Death by Wind Turbine.........


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

What they are doing to birds in the Corpus Christi area is disgusting.

Oh, I got to go, but I can go laughing, OROGENICMAN, your post is even funnier, in contrast to that avatar, seriously funny. ha ha, feral cats
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In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

False premise in the thread title. No one was killed by the wind turbine failure in the OP.

Instead it was just a brake failure which happens in vehicles all the time. Approximately 300,000 brake failure accidents happen in the USA each and every year.

The unusual circumstances in the wind turbine accident was that it was pushed beyond it's engineered Factor of Safety of 5 by extreme weather conditions. I have no doubt that all of the other turbines had their brakes inspected and upgraded where necessary to prevent another failure.

Once again the feckless OP failed to make her case.
Oh, I got to go, but I can go laughing, OROGENICMAN, your post is even funnier, in contrast to that avatar, seriously funny. ha ha, feral cats

You think this is funny, do you?

Feral Cats Kill Billions of Small Critters Each Year Science Smithsonian

In a paper published today in Nature Communications, they write that between 1.4 to 3.7 billion birds lose their lives to cats each year in the United States. Around 33 percent of the birds killed are non-native species (read: unwelcome). Even more startlingly, between 6.9 to 20.7 billion small mammals succumb to the predators. In urban areas, most of the mammals were pesky rats and mice, though rabbit, squirrel, shrew and vole carcasses turned up in rural and suburban locations. Just under 70 percent of those deaths, the authors calculate, occur at the paws of unowned cats, a number about three times the amount domesticated kitties slay.

Cats may also be impacting reptile and amphibian populations, although calculating those figures remains difficult due to a lack of studies. Based upon data taken from Europe, Australia and New Zealand and extrapolated to fit the United States, the authors think that between 258 to 822 million reptiles and 95 to 299 million amphibians may die by cat each year nationwide, although additional research would be needed to verify those extrapolations.

Since you think this is funny, I suggest you refrain from lecturing anyone on the dangers to birds from wind power since it is obvious that it isn't the deaths of the birds that actually concerns you.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

None of the above is credible. It has all been debunked by credible research.

Studies show no health concerns.

The negligible threat posed by wind turbines from fires or accidents in in the order of 0.001% over the 20-25 year life span of a turbine.

Environmental impact of wind power - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The OP is posting disingenuous canards.
In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

Youtube- the preferred 'citation' by those who don't have a real citation.

Every energy source that we have has potential negative consequences.

In 2013, energy sources and percent share of total electricity generation were

  • Coal 39%
  • Natural Gas 27%
  • Nuclear 19%
  • Hydropower 7%
  • Other Renewable 6%
    • Biomass 1.48%
    • Geothermal 0.41%
    • Solar 0.23%
    • Wind 4.13%
  • Petroleum 1%
  • Other Gases < 1%
Every type injures or has the potential to injure someone or something.

I have yet to understand the sudden outrage some people have for birds when they are killed by wind turbines or solar generators.
I would prefer that no birds be killed accidentally at all by human actions- but we kill millions of birds a year by our activities.

Anyone interested in how fracking affects bird populations?

How about power lines and how they kill raptors?
Utilities seek to save birds from power lines and vice versa Midwest Energy News
An academic paper endorsed by the FWS said that collisions with power lines and transmission towers kill hundreds of thousands to 175 million birds annually, while tens to hundreds of thousands of birds are electrocuted annually. The paper noted there is not comprehensive monitoring of the issue, so mortality estimates are rough.

I am all for taking measures to reduce bird kills.

Is that what you want- or do you just want to attack wind turbines?
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

None of the above is credible. It has all been debunked by credible research.

Studies show no health concerns.

The negligible threat posed by wind turbines from fires or accidents in in the order of 0.001% over the 20-25 year life span of a turbine.

Environmental impact of wind power - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The OP is posting disingenuous canards.

Like any power source, there is always the potential of negative impact.

What I don't get about these kinds of threads is that they always ignore everything but whatever they have a bee up their butt about.

And I never take any thread seriously that has as its sole source a Youtube video.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

None of the above is credible. It has all been debunked by credible research.

Studies show no health concerns.

The negligible threat posed by wind turbines from fires or accidents in in the order of 0.001% over the 20-25 year life span of a turbine.

Environmental impact of wind power - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The OP is posting disingenuous canards.

Like any power source, there is always the potential of negative impact.

What I don't get about these kinds of threads is that they always ignore everything but whatever they have a bee up their butt about.

And I never take any thread seriously that has as its sole source a Youtube video.
My thread ignores? Excuse me but I guess it went right over your head that this thread is under the topic of Environment and within this topic there are many threads about Solar and Wind which completely ignore the negative impacts of Solar and Wind, which are many.

There is nothing positive to say about Wind and Solar, if you read something positive, its a lie. Fiction based on fact, if I am being nice. Not once does Wind and Solar account for its tiny output in comparison to its extremely large physical size.
In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

Youtube- the preferred 'citation' by those who don't have a real citation.

Every energy source that we have has potential negative consequences.

In 2013, energy sources and percent share of total electricity generation were

  • Coal 39%
  • Natural Gas 27%
  • Nuclear 19%
  • Hydropower 7%
  • Other Renewable 6%
    • Biomass 1.48%
    • Geothermal 0.41%
    • Solar 0.23%
    • Wind 4.13%
  • Petroleum 1%
  • Other Gases < 1%
Every type injures or has the potential to injure someone or something.

I have yet to understand the sudden outrage some people have for birds when they are killed by wind turbines or solar generators.
I would prefer that no birds be killed accidentally at all by human actions- but we kill millions of birds a year by our activities.

Anyone interested in how fracking affects bird populations?

How about power lines and how they kill raptors?
Utilities seek to save birds from power lines and vice versa Midwest Energy News
An academic paper endorsed by the FWS said that collisions with power lines and transmission towers kill hundreds of thousands to 175 million birds annually, while tens to hundreds of thousands of birds are electrocuted annually. The paper noted there is not comprehensive monitoring of the issue, so mortality estimates are rough.

I am all for taking measures to reduce bird kills.

Is that what you want- or do you just want to attack wind turbines?
Fracking is done to increase Oil production because we are building $36 Trillion dollars worth of the World's largest structures ever built to produce a tiny amount of Electricity. How do you think Solar and Wind structures get built?

Did you complain about me starting my thread with a "youtube video and now you are using a New York Times article in a post?

Fracking, if you do not like fracking than you should not like Wind Turbines, takes a lot of fracking to produce the Crude Oil that is used to manufacture Billions of Tons of Wind Turbines. How many millions of gallons of Oil will be required to lubricate all these Wind Turbines?

Clean, Green, Renewable, energy Fracks, at the Geysers in Northern California, and worst yet, at the Salton Sea they frack using extremely toxic waste from the Geothermal plants. Zero EPA concern for fracking when its Geothermal.

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