Its a Celebration... Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice

My cup floweth over with Liberal tears. And I drink deeply from my cup. I shall never thirst as long as Trump is in the Whitehouse...

So...a true American patriot would be pleased that the country was made better (if that is what you think this Senate vote means).

But no - not you. Your first - and apparently only - thought is how much you believe this will help tens of millions of your fellow Americans.

You care more more for others misery than you do for your country.

You are political scum (and I would say the same thing to someone on the other 'side' if the vote had gone their way).
You people are the reason America is in such a mess.
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I'm genuinely curious, what makes you wingnuts so happy about the Kavanaugh confirmation? Is there something about his previous rulings that make you so enamored of this man?

This whole process is/was a template of the Trump voter: Blind obedience backed by thorough ignorance of the issues.

News flash to the uneducated liberal voter, to the day I die 30 years from now it will always be a right wing leaning supreme Court now...
You sure? Blackout drunks don't really live long lives.

This is just stupid. Lots of people get drunk and blackout in college and then they move on. I was a blackout drunk, I rode my bike to a party, drank so much that I woke up in my dorm room the next morning with no memory of how I got home and my bike was outside locked up...that was 36 years ago. Since that time I have moved on and now drink about a 6 pack of craft beer every two to three weeks.

Once a drunk does not mean always a drunk.

He I getting his talking points from undercrap demofags, they have a big thread on it.

You are an expert on parroting talking points, so I will take your word for it.
Republicans: :woohoo:

Democrats: :boo_hoo14:

A great day all around.
Yeah, who knew it would be so tough for the GOP to somehow narrowly confirm a RW nut job? Lol their chops at governing will never be forgotten!
Certainly not you, your stupid is is still wallowing in Hillary by a landslide.
Lol say what you want about Hillary, but she won the popular vote by 3 million votes. You can pretend that isn’t worth noting, but we both know that it is.

About as exciting as a third place bowling not quite.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So a purely democratic metric is a third place trophy now? The popular vote represents a democratic government process. You know that right? It simply not being enough to win an election in this country doesn't change that fact.

It also doesn’t win the presidency obviously [emoji849]. Ask Hillary, she’s still crying [emoji24]. I just want her to run again. Judging by her response and temper tantrum/disappearance after she lost, we know how she would have served as President. Similar to Benghazi. And people said Kavanuagh was emotional?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Say whatever you want...

The right is bamboozling, while left is getting bamboozled.

Here is another one, just look at those jugs.

I'm genuinely curious, what makes you wingnuts so happy about the Kavanaugh confirmation? Is there something about his previous rulings that make you so enamored of this man?

This whole process is/was a template of the Trump voter: Blind obedience backed by thorough ignorance of the issues.

News flash to the uneducated liberal voter, to the day I die 30 years from now it will always be a right wing leaning supreme Court now...
You sure? Blackout drunks don't really live long lives.

This is just stupid. Lots of people get drunk and blackout in college and then they move on. I was a blackout drunk, I rode my bike to a party, drank so much that I woke up in my dorm room the next morning with no memory of how I got home and my bike was outside locked up...that was 36 years ago. Since that time I have moved on and now drink about a 6 pack of craft beer every two to three weeks.

Once a drunk does not mean always a drunk.

He I getting his talking points from undercrap demofags, they have a big thread on it.

You are an expert on parroting talking points, so I will take your word for it.

Says the little twat who gets his news from late night comedians .

Enjoy a Kavanaugh beer...

Having a beer is the PERFECT way to celebrate this grand confirmation.

For people like lakhota, this will be difficult as immediately upon drinking a beer he starts assaulting women. But if no women are let nearby, I think, he too can celebrate.
No, shit Hillary was flawed and over-confident, but she still managed to win the popular vote because Trump is a complete moron. If any other republican candidate had won the nomination instead, that candidate would have won the popular vote.

The popular vote is a meaningless stat, it is like a losing football team bragging about getting more yards or a losing baseball team bragging about getting more hit.
Right, I'm sure if Hillary ended up losing the popular vote but won the election instead of Trump, you would have been totally fine with that lol

I viewed the choice between Trump and Hillary as a choice between gonorrhea and yeah I would not have cared either way.
I'm so sick of that false equivalency shit. Yes, Hillary was a mostly flawed candidate, but she was at least intelligent and had a basic sense of professionalism and dignity as a candidate. Trump is a whiny 10 year old girl trapped inside the body of a 72 year old orangutan.

Yeah, I know. Both sides get mad at me because of my view of Trump and Clinton. Don't really care
I'm not mad. This mentality you have is a dime a dozen. Plenty of people agree with you. That doesn't change the fact that it is a lazy, ridiculous assertion. You can dislike Hillary all you want. I don't care. It's just stupid to think Trump was an equal or better candidate.
News flash to the uneducated liberal voter, to the day I die 30 years from now it will always be a right wing leaning supreme Court now...
You sure? Blackout drunks don't really live long lives.

This is just stupid. Lots of people get drunk and blackout in college and then they move on. I was a blackout drunk, I rode my bike to a party, drank so much that I woke up in my dorm room the next morning with no memory of how I got home and my bike was outside locked up...that was 36 years ago. Since that time I have moved on and now drink about a 6 pack of craft beer every two to three weeks.

Once a drunk does not mean always a drunk.

He I getting his talking points from undercrap demofags, they have a big thread on it.

You are an expert on parroting talking points, so I will take your word for it.

Says the little twat who gets his news from late night comedians .


I do? That is news to me. I get up way too early to stay up and watch late night comedians. you must have me confused with someone else.
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The last few weeks have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. But now that it's over, God bless DJT, Brett Kavanaugh, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, and thank God for giving them the strength to be unwavering through the whole ordeal.

Enjoy this day ladies and is a good one for all of us.
Partisans rub it in as hard as they can, they'll dance on yer grave.

Both ends. Part of the psychosis.

Erm... we just defeated a false sexual harassment charge.

You don't need to be a partisan to realize that this is great news. One of the lowest political moves in history was defeated.
The popular vote is a meaningless stat, it is like a losing football team bragging about getting more yards or a losing baseball team bragging about getting more hit.
Right, I'm sure if Hillary ended up losing the popular vote but won the election instead of Trump, you would have been totally fine with that lol

I viewed the choice between Trump and Hillary as a choice between gonorrhea and yeah I would not have cared either way.
I'm so sick of that false equivalency shit. Yes, Hillary was a mostly flawed candidate, but she was at least intelligent and had a basic sense of professionalism and dignity as a candidate. Trump is a whiny 10 year old girl trapped inside the body of a 72 year old orangutan.

Yeah, I know. Both sides get mad at me because of my view of Trump and Clinton. Don't really care
I'm not mad. This mentality you have is a dime a dozen. Plenty of people agree with you. That doesn't change the fact that it is a lazy, ridiculous assertion. You can dislike Hillary all you want. I don't care. It's just stupid to think Trump was an equal or better candidate.

I understand that is your opinion, mine is different. Why is that such a problem for you?

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