OK it's time for logic

Answer this genius, how does simple information interfere with anything?


Go ask the heads of all our intelligence agencies that question.

I'm asking you, or are you too stupid to answer for yourself, like your queen bitch?


And I am telling you to take you punk chicken wing ass to the head of the 17 intelligence agencies who determined the Russians were interfering and ask them this question.

Sorry you lack the intelligence to think for yourself, here's another chance, how does simple information interfere with anything?


You have been told what to do. I'm not a


I can think for myself and understand that when all the intelligence agencies say Russia interfered in the election, I do not need to answer a stupid question from an idiot who chooses to not believe what he is shown.

Still telling that LIE? Run along child and get back to me when you finish the 10th grade.

What did Russia allegedly do????? I can't get a straight answer from the left. We already know via Project Veritas that they were doing all they could including collusion with the lamestream media to steal the election for the Hildebeast. We know that Larry Nichols, former Clinton insider heard the tapes of Comey, Lynch, Podesta and others colluding on how they would spin the illegal private server that was compromised. How leftards can be bitching that the Hildebeast lost instead of seeing her do the perp walk simply floors me. People have gone to jail for years for way less breaches of national security than what the Hildebeast did.

You've probably have gotten 1.000 straight answers but you refuse to accept them. None of the things you said happened. Clinton was found to be innocent of wrongdoing.

No, she was given a pass and we found that out through the e-mail dumps. Now, what did the Rooskies do exactly?????
You gotta look it up dude. Use that brain you're hiding. Google is a powerful tool.

According to the Vault 7 data dumps, the CIA can mimic cyber attacks and then blame it on a foreign country...did you know that?
So? Is that some sort of proof to you that something happened? It's be pretty sad if it was.

No, what I am saying is that the intel agencies can pretty much claim anything and we are suppose to believe it blindly.
Answer this genius, how does simple information interfere with anything?


Go ask the heads of all our intelligence agencies that question.

I'm asking you, or are you too stupid to answer for yourself, like your queen bitch?


And I am telling you to take you punk chicken wing ass to the head of the 17 intelligence agencies who determined the Russians were interfering and ask them this question.

Sorry you lack the intelligence to think for yourself, here's another chance, how does simple information interfere with anything?


You have been told what to do. I'm not a


I can think for myself and understand that when all the intelligence agencies say Russia interfered in the election, I do not need to answer a stupid question from an idiot who chooses to not believe what he is shown.

I haven't seen any proof that the Rooskies hacked the DNC server (which by the way the DNC refused to hand it over to the FBI) but I have seen proof that Seth Rich was the leaker and that Craig Murray a former UK ambassador passed it off to Julian Assange that soon afterwards offered a reward for the shooter of Seth Rich that was doing fine until he got into the hospital and took a turn for the worse after the D.C cops showed up and treated his room like a crime scene but have been dragging their feet on the investigation into the shooting....here is from a doctor that was there.....
You've probably have gotten 1.000 straight answers but you refuse to accept them. None of the things you said happened. Clinton was found to be innocent of wrongdoing.

No, she was given a pass and we found that out through the e-mail dumps. Now, what did the Rooskies do exactly?????
You gotta look it up dude. Use that brain you're hiding. Google is a powerful tool.

According to the Vault 7 data dumps, the CIA can mimic cyber attacks and then blame it on a foreign country...did you know that?
So? Is that some sort of proof to you that something happened? It's be pretty sad if it was.

No, what I am saying is that the intel agencies can pretty much claim anything and we are suppose to believe it blindly.

I could agree with you had it been one or two agencies, but all 17? Nah.
Go ask the heads of all our intelligence agencies that question.

I'm asking you, or are you too stupid to answer for yourself, like your queen bitch?


And I am telling you to take you punk chicken wing ass to the head of the 17 intelligence agencies who determined the Russians were interfering and ask them this question.

Sorry you lack the intelligence to think for yourself, here's another chance, how does simple information interfere with anything?


You have been told what to do. I'm not a


I can think for myself and understand that when all the intelligence agencies say Russia interfered in the election, I do not need to answer a stupid question from an idiot who chooses to not believe what he is shown.

I haven't seen any proof that the Rooskies hacked the DNC server (which by the way the DNC refused to hand it over to the FBI) but I have seen proof that Seth Rich was the leaker and that Craig Murray a former UK ambassador passed it off to Julian Assange that soon afterwards offered a reward for the shooter of Seth Rich that was doing fine until he got into the hospital and took a turn for the worse after the D.C cops showed up and treated his room like a crime scene but have been dragging their feet on the investigation into the shooting....here is from a doctor that was there.....View attachment 135939

It really doesn't matter much what you haven't seen. You'd have seen it quite clearly had Hillary been the president and shown to be possibly involved. That's why you are posting up this conspiracy theory about Sean Rich. You haven't seen proof of that, but you believe it only because it's anti Hillary propaganda.
No, she was given a pass and we found that out through the e-mail dumps. Now, what did the Rooskies do exactly?????
You gotta look it up dude. Use that brain you're hiding. Google is a powerful tool.

