Quick History lesson

Probably. Go ahead and post something else that is stupid.

Why not agree that Ron was on topic and you are not? Be a man and admit your fuck-up.

Coming from you that's hilarious. Did you come here to pick a fight or actually talk about the topic? Furthermore the OP discusses the 13th Amendment (abolition of slavery), the 14th Amendment (equal protection and citizenship for slaves), and 15th Amendment (voting rights for slaves). I'd say slavery, racism and the KKK all go hand in hand here. Oh and it mentions Obamacare. So, who was it that didn't read the OP? We aren't talking about Hispanics. Deal with it.

I contributed to this dopey thread yesterday......long before it was made dopier by your input.

The premise that the OP presents is false. The GOP is not a party that demonstrates concern for the issues that minorities face in this country.

Ron introduced the question of why the GOP is blocking legislation that is obviously of great concern to minorities. He did so as a direct response to the OP. Then, you decided that he was off topic......instead of arguing his point.

What do you have to say about this? Do you agree that the GOP lags far behind the DNC on this issue? Will you concede that the Democratic Party has the support of minorities....including Hispanics......because of the policies that it has introduced over the past 40 years?

Lol. You sound more and more unintelligent each time you post. "Dopey"? Wow. It is a non sequitur in that the OP said nothing about hispanics or immigration reform. It specifically mentions slavery, not immigration, not illegal aliens, none of it.

"The OP is false" is not an argument, nor is it a refutation. As Pogo often points out to me, "it isn't so just because you say it is."

Right now immigration reform is on the back burner. Frankly Obama has damaged the trust of Hispanics via the failure of Obamacare. There are tons of them out there who could have benefited from an 'affordable' healthcare plan. You don't think out of the box do you?

Lol. You sound more and more unintelligent each time you post. "Dopey"? Wow. It is a non sequitur in that the OP said nothing about hispanics or immigration reform. It specifically mentions slavery, not immigration, not illegal aliens, none of it.

"The OP is false" is not an argument, nor is it a refutation. As Pogo often points out to me, "it isn't so just because you say it is."

Right now immigration reform is on the back burner. Frankly Obama has damaged the trust of Hispanics via the failure of Obamacare. There are tons of them out there who could have benefited from an 'affordable' healthcare plan. You don't think out of the box do you?

You keep telling yourself that, Tampon.

You keep telling yourself that disappointment with Obama is going to translate into support for the Party of Tancredo.
Coming from you that's hilarious. Did you come here to pick a fight or actually talk about the topic? Furthermore the OP discusses the 13th Amendment (abolition of slavery), the 14th Amendment (equal protection and citizenship for slaves), and 15th Amendment (voting rights for slaves). I'd say slavery, racism and the KKK all go hand in hand here. Oh and it mentions Obamacare. So, who was it that didn't read the OP? We aren't talking about Hispanics. Deal with it.

I contributed to this dopey thread yesterday......long before it was made dopier by your input.

The premise that the OP presents is false. The GOP is not a party that demonstrates concern for the issues that minorities face in this country.

Ron introduced the question of why the GOP is blocking legislation that is obviously of great concern to minorities. He did so as a direct response to the OP. Then, you decided that he was off topic......instead of arguing his point.

What do you have to say about this? Do you agree that the GOP lags far behind the DNC on this issue? Will you concede that the Democratic Party has the support of minorities....including Hispanics......because of the policies that it has introduced over the past 40 years?

Lol. You sound more and more unintelligent each time you post. "Dopey"? Wow. It is a non sequitur in that the OP said nothing about hispanics or immigration reform. It specifically mentions slavery, not immigration, not illegal aliens, none of it.

"The OP is false" is not an argument, nor is it a refutation. As Pogo often points out to me, "it isn't so just because you say it is."

Right now immigration reform is on the back burner. Frankly Obama has damaged the trust of Hispanics via the failure of Obamacare. There are tons of them out there who could have benefited from an 'affordable' healthcare plan. You don't think out of the box do you?

You do not wish to concede the point in my last paragraph?
Thanks for reminding us how great the Republican Party used to be. It is part of the reason I became a Republican. They were the party that cared about working Americans. The party of equal rights
But then, a radical shift occurred. They became the unabashed party of the rich. Trickle down was their mantra......take care of the rich and they will take care of you
The working class became the enemy

Party of the rich? Really you are still selling those long dead fish stories?

7 of the top ten richest in congress are democrats: The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

Obama certainly has not been and enemy of the rich. The Wallstreet bailout certainly proves that Obama takes care of his own. His record of black unemployment certainly shows his concern is somewhere else. Hell Reagan did better for blacks then does this democrat president.

What "shift" is it that you speak? The shift of those in the south sick of the interference in their lives by the federal government switching to Republicans? Really is that all you got? You really have to do better. Reagan signed into law MLK's birthday so it is incumbent on you to provide us with the legislation that the republicans have pushed that hurt blacks. Certainly I can point out how LBJ's great society has decimated the black community. With help like that who needs enemies? So enemies must be created thus the invention of the lie about the Republican party. Sal Alynski would be very proud.

Interesting reply...

The main difference is that the wealthy Democrats actually vote against their own interests. They support higher taxes on the rich, more programs to help working Americans and the poor.
Republicans only support the wealthy......heap more benefits on the top and eventually it will trickle down in jobs and prosperity for all

And how has that "trickle down" worked out?


And the Democrats have elected over a 100.

