Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

How cool is it that in that entire diatribe, the would-be 'contributor' was unable to point out so much as a single inaccurate point in Doc Carson's statement.

But in fairness... it failed to do so, because Doc Carson is exactly correct.

Doc Carson used baby parts in his own research and referred patients to abortion providers. The man is a fraud through and through.

Uh no... He didn't. You're the victim of a profound deceit, fraudulently advanced as truth, as a means to influence the ignorant.

Which is irrefutable evidence that YOU are ignorant.

See how that works?

I think that explains your own delusions.

How cool is it that in that entire diatribe, the would-be 'contributor' was unable to point out so much as a single inaccurate point in Doc Carson's statement.

But in fairness... it failed to do so, because Doc Carson is exactly correct.

Doc Carson used baby parts in his own research and referred patients to abortion providers. The man is a fraud through and through.

Uh no... You're speaking of 1992, when Doc Carson was a pathologist... Pathologists study material searching for pathogens... It's what they do.

What's more, those who pass this tripe along, are trying to compare that to the harvesting of human remains from an abortion mill, that encourages 'patients' to murder their children, then sell the dead child's body parts for profit.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
I think the point of starting a thread on a subject implies that you have to be able to prove your case....or you're just ranting.

This is a rant thread, based on false stereotypes.

If this is all you got out of that interview.....then obviously you need Dr Carson to perform a brain-transplant on you.....because yours is worthless.

Dr Carson doesn't believe in abortion.....but he does believe that wiping it from the face of the planet isn't realistic. The form of abortion we practice in this country totally overrules the rights of the unborn. Abortion on demand is the law of the land.....and Planned Parenthood is making money hand over fist because of that. Who cares that useful human-beings lives are being snuffed out before they even get a chance to contribute to society.
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How cool is it that in that entire diatribe, the would-be 'contributor' was unable to point out so much as a single inaccurate point in Doc Carson's statement.

But in fairness... it failed to do so, because Doc Carson is exactly correct.

Doc Carson used baby parts in his own research and referred patients to abortion providers. The man is a fraud through and through.

Uh no... You're speaking of 1992, when Doc Carson was a pathologist... Pathologists study material searching for pathogens... It's what they do.

What's more, those who pass this tripe along, are trying to compare that to the harvesting of human remains from an abortion mill, that encourages 'patients' to murder their children, then sell the dead child's body parts for profit.

See how that works?

I think that explains your own delusions.

LOL! I hear ya scamp.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
I think the point of starting a thread on a subject that it implies that you have to be able to prove your case....or you're just ranting.

This is a rant thread, based on false stereotypes.

If this is all you got out of that interview.....then obviously you need Dr Carson to perform a brain-transplant on you.....because yours is worthless.

Dr Carson doesn't believe in abortion.....but he does believe that wiping it from the face of the planet isn't realistic. The form of abortion we practice in this country totally overrules the rights of the unborn. Abortion on demand is the law of the land.....and Planned Parenthood is making money hand over fist because of that. Who cares that useful human-beings lives are being snuffed out before they even get a chance to contribute to society.

This is just another forum for Progs to lie their boney asses off, about those who are superior to them in every potential way.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.

Well at some point with the lowly prog, it becomes obvious that they're incapable of reason... and at that point they fall below the minimal threshold required to have their 'point of view' considered by reasonable people.

The above cited would-be 'contributor' has now fallen below that point with this insipid 'post'.

As a result... it is being reassigned, permanently, to ignore.

TTFE dumbass.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
I think the point of starting a thread on a subject that it implies that you have to be able to prove your case....or you're just ranting.

This is a rant thread, based on false stereotypes.

If this is all you got out of that interview.....then obviously you need Dr Carson to perform a brain-transplant on you.....because yours is worthless.

