Why In Hell Are These Creeps Still Alive ?

Executions are a bit like flushing toilets. I am a strong believer in both.

Thank you for that thoughtful post with such insight and information.
You're welcome. If you have a flush toilet then use it. Trust me, it helps and you might get a better understanding of the metaphor.

I understand the metaphor just fine.

However, given that as many as 10,000 people are wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year, treating those convicted as fecal matter and "flushing" them does not seem to be a civilized action.
Thank you for that thoughtful post with such insight and information.
You're welcome. If you have a flush toilet then use it. Trust me, it helps and you might get a better understanding of the metaphor.

I understand the metaphor just fine.

However, given that as many as 10,000 people are wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year, treating those convicted as fecal matter and "flushing" them does not seem to be a civilized action.
If 10,000 people like Lockett were executed every year, then yes, flushing them would be appropriate indeed. Flushing toilets is indeed very civilized action.
The reason so many linger for so long on appeal after appeal is because prosecutors use their position as a jumping off spot for politics and misuse their positions to gain publicity and fame. They prosecute not for justice, but for publicity. Doing so make the prosecutions susceptible to appealable mistakes and faulty prosecutions. Those screw ups stay buried because the prosecutors become politicians and claims of their failed prosecutions get muddied and excused by claims that put the blame on the courts and judicial system in general or the legislature, bad laws, etc.
100% correct.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but it might have been correct, except for the JUSTICE factor and the CAPABILITY level of the prison system to accomplish these things. So far they haven't proven themselves to that degree, and even if they could get to that level, the whole thing crumbles because of one nagging factor that will always (unfortunately) be around >> CORRUPTION (which is especially problematic in cases of killers who have large amounts of money)

But some of you who think everything can be fixed, can roll right along in this thread with all the dreamy ideals you can envision. I'll stick with this from a professional who really knows the situation first-hand >> "On November 9, 1983 Associate U.S. Attorney General D. Lowell Jensen told a Senate subcommittee that it is impossible to punish or even deter such prison murders because, without a death sentence, a violent life-termer has free rein "to continue to murder as opportunity and his perverse motives dictate."

It's not impossible to stop or deter prison murders.
You just stop the corruption, ...stop the bad and corrupt people...and replace them with good people.
And, control the inmates properly.
And build more secure prisons, super, super, super max if necessary.

Unless one has 'dreamy ideals', what's the point of even getting out of bed?

Once upon a time the US Forces were segregated, Black People had to ride at the back of the bus, were slaves, and treated like dirt. Aboriginal People in Australia were classed by the govt as 'Flora and Fauna' and treated disgracefully [until the 1967 referendum].

The premeditated, cold-blooded killing of human beings by the state in death chambers is human rights abuse.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights is the 'dreamy ideal'.

No offense, but I'll go with what Associate U.S. Attorney General D. Lowell Jensen said about it.
"On November 9, 1983 Associate U.S. Attorney General D. Lowell Jensen told a Senate subcommittee that it is impossible to punish or even deter such prison murders because, without a death sentence, a violent life-termer has free rein "to continue to murder as opportunity and his perverse motives dictate."

Not if he's restrained.

Put him in one of those restraint chairs they have in the Portland jail, and put a bag over his head like they do...let's see him murder anyone then.
Then remove him from the chair and place him in a cell in a prison system only to a level where he cannot murder anyone...solitary confinement, shackles, pink cell, tv on the wall with video-link counselling sessions, etc...whatever it takes.

The govt is putting people on the Moon and Mars...I simply don't believe that safe and secure prisons cannot be built and run.
It's just a matter of wanting to.

This prescription sounds more cold and inhumane that the executions do.
If the killer is the focus of the deterrence not other potential killers, then your argument fails because if the killer serves a life sentence in stead of execution he will be a danger only to other convicted felons.

You really ARE incredibly dense, or just not willing to admit you've been proven wrong (FOUR times over) I just explained to you (in Post # 87) FOUR WAYS that convicted killers can kill again, if they're not executed. Let's go through it AGAIN until you get it, OK ?