According to the Vault 7 data dumps, the CIA can mimic cyber attacks and then blame it on a foreign country...did you know that?
So? Is that some sort of proof to you that something happened? It's be pretty sad if it was.

No, what I am saying is that the intel agencies can pretty much claim anything and we are suppose to believe it blindly.

I could agree with you had it been one or two agencies, but all 17? Nah.

I would agree with you had the DNC turned their server over to the FBI instead of giving it to "CrowdStrike", a private internet security firm and that is where these 17 agencies are drawing their conclusions from. IMHO and from what I have read, the dots connected tell me that the leak was done by Seth Rich and if you will notice, the data dumping slowed to a trickle after he was killed. What stupefies me ( and I am not throwing you in this category yet) is that dems as a whole are more pissed that the e-mails were leaked showing how they colluded to steal the nomination from Sanders and how they were using dirty tricks and working with the media to steal the election for Hitlery while insulting their base by saying things like (and I am paraphrasing) "We have done a good job of keeping the people in the dark but they are becoming less compliant and an issue that needs to be dealt with". If I was still a staunch supporter of the RNC (of which I am not by any stretch of the imagination) and an e-mail like that was released? I would run, not walk away from them.....I ran away for other reasons but something that blatant would totally piss me off.
I'm asking you, or are you too stupid to answer for yourself, like your queen bitch?


And I am telling you to take you punk chicken wing ass to the head of the 17 intelligence agencies who determined the Russians were interfering and ask them this question.

Sorry you lack the intelligence to think for yourself, here's another chance, how does simple information interfere with anything?


You have been told what to do. I'm not a


I can think for myself and understand that when all the intelligence agencies say Russia interfered in the election, I do not need to answer a stupid question from an idiot who chooses to not believe what he is shown.

I haven't seen any proof that the Rooskies hacked the DNC server (which by the way the DNC refused to hand it over to the FBI) but I have seen proof that Seth Rich was the leaker and that Craig Murray a former UK ambassador passed it off to Julian Assange that soon afterwards offered a reward for the shooter of Seth Rich that was doing fine until he got into the hospital and took a turn for the worse after the D.C cops showed up and treated his room like a crime scene but have been dragging their feet on the investigation into the shooting....here is from a doctor that was there.....View attachment 135939

It really doesn't matter much what you haven't seen. You'd have seen it quite clearly had Hillary been the president and shown to be possibly involved. That's why you are posting up this conspiracy theory about Sean Rich. You haven't seen proof of that, but you believe it only because it's anti Hillary propaganda.

So, why did Julian Assange offer a 20K reward for the arrest of the shooter of Seth Rich? Did Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador lie when he said he got the thumb-drive from Seth Rich and then passed it off to Julian Assange at the Ecuadoran embassy? Do you believe that they were working with the Russians as a cover for what you allege they were doing?
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

It is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.

Because he's not stupid enough to allow the Left to dictate that he gets tied up in their crap so that he can't actually get on with his job? :eusa_think:
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

It is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.

Because he's not stupid enough to allow the Left to dictate that he gets tied up in their crap so that he can't actually get on with his job? :eusa_think:

Any excuse for Trump will do.
You guys better pray to the good lord every day that Trump is not found guilty of any charges. Because If he is, you guys might want to consider moving yourselves to another forum.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Last time I checked he was. He WANTS a russian meddling investigation. What he doesn't want is what appears to be happening which is a core group of shrilary operatives going in and destroying as much evidence of her criminal activities as they can.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Last time I checked he was. He WANTS a russian meddling investigation. What he doesn't want is what appears to be happening which is a core group of shrilary operatives going in and destroying as much evidence of her criminal activities as they can.

There is no Hillary criminal activities.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Last time I checked he was. He WANTS a russian meddling investigation. What he doesn't want is what appears to be happening which is a core group of shrilary operatives going in and destroying as much evidence of her criminal activities as they can.

There is no Hillary criminal activities.

Actually there are. comey when he was saying that no prosecutor would go after also laid out two felonies that she did indeed commit. He tried to stipulate that there was no intent, but intent is not a requirement. Simply doing what she did is a felony. She also lied to the FBI, provably so, and they ignored that due to orders from above. It's obvious as hell, but you have to not be hyper partisan to admit the realities of her crimes.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Last time I checked he was. He WANTS a russian meddling investigation. What he doesn't want is what appears to be happening which is a core group of shrilary operatives going in and destroying as much evidence of her criminal activities as they can.

