Do liberals even like this country?

I never bitched about birth control. Let them take all the birth control they want. Just don't charge me for it.

I never said let them die. What I said is if a parent cannot financially support their children, those children should be removed from the household and put in an orphanage. I said that we should have a law were anybody applying for any kind of federal or state assistance get no money until we have them fixed first so they can't procreate while living on taxpayer dollars. If we did things like that, it would greatly reduce the amount of poor people procreating.
No more charge than if their insurance pays for an antibiotic. The antibiotic will prevent an infection.......birth control will prevent a pregnancy

Both are wise investments from a public health perspective

The rest of your post sounds worthy of Hitler

Why Hitler? I ask nothing more of poor people than we working people practice ourselves. When a working couple has the most children their income can afford, they use birth control, and many cases, getting physically fixed. If they don't make enough money to support any children, they get fixed so they never have any. The same standard should be held with poor people. if you don't make enough money to support a family, don't have children.

In most cases, people get infections through no fault or action of their own. Nice try though.
Seems like a solution Hitler would be proud of

Can't take care of your kids, they will be taken away from you. Want them back? sterilization

A Fascist solution

Call it what you want, but what is the liberal solution? Keep promoting the poor to have larger families than the working, and then scratch your head as to why we can't solver poverty?

At least my solutions would produce results. And government takes kids away from parents for other reasons in this country such as child abuse, drug abuse, and parents who are sentenced to prison.

There is nothing Hitleresque about reducing poverty in this country. Nobody has to have children in this country, it's a choice. Nobody has to go on government assistance outside of those who are disabled, it's a choice.

Everything in this country is a choice.
Your solution borders on the final solution and is worthy of a fascist hell hole

If reducing poverty, reducing the amount of unwanted children, reducing social liability, and promoting responsibility is a fascist hellhole, then I guess we are ready for that.
Let em die is not a solution

We are the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to take care of our poor. If you want them to have fewer kids....stop bitching about birth control

I never bitched about birth control. Let them take all the birth control they want. Just don't charge me for it.

I never said let them die. What I said is if a parent cannot financially support their children, those children should be removed from the household and put in an orphanage. I said that we should have a law were anybody applying for any kind of federal or state assistance get no money until we have them fixed first so they can't procreate while living on taxpayer dollars. If we did things like that, it would greatly reduce the amount of poor people procreating.
No more charge than if their insurance pays for an antibiotic. The antibiotic will prevent an infection.......birth control will prevent a pregnancy

Both are wise investments from a public health perspective

The rest of your post sounds worthy of Hitler

Why Hitler? I ask nothing more of poor people than we working people practice ourselves. When a working couple has the most children their income can afford, they use birth control, and many cases, getting physically fixed. If they don't make enough money to support any children, they get fixed so they never have any. The same standard should be held with poor people. if you don't make enough money to support a family, don't have children.

In most cases, people get infections through no fault or action of their own. Nice try though.
Seems like a solution Hitler would be proud of

Can't take care of your kids, they will be taken away from you. Want them back? sterilization

A Fascist solution

Call it what you want, but what is the liberal solution? Keep promoting the poor to have larger families than the working, and then scratch your head as to why we can't solve poverty?

At least my solutions would produce results. And government takes kids away from parents for other reasons in this country such as child abuse, drug abuse, and parents who are sentenced to prison.

There is nothing Hitleresque about reducing poverty in this country. Nobody has to have children in this country, it's a choice. Nobody has to go on government assistance outside of those who are disabled, it's a choice.

Everything in this country is a choice.
Solve simple poverty on an At-Will basis, right wingers; not enough socialism on a national basis for y'all?
No more charge than if their insurance pays for an antibiotic. The antibiotic will prevent an infection.......birth control will prevent a pregnancy

Both are wise investments from a public health perspective

The rest of your post sounds worthy of Hitler

Why Hitler? I ask nothing more of poor people than we working people practice ourselves. When a working couple has the most children their income can afford, they use birth control, and many cases, getting physically fixed. If they don't make enough money to support any children, they get fixed so they never have any. The same standard should be held with poor people. if you don't make enough money to support a family, don't have children.

In most cases, people get infections through no fault or action of their own. Nice try though.
Seems like a solution Hitler would be proud of

Can't take care of your kids, they will be taken away from you. Want them back? sterilization

A Fascist solution

Call it what you want, but what is the liberal solution? Keep promoting the poor to have larger families than the working, and then scratch your head as to why we can't solver poverty?

