OK it's time for logic

All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?
You guys better pray to the good lord every day that Trump is not found guilty of any charges. Because If he is, you guys might want to consider moving yourselves to another forum.

And when he is not, please don't leave. It's marginally fun to bat you around with your own ignorance.
You guys better pray to the good lord every day that Trump is not found guilty of any charges. Because If he is, you guys might want to consider moving yourselves to another forum.

And when he is not, please don't leave. It's marginally fun to bat you around with your own ignorance.
LOL. Agreed. I strongly doubt Trump will be found guilty of anything other than Foot-in-Mouth disease via Twitter.
Why didnt barry stop it? He knew it was going on long before the election.
You should probably stick to fantasticle black achievements.
Why didn't Obama stop it is an ignorant question. Probably why it's now the rights fav talking point from their #1 fact source, trumps tweets.

If hacking is so easy to stop why didn't all those European entities just stop it today? Why didn't the government just flip the switch and turn it off?

Barry knew....why did he keep it to himself?

Hey numbnuts, Trump was briefed on this as a candidate and when he took office but refused to believe it..

So you're saying Trump should investigate himself?
Since CNN already admitted it was a witch hunt I dont see that as necessary.

I am saying that Trump shod l be more involved and concerned about how the Russians were able to do what they did then get to putting policies in place to make it so it doesn't happen again.. Because if there was not collusion the reality is that 17 intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked into our system and he can start getting his agencies to begin creating preventative measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Trump can start worrying about that after the media witch hunt is over. Then he can focus on Democrat voter fraud and Obama admin obstruction of justice.
Why didn't Obama stop it is an ignorant question. Probably why it's now the rights fav talking point from their #1 fact source, trumps tweets.

If hacking is so easy to stop why didn't all those European entities just stop it today? Why didn't the government just flip the switch and turn it off?

Barry knew....why did he keep it to himself?

Hey numbnuts, Trump was briefed on this as a candidate and when he took office but refused to believe it..

So you're saying Trump should investigate himself?
Since CNN already admitted it was a witch hunt I dont see that as necessary.

I am saying that Trump shod l be more involved and concerned about how the Russians were able to do what they did then get to putting policies in place to make it so it doesn't happen again.. Because if there was not collusion the reality is that 17 intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked into our system and he can start getting his agencies to begin creating preventative measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Trump can start worrying about that after the media witch hunt is over. Then he can focus on Democrat voter fraud and Obama admin obstruction of justice.
Are you saying President Trump should ignore his oath for Public Relations reasons?
Barry knew....why did he keep it to himself?

Hey numbnuts, Trump was briefed on this as a candidate and when he took office but refused to believe it..

So you're saying Trump should investigate himself?
Since CNN already admitted it was a witch hunt I dont see that as necessary.

I am saying that Trump shod l be more involved and concerned about how the Russians were able to do what they did then get to putting policies in place to make it so it doesn't happen again.. Because if there was not collusion the reality is that 17 intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked into our system and he can start getting his agencies to begin creating preventative measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Trump can start worrying about that after the media witch hunt is over. Then he can focus on Democrat voter fraud and Obama admin obstruction of justice.
Are you saying President Trump should ignore his oath for Public Relations reasons?

That's called "proprietorial discretion." At least, that's what Obama called it.
Hey numbnuts, Trump was briefed on this as a candidate and when he took office but refused to believe it..

So you're saying Trump should investigate himself?
Since CNN already admitted it was a witch hunt I dont see that as necessary.

I am saying that Trump shod l be more involved and concerned about how the Russians were able to do what they did then get to putting policies in place to make it so it doesn't happen again.. Because if there was not collusion the reality is that 17 intelligence agencies have said Russia hacked into our system and he can start getting his agencies to begin creating preventative measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Trump can start worrying about that after the media witch hunt is over. Then he can focus on Democrat voter fraud and Obama admin obstruction of justice.
Are you saying President Trump should ignore his oath for Public Relations reasons?

That's called "proprietorial discretion." At least, that's what Obama called it.
Translation: Since I believe Obama was a lying scumbag traitor who broke his oath, I support Trump being a lying scumbag traitor too.