1. Inmates kill other inmates.
2. Secondly, inmates order hits on free people outside the prison.
3. Thirdly, inmates sometimes escape and then kill again.
4. And fourth, in some really idiotic states, convicted killers are sentenced to less than life, are released, and then go out and kill again.


And just because a fellow inmate is in the prison having violating some rule of society, that doesn't mean it's OK for him to be a high risk for being killed. Some of them are there just for marijuana possession or prostitution (victimless crimes)

Note: Al Capone is thought to have ordered dozens of hits from his prison cells between 1931 and 1939, and being responsible for much of the killing that went on in the bloody 30s in Chicago. While these haven't been proved, anyone advancing the notion that this couldn't be true, would have been laughed out of the building. I saw a documentary about hits ordered from prisons, with gang leaders using CODE in their vetted letters. This is going on constantly as well as the use of contraband cell phones. You are very naive, but that's what happens if/whenever you only pay attention to anti-death penalty media. (ex. MSNBC)

Cell Phones Used to Call Up Hits From Prison - ABC News

Prison gang ordered hit on El Paso County judge | KDVR.com - Denver, Colorado News, Weather, Sports and more

Jodi Arias threatened hit on prosecutor, questioned why*he didn?t love her: report* - NY Daily News

Deadly ?cells? - Hits still being ordered from prisons - News - JamaicaObserver.com
Last year there were 39 execution for 1st degree murder. What we are discussing is substituting a life sentence for the death penalty, thus adding about 40 inmates a year to 2,000 convictions a year for 1st degree murder to a prison population that exceeds 1.5 million. Your contention that this will increase the murder rate is not supported by statistics, only your assumptions.

Murders arrange by prisoner do occur, but the numbers are very small and there is no indication that adding convicted murders will actual increase the number because of the few that have been prosecuted in the US most were ordered by people convicted of other crimes, not murder.

Multiple studies that have been completed since capital punishment was reinstated show that prisoners sentenced to life without parole do not pose any more threat to other prisoners or corrections personnel than do inmates in the general population, and in most cases “lifers” perpetrate fewer crimes in prison than those eligible for parole. In fact. lifers tend to be model prisoners and those convinced of armed robbery tend to be the worst.

url=http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-year]Executions by Year | Death Penalty Information Center[/url]

First of all. let me tell you something about "STUDIES" OK ? You are going to get absolutely nowhere with me, by going the "STUDIES" route. For every study that says wear green, there is another saying wear red. Everyone in this forum knows damn well that I could dredge up studies that show numbers contrary to yours, if I wished to take the time.
In addition, studies are very often nothing more than reflections of the agendas of the people who commission them to be done, and this is often shown to be obvious by the ludicrous conclusions they often arrive at (like the ones you're spouting off right here)
In further addition, the whole pile of crap you just attempted to snow everybody here with, was soundly refuted long ago in this thread in just 2 posts (#s 9 & 36) and YOU KNOW it.





While in prison in 2005, Anthony Kidd used a contraband cell phone to call his cousin Darrell Scott in Alabama. He ordered Scott to kill DeGrasse in retaliation for testifying against him, Kidd admitted in court.

Scott carried out the hit in March of that year, shooting DeGrasse three times in the head at close range while she sat in a car in Trenton waiting for him. Kidd had lured her to the location using the contraband phone, giving her the impression Scott was going to giver her money to smuggle to Kidd in prison.

Scott accepted a plea deal earlier this week that will send him to prison for 29 years.

Lots of time to order lots more killings.

1. On October 22, 1983 at the federal penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, two prison guards were murdered in two SEPARATE instances, by SEPARATE inmates, who were both serving life terms for previously murdering inmates.

2. In 1995, two death-row inmates at the Florida State Prison in Starke were killed by their fellow inmates.

3. Jack Henry Abbott, who had murdered a fellow prison inmate, was released early from a Utah prison. On July 18, 1981, six-weeks after his release, Abbott stabbed actor Richard Adan to death in New York.

4. Thomas Eugene Creech, who had been convicted of three murders and had claimed a role in more than 40 killings in 13 states as a paid killer for a motorcycle gang, killed a fellow prison inmate in 1981 and was sentenced to death.

