Do liberals even like this country?

If what liberals consider improvements are already in place in other countries, why do liberals stay here? Why don't liberals move to some of these places for a few years first, and then come back and tell us how great it was? Or maybe, it's so great there that they would never move back!

Because it seems to me that liberals want to change this country on so many levels that I wonder if they hate being here.
You just don't get it. There is nothing wrong with looking at how programs work in other countries and deciding on whether it could work for us.

James Madison, in researching the Constitution, did the same thing

The country was not really formed just yet.

Now I can understand one or two things, but when I discuss politics with liberals, it seems like they want to change everything, especially major things: Education, firearms issues, elections, police conduct, healthcare, immigration, two-parrty system, taxation, everything.

It seems that no matter what we do here, it's always better somewhere else. If I were a person who believed the same thing; that this country is wrong in every possible way, I would hate it here and hate the country. I would leave.
What made the U.S. great was our willingness to accept elements of other cultures and make them ours
We have taken other languages, ideas, foods, entertainment and adopted them as our own

We are capable of doing the same with healthcare

No on so many levels. What made our country great is being able to reap the rewards of hard work; the idea that anybody can become wealthy; that freedom is paramount to all other issues; that everybody gets to choose their own path in this country.

No, we do not adopt ideas from other countries. We have our own ideas separate from any other place in the world. That's why there is only one America and nobody even comes close to our success and social structure.

I don't want to live in Sweden, I don't want to live in France, I don't want to live in Germany, I want to live in the United States of America. More importantly is preserving our country from liberals so we don't end up like those other countries.
You must live in a cave if you can't see the contributions made by Irish, Italian, Black, Hispanic, Jewish,German, Chinese and dozens of other cultures into our own
We did not force them to a monolithic America...we evolved

Blacks, and Hispanics have definitely been a net drain on this country, not only have they contributed far less, they contribute far less in tax base, than they take out of the system, made worse by their higher birth rates, they ruin U.S neighborhoods into violent dumpy ghettoes, and to top it off many of them don't like America, particularly White America.

Jews have accomplished a lot, no denying that, but they push the U.S into a sort of brainwashed Liberal multicultural stupor of submission.
You just don't get it. There is nothing wrong with looking at how programs work in other countries and deciding on whether it could work for us.

James Madison, in researching the Constitution, did the same thing

The country was not really formed just yet.

Now I can understand one or two things, but when I discuss politics with liberals, it seems like they want to change everything, especially major things: Education, firearms issues, elections, police conduct, healthcare, immigration, two-parrty system, taxation, everything.

It seems that no matter what we do here, it's always better somewhere else. If I were a person who believed the same thing; that this country is wrong in every possible way, I would hate it here and hate the country. I would leave.
What made the U.S. great was our willingness to accept elements of other cultures and make them ours
We have taken other languages, ideas, foods, entertainment and adopted them as our own

We are capable of doing the same with healthcare

No on so many levels. What made our country great is being able to reap the rewards of hard work; the idea that anybody can become wealthy; that freedom is paramount to all other issues; that everybody gets to choose their own path in this country.

No, we do not adopt ideas from other countries. We have our own ideas separate from any other place in the world. That's why there is only one America and nobody even comes close to our success and social structure.

I don't want to live in Sweden, I don't want to live in France, I don't want to live in Germany, I want to live in the United States of America. More importantly is preserving our country from liberals so we don't end up like those other countries.
You must live in a cave if you can't see the contributions made by Irish, Italian, Black, Hispanic, Jewish,German, Chinese and dozens of other cultures into our own
We did not force them to a monolithic America...we evolved

Blacks, and Hispanics have definitely been a net drain on this country, not only have they contributed far less, they contribute far less in tax base, than they take out of the system, made worse by their higher birth rates, they ruin U.S neighborhoods into violent dumpy ghettoes, and to top it off many of them don't like America, particularly White America.

Jews have accomplished a lot, no denying that, but they push the U.S into a sort of brainwashed Liberal multicultural stupor of submission.
Cool ...we get the bigots point of view

Thanks for showing us that you guys are still around
The country was not really formed just yet.

