President Trump addresses the country.

Your opinion is tainted by your viewing your weasel-in-chief as a god. So, not much of a recommendation.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

I am glad to see the new administration is doing so much to bring the country together.
Your opinion is tainted by your viewing your weasel-in-chief as a god. So, not much of a recommendation.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


Pay better attention, he is not talking about the Patriots :

STORMING OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING: False Flag Operation Executed by Deep State to Crush the Patriot Movement

This Captivating D.C. Drama Was Staged
by the Left to Demonize the Right
and to Terminate GOP Objections to
the Electoral College Vote Fraud,
Which It Did in the Dead of the Night

The Democrats were desperate to shut down the congressional objections to the Electoral College votes. Once various U.S. senators expressed their objections — battleground state by battleground state — the truth about the brazenly stolen election was televised for the first time since the steal occurred. Deep State would not permit the evidence to be disseminated like this—way too damning! The official record of the Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 6 would forever contain conclusive evidence of the stolen 2020 POTUS election.

So, they staged a dramatic swarming of The Capitol Building (TCB) in order to DISTRACT everyone’s attention. This black operation was led by AntiFa anarchists disguised as Trump supporters. That’s why the security at TCB was so lax—to permit the storming of the building so that Trumpsters would look bad. It’s true that there were many MAGA protesters among those who entered TCB, but they were there to STOP THE STEAL. Given the “soft coup by stolen ballot” that was being rubber-stamped by the U.S. Congress, the MAGA protesters have every right to shut down the unlawful, treasonous process.

The bottom line here is that the storming of TCB was a meticulously engineered false flag black operation overseen by the U.S. Intelligence Community to include the FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, etc. Which is precisely why the protestors faced virtually no resistance from law enforcement as they breached what little security was quite intentionally set up. In fact, the whole thing was an obvious set-up with several aims and purposes, some of which will become clear in the coming days.

Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.
Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.

They were there to peacefully protest. Have you ever heard of peacefully protest? The cops let Antifa in and all hell broke lose. It was a set up to blame it on the peaceful protesters. That is exactly what it was. But the white hats knew this and special ops were sent in to retrieve the laptops.
Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.

They were there to peacefully protest. Have you ever heard of peacefully protest? The cops let Antifa in and all hell broke lose. It was a set up to blame it on the peaceful protesters. That is exactly what it was. But the white hats knew this and special ops were sent in to retrieve the laptops.

What about the woman who said they went in because it was a revolution? The video interview was shared on Twitter, not sure if it's still there but probably is. You can go ahead and find it out.
Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.

They were there to peacefully protest. Have you ever heard of peacefully protest? The cops let Antifa in and all hell broke lose. It was a set up to blame it on the peaceful protesters. That is exactly what it was. But the white hats knew this and special ops were sent in to retrieve the laptops.

What about the woman who said they went in because it was a revolution? The video interview was shared on Twitter, not sure if it's still there but probably is. You can go ahead and find it out.

Notice the words Revolution. There are Antifa woman also. But one would also have to be naïve not to think when people started going in that some of the Trump supporters also went in. A protest can turn into a mob really fast especially when egged on by infiltrators.

The CIA has been doing this in other countries for a long time. They are professional agent provocateurs. Communist infiltrators also do the same things.
Some of us in the apt complex I live in are having walker and wheelchair races in the halls when the manager go home and the asst manager lets them do it after hours.

It's Trumps fault. And yours cuz, ya know, you are against old people entertaining themselves. You should be fired, your banks closing your accounts, and hounded for the rest of your life.

All the other residents on the other floors don't do it. They just like to watch to see who wins without falling down. Just those on the 4th floor do it yet ALL must now be punished and evicted to live under overpasses.

See how fucking STUPID that is?
Your opinion is tainted by your viewing your weasel-in-chief as a god. So, not much of a recommendation.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

It's moments like this that I'm reminded that the left lives in a fantasy land every bit as much as the right does.
Real Americans,
Keep in mind as you read the naysayers comments......

many if not most are likely foreigners who are angry that US taxpayers dare to not want to carry their load......