There is no Hillary criminal activities.

Actually there are. comey when he was saying that no prosecutor would go after also laid out two felonies that she did indeed commit. He tried to stipulate that there was no intent, but intent is not a requirement. Simply doing what she did is a felony. She also lied to the FBI, provably so, and they ignored that due to orders from above. It's obvious as hell, but you have to not be hyper partisan to admit the realities of her crimes.

None of that is true. And you have to be non partisan to understand that. You at the hyper partisan here with all these claims. There were 9 investigations, all of them ending with the same conclusion.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

Last time I checked he was. He WANTS a russian meddling investigation. What he doesn't want is what appears to be happening which is a core group of shrilary operatives going in and destroying as much evidence of her criminal activities as they can.

There is no Hillary criminal activities.

Actually there are. comey when he was saying that no prosecutor would go after also laid out two felonies that she did indeed commit. He tried to stipulate that there was no intent, but intent is not a requirement. Simply doing what she did is a felony. She also lied to the FBI, provably so, and they ignored that due to orders from above. It's obvious as hell, but you have to not be hyper partisan to admit the realities of her crimes.

None of that is true. And you have to be non partisan to understand that. You at the hyper partisan here with all these claims. There were 9 investigations, all of them ending with the same conclusion.

All of it is true. Like I said, if you're hyper partisan, as you clearly are, you allow your confirmation bias to color your views.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?

It doesn't suggest anything either way in terms of Russian interference in our election. Certainly we know that no credible evidence has been shown to the American public in regards to the indictment. The story is just fodder.

The logic suggests that Russia is standing in the way of US policy objectives in the ME. It is easy to see from that why the USG would implement a propaganda campaign against its citizens here at home that demonizes the Russians.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

There was Russian interference...under Obamas watch. Who knew about, was asked to do something about it, and decided not to. Why are you blaming trump only? And they are finding out, maybe you should read other news sources. They've found out a lot of it. Nothing at all to suggest it won trump the election, or changed votes. They tried. But there's been multiple reports on what Russia did specifically, what, where, when, and how they targeted. The left has been too busy pushing the trump collusion meme with ZERO evidence that they know there is no evidence for. All it is doing is winding up their base, but ignoring the important problem of hey, Russia did this, we should really make sure they won't be able to.

This OP, is a example on how the left can live in such a bubble. Hey buddy your 6 months late with your OP. Time to get out of that bubble

What do you mean by able to do what they did?
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

But according to John Podesta, the leak was from the inside namely Seth Rich and Podesta said an example needed to be made of the "leaker". We already have Craig Murray's statement that he met with Rich and got the thumb drive that he in turn turned over to Assange Assange even offered a 20K reward leading to the arrest of the shooter.

So let me get this straight, the leftards are pissed because they were caught cheating which they believe was cheating on behalf of Trump? Isn't that kinda like a cheating husband accusing his wife of dishonesty because she figured out his password and saw the texts of her husband "pitching woo" to another woman?
I'm going by the Intelligence services report. https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf

We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign then focused on undermining her expected presidency.  We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.  In trying to influence the US election, we assess the Kremlin sought to advance its longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, the promotion of which Putin and other senior Russian leaders view as a threat to Russia and Putin’s regime.
It is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.


What did Russia allegedly do????? I can't get a straight answer from the left. We already know via Project Veritas that they were doing all they could including collusion with the lamestream media to steal the election for the Hildebeast. We know that Larry Nichols, former Clinton insider heard the tapes of Comey, Lynch, Podesta and others colluding on how they would spin the illegal private server that was compromised. How leftards can be bitching that the Hildebeast lost instead of seeing her do the perp walk simply floors me. People have gone to jail for years for way less breaches of national security than what the Hildebeast did.

You've probably have gotten 1.000 straight answers but you refuse to accept them. None of the things you said happened. Clinton was found to be innocent of wrongdoing.

No, she was given a pass and we found that out through the e-mail dumps. Now, what did the Rooskies do exactly?????
You gotta look it up dude. Use that brain you're hiding. Google is a powerful tool.

According to the Vault 7 data dumps, the CIA can mimic cyber attacks and then blame it on a foreign country...did you know that?
Duuuude, you're saying the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy? WTF are you?
Why do Liberals cling so tightly to the Russia blanket? Is it their last refuge that allows them to still fantasize they weren't wrong? Is it that hard to admit you were wrong? I was wrong about Obama. In 2008 even though I didn't vote for him, I thought he could be really good for bringing the country together. Wow was I way off on that one!
Because, like Gore, they lost even though the Left Coast brought them more votes. Hillary was entitled to win and she didn't so now they're butthurt.....half a year later. They'll still be butthurt in 2020.

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