Now I can understand one or two things, but when I discuss politics with liberals, it seems like they want to change everything, especially major things: Education, firearms issues, elections, police conduct, healthcare, immigration, two-parrty system, taxation, everything.

It seems that no matter what we do here, it's always better somewhere else. If I were a person who believed the same thing; that this country is wrong in every possible way, I would hate it here and hate the country. I would leave.
What made the U.S. great was our willingness to accept elements of other cultures and make them ours
We have taken other languages, ideas, foods, entertainment and adopted them as our own

We are capable of doing the same with healthcare

No on so many levels. What made our country great is being able to reap the rewards of hard work; the idea that anybody can become wealthy; that freedom is paramount to all other issues; that everybody gets to choose their own path in this country.

No, we do not adopt ideas from other countries. We have our own ideas separate from any other place in the world. That's why there is only one America and nobody even comes close to our success and social structure.

I don't want to live in Sweden, I don't want to live in France, I don't want to live in Germany, I want to live in the United States of America. More importantly is preserving our country from liberals so we don't end up like those other countries.
You must live in a cave if you can't see the contributions made by Irish, Italian, Black, Hispanic, Jewish,German, Chinese and dozens of other cultures into our own
We did not force them to a monolithic America...we evolved

Blacks, and Hispanics have definitely been a net drain on this country, not only have they contributed far less, they contribute far less in tax base, than they take out of the system, made worse by their higher birth rates, they ruin U.S neighborhoods into violent dumpy ghettoes, and to top it off many of them don't like America, particularly White America.

Jews have accomplished a lot, no denying that, but they push the U.S into a sort of brainwashed Liberal multicultural stupor of submission.
Cool ...we get the bigots point of view

Thanks for showing us that you guys are still around

Reality must be bigotry.
I've been saying this for years. Why aren't bed wetters waiting for Cubans to land on the South Florida coast so they can recycle their inner tubes and swim south? They can just as easily cross the Peace Bridge into Canada and claim asylum.

Get the fuck out parasites, you don't like it here, we don't like you here, everyone will be better off.

Absolutely correct. Cuba would be a liberal paradise if you think about what they'd like to do to our country.

Nobody has guns but the government. Nobody has money but the government. Everybody is equal; equally poor. They have socialized healthcare and it doesn't cost you a dime. You never have to worry about real opposition politics, your guy wins every election. It's perfect for liberals.
The more, capital government of South Africa fell after only three years; the more socialist Cuba,is still with us.
I've been saying this for years. Why aren't bed wetters waiting for Cubans to land on the South Florida coast so they can recycle their inner tubes and swim south? They can just as easily cross the Peace Bridge into Canada and claim asylum.

Get the fuck out parasites, you don't like it here, we don't like you here, everyone will be better off.

Absolutely correct. Cuba would be a liberal paradise if you think about what they'd like to do to our country.

Nobody has guns but the government. Nobody has money but the government. Everybody is equal; equally poor. They have socialized healthcare and it doesn't cost you a dime. You never have to worry about real opposition politics, your guy wins every election. It's perfect for liberals.
And Conservatives love Somalia
No government regulation, all the guns you want, low wages
Maybe they should move there.
I've been saying this for years. Why aren't bed wetters waiting for Cubans to land on the South Florida coast so they can recycle their inner tubes and swim south? They can just as easily cross the Peace Bridge into Canada and claim asylum.

Get the fuck out parasites, you don't like it here, we don't like you here, everyone will be better off.

Absolutely correct. Cuba would be a liberal paradise if you think about what they'd like to do to our country.

Nobody has guns but the government. Nobody has money but the government. Everybody is equal; equally poor. They have socialized healthcare and it doesn't cost you a dime. You never have to worry about real opposition politics, your guy wins every election. It's perfect for liberals.
And Conservatives love Somalia
No government regulation, all the guns you want, low wages

What conservative ever said they want no government regulations? What conservative ever said Somalia does things better than the US?
Government can't do anything right, remember, right wingers.
I've been saying this for years. Why aren't bed wetters waiting for Cubans to land on the South Florida coast so they can recycle their inner tubes and swim south? They can just as easily cross the Peace Bridge into Canada and claim asylum.

