Christian churches ‘must be made’ to affirm homosexuality

The bigoted, conservative, traditional, democratic south founded their "nation" 150 years ago as A Christian nation.

Appealed to "Almighty God' right in their Constitution. They thought they were the chosen people.
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The opinion piece

So where in that piece does he advocate the government mandate religious beliefs?
You see? Perfect example. You have expressed an opinion and I don't care. I am not victimized by it, threatened by it or even slightly upset by it. I'm not going to start an entire thread to show how people are out to get me because of it. I don't care and I don't have to care. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

Ignored, as usual you bring nothing but gibberish.
Please just tell us why you believe this opinion piece is an assault on the separation of church and state
Well, let's take a look at the article. Actually, we need go further than the title, where he said Churches must be made to affirm homosexuality. Who can make them do that? Only one entity I can think of that has the power to do that. Not that any real Church will comply. Some churches will, but that will just show which churches real Christians should avoid.
Which government made the Episcopalian church change its stance on homosexuals?
The British government. Or did you not know that the Episcopalians are the American branch of the Anglican church?
they aren't really a 'branch' of the anglican church.
and the british government did not make them change their stance on homosexuals.
but they were made to change...
Woosh, right over the quacker's head

Then explain it. Do you think that they shouldn't be allowed to express their opinion?

I don't have a problem with anyone expressing their's the opinion I have a problem with. You can't force acceptance. Hint: That's the crux of the article hence the wooosh

That is one person's opinion. Obviously that went right over your head.
It is clearly more than one person's opinion, otherwise it wouldnt appear in the Times. And it indicates what the Left is up to: nothing less than thought police and suppression of anything contrary to their beliefs.

So what you are saying is that any opinion contrary to your beliefs is an attempt to suppress your beliefs. Barry Goldwater was so right.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting
in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Are you too stupid to read a simple sentence and understand it? Let me try this for you: The editorial is the opening salvo of what will become a campaign targeting churches etc to coerce them to change their teachings. Both legal and extra legal pressure will be brought to bear on them. I have no problem with people expressing their belief that their god is a faggot. I do have a problem when those same people try coercing others into changing what they teach.
The bigoted, conservative, traditional democratic south founded their "nation" 150 years ago as A Christian nation.

Appealed to "Almighty God' right in their Constitution. They thought they were the chosen people.
Today the Left thinks gays are the chosen people.
PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Lee fought for south, which was pro-slavery. I believe he thought slavery should be abolished, but not so much he was unwilling to fight for the very society that wished it to continue. I believe it was you who said one does not compromise with evil - was it not?
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.

"For the South, this “chosen” status not only presumed ultimate victory in what would turn out to be a long and bloody conflict, but also put God’s imprimatur on the Confederate national identity. In fact, the South claimed to be a uniquely Christian nation.
The new Confederate Constitution, adopted on February 8, 1861, and ratified on March 11, 1861, officially declared its Christian identity, “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.” Southern leaders chose as their national motto Deo Vindice (“God will avenge”). Confederate President Jefferson Davis proclaimed that the time had come “to recognize our dependence upon God … [and] supplicate his merciful protection.”

This national acknowledgment of religious dependence, as the South frequently pointed out during the war in both the religious and the secular press, stood in stark contrast to the “godless” government of the North that ignored God in its constitution and put secular concerns above the sacred duties of Christian service and the divine commission."

Religion in the Civil War The Southern Perspective Divining America TeacherServe National Humanities Center

The Confederacy's "Christian Nation"
PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Lee fought for south, which was pro-slavery. I believe he thought slavery should be abolished, but not so much he was unwilling to fight for the very society that wished it to continue. I believe it was you who said one does not compromise with evil - was it not?
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.

Actually Robert E Lee didn't really fight for the "south", he fought for Virginia. He chose to do so on the basis of family tradition and love of Virginia. He didn't even believe in the south's economic and political arguments
PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Lee fought for south, which was pro-slavery. I believe he thought slavery should be abolished, but not so much he was unwilling to fight for the very society that wished it to continue. I believe it was you who said one does not compromise with evil - was it not?
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.
See if he knows which side one, first.
Then explain it. Do you think that they shouldn't be allowed to express their opinion?

I don't have a problem with anyone expressing their's the opinion I have a problem with. You can't force acceptance. Hint: That's the crux of the article hence the wooosh

That is one person's opinion. Obviously that went right over your head.
It is clearly more than one person's opinion, otherwise it wouldnt appear in the Times. And it indicates what the Left is up to: nothing less than thought police and suppression of anything contrary to their beliefs.