5. Benny Lee Chaffin, on December 7, 1984 kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 9-year-old Springfield, Oregon girl. He had been convicted of murder once before in Texas, but not executed.

6. Jimmy Lee Gray -- who was free on parole from an Arizona conviction for killing a 16-year-old high school girl, kidnapped, sodomized, and suffocated a three-year-old Mississippi girl.

7. Samuel D. Smith -- in prison for murdering Zita Casey, 79, during a burglary in St. Louis in 1978. While in prison he murdered another inmate, Marlin May, during a knife fight in 1987 in prison.

8. Martsay Bolder -- Missouri. Serving a sentence of life for first-degree murder in 1973. Murdered prison cellmate 1979.

9. Randolph Dial -- Oklahoma. Life for murder 1986. Escaped from prison with deputy warden's wife as kidnap victim. 1989. Still at large. Warden's wife never found.

10. Randy Greenawalt -- Escaped from Prison in 1978, while serving a life sentence for a 1974 murder. He then murdered a family of 4 people, shotgunning them to death, including a toddler.

- NJ.com
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Rather than deterring murder, the death penalty in the United States may actually increasesthe violent crime rate. There are several studies that reveal an upsurge in murder has occurred in states and counties that reinstated capital punishment in the 1970s and 1980s. Cultures with high levels of violence and an inclination toward vengeance experience an increased murder rate following executions. I'm certainly not convinced but it's an interesting possibly.

You really ARE incredibly dense, or just not willing to admit you've been proven wrong (FOUR times over) I just explained to you (in Post # 87) FOUR WAYS that convicted killers can kill again, if they're not executed. Let's go through it AGAIN until you get it, OK ?

1. Inmates kill other inmates.
2. Secondly, inmates order hits on free people outside the prison.
3. Thirdly, inmates sometimes escape and then kill again.
4. And fourth, in some really idiotic states, convicted killers are sentenced to less than life, are released, and then go out and kill again.


And just because a fellow inmate is in the prison having violating some rule of society, that doesn't mean it's OK for him to be a high risk for being killed. Some of them are there just for marijuana possession or prostitution (victimless crimes)

Note: Al Capone is thought to have ordered dozens of hits from his prison cells between 1931 and 1939, and being responsible for much of the killing that went on in the bloody 30s in Chicago. While these haven't been proved, anyone advancing the notion that this couldn't be true, would have been laughed out of the building. I saw a documentary about hits ordered from prisons, with gang leaders using CODE in their vetted letters. This is going on constantly as well as the use of contraband cell phones. You are very naive, but that's what happens if/whenever you only pay attention to anti-death penalty media. (ex. MSNBC)

Cell Phones Used to Call Up Hits From Prison - ABC News

Prison gang ordered hit on El Paso County judge | KDVR.com - Denver, Colorado News, Weather, Sports and more

Jodi Arias threatened hit on prosecutor, questioned why*he didn?t love her: report* - NY Daily News

Deadly ?cells? - Hits still being ordered from prisons - News - JamaicaObserver.com
Last year there were 39 execution for 1st degree murder. What we are discussing is substituting a life sentence for the death penalty, thus adding about 40 inmates a year to 2,000 convictions a year for 1st degree murder to a prison population that exceeds 1.5 million. Your contention that this will increase the murder rate is not supported by statistics, only your assumptions.

Murders arrange by prisoner do occur, but the numbers are very small and there is no indication that adding convicted murders will actual increase the number because of the few that have been prosecuted in the US most were ordered by people convicted of other crimes, not murder.

Multiple studies that have been completed since capital punishment was reinstated show that prisoners sentenced to life without parole do not pose any more threat to other prisoners or corrections personnel than do inmates in the general population, and in most cases “lifers” perpetrate fewer crimes in prison than those eligible for parole. In fact. lifers tend to be model prisoners and those convinced of armed robbery tend to be the worst.

url=http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-year]Executions by Year | Death Penalty Information Center[/url]

Well there you go!
So, there's absolutely no excuse for the States continuing with their execution-homiciding of human beings.

