Pocahontas Apologizes for Being Indian

It happened in my family where they claimed there was a savage in the wood pile..But I have researched it but never found anything specific... I do like to canoe down the river...
Pocahontas deserves to be scalped by the elders of the Cherokee nation
I doubt they get off their butt and do anything..
Yep they’re too busy laughing their asses off at the fake Indian
No they be growing weed now that it is legal for medical...
They’ve always have been growing weed on the reservations… Where of you been living in a cave?
They’ve always have been growing weed on the reservations… Where of you been living in a cave?
Yeah, and you can imagine how much Pocahontas gets on their nerves by following them around and telling them they didn't grow that.
They’ve always have been growing weed on the reservations… Where of you been living in a cave?
Yeah, and you can imagine how much Pocahontas gets on their nerves by following them around and telling them they didn't grow that.
I guess they don’t believe in Pocahontas is their Lord and Savior like she would wish they would
Using the word slut tells a lot about who you are.
But being a slut says way more.
Who are you to judge who is a slut?
I made no judgment. Just observation.
But considering the distinctions between male and female sexuality traits, it’s way, way more appropriate to refer to a woman as a slut than a man.
No male relative of mine would ever degrade their soul and lower themselves to call any female a slut. You must know one and none of my male relatives would ever know one.
Using the word slut tells a lot about who you are.
But being a slut says way more.
Who are you to judge who is a slut?
I made no judgment. Just observation.
But considering the distinctions between male and female sexuality traits, it’s way, way more appropriate to refer to a woman as a slut than a man.
No male relative of mine would ever degrade their soul and lower themselves to call any female a slut. You must know one and none of my male relatives would ever know one.
Denial ain’t always a river.
Wife just got the results of one of those spit in the vial dna tests.

She was under the impression there was NA in her ancestry.

no sign of it
Back in the days before the internet and dna my dad was a part time professional geneologist. It was actually a real profession involving many long hours in libraries looking up old census records, tax records, and other documents. People were paid to do this. The profession has probably died out now due to massive data bases and dna testing.

My dad did this research for many people and it was very common for white people to have some family folklore that they had a native ancestor or two. It was almost never true however. Most geneologists concluded it came from grandparents trying to give the grandkids a little thrill and perhaps a a little white guilt thrown in.

Even in our own family there was a story from my dad's great grandpa about being part native.

Turns out in our case it was because an ancestor in the 1870s did marry a girl he met who was raised by some Sioux natives. But she was described as having bright orange hair, pale white skin and green eyes. Chances are she was of northern European heritage but was found by natives and raised as one of their own which was actually very common among many native tribes.

Of course dna testing confirms no native dna in my family.
She was once proud of her Indian ancestory. Now she uis apologizing for it. That's one weird squaw.

Elizabeth Warren Tries to Quell DNA Controversy With Apology

Trump's Pocohantos and now your squaw. Every time you white people speak of minorities it's always insulting. The English word Squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. :102:
I apologize for being 1% white because a white slave owner raping one of my ancestors. Actually, it's 26% England, Wales and Northwestern European but I do not tell anyone.

How do you know she was raped.

Has it occured to you that many slaves had consensual sex with white owners ?

Actually the word squaw comes from the native alqonquin language and simply means woman even if some think it is a slur.

Your simply wrong
She was once proud of her Indian ancestory. Now she uis apologizing for it. That's one weird squaw.

Elizabeth Warren Tries to Quell DNA Controversy With Apology

Trump's Pocohantos and now your squaw. Every time you white people speak of minorities it's always insulting. The English word Squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. :102:
I apologize for being 1% white because a white slave owner raping one of my ancestors. Actually, it's 26% England, Wales and Northwestern European but I do not tell anyone.

It's OK, we wouldn't acknowledge you as one of us anyway.
She was once proud of her Indian ancestory. Now she uis apologizing for it. That's one weird squaw.

Elizabeth Warren Tries to Quell DNA Controversy With Apology

Trump's Pocohantos and now your squaw. Every time you white people speak of minorities it's always insulting. The English word Squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. :102:
I apologize for being 1% white because a white slave owner raping one of my ancestors. Actually, it's 26% England, Wales and Northwestern European but I do not tell anyone.

Negro "people" traded their slaves to mean white people.

You are fucking ignorant and nothing but a fucking bumper sticker.

You pathetic morons are more offended by a word than the fact that the lying skinny scumbag bitch lied and advanced her career by saying she was a REDSKIN. That is right REDSKIN.

Now, call me white, so I can laugh at your pathetic cliches you worthless piece of shit.
My great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee so NA is in my genes and I sure wouldn't apologize for it.

Wouldn't surprise me if my Dad had NA in him as well.
Wife just got the results of one of those spit in the vial dna tests.

She was under the impression there was NA in her ancestry.

no sign of it
High cheekbones?
She was once proud of her Indian ancestory. Now she uis apologizing for it. That's one weird squaw.

Elizabeth Warren Tries to Quell DNA Controversy With Apology

Trump's Pocohantos and not your squaw. Every time you white people speak of minorities it always an insult. The English word Squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. :102:
I apologize to sluts regardless of their ethnic heritage.

Using the word slut tells a lot about who you are.

Identifying someone as a slut tells a lot about what that person is.

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