Got it. Thanks for your opinion.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?
All right, let's get real. Tell me what interference that the Russians conducted that actually effected the results of an election. Sure the Russians wanted Trump over Hillary, that was the result of the actual election, the Russians were just agreeing.
t is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.


How "true".....apparently it IS the job of THIS president to INTERFERE in an investigation, by firing the main investigator......Correct?????

Next? (lol)
t is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.


How "true".....apparently it IS the job of THIS president to INTERFERE in an investigation, by firing the main investigator......Correct?????

Next? (lol)

It's certainly within his authority.

Do recall that Trump was not under investigation, but now it seems a growing number of Democrats are.
You've probably have gotten 1.000 straight answers but you refuse to accept them. None of the things you said happened. Clinton was found to be innocent of wrongdoing.

No, she was found too stupid to be prosecuted, there's a difference.


She was found innocent. After 9 investigations which showed her to be innocent and an FBI investigation that showed the same thing.

You might want to go back and read Comey's July statement again. He laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, which was the legal threshold for prosecution, but then said she really didn't mean to break the law. LMAO In one portion of his statement, he said no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on a unsecure system. Of course he didn't take her false exculpatory statements into account when determining intent when they are used in courts everyday to prove intent.

So yeah, the bitch was guilty and just too stupid to be prosecuted, according to Comey.

I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion
So where is he evidence that Obama was working with the Russians to make it so the Democratic party server would be hacked and then democratic party information leaked to the public at various times? Oh there is none, Trump tweeted it so therefore it is so.

The ISSUE is why did Obama know that Russians were trying to tamper with elections last summer and not do anything if it were such an issue? WHY did he not tell the public or either of the two candidates? Why did he go on TV on Oct 18 just days before the election and say the our election system was robust and beyond reproach and that due to its size and complexity it was absurd to suggest that votes could be tampered with and for Trump to quit whining and worry about his own campaign?

These are the real questions that beg to be answered, and we are starting to get some of them answered now as to why Trump / Russia stories have overwhelmingly dominated the media at the expense of all else despite a paucity of credible evidence, and it has begun to come in such as the just now released undercover video taken at CNN where the exec told them to drop other important stories and get back on the Russia thing--- RATINGS. All of this Russia Conspiracy crap has all you Leftwing Zealbots all wound up and are helping to pull CNN's ratings out of the tanker.

But that still does not excuse the need to get answers to those first questions.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

because he isn't innocent.

what did the guy have to do, get on national TV and ask Russia to hack Hillary's campaign?

oh right.... never mind.
No, she was found too stupid to be prosecuted, there's a difference.


She was found innocent. After 9 investigations which showed her to be innocent and an FBI investigation that showed the same thing.

You might want to go back and read Comey's July statement again. He laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, which was the legal threshold for prosecution, but then said she really didn't mean to break the law. LMAO In one portion of his statement, he said no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on a unsecure system. Of course he didn't take her false exculpatory statements into account when determining intent when they are used in courts everyday to prove intent.

So yeah, the bitch was guilty and just too stupid to be prosecuted, according to Comey.

I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
What logic? Last August Barry Hussein told Americans that it was impossible for Russian hackers to influence an American election.
She was found innocent. After 9 investigations which showed her to be innocent and an FBI investigation that showed the same thing.

You might want to go back and read Comey's July statement again. He laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, which was the legal threshold for prosecution, but then said she really didn't mean to break the law. LMAO In one portion of his statement, he said no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on a unsecure system. Of course he didn't take her false exculpatory statements into account when determining intent when they are used in courts everyday to prove intent.

So yeah, the bitch was guilty and just too stupid to be prosecuted, according to Comey.

I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



You might want to go back and read Comey's July statement again. He laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, which was the legal threshold for prosecution, but then said she really didn't mean to break the law. LMAO In one portion of his statement, he said no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on a unsecure system. Of course he didn't take her false exculpatory statements into account when determining intent when they are used in courts everyday to prove intent.

So yeah, the bitch was guilty and just too stupid to be prosecuted, according to Comey.