Well there you go! Being just as much of an idiot as Flopper. There you go! :lol:
Rather than deterring murder, the death penalty in the United States may actually increasesthe violent crime rate. There are several studies that reveal an upsurge in murder has occurred in states and counties that reinstated capital punishment in the 1970s and 1980s. Cultures with high levels of violence and an inclination toward vengeance experience an increased murder rate following executions. I'm certainly not convinced but it's an interesting possibly.


You now know (if you read Post # 108) what you can do with all your illustrious "STUDIES". :lol: Funny thing about these "STUDIES". They all seem to defy logic. Ever notice that ? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Hey, you know what, Flopper ? I'm not convinced either. LOL.
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You really ARE incredibly dense, or just not willing to admit you've been proven wrong (FOUR times over) I just explained to you (in Post # 87) FOUR WAYS that convicted killers can kill again, if they're not executed. Let's go through it AGAIN until you get it, OK ?

1. Inmates kill other inmates.
2. Secondly, inmates order hits on free people outside the prison.
3. Thirdly, inmates sometimes escape and then kill again.
4. And fourth, in some really idiotic states, convicted killers are sentenced to less than life, are released, and then go out and kill again.


And just because a fellow inmate is in the prison having violating some rule of society, that doesn't mean it's OK for him to be a high risk for being killed. Some of them are there just for marijuana possession or prostitution (victimless crimes)

Note: Al Capone is thought to have ordered dozens of hits from his prison cells between 1931 and 1939, and being responsible for much of the killing that went on in the bloody 30s in Chicago. While these haven't been proved, anyone advancing the notion that this couldn't be true, would have been laughed out of the building. I saw a documentary about hits ordered from prisons, with gang leaders using CODE in their vetted letters. This is going on constantly as well as the use of contraband cell phones. You are very naive, but that's what happens if/whenever you only pay attention to anti-death penalty media. (ex. MSNBC)

Cell Phones Used to Call Up Hits From Prison - ABC News

Prison gang ordered hit on El Paso County judge | KDVR.com - Denver, Colorado News, Weather, Sports and more

Jodi Arias threatened hit on prosecutor, questioned why*he didn?t love her: report* - NY Daily News

Deadly ?cells? - Hits still being ordered from prisons - News - JamaicaObserver.com
Last year there were 39 execution for 1st degree murder. What we are discussing is substituting a life sentence for the death penalty, thus adding about 40 inmates a year to 2,000 convictions a year for 1st degree murder to a prison population that exceeds 1.5 million. Your contention that this will increase the murder rate is not supported by statistics, only your assumptions.

Murders arrange by prisoner do occur, but the numbers are very small and there is no indication that adding convicted murders will actual increase the number because of the few that have been prosecuted in the US most were ordered by people convicted of other crimes, not murder.

Multiple studies that have been completed since capital punishment was reinstated show that prisoners sentenced to life without parole do not pose any more threat to other prisoners or corrections personnel than do inmates in the general population, and in most cases “lifers” perpetrate fewer crimes in prison than those eligible for parole. In fact. lifers tend to be model prisoners and those convinced of armed robbery tend to be the worst.

url=http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-year]Executions by Year | Death Penalty Information Center[/url]

First of all. let me tell you something about "STUDIES" OK ? You are going to get absolutely nowhere with me, by going the "STUDIES" route. For every study that says wear green, there is another saying wear red. Everyone in this forum knows damn well that I could dredge up studies that show numbers contrary to yours, if I wished to take the time.
In addition, studies are very often nothing more than reflections of the agendas of the people who commission them to be done, and this is often shown to be obvious by the ludicrous conclusions they often arrive at (like the ones you're spouting off right here)
In further addition, the whole pile of crap you just attempted to snow everybody here with, was soundly refuted long ago in this thread in just 2 posts (#s 9 & 36) and YOU KNOW it.

Accused Labor Dept. lawyer found dead in D.C. jail - The Washington Post

Missouri man accused of killing jail cellmate - KansasCity.com

Death weighed for jail killer - Los Angeles Times

10 Infamous Prison Murders - Listverse

While in prison in 2005, Anthony Kidd used a contraband cell phone to call his cousin Darrell Scott in Alabama. He ordered Scott to kill DeGrasse in retaliation for testifying against him, Kidd admitted in court.