Dr Carson doesn't believe in abortion.....but he does believe that wiping it from the face of the planet isn't realistic. The form of abortion we practice in this country totally overrules the rights of the unborn. Abortion on demand is the law of the land.....and Planned Parenthood is making money hand over fist because of that. Who cares that useful human-beings lives are being snuffed out before they even get a chance to contribute to society.

Proving you are wrong with Doc Carson's own words has to sting.

"During an interview with NBC host Chuck Todd on Meet The Press on Sunday, the Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Sunday that believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and that abortions should be illegal even in cases of rape or incest. He then moved on to this delightful gem:

“Think about this. During slavery — and I know that one of those words you’re not supposed to say — but I’m saying it. During slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave, anything that they chose to do. And what if the abolitionists had said, ‘You know, I don’t believe in slavery, I think it’s wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do.’ Where would we be?”
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.

"That woman"? Are you now claiming that Monica will be elected to the Presidency?
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.
You can call her a women if you like, I will stick with loopy kunt.

No matter what happens I will sell lots and lots of guns and ammo... Mostly likely a progressive will be elected to office, whether it be a Rino or a bleeding heart really not a crack of daylight between them...

Anyway... Buy more guns and ammo
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
I think the point of starting a thread on a subject that it implies that you have to be able to prove your case....or you're just ranting.

This is a rant thread, based on false stereotypes.

If this is all you got out of that interview.....then obviously you need Dr Carson to perform a brain-transplant on you.....because yours is worthless.

Dr Carson doesn't believe in abortion.....but he does believe that wiping it from the face of the planet isn't realistic. The form of abortion we practice in this country totally overrules the rights of the unborn. Abortion on demand is the law of the land.....and Planned Parenthood is making money hand over fist because of that. Who cares that useful human-beings lives are being snuffed out before they even get a chance to contribute to society.

This is just another forum for Progs to lie their boney asses off, about those who are superior to them in every potential way.

I was wondering just last evening if the Democrats were holding a KKK rally on USMB.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.

Well at some point with the lowly prog, it becomes obvious that they're incapable of reason... and at that point they fall below the minimal threshold required to have their 'point of view' considered by reasonable people.

The above cited would-be 'contributor' has now fallen below that point with this insipid 'post'.

As a result... it is being reassigned, permanently, to ignore.

TTFE dumbass.

Thank you, one less troll to answer.
Common sense always looks fully foreign to the progressive...

Ben Carson has shown an inability to display common sense
Says the one who is willing to follow an loopy kunt, common sense??

I look forward to you being admitted to a rubber room when that woman is elected president.

Well at some point with the lowly prog, it becomes obvious that they're incapable of reason... and at that point they fall below the minimal threshold required to have their 'point of view' considered by reasonable people.

The above cited would-be 'contributor' has now fallen below that point with this insipid 'post'.

As a result... it is being reassigned, permanently, to ignore.

TTFE dumbass.

Thank you, one less troll to answer.

Uh Oh! The racial bigot is getting angry. They do that when they get liquored up and confronted with truth.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
I think the point of starting a thread on a subject that it implies that you have to be able to prove your case....or you're just ranting.

This is a rant thread, based on false stereotypes.

If this is all you got out of that interview.....then obviously you need Dr Carson to perform a brain-transplant on you.....because yours is worthless.

Dr Carson doesn't believe in abortion.....but he does believe that wiping it from the face of the planet isn't realistic. The form of abortion we practice in this country totally overrules the rights of the unborn. Abortion on demand is the law of the land.....and Planned Parenthood is making money hand over fist because of that. Who cares that useful human-beings lives are being snuffed out before they even get a chance to contribute to society.

This is just another forum for Progs to lie their boney asses off, about those who are superior to them in every potential way.

I was wondering just last evening if the Democrats were holding a KKK rally on USMB.

People will never believe Republicans are progressive no matter how many times you say it.
Obama won mostly from blue states , do you really think the deep south red states would vote for a Black man ? We still have the KKK going on alive and well.".Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America!"

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