I've read the testimony and watched it. He did nothing of the sort.

But you see, you got what you wanted. Hillary s not president.

Trump is president. Therefore Trumps actions shall be questioned just like every other president.

From the Comey statement:
My bold.
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation.

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
Transcript: FBI Director James B. Comey's statement on the Clinton email investigation
Yep there was wrong doing by a stupid person, now stupid is a get out of jail free card, if you're a Clinton.

Only thing that Comey lied about, that he did not see any signs that she knew what she was doing was wrong. But having her own unauthorized phones, that she had to go several floors down and outside of the building to use. And then after she finished the use of it, she smashes completely. But then I do not like how they given her plenty of time to hand over her servers to have them bleached clean from all the data that was on it, and they knew that she had them bleached. That is like having the murderer to re-enter the crime scene that he had committed the murder, to wipe it down before they can investigate the scene.
And another thing that Hillary lied about. That she said that she handed over all of the servers. But later on, they has found out that there were more servers that she did not handed over to them. That is automatically an offense.
But Comey did not see nothing to charge her for. But she was aware of her actions.

It is an offence under Section 327 of the Crimes Act to carry out an act of perjury. Perjury is an act of a person who makes any false statement on oath concerning a matter which is material to the proceedings, knowing the statement to be false. Essentially, it refers to lying in Court while under oath.

To prove that you hindered an investigation, the police must prove that you personally committed an act to hinder the investigation and that the act was committed deliberately. The act must have hindered an investigation of a serious indictable offence committed by another person, the apprehension of another person who has committed a serious indictable offence or the discovery of evidence concerning a serious indictable offence.

It is an offence under Section 319 of the Crimes Act to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice refers to a person either performing an act or making an admission with the intention of deliberately interfering with the administration of justice. For example, if someone was to provide the police with false details about a case (fabricating information) that led the police on a "wild goose chase" and thus distracted them from administering justice.

To prove that you have tampered with evidence, the police must prove that you fabricated, concealed, damaged, destroyed, suppressed, altered or falsified evidence (other than by carrying out an act of Perjury), or you knowingly made use of evidence that had been tampered with, you knew that the evidence would be required in judicial proceedings and you tampered with the evidence with the intent to mislead the judicial tribunal during the judicial proceedings.

Perjury Lawyer | False Accusations | Hinder an Investigation | Tampering with Evidence | Turnbul

But she has used this as an excuse of her actions. But she was still capable of running the world.

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to 'Get Over' Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline Bill Clinton Reveals Hillary Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion

trump loons are so funny.

comey did a lot wrong... he never lied. idiota

and what should normal people get over? that 1/3 of the electorate is holding the country hostage?

that a sociopath who is woefully incompetent is in the white house?

that said sociopath is destroying our place in the world and turning our foreign policy over to Russia so he can profit financially?

you loons whined for 8 years about a president who was actually elected by 52% of the voting public in a race where the losing candidate got more votes than this orange lunatic in chief.

*you* get over it.
Well, Martha Stewart was just laying back cutting open and eating an apple with a butcher's knife watching how Comey had let Hillary off with many of lies, but he did not let her off the hook for one single little lie. As she is watching this on T.V. she is reminiscing about all the nights that she had to lied into the same bed with Big Bertha that never had taken a bath in her life, giving Big Bertha fellatio treatments every night while she was locked up. But while Hillary never has gotten her lips wet behind bars.
Well, basically, the President actually won by 92 %. But by them having all of Hillary's groupies returning five to six times to the ballots boxes reentering their votes over and over, while the Illegals and El Chapo's men coming into the ballot boxes doing the same thing as well. That it has brought the percentage of Trump votes down.



Uhh.... where do you buy your mushrooms?
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?
Because during the campaign he was retweeting Putin's hacks and fake news!
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

It is not the job of the president to conduct investigations.


That's not what the OP asked.

Not only are RWNJs okay with Russia influencing US elections, the don't care that the cheeto and his family and minions are up to their navels is filthy corruption.

Why is that?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?
Obviously, Trump is a Putin mole. We all know that. I saw it on CNN.

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