America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Not once did I ever talk about reducing or revoking women's civil rights.

Nor did I ever insinuate that sharia law will come through violent means.

It will happen peacefully either through legislation or the ballot box.

Because as you have admitted many times.

Islam is the religion of peace. :cool:
Not once did I ever talk about reducing or revoking women's civil rights.

Nor did I ever insinuate that sharia law will come through violent means.

It will happen peacefully either through legislation or the ballot box.

Because as you have admitted many times.

Islam is the religion of peace. :cool:
Sharia is based on women being property. So, naturally, instituting it will require revocation of women's civil rights.

Not ever going to happen.

Furthermore, the American public will not vote to revoke women's civil rights. So if you want Sharia here, you're going to have to force it by violence.

Not ever going to happen.

And Islam may be a religion of peace, but not a small number of its adherents are violent barbarians.
I thought that Sharia in Turkey was withheld to personal and family matters as Turkey is secular and prohibits religion in state affairs. Has Turkey begun to codify Sharia into its judicial doctrine?

Adult women enter University without headscarf.
AKP is in power for 9 years.
When Sharia comes I will tell you.

What came in 9 years is quadrupling of economy and universal health-care for all.
Brookings Institution
Interesting sign in London:


Coming soon to the U.S.?

Ah yes. Here we have Chanel failing to tell the full story again! Can't have anything upsetting her personal agenda of hate and bigotry, can we.

These posters have appeared in a few local boroughs in London and are being torn down by police as fast as they go up, since they are breaking the law. Oh, and just in case you didn't know, Chanel, English law is the law of the land. :cuckoo:

Islamic extremists have put up posters in an east London borough declaring it a “Sharia controlled zone”.
The posters boldly claim: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.”
Underneath are images indicating that smoking, alcohol and music are banned.
The posters are understood to have been discovered in the borough of Tower Hamlets last week, and they are identical to ones found in the boroughs of Waltham Forest and Newham.
A police spokeswoman said: “Officers are working closely with the local authority to have the posters removed as soon as possible.”
Tower Hamlets council said: “The posters have been brought to our attention and with our partners, we have been removing them as and when they have appeared, and will continue to monitor the situation.”
The posters come as a Bill in the House of Lords seeks to stop Sharia law taking root as a parallel legal system.
The Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill, introduced by Baroness Cox, would make it a crime for Sharia courts to falsely claim legal jurisdiction.
It would also protect Muslim women from sex discrimination at the hands of Sharia courts.

Posters declare ‘Sharia zone’ in east London | News | The Christian Institute
I hope americans don't wait to watch the country falling like old Egypt, and old Iran, and all will be forced to run away from the great veil of Islam. but then there'll be no where to run.

My point was sunni } wont { be the sect of Islam that owns the West.

Sunni's follow the wrong path, so no worries,

Gods will will prevail in the End.

Allah U Akbar!
ISLAMIC EMIRATES OF BRITAIN? - Muslims now want to turn twelve British cities, one called "Londonistan," into independent autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law. Called the Islamic Emirates Project, it uses the motto "The end of man-made law, and the start of Sharia law." The U.K. is now 5% Muslim and the radicalism of Islam there has changed the face of that nation and has most of the population in a constant state of fear. A stunning article by Soeren Kern in Hudson New York exposes the U.K situation which is on its way to the USA.

One of the group's strategy documents, "Islamic Prevent 2011: Preventing Secular Fundamentalism and the Occupation of Muslim Land," provides insights into the religious and/or philosophical mindset behind the Islamic Emirates Project. For example, Chapter 1 states: "The Only Identity for Muslims is Islam … In no shape or form can a Muslim support any form of nationalism such as promoting Britishness."

Chapter 4 states: "A Muslim can only abide by Sharia and is not allowed to obey any man-made law." Chapter 5 states: "Muslims must reject secularism and democracy," terms which are "completely alien to Islam and against the basic tenets of Islam." Chapter 10 states: "Every Muslim must call for Sharia to be implemented wherever they are." Chapter 12 states: "It is not allowed for Muslims to integrate with a non-Islamic society." Chapter 13 states: "Muslims should set up Islamic Emirates in the United Kingdom." Chapter 14 states: "Any Muslim who opposed the policies in this pamphlet should be confronted." Chapter 16 states: "Any Muslim who has been affected by the Western way of life need to be rehabilitated

Sharia law is transforming daily life in Britain in other ways, as well. In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets),for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets' Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils. Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced." And street advertizing deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint

For instance, at least 85 Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in Britain, almost 20 times as many as previously believed, according to a study by Civitas, a London-based think tank. The report shows that scores of unofficial tribunals and councils regularly apply Islamic law to resolve domestic, marital and business disputes, and that many are operating in mosques. It warns of a "creeping" acceptance of Sharia principles in British law

Meanwhile, Britain is struggling to combat a cycle of Islamic honor-related kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings and murder that is spiralling out of control. According to the London-based Association of Chief Police Officers, up to 17,000 women in Britain are victims of honor-based violence – forced marriages, honor killings, kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings, female genital mutilation and other forms of abuse – every year. This figure is 35 times higher than official figures suggest, and British detectives say it is "merely the tip of the iceberg" of this phenomenon

Someone tell me, Is there any chance this shit is gonna happen in US?

How are 5% of the population allowed to make such changes like this?
I hope americans don't wait to watch the country falling like old Egypt, and old Iran, and all will be forced to run away from the great veil of Islam. but then there'll be no where to run.

My point was sunni } wont { be the sect of Islam that owns the West.

Sunni's follow the wrong path, so no worries,

Gods will will prevail in the End.

Allah U Akbar!
Please enlighten us as to what sect is the correct one that will own the west?
Last edited:
ISLAMIC EMIRATES OF BRITAIN? - Muslims now want to turn twelve British cities, one called "Londonistan," into independent autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law. Called the Islamic Emirates Project, it uses the motto "The end of man-made law, and the start of Sharia law." The U.K. is now 5% Muslim and the radicalism of Islam there has changed the face of that nation and has most of the population in a constant state of fear. A stunning article by Soeren Kern in Hudson New York exposes the U.K situation which is on its way to the USA.

One of the group's strategy documents, "Islamic Prevent 2011: Preventing Secular Fundamentalism and the Occupation of Muslim Land," provides insights into the religious and/or philosophical mindset behind the Islamic Emirates Project. For example, Chapter 1 states: "The Only Identity for Muslims is Islam … In no shape or form can a Muslim support any form of nationalism such as promoting Britishness."

Chapter 4 states: "A Muslim can only abide by Sharia and is not allowed to obey any man-made law." Chapter 5 states: "Muslims must reject secularism and democracy," terms which are "completely alien to Islam and against the basic tenets of Islam." Chapter 10 states: "Every Muslim must call for Sharia to be implemented wherever they are." Chapter 12 states: "It is not allowed for Muslims to integrate with a non-Islamic society." Chapter 13 states: "Muslims should set up Islamic Emirates in the United Kingdom." Chapter 14 states: "Any Muslim who opposed the policies in this pamphlet should be confronted." Chapter 16 states: "Any Muslim who has been affected by the Western way of life need to be rehabilitated

Sharia law is transforming daily life in Britain in other ways, as well. In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets),for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets' Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils. Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced." And street advertizing deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint

For instance, at least 85 Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in Britain, almost 20 times as many as previously believed, according to a study by Civitas, a London-based think tank. The report shows that scores of unofficial tribunals and councils regularly apply Islamic law to resolve domestic, marital and business disputes, and that many are operating in mosques. It warns of a "creeping" acceptance of Sharia principles in British law

Meanwhile, Britain is struggling to combat a cycle of Islamic honor-related kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings and murder that is spiralling out of control. According to the London-based Association of Chief Police Officers, up to 17,000 women in Britain are victims of honor-based violence – forced marriages, honor killings, kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings, female genital mutilation and other forms of abuse – every year. This figure is 35 times higher than official figures suggest, and British detectives say it is "merely the tip of the iceberg" of this phenomenon

Someone tell me, Is there any chance this shit is gonna happen in US?

How are 5% of the population allowed to make such changes like this?

It's called sensationaist reporting HG...and as you can see, some are gullible enough to be taken in by it.
ISLAMIC EMIRATES OF BRITAIN? - Muslims now want to turn twelve British cities, one called "Londonistan," into independent autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law. Called the Islamic Emirates Project, it uses the motto "The end of man-made law, and the start of Sharia law." The U.K. is now 5% Muslim and the radicalism of Islam there has changed the face of that nation and has most of the population in a constant state of fear. A stunning article by Soeren Kern in Hudson New York exposes the U.K situation which is on its way to the USA.

One of the group's strategy documents, "Islamic Prevent 2011: Preventing Secular Fundamentalism and the Occupation of Muslim Land," provides insights into the religious and/or philosophical mindset behind the Islamic Emirates Project. For example, Chapter 1 states: "The Only Identity for Muslims is Islam … In no shape or form can a Muslim support any form of nationalism such as promoting Britishness."