Scott carried out the hit in March of that year, shooting DeGrasse three times in the head at close range while she sat in a car in Trenton waiting for him. Kidd had lured her to the location using the contraband phone, giving her the impression Scott was going to giver her money to smuggle to Kidd in prison.

Scott accepted a plea deal earlier this week that will send him to prison for 29 years.

Lots of time to order lots more killings.

1. On October 22, 1983 at the federal penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, two prison guards were murdered in two SEPARATE instances, by SEPARATE inmates, who were both serving life terms for previously murdering inmates.

2. In 1995, two death-row inmates at the Florida State Prison in Starke were killed by their fellow inmates.

3. Jack Henry Abbott, who had murdered a fellow prison inmate, was released early from a Utah prison. On July 18, 1981, six-weeks after his release, Abbott stabbed actor Richard Adan to death in New York.

4. Thomas Eugene Creech, who had been convicted of three murders and had claimed a role in more than 40 killings in 13 states as a paid killer for a motorcycle gang, killed a fellow prison inmate in 1981 and was sentenced to death.

5. Benny Lee Chaffin, on December 7, 1984 kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 9-year-old Springfield, Oregon girl. He had been convicted of murder once before in Texas, but not executed.

6. Jimmy Lee Gray -- who was free on parole from an Arizona conviction for killing a 16-year-old high school girl, kidnapped, sodomized, and suffocated a three-year-old Mississippi girl.

7. Samuel D. Smith -- in prison for murdering Zita Casey, 79, during a burglary in St. Louis in 1978. While in prison he murdered another inmate, Marlin May, during a knife fight in 1987 in prison.

8. Martsay Bolder -- Missouri. Serving a sentence of life for first-degree murder in 1973. Murdered prison cellmate 1979.

9. Randolph Dial -- Oklahoma. Life for murder 1986. Escaped from prison with deputy warden's wife as kidnap victim. 1989. Still at large. Warden's wife never found.

10. Randy Greenawalt -- Escaped from Prison in 1978, while serving a life sentence for a 1974 murder. He then murdered a family of 4 people, shotgunning them to death, including a toddler.

- NJ.com
I doubt that I'm going to get anywhere with you regardless of what studies, statistics, or arguments I might present. A closed mind is about the hardest thing to open and I just don't have the time or patience.
The reason so many linger for so long on appeal after appeal is because prosecutors use their position as a jumping off spot for politics and misuse their positions to gain publicity and fame. They prosecute not for justice, but for publicity. Doing so make the prosecutions susceptible to appealable mistakes and faulty prosecutions. Those screw ups stay buried because the prosecutors become politicians and claims of their failed prosecutions get muddied and excused by claims that put the blame on the courts and judicial system in general or the legislature, bad laws, etc.

Very, very true. And one of the inexcusable things these worthless worms do is refuse to allow DNA testing, video evidence, or some kind of irrefutable evidence to be shown, to revisit a case on the proper footing. All because it would contradict the FALSE prosecution they engineered, even in cases where the convicted person is on death row.

There is one remedy that should be applied to these dirtbag, bad prosecutors >> :whip:
Last year there were 39 execution for 1st degree murder. What we are discussing is substituting a life sentence for the death penalty, thus adding about 40 inmates a year to 2,000 convictions a year for 1st degree murder to a prison population that exceeds 1.5 million. Your contention that this will increase the murder rate is not supported by statistics, only your assumptions.

Murders arrange by prisoner do occur, but the numbers are very small and there is no indication that adding convicted murders will actual increase the number because of the few that have been prosecuted in the US most were ordered by people convicted of other crimes, not murder.

Multiple studies that have been completed since capital punishment was reinstated show that prisoners sentenced to life without parole do not pose any more threat to other prisoners or corrections personnel than do inmates in the general population, and in most cases “lifers” perpetrate fewer crimes in prison than those eligible for parole. In fact. lifers tend to be model prisoners and those convinced of armed robbery tend to be the worst.

url=http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-year]Executions by Year | Death Penalty Information Center[/url]

First of all. let me tell you something about "STUDIES" OK ? You are going to get absolutely nowhere with me, by going the "STUDIES" route. For every study that says wear green, there is another saying wear red. Everyone in this forum knows damn well that I could dredge up studies that show numbers contrary to yours, if I wished to take the time.
In addition, studies are very often nothing more than reflections of the agendas of the people who commission them to be done, and this is often shown to be obvious by the ludicrous conclusions they often arrive at (like the ones you're spouting off right here)
In further addition, the whole pile of crap you just attempted to snow everybody here with, was soundly refuted long ago in this thread in just 2 posts (#s 9 & 36) and YOU KNOW it.