At least my solutions would produce results. And government takes kids away from parents for other reasons in this country such as child abuse, drug abuse, and parents who are sentenced to prison.

There is nothing Hitleresque about reducing poverty in this country. Nobody has to have children in this country, it's a choice. Nobody has to go on government assistance outside of those who are disabled, it's a choice.

Everything in this country is a choice.
Your solution borders on the final solution and is worthy of a fascist hell hole

If reducing poverty, reducing the amount of unwanted children, reducing social liability, and promoting responsibility is a fascist hellhole, then I guess we are ready for that.
Why does your solution look so much like China's one child policy?
Why Hitler? I ask nothing more of poor people than we working people practice ourselves. When a working couple has the most children their income can afford, they use birth control, and many cases, getting physically fixed. If they don't make enough money to support any children, they get fixed so they never have any. The same standard should be held with poor people. if you don't make enough money to support a family, don't have children.

In most cases, people get infections through no fault or action of their own. Nice try though.
Seems like a solution Hitler would be proud of

Can't take care of your kids, they will be taken away from you. Want them back? sterilization

A Fascist solution

Call it what you want, but what is the liberal solution? Keep promoting the poor to have larger families than the working, and then scratch your head as to why we can't solver poverty?

At least my solutions would produce results. And government takes kids away from parents for other reasons in this country such as child abuse, drug abuse, and parents who are sentenced to prison.

There is nothing Hitleresque about reducing poverty in this country. Nobody has to have children in this country, it's a choice. Nobody has to go on government assistance outside of those who are disabled, it's a choice.

Everything in this country is a choice.
Your solution borders on the final solution and is worthy of a fascist hell hole

If reducing poverty, reducing the amount of unwanted children, reducing social liability, and promoting responsibility is a fascist hellhole, then I guess we are ready for that.
Why does your solution look so much like China's one child policy?

In China, they have child restrictions. Here, nobody is restricted. I just want the people who have these children be able to support them. If they can't, like working people, they shouldn't have children. It's just like buying a new house or new car. If you can't afford to drive or live there, you should't have those things. Child rearing is the second greatest expense for a household, and depending on how many you have, could be the greatest expense. So why should people create this huge expense and send the bill to the taxpayers?
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

What were you doing here since 2009? If you like the US being run like Russia, where the judicial system is run by the Pres, you now live in the right country.
No more charge than if their insurance pays for an antibiotic. The antibiotic will prevent an infection.......birth control will prevent a pregnancy

Both are wise investments from a public health perspective

The rest of your post sounds worthy of Hitler

Why Hitler? I ask nothing more of poor people than we working people practice ourselves. When a working couple has the most children their income can afford, they use birth control, and many cases, getting physically fixed. If they don't make enough money to support any children, they get fixed so they never have any. The same standard should be held with poor people. if you don't make enough money to support a family, don't have children.

In most cases, people get infections through no fault or action of their own. Nice try though.
Seems like a solution Hitler would be proud of

Can't take care of your kids, they will be taken away from you. Want them back? sterilization

A Fascist solution

Call it what you want, but what is the liberal solution? Keep promoting the poor to have larger families than the working, and then scratch your head as to why we can't solver poverty?

At least my solutions would produce results. And government takes kids away from parents for other reasons in this country such as child abuse, drug abuse, and parents who are sentenced to prison.

There is nothing Hitleresque about reducing poverty in this country. Nobody has to have children in this country, it's a choice. Nobody has to go on government assistance outside of those who are disabled, it's a choice.

Everything in this country is a choice.
Your solution borders on the final solution and is worthy of a fascist hell hole

If reducing poverty, reducing the amount of unwanted children, reducing social liability, and promoting responsibility is a fascist hellhole, then I guess we are ready for that.

Trump just invited baby Charlie Gard here, so he had best not take millions off the HI they are on.
WTF. The Republican plan slashed federal funding for medicaid.

The chickenshit POS Republicans were making the States do it.

Wow, You defend that? Chickenshit politics.

The ACA did not make premiums u affordable. That is a lie. Premiums rose at a lower rate than before the ACA.

People buying insurance as individuals saved mega bucks whether they got a subsidy or not. A family of 4 making $90K could qualify for a subsidy. According to dumbass you, those are low wage people.

I ,lob=e it when you asswipes bitch about the ACA & then show you know nothing about it.

WTF are you talking about? When did you apply for Commie Care and what did they offer you? I did. I know what they offered me. I know how much it cost. I know it was unaffordable because I don't make french fries for a living.