They are communist shills for the CCP
Your opinion is tainted by your viewing your weasel-in-chief as a god. So, not much of a recommendation.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


Pay better attention, he is not talking about the Patriots :

STORMING OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING: False Flag Operation Executed by Deep State to Crush the Patriot Movement

This Captivating D.C. Drama Was Staged
by the Left to Demonize the Right
and to Terminate GOP Objections to
the Electoral College Vote Fraud,
Which It Did in the Dead of the Night

The Democrats were desperate to shut down the congressional objections to the Electoral College votes. Once various U.S. senators expressed their objections — battleground state by battleground state — the truth about the brazenly stolen election was televised for the first time since the steal occurred. Deep State would not permit the evidence to be disseminated like this—way too damning! The official record of the Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 6 would forever contain conclusive evidence of the stolen 2020 POTUS election.

So, they staged a dramatic swarming of The Capitol Building (TCB) in order to DISTRACT everyone’s attention. This black operation was led by AntiFa anarchists disguised as Trump supporters. That’s why the security at TCB was so lax—to permit the storming of the building so that Trumpsters would look bad. It’s true that there were many MAGA protesters among those who entered TCB, but they were there to STOP THE STEAL. Given the “soft coup by stolen ballot” that was being rubber-stamped by the U.S. Congress, the MAGA protesters have every right to shut down the unlawful, treasonous process.

The bottom line here is that the storming of TCB was a meticulously engineered false flag black operation overseen by the U.S. Intelligence Community to include the FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, etc. Which is precisely why the protestors faced virtually no resistance from law enforcement as they breached what little security was quite intentionally set up. In fact, the whole thing was an obvious set-up with several aims and purposes, some of which will become clear in the coming days.

Sounds just like the playbook out of history.

Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.

They were there to peacefully protest. Have you ever heard of peacefully protest? The cops let Antifa in and all hell broke lose. It was a set up to blame it on the peaceful protesters. That is exactly what it was. But the white hats knew this and special ops were sent in to retrieve the laptops.

except that the two police guys that let them in were strong supporters of Trump who have now lost there job.

One of the Capitol police officers took a selfie with someone who was part of the mob that overtook the Capitol and the other wore a "Make America Great Again" hat and started directing people around the building,

Now show me where anyone from antifa was arrested for letting them in.
Yeah Trump telling them to go stop the steal was obviously Obama in disguise.

Trump supporters sitting in the capital taking pictures of themselves was obviously staged by actors in a Hollywood set. Top Hollywood actors were used for the role of a lifetime. Trump was played by Elene Degeneres

Trump supporters who bragged about the effort was really just fake news by Antifa people disguising themselves as patriot's

Deep state just went deeper and now is so deep that they forgot where they are. A cry for help can be heard but they cannot be found. China has been asked for their assistance as they are experts on the deep state. Other countries have express that they just don't care.

Republican senators will be introducing a bill that will not allow democrats to vote because they can't be trusted. There also will be a watch list for republicans who cannot be trusted. A test will be administered to determine if they can be trusted. Senators are still deciding on who can be trusted to administer this test.

They were there to peacefully protest. Have you ever heard of peacefully protest? The cops let Antifa in and all hell broke lose. It was a set up to blame it on the peaceful protesters. That is exactly what it was. But the white hats knew this and special ops were sent in to retrieve the laptops.

except that the two police guys that let them in were strong supporters of Trump who have now lost there job.

One of the Capitol police officers took a selfie with someone who was part of the mob that overtook the Capitol and the other wore a "Make America Great Again" hat and started directing people around the building,

Now show me where anyone from antifa was arrested for letting them in.

FBI Arrests Antifa Leader John Sullivan in Utah After Storming US Capitol …Update: With FBI Affidavit

Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan is in custody after being arrested in Utah on Thursday.

As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol last week.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

Your opinion is tainted by your viewing your weasel-in-chief as a god. So, not much of a recommendation.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


Untitled drawing - 2021-01-11T212559.361.png
HUGE! CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker was Embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan During Siege of US Capitol – Cheered “We Did It!” After Inciting Riot (VIDEO)

From our earlier report — Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6 as he damaged federal property.

After the Capitol was stormed John Sullivan appeared with CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker on CNN that night. CNN did not identify Sullivan as an Antifa-BLM protest leader. They mention Insurgence, USA but not that it is a radical leftist organization. They do not mention that Sullivan was arrested in Utah during unrest in 2020. CNN did not reveal that the two were working together inside the US Capitol. Jade Sacker has done work for NPR, CNN, NBC and other liberal outlets.


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