Boehner Admits GOP Is Hoping Minorities Simply Won’t Vote


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Boehner Admits GOP Is Hoping Minorities Simply Won’t Vote | Addicting Info

With polls increasingly saying that the GOP’s only reliable constituency are white men, Republicans are left with just one trick up their sleeves. Instead of trying to win over minority voters with a more inclusive platform, they hope to make sure they stay home. At a Christian Science Monitor sponsored luncheon, House Speaker John Boehner might not have admitted the tactics, but he did admit the goal, that their only hope is for minorities not to vote:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Sure, that sounds innocent enough. Minorities have been hit hard during the recession. There is a chance they might not show up to vote for the President either, but that’s not what the polls are saying. A recent poll shows Obama leading Romney with the Hispanic vote by 65% – 26%. Even more amazingly, Romney has a whopping 0% of the African-American vote. Obama is leading Romney with women too.

The fact is that for Romney to win the popular vote, it’s looking like Boehner is right. A lot of people are going to have to stay home.

Since elections happen at the state level, there’s not a whole lot that Boehner and his GOP Congress can do to keep people from voting, but there is a lot that states can do and fortunately for Boehner and Romney, they are. Over 30 states are actively trying to make it difficult for minorities, young, poor, elderly and women to vote. Most are requiring IDs, something that non-drivers often don’t have. Some are requiring birth certificates, which many people may not have.

As Boehner implied, don’t look for the GOP to be bending over backward trying to make themselves more palpable to the non-white and the non-male. That’s not in their game plan. Their game plan is simple. It’s to stop the opposition from voting.
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.
Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election

Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election - Yahoo! News

House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his party's strategy for winning in November doesn't suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they won't vote at all. Boehner wasn't talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters, he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Perhaps he meant those groups would vote third-party, but it doesn't seem all that likely. Less prominent Republicans have made essentially the same case in other terms. Doug Priesse, chair of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party, indicated restrictions on early voting hours and voter ID laws were meant to keep blacks from voting. In an email sent earlier this month to The Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland, Priesse said

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."

Priesse is on the elections board and voted against keeping polls open in the weekends. In June, Pennsylvania House Republican leader Mike Turzai conceeded the point of voter ID is to help Republicans win when he said, "Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”
Again.. your quote does not support your claim.. you are indeed lying...

You little wingers love your misleading thread titles
Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election

Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election - Yahoo! News

House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his party's strategy for winning in November doesn't suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they won't vote at all. Boehner wasn't talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters, he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Perhaps he meant those groups would vote third-party, but it doesn't seem all that likely. Less prominent Republicans have made essentially the same case in other terms. Doug Priesse, chair of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party, indicated restrictions on early voting hours and voter ID laws were meant to keep blacks from voting. In an email sent earlier this month to The Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland, Priesse said

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."

Priesse is on the elections board and voted against keeping polls open in the weekends. In June, Pennsylvania House Republican leader Mike Turzai conceeded the point of voter ID is to help Republicans win when he said, "Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."

Same old, same old. We've been here and done the I.D. bullshit ad nauseum
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Show me the exact quote, where he said 'I hope'.

Dumb ass.
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Show me the exact quote, where he said 'I hope'.

Dumb ass.

Well, there is no exact quote. What he suggested can easily be given a similar context.
You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Show me the exact quote, where he said 'I hope'.

Dumb ass.

Well, there is no exact quote. What he suggested can easily be given a similar context.

Game... Set... Match.

Loser, Nitroz.
Boehner never said that and you know it but you want to believe it because it's addicting.
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

The title of the article and what Boehner actually said are entirely different. :eusa_whistle:
I would have been embarrassed to look so partisan when posting an article like that. just sayin....
You are right.

Why am I not lying? The dumbass said it himself out loud.

he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Show me the exact quote, where he said 'I hope'.

Dumb ass.

Well, there is no exact quote. What he suggested can easily be given a similar context.

does it work for the other side or can only dems say what Republicans really mean?
Someone had to pull a muscle with this threads stretch.

People will post the stupidest shit.
Nitroz, negged for lying, you little fucktard.

In fairness to Nitroz, he is more guilty of parroting bullshit than actually lying. He didn't write the article on which he parrots, but he does parrot it - so he is an idiot, for sure... but the jury is out on the 'lying'.

Just another fucking moronic left winger.

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