Accused Labor Dept. lawyer found dead in D.C. jail - The Washington Post

Missouri man accused of killing jail cellmate - KansasCity.com

Death weighed for jail killer - Los Angeles Times

10 Infamous Prison Murders - Listverse

While in prison in 2005, Anthony Kidd used a contraband cell phone to call his cousin Darrell Scott in Alabama. He ordered Scott to kill DeGrasse in retaliation for testifying against him, Kidd admitted in court.

Scott carried out the hit in March of that year, shooting DeGrasse three times in the head at close range while she sat in a car in Trenton waiting for him. Kidd had lured her to the location using the contraband phone, giving her the impression Scott was going to giver her money to smuggle to Kidd in prison.

Scott accepted a plea deal earlier this week that will send him to prison for 29 years.

Lots of time to order lots more killings.

1. On October 22, 1983 at the federal penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, two prison guards were murdered in two SEPARATE instances, by SEPARATE inmates, who were both serving life terms for previously murdering inmates.

2. In 1995, two death-row inmates at the Florida State Prison in Starke were killed by their fellow inmates.

3. Jack Henry Abbott, who had murdered a fellow prison inmate, was released early from a Utah prison. On July 18, 1981, six-weeks after his release, Abbott stabbed actor Richard Adan to death in New York.

4. Thomas Eugene Creech, who had been convicted of three murders and had claimed a role in more than 40 killings in 13 states as a paid killer for a motorcycle gang, killed a fellow prison inmate in 1981 and was sentenced to death.

5. Benny Lee Chaffin, on December 7, 1984 kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 9-year-old Springfield, Oregon girl. He had been convicted of murder once before in Texas, but not executed.

6. Jimmy Lee Gray -- who was free on parole from an Arizona conviction for killing a 16-year-old high school girl, kidnapped, sodomized, and suffocated a three-year-old Mississippi girl.

7. Samuel D. Smith -- in prison for murdering Zita Casey, 79, during a burglary in St. Louis in 1978. While in prison he murdered another inmate, Marlin May, during a knife fight in 1987 in prison.

8. Martsay Bolder -- Missouri. Serving a sentence of life for first-degree murder in 1973. Murdered prison cellmate 1979.

9. Randolph Dial -- Oklahoma. Life for murder 1986. Escaped from prison with deputy warden's wife as kidnap victim. 1989. Still at large. Warden's wife never found.

10. Randy Greenawalt -- Escaped from Prison in 1978, while serving a life sentence for a 1974 murder. He then murdered a family of 4 people, shotgunning them to death, including a toddler.

- NJ.com
I doubt that I'm going to get anywhere with you regardless of what studies, statistics, or arguments I might present. A closed mind is about the hardest thing to open and I just don't have the time or patience.

Try opening up YOUR mind to all the people who are being killed by NOT EXECUTED killers. Maybe when that body count gets high enough, and you realize YOU and your words are part of what's killing them, you might then begin to open YOUR MIND.
Ivan Milat...serial killer of back-packers, mostly foreign nationals.

Backpacker murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's housed in the Supermax prison...and is not killing anyone anymore;

[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EJFuYjwRys [/ame]

[ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VpCqwPyMJk [/ame]

No one is killing anyone in there.
Ivan Milat...serial killer of back-packers, mostly foreign nationals. He's housed in the Supermax prison...and is not killing anyone anymore;


No one is killing anyone in there.

When Dominic Stewart was found guilty this month (March 2012) of killing a fellow prisoner at the Supermax prison in Florence, he was already serving a life term for another murder.


In Colorado state prisons, 16 inmates were murdered by another prisoner from 2002 through 2010. In Colorado federal prisons, five homicides have been reported in the past seven years.