Get the fuck out parasites, you don't like it here, we don't like you here, everyone will be better off.

Absolutely correct. Cuba would be a liberal paradise if you think about what they'd like to do to our country.

Nobody has guns but the government. Nobody has money but the government. Everybody is equal; equally poor. They have socialized healthcare and it doesn't cost you a dime. You never have to worry about real opposition politics, your guy wins every election. It's perfect for liberals.
And Conservatives love Somalia
No government regulation, all the guns you want, low wages

What conservative ever said they want no government regulations? What conservative ever said Somalia does things better than the US?
What liberal ever said that about Cuba?

Fun game to play isn't it?

Cuba is just one example of what liberals have been saying they'd like to see in this country. Plenty of European countries they constantly bring up. What liberal ever said that about Cuba? This liberal:

It is a fun game to play.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No further comment even needed.

They are traitors.
They didn't used to be but they have given themselves over to Evil and Lies.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Isn't the point, Ray, that if something doesn't work, you fix it?

Your attitude is, if something doesn't work, then leave.
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way

Liberals fought for independencefrom government?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Apparent to who?

Oh, because you get all the simple symbolism out, wave your flags around, tell anyone who doesn't do your mindless patriotism that they don't love the country.

You say you love the country, do you love DEMOCRATS? Because they're a part of the country, which means, you, loving every inch of the country, means you love Democrats. If you don't love Democrats Ray, you can fuck off to some country that doesn't have Democrats, can't you?
What made the U.S. great was our willingness to accept elements of other cultures and make them ours
We have taken other languages, ideas, foods, entertainment and adopted them as our own

We are capable of doing the same with healthcare

No on so many levels. What made our country great is being able to reap the rewards of hard work; the idea that anybody can become wealthy; that freedom is paramount to all other issues; that everybody gets to choose their own path in this country.

No, we do not adopt ideas from other countries. We have our own ideas separate from any other place in the world. That's why there is only one America and nobody even comes close to our success and social structure.

I don't want to live in Sweden, I don't want to live in France, I don't want to live in Germany, I want to live in the United States of America. More importantly is preserving our country from liberals so we don't end up like those other countries.
You must live in a cave if you can't see the contributions made by Irish, Italian, Black, Hispanic, Jewish,German, Chinese and dozens of other cultures into our own
We did not force them to a monolithic America...we evolved

Blacks, and Hispanics have definitely been a net drain on this country, not only have they contributed far less, they contribute far less in tax base, than they take out of the system, made worse by their higher birth rates, they ruin U.S neighborhoods into violent dumpy ghettoes, and to top it off many of them don't like America, particularly White America.

Jews have accomplished a lot, no denying that, but they push the U.S into a sort of brainwashed Liberal multicultural stupor of submission.
Cool ...we get the bigots point of view

Thanks for showing us that you guys are still around

Reality must be bigotry.
Aren't you late for your klan meeting?

Let me guess......sheets at the cleaners
If by Cleaners you mean James Comey's house, yes!
No on so many levels. What made our country great is being able to reap the rewards of hard work; the idea that anybody can become wealthy; that freedom is paramount to all other issues; that everybody gets to choose their own path in this country.

No, we do not adopt ideas from other countries. We have our own ideas separate from any other place in the world. That's why there is only one America and nobody even comes close to our success and social structure.

I don't want to live in Sweden, I don't want to live in France, I don't want to live in Germany, I want to live in the United States of America. More importantly is preserving our country from liberals so we don't end up like those other countries.
You must live in a cave if you can't see the contributions made by Irish, Italian, Black, Hispanic, Jewish,German, Chinese and dozens of other cultures into our own
We did not force them to a monolithic America...we evolved

Blacks, and Hispanics have definitely been a net drain on this country, not only have they contributed far less, they contribute far less in tax base, than they take out of the system, made worse by their higher birth rates, they ruin U.S neighborhoods into violent dumpy ghettoes, and to top it off many of them don't like America, particularly White America.