Nothing says "Party of Slavery" like electing black people to positions of power.*

*Yes, the Dem party was the party of slavery. Back when they were conservatives. No denying that.

It is sad that Republicans have to go back 50 years to find a time they actually supported minorities

Have you asked Alan West about that? How about Thomas Sowell? Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, Charles Payne. Just to name a few that you might recognize.

There are millions of minorities who are conservative and republican.

Many more are waking up to the fraud that dems and libs have perpetrated on them for years.

Millions huh? How come they don't vote in National elections?

Or is it for every minority the GOP claims, the Dems also have 10 old white guys on their side to counter?
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Yea you do need to say more. When was it that the Republican party decided they no longer wanted to support minorities?

When did the Repubs decide they no longer needed the support of minorities?

They never decided that nor have they rejected it.

And if ANY political party decided to make a minority (blacks and Hispanic) a political scapegoat, how long do you think the minority will support this political party?

The Democratic Party has existed for about 180 years, yet they are the most racist and hateful party on the planet.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.
If the republican party is so strongly for minorities why are they NOT pushing for the immigration bill proposed by the Democrats?

Because they don't feel that people who break the law should be rewarded over those who wanted to immigrate to the United States and followed the rules to work through the process. Why is that wrong?
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.

You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.
No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.

You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.

They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.

True, the Dixiecrats were set up basically for the 1948 election, then they returned to the DP until the CRA passed when they parted ways and went to the RP. All of which illustrates that they're not there for any party ideology (these were after all staunch conservatives in the Democratic Party) but for a cultural interest. That cultural interest happened to be based on, and intertwined with. racism. The RP knew that and consciously set out to attract them.

Again, it would have been hard to imagine a South where the Democratic Party was not entrenched in everyday politics; the first Republican President had vanquished them in the Civil War, and his party was brand new, so the chances of that party gaining a foothold were slim and none. The DP was the only game left for the white establishment. And traditions die hard in the South. So inevitably whatever a terrorist organization does to advance its cultural agenda, including corruption in government officials, is going to involve the only political party in town, by default. What other party could be involved? The RP was by definition the party of the "Oppressor". It was effectively nonexistent.

This entire thread is a thinly veiled attempt to equate the KKK and racism in general with the Democratic Party, and by extension anyone who ever worked with it or voted for it, even down to the present day, as if a political party is some kind of static state of mind. It doesn't mind making shit up to try to make that stretch.

Consider that goofy-ass multiple choice post suggesting, for one example, the founders of the NAACP were Republicans. Here's the reality of those founders according to Wiki:

W. E. B. Du Bois - supported whatever party seemed practical at the time

Ida B. Wells - worked for a Republican leaning newspaper; no word of her personal affiliation

Archibald Grimké = Republican for two years and quit, disillusioned

Henry Moskowitz - no known affiliation

Mary White Ovington - Republican liberal (true of many at the time, but remember, "political parties never evolve")

Oswald Garrison Villard - no known affiliation except for working with National Democratic Party offshoot. Also wrote for The Nation

William English Walling- joined RP and quit

Florence Kelley - no known affilitation but a staunch supporter of worker rights

Charles Edward Russell - Socialist and Social Democrat

That's just one example.

The thread is Godwin's Law writ racist. And it's utter bullshit, written with the goal of oversimplifying history into bite-size turds for the purpose of demonizing one's adversaries and eliminating them from the face of the earth in the quest for a one-party state. Facts be damned -- we'll just make 'em up as we go.

Utter bullshit.
What does the Republican Party of 150 years ago have to do with the Republican Party of today?

Uh, Absolutely ...nothing. Say it again.

That's part of the reality you have to suspend in order to sell the Eliminationist bullshit story.
Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.

You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.

They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.

Democrats always peddle that "southern strategy" stuff as if it was the moment when the Democratic Party became pure and the Republican Party became evil. But, the same people were in the Democratic Party. Al Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd never left the Democratic Party and they never changed their beliefs, they just tried to keep quiet about them. Now, the Democrats claim the Republicans are anti-minority because they want to provide opportunities to make whatever life they choose instead of supporting the "give-a-ways" that end up trapping them in poverty, where the "overseers" want them to be.
Minorities hear white Republicans claiming to be friends of minorities and laugh their asses off. Then they vote Democratic.

"We Republicans were your friends...over 50 years ago!" :lol:

Most of you retards weren't even alive 50 years ago. Nowadays, Republicans on USMB can be found posting darkies-behaving-badly topics, and bashing homos, Muslims, and immigrants. So your fits of angst over why minorities aren't drinking the piss we see in this topic is the height of hilarity.
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Minorities hear white Republicans claiming to be friends of minorities and laugh their asses off. Then they vote Democratic.

LOL! Nice of you to speak for Minorities. And, while they might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.
You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.

They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.

Democrats always peddle that "southern strategy" stuff as if it was the moment when the Democratic Party became pure and the Republican Party became evil. But, the same people were in the Democratic Party. Al Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd never left the Democratic Party and they never changed their beliefs, they just tried to keep quiet about them. Now, the Democrats claim the Republicans are anti-minority because they want to provide opportunities to make whatever life they choose instead of supporting the "give-a-ways" that end up trapping them in poverty, where the "overseers" want them to be.

Sorry, gang, your version is not taught in the vast majority of our high school or university programs, and will not be taught. Your denial of historical fact does not change the fact.

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