They told me there was only one insurance company available for me to continue seeing my doctor and going to my hospital I've been going to all of my life. They wanted over 25% of my net pay. The plan had a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. No dental, no prescriptions, and a $50.00 copay for doctors visits.

In other words it didn't cover shit unless I made plans to run out in front of a moving bus. Even the worker on the phone admitted she could never afford that plan.
You keep proving how little you know about the ACA.

Commie care? Really? You are that stupid?

No one forced anyone to buy through the exchanges. You were perfectly free to buy your insurance where ever you wanted.

If that policy was 25% of your net pay, you were eligible for a subsidy.

If you could not afford a policy in the exchanges then you could not have afforded one prior to the ACA.

Before Commie Care came along, I had employer provided insurance my entire adult life, and I'm 57 years old with preexisting conditions since I was 25. But that's not the point. The point is that Commie Care was designed to give likely Democrats voters affordable insurance at the cost to Republican voters. If you make an average income, you don't get crap from those subsidies. If you don't make any kind of real money, subsidies pay for most of it. That's why they wanted over 25% of my net pay.

Really Ray., you need to work on your logic. You are not a Democrat yet you had access to the exchanges. Yes, Ray, Republicans also used the exchanges. There are lower income Republicans. Really. Check out those red states that utilize food stamps & welfare among the top ten.

So, it is the fault of Democrats that your employer fucked you over.

The ACA protected you from pre-existing conditions. Your own party will bring them back. Your own party will allow insurance companies to charge you 5 times what they charge younger people . Under the ACA it was 3 times.

I laugh at ignorant fools like you voting for Republicans as they are about to totally fuck you over with their new healthcare bill.

BTW the ACA base their subsidies on holding the maximum you should pay for health insurance at 9.5% of your income. Your party will set that at 16-17%.

Under YOUR party's bill, your premiums are likely to double. But hey, Ray, keep voting Republican.

Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.
WTF are you talking about? When did you apply for Commie Care and what did they offer you? I did. I know what they offered me. I know how much it cost. I know it was unaffordable because I don't make french fries for a living.

They told me there was only one insurance company available for me to continue seeing my doctor and going to my hospital I've been going to all of my life. They wanted over 25% of my net pay. The plan had a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. No dental, no prescriptions, and a $50.00 copay for doctors visits.

In other words it didn't cover shit unless I made plans to run out in front of a moving bus. Even the worker on the phone admitted she could never afford that plan.
You keep proving how little you know about the ACA.

Commie care? Really? You are that stupid?

No one forced anyone to buy through the exchanges. You were perfectly free to buy your insurance where ever you wanted.

If that policy was 25% of your net pay, you were eligible for a subsidy.

If you could not afford a policy in the exchanges then you could not have afforded one prior to the ACA.

Before Commie Care came along, I had employer provided insurance my entire adult life, and I'm 57 years old with preexisting conditions since I was 25. But that's not the point. The point is that Commie Care was designed to give likely Democrats voters affordable insurance at the cost to Republican voters. If you make an average income, you don't get crap from those subsidies. If you don't make any kind of real money, subsidies pay for most of it. That's why they wanted over 25% of my net pay.

Really Ray., you need to work on your logic. You are not a Democrat yet you had access to the exchanges. Yes, Ray, Republicans also used the exchanges. There are lower income Republicans. Really. Check out those red states that utilize food stamps & welfare among the top ten.

So, it is the fault of Democrats that your employer fucked you over.

The ACA protected you from pre-existing conditions. Your own party will bring them back. Your own party will allow insurance companies to charge you 5 times what they charge younger people . Under the ACA it was 3 times.

I laugh at ignorant fools like you voting for Republicans as they are about to totally fuck you over with their new healthcare bill.

BTW the ACA base their subsidies on holding the maximum you should pay for health insurance at 9.5% of your income. Your party will set that at 16-17%.

Under YOUR party's bill, your premiums are likely to double. But hey, Ray, keep voting Republican.

Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.

Yeah, I'll do that:

During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

What were you doing here since 2009? If you like the US being run like Russia, where the judicial system is run by the Pres, you now live in the right country.

You mean the same judicial system that stopped the President from doing his job several times these past six months? The same judicial system that told him he cannot enforce a policy passed by the US Congress years ago?
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

What were you doing here since 2009? If you like the US being run like Russia, where the judicial system is run by the Pres, you now live in the right country.

You mean the same judicial system that stopped the President from doing his job several times these past six months? The same judicial system that told him he cannot enforce a policy passed by the US Congress years ago?