So what you are saying is that any opinion contrary to your beliefs is an attempt to suppress your beliefs. Barry Goldwater was so right.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting
in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Are you too stupid to read a simple sentence and understand it? Let me try this for you: The editorial is the opening salvo of what will become a campaign targeting churches etc to coerce them to change their teachings. Both legal and extra legal pressure will be brought to bear on them. I have no problem with people expressing their belief that their god is a faggot. I do have a problem when those same people try coercing others into changing what they teach.

You are free to have a problem and I am free not to care. If you wish to live your life in a paranoid haze that is your choice. I won't try to stop you because I happen to agree with Ron White. You just can't fix stupid.
I don't have a problem with anyone expressing their's the opinion I have a problem with. You can't force acceptance. Hint: That's the crux of the article hence the wooosh

That is one person's opinion. Obviously that went right over your head.
It is clearly more than one person's opinion, otherwise it wouldnt appear in the Times. And it indicates what the Left is up to: nothing less than thought police and suppression of anything contrary to their beliefs.

So what you are saying is that any opinion contrary to your beliefs is an attempt to suppress your beliefs. Barry Goldwater was so right.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting
in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Are you too stupid to read a simple sentence and understand it? Let me try this for you: The editorial is the opening salvo of what will become a campaign targeting churches etc to coerce them to change their teachings. Both legal and extra legal pressure will be brought to bear on them. I have no problem with people expressing their belief that their god is a faggot. I do have a problem when those same people try coercing others into changing what they teach.

You are free to have a problem and I am free not to care. If you wish to live your life in a paranoid haze that is your choice. I won't try to stop you because I happen to agree with Ron White. You just can't fix stupid.
OK so the answer to my question at the opening is "Yes, you are too stupid to read a simple sentence and undrstand it."
Thanks for clearing that up.
Not even. A Christian is defined by their obedience to God's word and their love for their fellow man. Only one side did that. Can you guess which one?

Both sides were Christian. I don't judge people's religion. If you say you are a Christian I don't question it, even if you ignore all of Jesus' teachings.

You just did judge and question it. You judge when you say someone is ignoring Jesus' teachings. Interesting how those who say we shouldn't judge do it not realizing they are hypocrites when they do it.

I never said you shouldn't judge. Jesus said it. If you have a problem with that, you need to take it up with him.

Out of curiosity though, do you agree with Mr.Right that Robert E. Lee wasn't a Christian?
Was he pro slavery?

He was pro States' rights. Do you know why Lee said he joined the Confederacy despite being offered command of the Union troops? Do you think Lincoln was anti-slavery? You might find through reading that Lee wasn't as pro slavery as people thing ...

Yeah, he was anti-slavery in a "I'm going to keep my slaves until I am forced to free them" kind of way.

Yes, he expressed a few sentiments against slavery, but still fought *for* the cause of defending, preserving, protecting and expanding slavery. There's no getting around that.
PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Lee fought for south, which was pro-slavery. I believe he thought slavery should be abolished, but not so much he was unwilling to fight for the very society that wished it to continue. I believe it was you who said one does not compromise with evil - was it not?
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.

And I'm not going to play your game of back pedaling. I'm sorry if you put yourself in a corner, but it's your corner - not mine.
That is one person's opinion. Obviously that went right over your head.
It is clearly more than one person's opinion, otherwise it wouldnt appear in the Times. And it indicates what the Left is up to: nothing less than thought police and suppression of anything contrary to their beliefs.

So what you are saying is that any opinion contrary to your beliefs is an attempt to suppress your beliefs. Barry Goldwater was so right.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting
in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Are you too stupid to read a simple sentence and understand it? Let me try this for you: The editorial is the opening salvo of what will become a campaign targeting churches etc to coerce them to change their teachings. Both legal and extra legal pressure will be brought to bear on them. I have no problem with people expressing their belief that their god is a faggot. I do have a problem when those same people try coercing others into changing what they teach.

You are free to have a problem and I am free not to care. If you wish to live your life in a paranoid haze that is your choice. I won't try to stop you because I happen to agree with Ron White. You just can't fix stupid.
OK so the answer to my question at the opening is "Yes, you are too stupid to read a simple sentence and undrstand it."
Thanks for clearing that up.

No problem. Glad I could help. Have fun freaking out.
It is clearly more than one person's opinion, otherwise it wouldnt appear in the Times. And it indicates what the Left is up to: nothing less than thought police and suppression of anything contrary to their beliefs.