Jews have accomplished a lot, no denying that, but they push the U.S into a sort of brainwashed Liberal multicultural stupor of submission.
Cool ...we get the bigots point of view

Thanks for showing us that you guys are still around

Reality must be bigotry.
Aren't you late for your klan meeting?

Let me guess......sheets at the cleaners
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way

Liberals fought for independencefrom government?


When was the America under discussion ever without a government?
It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Apparent to who?

Oh, because you get all the simple symbolism out, wave your flags around, tell anyone who doesn't do your mindless patriotism that they don't love the country.

You say you love the country, do you love DEMOCRATS? Because they're a part of the country, which means, you, loving every inch of the country, means you love Democrats. If you don't love Democrats Ray, you can fuck off to some country that doesn't have Democrats, can't you?

That would be nice. If I never lived around another liberal again, I would have no complaints. In fact if they moved out of my suburb, my property value would double overnight. So where is this capitalist country you speak of that I should move to?

No, I don't love Democrats; only the ones in my family of course. Loving your country does not mean loving every single person in it. Loving your country means you believe you are in the best place in the world. Loving your country means you love the roots as well as the development. Loving this country means you resist Socialism and Communism that are available to any liberal in this country now. Loving this country means you don't want to be like everybody else.

Oh! And as for the OP, yes, I was talking about you. You with your "It's better here and it's better there." I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of people who live here and complain about this unique place we live and tell me how it's better in other places. And never hear Republicans saying the same thing. You never hear or read Republicans telling anybody how much better another country is and how we should replicate them. That is what love of your country means, and liberals don't have that.......apparently...
I've been saying this for years. Why aren't bed wetters waiting for Cubans to land on the South Florida coast so they can recycle their inner tubes and swim south? They can just as easily cross the Peace Bridge into Canada and claim asylum.

Get the fuck out parasites, you don't like it here, we don't like you here, everyone will be better off.

Absolutely correct. Cuba would be a liberal paradise if you think about what they'd like to do to our country.

Nobody has guns but the government. Nobody has money but the government. Everybody is equal; equally poor. They have socialized healthcare and it doesn't cost you a dime. You never have to worry about real opposition politics, your guy wins every election. It's perfect for liberals.
And Conservatives love Somalia
No government regulation, all the guns you want, low wages

What conservative ever said they want no government regulations? What conservative ever said Somalia does things better than the US?
What liberal ever said that about Cuba?

Fun game to play isn't it?

Cuba is just one example of what liberals have been saying they'd like to see in this country. Plenty of European countries they constantly bring up. What liberal ever said that about Cuba? This liberal:

It is a fun game to play.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Dude, Cuba is an Island and a Second World economy, not a third world economy.

One year difference in average lifespan, is pretty good for socialism. We can compare and contrast that, to true third world economies.
It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Apparent to who?

Oh, because you get all the simple symbolism out, wave your flags around, tell anyone who doesn't do your mindless patriotism that they don't love the country.

You say you love the country, do you love DEMOCRATS? Because they're a part of the country, which means, you, loving every inch of the country, means you love Democrats. If you don't love Democrats Ray, you can fuck off to some country that doesn't have Democrats, can't you?

That would be nice. If I never lived around another liberal again, I would have no complaints. In fact if they moved out of my suburb, my property value would double overnight. So where is this capitalist country you speak of that I should move to?

No, I don't love Democrats; only the ones in my family of course. Loving your country does not mean loving every single person in it. Loving your country means you believe you are in the best place in the world. Loving your country means you love the roots as well as the development. Loving this country means you resist Socialism and Communism that are available to any liberal in this country now. Loving this country means you don't want to be like everybody else.

Oh! And as for the OP, yes, I was talking about you. You with your "It's better here and it's better there." I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of people who live here and complain about this unique place we live and tell me how it's better in other places. And never hear Republicans saying the same thing. You never hear or read Republicans telling anybody how much better another country is and how we should replicate them. That is what love of your country means, and liberals don't have that.......apparently...

