far left and Republicans are too far right. We're told we need a third party that is centrist. To me centrists are people who don't believe in anything except compromise. So here's your chance to change my mind. What do centrists really stand for?
Why would anyone change your mind.

Independent voters will vote their issues and their impulses on a candidate.

Why is that a problem.
You forgot the very wealthy too. But let me guess you will defend them.
The Theological Theater

Preppylovers believe there was a pre-life where God tested everybody. Those who got the highest score in absolute obedience were rewarded by being born rich. It's similar to the Hindu superstition that the rich were godly poor people in a previous incarnation.
Our country was founded based on compromise. Have you ever read the history of our nation.
The structure of our government was based on a compromise that created the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. How can Americans not know this.
That is why those on the far right and the far left, who will not compromise, will bring our country down People like you.

The compromise created the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
The anti-Federalists should never have compromised with the Federalists.
We don't have any policies that even come close to communism nor socialism. Those terms are puked out so much that people simply ignore. Thankfully a good percentage of people are apathetic about what goes on in DC. They just wake up, toil away at their lousy jobs, and go back home, drink a few, watch TV, and go to bed. Wash rinse repeat.

Karl Marx, in the Communist Manifesto, argued for a graduated income tax. The US has a graduated income tax.
"Centrist" isn't a real political term. In fact centrists don't even exist. It's impossible to take both sides in a political argument unless you are mentally impaired in some way. Politics is a complicated science and some politicians are willing to compromise and some aren't. Some voters might moderate their views on abortion and gun rights but nobody is in the center.

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