WOW, Trump and his cronies are more DELUSIONAL than usual

Not only does the IG report exonerate Donald Trump, so does the Warren report on the JFK assassination, and the 1972 Knapp Commission on police corruption in New York City.

Even more convincingly, the apprehension of Swiper the Fox trying steal Dora the Explorer's backpack proves once and for all Donald Trump is an innocent man and that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
The IG report exonerates Trump by exposing Comey....but nice try.....
Mueller will have to take the IG report into consideration....Comey's actions may put Mueller's witch hunt to an end....
Nope, Trump fired Comey over the Russia investigation.

He specifically said that he would fire Comey regardless of Rosenstein's recommendation.

DONALD TRUMP: He made-- he made a recommendation, he's highly respected, very good guy, very smart guy, uh, the Democrats like him, the Republicans like him, uh, he made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.
Even if that was his only reason its not against the law...

I'll let Mueller decide that part, but we were not discussing here Trump's obstruction of justice - we were discussing the IG report as it relates to Comey's improper behavior. Right?

On that, IG report found no improper behavior from Comey to support Trump's claims about the Russia investigation. It exonerates NONE of Trump's claims.
Not only does the IG report exonerate Donald Trump, so does the Warren report on the JFK assassination, and the 1972 Knapp Commission on police corruption in New York City.

Even more convincingly, the apprehension of Swiper the Fox trying steal Dora the Explorer's backpack proves once and for all Donald Trump is an innocent man and that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.
The IG report exonerates Trump by exposing Comey....but nice try.....
I see you didn't read the report. Did you get your talking points from Hannity?

The IG report in no way exonerates Trump...but nice try...
The last couple of days are turning out to be like an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Here we have the moron-in-chief actually "claiming" that the IG report exonerates this idiot???......Really??......and the scummy Giuliani also backs him up??

Second, Trump claims that he "fixed" the NK nuclear threat by meeting with KJU....Is this idiot on drugs??......Does he think that praising a despot and saluting his general has made all those nukes just disappear?

Third, as this orange buffoon's campaign manager is facing jail time pending his trial for money-laundering, bank fraud, etc., Trump is basically claiming that he hardly knows Manafort???...........Really????

Fourth, cross-dresser, Giuliani is going on TV (Fox, of course) to declare that the Mueller investigation should be disbanded any good banana republic...the investigators should be sent to jail.....Fucking REALLY???

Fifth, we have the corrupt Pruitt, trying to justify his corruption by trying to fuck up our air, water and food for the sake of polluters' backing.......ITS INSANE !!!

WAKE UP Trump cultists this is YOUR future also.......This is turning out to be the worst administration since the Grant's one........Stop the kool-aid drinking.

It's only you that is delusional.

And this week, the delusions have been exceptional. No wonder, a historic Trump victory and a defeat for the swamp in form of the report. In this light you have nothing to do but bitch and moan... scream even louder than usual. Too bad no one is listening.
Nope, bullshit. Comey was not fired for screwing Hillary, he was fired for that Russia thing.

Thats not my opinion. That's what the guy who fired him - Trump, publicly stated.
Comey told Trump he was not the target of the investigation...when Trump told Comey to tell that to the media Comey refused...that was the final straw for Trump....Trump could see what Comey was up to way back then....and its Trump's decision to make... he can fire anyone at the FBI and the DOJ and even Mueller anytime for any reason...just the fact that Mueller is still on the case proves to me Trump is totally innocent....

That in no way refutes that Comey's firing had nothing to do with what Rosenstein and this IG report faulted him for.

Trump did not fire Comey for screwing Hillary and anyone saying otherwise (including Trump's defense team) is straight lying.

Your repeating yourself , it had everything to do with comey being fired..he was a snake an obnoxious one and screwed Hillary out of the presidency ..

It wasn't the Russians , it was all comey and Mueller and comey are pals

I will repeat the facts as many times as it will take for you to acknowledge them.

Trump said he would fire Comey over the Russia thing regardless of Rosenstein's recommendation based on Comey screwing of Hillary.

That's a fact and I will keep posting this fact until you fools find some way to address it.

Here you go, this kills your bull shit:

Trump fired him because of his corruption and dishonesty. That's part of why Trump says he was exonerated. This report exposes his corruption and dishonesty. He did say he would fire him over the Russia thing, but ultimately, as Trump said, he fired him because he sucked at his job.

No charge for the education.
Nope, bullshit. Comey was not fired for screwing Hillary, he was fired for that Russia thing.