So what you are saying is that any opinion contrary to your beliefs is an attempt to suppress your beliefs. Barry Goldwater was so right.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a
terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting
in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Are you too stupid to read a simple sentence and understand it? Let me try this for you: The editorial is the opening salvo of what will become a campaign targeting churches etc to coerce them to change their teachings. Both legal and extra legal pressure will be brought to bear on them. I have no problem with people expressing their belief that their god is a faggot. I do have a problem when those same people try coercing others into changing what they teach.

You are free to have a problem and I am free not to care. If you wish to live your life in a paranoid haze that is your choice. I won't try to stop you because I happen to agree with Ron White. You just can't fix stupid.
OK so the answer to my question at the opening is "Yes, you are too stupid to read a simple sentence and undrstand it."
Thanks for clearing that up.

No problem. Glad I could help. Have fun freaking out.
Yes you have helped me define you as a brainless moron not really worth bothering with. I sense the Iggy feature in your future.
PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.

Actually Robert E Lee didn't really fight for the "south", he fought for Virginia. He chose to do so on the basis of family tradition and love of Virginia. He didn't even believe in the south's economic and political arguments

So you agree with Mr.Right that the southerners weren't Christians as well?
This is (just a bit) of what the President of that Christian Nation said:

"Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible. - CSA President Jefferson Davis

...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...
Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.". [Jefferson Davis, Vol. 1, by Dunbar Rowland, pp. 286 & 316-317.]
Both sides were Christian. I don't judge people's religion. If you say you are a Christian I don't question it, even if you ignore all of Jesus' teachings.

You just did judge and question it. You judge when you say someone is ignoring Jesus' teachings. Interesting how those who say we shouldn't judge do it not realizing they are hypocrites when they do it.

I never said you shouldn't judge. Jesus said it. If you have a problem with that, you need to take it up with him.

Out of curiosity though, do you agree with Mr.Right that Robert E. Lee wasn't a Christian?
Was he pro slavery?

He was pro States' rights. Do you know why Lee said he joined the Confederacy despite being offered command of the Union troops? Do you think Lincoln was anti-slavery? You might find through reading that Lee wasn't as pro slavery as people thing ...

Yeah, he was anti-slavery in a "I'm going to keep my slaves until I am forced to free them" kind of way.

Yes, he expressed a few sentiments against slavery, but still fought *for* the cause of defending, preserving, protecting and expanding slavery. There's no getting around that.

He fought for States' rights. It's people like you that don't know history that make something simple out of something that isn't. I bet you think the move toward Civil War didn't start until Lincoln was elected in 1860.
You just did judge and question it. You judge when you say someone is ignoring Jesus' teachings. Interesting how those who say we shouldn't judge do it not realizing they are hypocrites when they do it.

I never said you shouldn't judge. Jesus said it. If you have a problem with that, you need to take it up with him.

Out of curiosity though, do you agree with Mr.Right that Robert E. Lee wasn't a Christian?
Was he pro slavery?

He was pro States' rights. Do you know why Lee said he joined the Confederacy despite being offered command of the Union troops? Do you think Lincoln was anti-slavery? You might find through reading that Lee wasn't as pro slavery as people thing ...

Yeah, he was anti-slavery in a "I'm going to keep my slaves until I am forced to free them" kind of way.

Yes, he expressed a few sentiments against slavery, but still fought *for* the cause of defending, preserving, protecting and expanding slavery. There's no getting around that.

He fought for States' rights. It's people like you that don't know history that make something simple out of something that isn't. I bet you think the move toward Civil War didn't start until Lincoln was elected in 1860.

PratchettFaFought: 11154217 said:
Lee fought for south, which was pro-slavery. I believe he thought slavery should be abolished, but not so much he was unwilling to fight for the very society that wished it to continue. I believe it was you who said one does not compromise with evil - was it not?
Do you know WHY he fought for the south? You might want to study up on that.

Yes. So that makes it ok to compromise with evil?
You didn't answer the question. Why did Lee fight for the south?

No, no. I am not going to allow a detour so you can wriggle out. You tell me why and then explain why that made it ok to compromise with evil? Why did he fight against the Christians?
I'm not going to do your homework for you, kid. I asked if you knew why he fought for the south. Do you even know why the war was fought in the first place? It wasn't Fought Over slavery.
The cause and stated purpose of the Confederacy was to preserve, protect, defend and expand slavery - and they elevated the institution to something they glorified on their currency.

Slaves working the field --

The Vice President of the CSA said African Slavery was the Cornerstone.

You can't unstick that ugly off, no matter how you try.

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