Federal prosecutors are already pursuing death sentences in the cases of Richard Santiago and Gary Watland. In 2005, Santiago and another inmate at the Supermax prison in Florence beat prisoner Manuel Torrez to death, prosecutors alleged. Video surveillance of the attack shows Santiago returned to kick Torrez several times after he was already down, according to court documents. Santiago has a record of assault and murder while in custody in Fresno, Calif.


In 2008, Watland stabbed inmate Mark James Baker in the neck with a metal shank while they played cards at Supermax, authorities say. Watland was serving a life term in prison for another murder at the time.



Have a nice evening.
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Ivan Milat...serial killer of back-packers, mostly foreign nationals.

Backpacker murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's housed in the Supermax prison...and is not killing anyone anymore;



No one is killing anyone in there.
While they're alive, you cannot guarantee that they will not escape, harm or kill others. While they're dead you can.

Flush the toilet.

We had parades...long ago...and prevailed, had the downunder states' death chambers abolished...

The death of Ronald Ryan - In Depth - theage.com.au

We remember Ryan now as an unlikely candidate for the gallows, a small-time crook whose sanctioned execution by the Victorian government of Liberal [Conservative] Premier Sir Henry Bolte caused a firestorm of community opposition, the scale and intensity of which dwarfs most modern-day protests.
It ensured that no government anywhere in the country would politically risk imposing the death penalty again. Victoria abolished the penalty in 1975. The last state to do so, Western Australia, abolished it in 1984.


...luckily...as Lindy Chamberlain would in later times most likely have been sentenced to death for murdering her baby Azaria at Uluru. [which she did not do, and was later released and paid compensaton.]
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We had parades...long ago...and prevailed, had the downunder states' death chambers abolished...

The death of Ronald Ryan - In Depth - theage.com.au

We remember Ryan now as an unlikely candidate for the gallows, a small-time crook whose sanctioned execution by the Victorian government of Liberal [Conservative] Premier Sir Henry Bolte caused a firestorm of community opposition, the scale and intensity of which dwarfs most modern-day protests.
It ensured that no government anywhere in the country would politically risk imposing the death penalty again. Victoria abolished the penalty in 1975. The last state to do so, Western Australia, abolished it in 1984.

...luckily...as Lindy Chamberlain would in later times most likely have been sentenced to death for murdering her baby Azaria at Uluru. [which she did not do, and was later released and paid compensaton.]

No mention of all the Australian murders having occured by non-executed murderers.

Deaths in prison custody

A total of 43 deaths occurred in prison custody in Australia in 2008–09. Across the jurisdictions:


New South Wales recorded 15 deaths;
Queensland recorded nine deaths;
Victoria recorded eight deaths;
South Australia recorded five deaths;
Western Australia recorded four deaths;
Tasmania recorded one death;
Australian Capital Territory recorded one death; and
no deaths were recorded in the Northern Territory (see Table 7).


A total of 58 deaths occurred in prison custody in Australia in 2009–10. Across the jurisdictions:
New South Wales recorded 21 deaths;
Queensland recorded 10 deaths;
Victoria recorded eight deaths;
Western Australia recorded eight deaths;
South Australia recorded five deaths;
Tasmania recorded three deaths;
the Northern Territory recorded two deaths; and
Australian Capital Territory recorded one death


A total of 58 deaths occurred in prison custody in Australia in 2010–11. Across the jurisdictions:

New South Wales recorded 20 deaths;
Queensland recorded 11 deaths;
Victoria recorded 10 deaths;
the Northern Territory recorded six deaths;
Western Australia recorded five deaths;
South Australia recorded four deaths;
Tasmania recorded two deaths

Deaths in custody in Australia to 30 June 2011 | Deaths in prison custody
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Australia's 'smiling assassin' killed in high security prison - Telegraph

Carl Williams, Australia's most notorious underworld killer, was supposed to be safe from assassination in prison.
Australia's 'smiling assassin' killed in high security prison.

But, locked in a maximum security section of a Victorian jail, he was bludgeoned over the head with the stem of an exercise bike by a fellow inmate. He later went into cardiac arrest and died.

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