Thats not my opinion. That's what the guy who fired him - Trump, publicly stated.
Comey told Trump he was not the target of the investigation...when Trump told Comey to tell that to the media Comey refused...that was the final straw for Trump....Trump could see what Comey was up to way back then....and its Trump's decision to make... he can fire anyone at the FBI and the DOJ and even Mueller anytime for any reason...just the fact that Mueller is still on the case proves to me Trump is totally innocent....

That in no way refutes that Comey's firing had nothing to do with what Rosenstein and this IG report faulted him for.

Trump did not fire Comey for screwing Hillary and anyone saying otherwise (including Trump's defense team) is straight lying.

Your repeating yourself , it had everything to do with comey being fired..he was a snake an obnoxious one and screwed Hillary out of the presidency ..

It wasn't the Russians , it was all comey and Mueller and comey are pals

I will repeat the facts as many times as it will take for you to acknowledge them.

Trump said he would fire Comey over the Russia thing regardless of Rosenstein's recommendation based on Comey screwing of Hillary.

That's a fact and I will keep posting this fact until you fools find some way to address it.

Here you go, this kills your bull shit:

Trump fired him because of his corruption and dishonesty. That's part of why Trump says he was exonerated. This report exposes his corruption and dishonesty. He did say he would fire him over the Russia thing, but ultimately, as Trump said, he fired him because he sucked at his job.

No charge for the education.

IG report found no corruption, no dishonesty and no bias on Comey's part.

So you'll have to come up with something else now in your claims about the IG report.
I'll let Mueller decide that part, but we were not discussing here Trump's obstruction of justice - we were discussing the IG report as it relates to Comey's improper behavior. Right?

On that, IG report found no improper behavior from Comey to support Trump's claims about the Russia investigation. It exonerates NONE of Trump's claims
Comey leaked confidential information to his friend so that his friend could leak it to the media so Comey could justify turning Rosenstein and Mueller on
Trump....that will lead to a major undermining of anything Mueller has in his final report...the whole thing was put into play by a corrupt FBI chief....Comey is the key player....under the magic Kenyan......
I'll let Mueller decide that part, but we were not discussing here Trump's obstruction of justice - we were discussing the IG report as it relates to Comey's improper behavior. Right?

On that, IG report found no improper behavior from Comey to support Trump's claims about the Russia investigation. It exonerates NONE of Trump's claims
Comey leaked confidential information to his friend so that his friend could leak it to the media so Comey could justify turning Rosenstein and Mueller on
Trump....that will lead to a major undermining of anything Mueller has in his final report...the whole thing was put into play by a corrupt FBI chief....Comey is the key player....under the magic Kenyan......

IG report said that? No, it didn't.

This thread is about the IG report and it's findings, lets keep your opinions out of it.
IG report found no corruption, no dishonesty and no bias on Comey's part.
The report is devastating to Comey....he will never recover and may in fact go to prison along with McCabe.....that is just to start with...others will fall...
IG report found no corruption, no dishonesty and no bias on Comey's part.
The report is devastating to Comey....he will never recover and may in fact go to prison along with McCabe.....that is just to start with...others will fall...

Nuh, it's actually all the same stuff that Rosenstein said about him in the letter that was used as an official excuse to fire him. Nothing really new in the IG report.

If anything it re-enforces that Comey is an honest, un-bias witness.
Nuh, it's actually all the same stuff that Rosenstein said about him in the letter that was used as an official excuse to fire him. Nothing really new in the IG report
The IG report proves that Trump and his supporters have been right all along about Comey....nothing new???? what is new is our concerns have been justified.....that''s huge....we now have proof that Comey was working to harm Trump and his presidency.....and his cohorts with their text messages shows how large the cabal was.....
There is no way Trump sits with Mueller now....not after this IG report....
Sure it is!!!

Just keep putting "party over country", do exactly what your fake prez did & surrender to The commies.

I'm sure they'll let you keep your 357 but I bet they'll be clearing the country of all its ammo.

And as long as Vlad & Kim let your Cheeto Jesus build hotels on their soil he will sell you out quicker than tv's on Black Friday.


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Comey said that he is corrupt? :confused-84: wtf?
Comey told congress under oath that he gave/leaked information on the dossier to his friend so his friend could get it out to the press....he did that so he could open up an investigation...he told congress that....that taints Mueller's whole investigation.....
Nuh, it's actually all the same stuff that Rosenstein said about him in the letter that was used as an official excuse to fire him. Nothing really new in the IG report
The IG report proves that Trump and his supporters have been right all along about Comey....

Umm no.

IG report shows that Trump and his supporters were wrong.

It's conclusion is that Comey was not biased and that his decision to not recommend charges against Clinton were appropriate. Report faulted Comey for stepping out of line from DoJ guidelines and inappropriately screwing Hillary during the campaign.

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