Chapter 4 states: "A Muslim can only abide by Sharia and is not allowed to obey any man-made law." Chapter 5 states: "Muslims must reject secularism and democracy," terms which are "completely alien to Islam and against the basic tenets of Islam." Chapter 10 states: "Every Muslim must call for Sharia to be implemented wherever they are." Chapter 12 states: "It is not allowed for Muslims to integrate with a non-Islamic society." Chapter 13 states: "Muslims should set up Islamic Emirates in the United Kingdom." Chapter 14 states: "Any Muslim who opposed the policies in this pamphlet should be confronted." Chapter 16 states: "Any Muslim who has been affected by the Western way of life need to be rehabilitated

Sharia law is transforming daily life in Britain in other ways, as well. In the Tower Hamlets area of East London (also known as the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets),for example, extremist Muslim preachers, called the Tower Hamlets' Taliban, regularly issue death threats to women who refuse to wear Islamic veils. Neighborhood streets have been plastered with posters declaring "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced." And street advertizing deemed offensive to Muslims is regularly vandalized or blacked out with spray paint

For instance, at least 85 Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in Britain, almost 20 times as many as previously believed, according to a study by Civitas, a London-based think tank. The report shows that scores of unofficial tribunals and councils regularly apply Islamic law to resolve domestic, marital and business disputes, and that many are operating in mosques. It warns of a "creeping" acceptance of Sharia principles in British law

Meanwhile, Britain is struggling to combat a cycle of Islamic honor-related kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings and murder that is spiralling out of control. According to the London-based Association of Chief Police Officers, up to 17,000 women in Britain are victims of honor-based violence – forced marriages, honor killings, kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings, female genital mutilation and other forms of abuse – every year. This figure is 35 times higher than official figures suggest, and British detectives say it is "merely the tip of the iceberg" of this phenomenon

Someone tell me, Is there any chance this shit is gonna happen in US?

How are 5% of the population allowed to make such changes like this?

It's called sensationaist reporting HG...and as you can see, some are gullible enough to be taken in by it.

I don't see the English changing their way of life to please 5% of the population.
I hope americans don't wait to watch the country falling like old Egypt, and old Iran, and all will be forced to run away from the great veil of Islam. but then there'll be no where to run.

My point was sunni } wont { be the sect of Islam that owns the West.

Sunni's follow the wrong path, so no worries,

Gods will will prevail in the End.

Allah U Akbar!
Please enlighten us as to what sect is the correct one that will own the west?
None of them.

Now you know.
How are 5% of the population allowed to make such changes like this?

It's called sensationaist reporting HG...and as you can see, some are gullible enough to be taken in by it.

I don't see the English changing their way of life to please 5% of the population.

No, you won't either, but it isn't 5% who want to see these changes, HG. As always with the anti brigade they paint the majority with the actions of the minority.
It's called sensationaist reporting HG...and as you can see, some are gullible enough to be taken in by it.

I don't see the English changing their way of life to please 5% of the population.

No, you won't either, but it isn't 5% who want to see these changes, HG. As always with the anti brigade they paint the majority with the actions of the minority.

I know England has had quite a generous immigration policy in the past when it comes to people from countries like India, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia etc etc and it shocks me to see them out on the streets holding signs that say "To hell with England" or "We want sharia" and bullshit like that, these guys have absolutely no appreciation for the country England that took them and their parents in at their time of need, shameful.
Honor killings are not Islamic or part of the religion.

There are far more honor killings among Hindus in India than any other place in the world.

Domestic violence against women happens in basically every nation of the world regardless of religion.
Honor killings are not Islamic or part of the religion.

There are far more honor killings among Hindus in India than any other place in the world.

Domestic violence against women happens in basically every nation of the world regardless of religion.

:eusa_think: mmmm, intersting! Although it seems that it only happens among muslims, but whatever you say.
Just a couple of weeks ago where I live.

A young girl had broken up with her boyfriend a few days earlier.

He suffocated her and stabbed her with a knife.

Could this be classified as an honor killing ?

btw neither were Muslim
Just a couple of weeks ago where I live.

A young girl had broken up with her boyfriend a few days earlier.

He suffocated her and stabbed her with a knife.

Could this be classified as an honor killing ?

btw neither were Muslim

It depends why he did it, did he kill her because it brought shame to him and his family?
I realize that honor is a word that is rarely used in the West.

But every day and adulterous wife or cheating girlfriend is murdered by their husband or boyfriend somewhere in America.

I would call that an honor killing.

What would you call it?

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