No I mean the one that tried to repeal the ACA (what 31 times) and did nothing else but bad mouth the Pres, and investigate Benghazi and the private email , and now can pass a health insurance bill and still blame Clinton and Obama for everything. Also the President who doesn't know what health insurance is or the ACA but sits with a pen to sign it to sign whatever comes over his desk to give a huge tax break to him, his family and his buddies , and the same one who won the elections but claims there was mass voter fraud. Those morons.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

What were you doing here since 2009? If you like the US being run like Russia, where the judicial system is run by the Pres, you now live in the right country.

You mean the same judicial system that stopped the President from doing his job several times these past six months? The same judicial system that told him he cannot enforce a policy passed by the US Congress years ago?

No I mean the one that tried to repeal the ACA (what 31 times) and did nothing else but bad mouth the Pres, and investigate Benghazi and the private email , and now can pass a health insurance bill and still blame Clinton and Obama for everything. Also the President who doesn't know what health insurance is or the ACA but sits with a pen to sign it to sign whatever comes over his desk to give a huge tax break to him, his family and his buddies , and the same one who won the elections but claims there was mass voter fraud. Those morons. WTF does that have to do with our judicial system?
Ray-the moochers of the world will vigorously defend their right to be so including lambasting you as Hitler and racist for pointing out how tens of millions of parents do take child rearing and providing for their children as a serious matter with some forethought and planning Before doing the horizontal mombo
Ray-the moochers of the world will vigorously defend their right to be so including lambasting you as Hitler and racist for pointing out how tens of millions of parents do take child rearing and providing for their children as a serious matter with some forethought and planning Before doing the horizontal mombo

I don't know that planning is the problem. The problem is our social programs taught people to be irresponsible. Kind of like "I feel like screwing around tonight. If I get pregnant, so what, nobody is going to let my baby starve; nobody is going to take my baby away, and I'll probably make out better one government benefits than not having a baby anyway."

Working people plan. Working people sit down with a pen and paper and list the known expenses of having a child. They weight that against their income, and then make a decision as to whether or not they could afford to have a child. They may even speak with their employer or health insurance provider to see what kind of coverage for a child they get.

Welfare people simply don't give a shit. Their friends had children they couldn't afford, their family members had children they couldn't afford, so why not have children you can't afford either? There's no reason to plan because the taxpayer is going to foot all the expenses that working people have to calculate.
I agree with you only to a point.

The city of Cleveland wanted to hold gun manufacturers liable for the murders here in our city. In essence, what they would do is force gun manufacturers to not sell guns in Ohio, and in the process, attempt to put them out of business through those lawsuits.

The only reason they never pursued that goal is because of the courts. It would cost the city millions and they would lose the battle. However. If we had a liberal Supreme Court, they would allow such a suit to continue and of course, stop gun manufacturers from selling guns.

Thank God people chose Trump for President. If Hillary was in charge, guns would be just about illegal in the US in less than a decade.

What worries me is that Trump is a temporary reprieve.

Democrats will either assassinate him or harass him to the point he can not do anything for the nation. He is going to face relentless accusations of wrongdoing until his last day in office. I don't see it ever stopping. I think it will get even worse and they pick at events during his term and make mountains out of anything and everything they can whip up into a frenzy. Makes no difference if it is fake news or not. They are looking to Trump fatigue the nation with bad news even if it's fake news.

As far as Hillary....thank God. Hopefully she'll never come back but her control over the Democrat party is DEEP DEEP DEEP. The Clintons ARE essentially the Democrat party.

What both parties do is underestimate the rage of Republican/ conservative voters. Even if they could get rid of Trump, who would be next to take the office? And even if they could get rid of Pence, the Speaker of the House takes the office of President.

Democrat voters have protests, riot, damage public and private property, stop traffic from flowing when they get mad. When we get mad, we patiently await election day and take our anger out there as we did this past election.

So if they want to piss us off even more, I say good for them. Payback is a bitch.

I'm doing work for seniors (mostly for free) who have been lifelong dems but had it up to here with how the demorats went batshit crazy and tried to turn this country into the third world just so they could have guaranteed voters far into the future. Of course the corruption of the clintons and the arrogance of obama didn't help either.
But the pure pander of your right winger is ok. How, "uncorrupting of the Youth of the Nation".

The pander of my right winger. Hmmm... what is it you're attempting to say? Make it simple since trying to be cute or witty isn't one of your strong points.
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You keep proving how little you know about the ACA.

Commie care? Really? You are that stupid?