I'm sure, actually positive, that if you didn't live around another Liberal again, you'd find other things to hate.

Oh, loving your country doesn't meaning loving everyone in it, or loving everything about your country. How convenient AFTER you just said Liberals don't like the US because they don't like some things about it. Do you not see the MASSIVE contradiction there? Come on Ray, I thought you were better than that, but it turns out you're just another partisan hack making facts fit the script, and if they don't, get rid of them, they're fake news.

Loving the US does NOT mean that you support the policies that YOU like.

Yes, I know you were talking about me.

I'm sick and fucking tired of your bullshit too Ray. Because all you seem to do lately is bullshit. There's no logic to your posts. It's simple black and white. Republicans have the sun shining out of their fucking asses, and Democrats are evil.

If a Democrat says "today is Sunday" you will think they are wrong. If a Republican says "today is Sunday" they are an enlightened person who is clearly right.

I'm used to people coming on here and talking absolute bullshit. Just because you make a post about it, doesn't make you right.

Here is your "argument" in a nutshell.

Liberals hate some things about America, therefore they hate America.
Conservatives hate some things about America, therefore they love America.

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Apparent to who?

Oh, because you get all the simple symbolism out, wave your flags around, tell anyone who doesn't do your mindless patriotism that they don't love the country.

You say you love the country, do you love DEMOCRATS? Because they're a part of the country, which means, you, loving every inch of the country, means you love Democrats. If you don't love Democrats Ray, you can fuck off to some country that doesn't have Democrats, can't you?

That would be nice. If I never lived around another liberal again, I would have no complaints. In fact if they moved out of my suburb, my property value would double overnight. So where is this capitalist country you speak of that I should move to?

No, I don't love Democrats; only the ones in my family of course. Loving your country does not mean loving every single person in it. Loving your country means you believe you are in the best place in the world. Loving your country means you love the roots as well as the development. Loving this country means you resist Socialism and Communism that are available to any liberal in this country now. Loving this country means you don't want to be like everybody else.

Oh! And as for the OP, yes, I was talking about you. You with your "It's better here and it's better there." I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of people who live here and complain about this unique place we live and tell me how it's better in other places. And never hear Republicans saying the same thing. You never hear or read Republicans telling anybody how much better another country is and how we should replicate them. That is what love of your country means, and liberals don't have that.......apparently...

I'm sure, actually positive, that if you didn't live around another Liberal again, you'd find other things to hate.

Oh, loving your country doesn't meaning loving everyone in it, or loving everything about your country. How convenient AFTER you just said Liberals don't like the US because they don't like some things about it. Do you not see the MASSIVE contradiction there? Come on Ray, I thought you were better than that, but it turns out you're just another partisan hack making facts fit the script, and if they don't, get rid of them, they're fake news.

Loving the US does NOT mean that you support the policies that YOU like.

Yes, I know you were talking about me.

I'm sick and fucking tired of your bullshit too Ray. Because all you seem to do lately is bullshit. There's no logic to your posts. It's simple black and white. Republicans have the sun shining out of their fucking asses, and Democrats are evil.

If a Democrat says "today is Sunday" you will think they are wrong. If a Republican says "today is Sunday" they are an enlightened person who is clearly right.

I'm used to people coming on here and talking absolute bullshit. Just because you make a post about it, doesn't make you right.

Here is your "argument" in a nutshell.

Liberals hate some things about America, therefore they hate America.
Conservatives hate some things about America, therefore they love America.


Completely wrong. It seems that liberals hate most things about America, not some things. I gave you the list of the major things liberals would like to change, would you like me to list them again? Of course not because you know I'm right.

There is no bullshit about what I speak of, and if you ever find any, by all means, bring it up. Everything I have said (and do say) is true. If you want to prove them false, I welcome the challenge.

The things we Republicans don't like about our country are the things liberals plagued us with just like those Socialist European countries. We don't want to be Sweden, we don't want to be Poland, we don't want to be Germany, we want to be America. The Socialism we have in the US is what's destroying our country, so we want to send that Socialism back to Europe while you on the left want to keep inviting it back in.

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