No one forced anyone to buy through the exchanges. You were perfectly free to buy your insurance where ever you wanted.

If that policy was 25% of your net pay, you were eligible for a subsidy.

If you could not afford a policy in the exchanges then you could not have afforded one prior to the ACA.

Before Commie Care came along, I had employer provided insurance my entire adult life, and I'm 57 years old with preexisting conditions since I was 25. But that's not the point. The point is that Commie Care was designed to give likely Democrats voters affordable insurance at the cost to Republican voters. If you make an average income, you don't get crap from those subsidies. If you don't make any kind of real money, subsidies pay for most of it. That's why they wanted over 25% of my net pay.

Really Ray., you need to work on your logic. You are not a Democrat yet you had access to the exchanges. Yes, Ray, Republicans also used the exchanges. There are lower income Republicans. Really. Check out those red states that utilize food stamps & welfare among the top ten.

So, it is the fault of Democrats that your employer fucked you over.

The ACA protected you from pre-existing conditions. Your own party will bring them back. Your own party will allow insurance companies to charge you 5 times what they charge younger people . Under the ACA it was 3 times.

I laugh at ignorant fools like you voting for Republicans as they are about to totally fuck you over with their new healthcare bill.

BTW the ACA base their subsidies on holding the maximum you should pay for health insurance at 9.5% of your income. Your party will set that at 16-17%.

Under YOUR party's bill, your premiums are likely to double. But hey, Ray, keep voting Republican.

Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.

Yeah, I'll do that:

View attachment 140025

Funny how you asshats keep dragging out the same shit.

That poll covered 4 years. Foe example, in 2007 39&% of those polled were Democrasts & 23% were Republicans. This in a small sampling.

According to your chart, 54% of working people voted Democrat. figure in the others & how did Republicans win?

Dumbass. Get all the data & quit cherry picking without background.

Campbell Public Affairs Institute: Merged Data Set
Before Commie Care came along, I had employer provided insurance my entire adult life, and I'm 57 years old with preexisting conditions since I was 25. But that's not the point. The point is that Commie Care was designed to give likely Democrats voters affordable insurance at the cost to Republican voters. If you make an average income, you don't get crap from those subsidies. If you don't make any kind of real money, subsidies pay for most of it. That's why they wanted over 25% of my net pay.

Really Ray., you need to work on your logic. You are not a Democrat yet you had access to the exchanges. Yes, Ray, Republicans also used the exchanges. There are lower income Republicans. Really. Check out those red states that utilize food stamps & welfare among the top ten.

So, it is the fault of Democrats that your employer fucked you over.

The ACA protected you from pre-existing conditions. Your own party will bring them back. Your own party will allow insurance companies to charge you 5 times what they charge younger people . Under the ACA it was 3 times.

I laugh at ignorant fools like you voting for Republicans as they are about to totally fuck you over with their new healthcare bill.

BTW the ACA base their subsidies on holding the maximum you should pay for health insurance at 9.5% of your income. Your party will set that at 16-17%.

Under YOUR party's bill, your premiums are likely to double. But hey, Ray, keep voting Republican.

Even if there was any truth in your lies, what difference does it make to me? Either way I still can't get insurance.

You puppets are so brainwashed that you actually believe everybody in a red state is Republican and everybody in a blue state is Democrat. Your puppet masters kept the truth from you which is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. There are plenty of Republicans in blue states like there are plenty of Democrats in red states.

Although we are a swing state, we are and have been red for some time with the exception of voting for that big-eared commie. However our cities are blue just like many across the country. It is there you will find the most welfare leaches. It's in those places you will find otherwise healthy younger and middle-aged people walking around during the day doing absolutely nothing dragging their four kids with them.

Where I live, It is over 70% Republican & there are plenty of low income people & mostly white & rural. We have lots of people receiving food stamps & on Medicaid. Plenty of counties in Pennsylvania packed full of white, rural, low income people.

You really need to put your racism aside & your really ignorant stupid idea that Republicans are not low income people. BTE, lots with a shit load of kids.

Yeah, I'll do that:

View attachment 140025

Funny how you asshats keep dragging out the same shit.

That poll covered 4 years. Foe example, in 2007 39&% of those polled were Democrasts & 23% were Republicans. This in a small sampling.

According to your chart, 54% of working people voted Democrat. figure in the others & how did Republicans win?

Dumbass. Get all the data & quit cherry picking without background.

Campbell Public Affairs Institute: Merged Data Set

So you have no rebuttal, just criticize the source. And what is this site supposed to tell me anyway?

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