Quick History lesson

Minorities hear white Republicans claiming to be friends of minorities and laugh their asses off. Then they vote Democratic.

LOL! Nice of you to speak for Minorities. And, while they might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

The ballots speak for minorities, dumb ass. The ballot box completely debunks this topic.
Minorities hear white Republicans claiming to be friends of minorities and laugh their asses off. Then they vote Democratic.

LOL! Nice of you to speak for Minorities. And, while they might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

The ballots speak for minorities, dumb ass. The ballot box completely debunks this topic.

Ah, you can't stand the truth, so you have to resort to vulgarities. How sad for you. As I said, minorities might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

Blow your nose and dab your eyes and try to come up with an actual rebuttal this time.
Excuse me?

You heard me. Do I need to repeat myself?

Your question is patently outrageous! How dare you ask me such a thing?! Are you suggesting that we are supposed to eradicate or otherwise remove them from the South?

What is wrong with you? Yes! They should have let both white and black have equal dominion in the South. Guess what the 14th Amendment is for, hotshot?

There was no equal dominion, many southern whites couldn't vote because they were confederate veterans or served in the confederate government in some capacity. The Klan was fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised southerners in Reconstruction. Blacks, scalawags, and carpetbaggers had a monopoly on political power. Had the Klan not existed, there may have never been a restoration of the voting rights of many white southern men.
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I contributed to this dopey thread yesterday......long before it was made dopier by your input.

The premise that the OP presents is false. The GOP is not a party that demonstrates concern for the issues that minorities face in this country.

Ron introduced the question of why the GOP is blocking legislation that is obviously of great concern to minorities. He did so as a direct response to the OP. Then, you decided that he was off topic......instead of arguing his point.

What do you have to say about this? Do you agree that the GOP lags far behind the DNC on this issue? Will you concede that the Democratic Party has the support of minorities....including Hispanics......because of the policies that it has introduced over the past 40 years?

Lol. You sound more and more unintelligent each time you post. "Dopey"? Wow. It is a non sequitur in that the OP said nothing about hispanics or immigration reform. It specifically mentions slavery, not immigration, not illegal aliens, none of it.

"The OP is false" is not an argument, nor is it a refutation. As Pogo often points out to me, "it isn't so just because you say it is."

Right now immigration reform is on the back burner. Frankly Obama has damaged the trust of Hispanics via the failure of Obamacare. There are tons of them out there who could have benefited from an 'affordable' healthcare plan. You don't think out of the box do you?

You do not wish to concede the point in my last paragraph?

You weren't making any cogent points, therefore there is nothing to concede.
You heard me. Do I need to repeat myself?

Your question is patently outrageous! How dare you ask me such a thing?! Are you suggesting that we are supposed to eradicate or otherwise remove them from the South?

What is wrong with you? Yes! They should have let both white and black have equal dominion in the South. Guess what the 14th Amendment is for, hotshot?

There was no equal dominion, many southern whites couldn't vote because they were confederate veterans or served in the confederate government in some capacity. The Klan was fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised southerners in Reconstruction. Blacks, scalawags, and carpetbaggers had a monopoly on political power. Had the Klan not existed, there may have never been a restoration of the voting rights of many white southern men.

Can your racist crap. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your vitriol.
LOL! Nice of you to speak for Minorities. And, while they might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

The ballots speak for minorities, dumb ass. The ballot box completely debunks this topic.

Ah, you can't stand the truth, so you have to resort to vulgarities. How sad for you. As I said, minorities might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

Blow your nose and dab your eyes and try to come up with an actual rebuttal this time.

Tough, whiny ones: the ballots prove that you are wrong.

But our opponents in the Democratic Party pray every day that you guys won't change in your yelling.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

That is a complete mischaracterization of my point Jake. My citation of the congressional inquiry circa 1871 and all the testimony contained therein should prove my point. Democrats condoned and in some cases worked with the KKK in the 1860's to terrorize, flog, murder, and intimidate Republican voters and black people.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

No, he isn't. I just referred him to the same history I have. The KKK called itself a social organization and was out to preserve a culture, in its warped way. But they weren't politicians. It was founded by Confederate soldiers. This is all a matter of record.

Then how did it evolve into a paramilitary organization? Hmm? It's as if those soldiers lost control of their little club. I'm accusing them of what Democrats today accuse the NRA of doing. They held influence in the government, Pogo.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

dimocraps are scum. That's a given

And the people they vote for aren't much better.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

That is a complete mischaracterization of my point Jake. My citation of the congressional inquiry circa 1871 and all the testimony contained therein should prove my point. Democrats condoned and in some cases worked with the KKK in the 1860's to terrorize, flog, murder, and intimidate Republican voters and black people.

dimocrap scum have always been racists and still are.

The only thing that's changed is the victims of their racism.

Today, it's whites and Jooos.
Your question is patently outrageous! How dare you ask me such a thing?! Are you suggesting that we are supposed to eradicate or otherwise remove them from the South?

What is wrong with you? Yes! They should have let both white and black have equal dominion in the South. Guess what the 14th Amendment is for, hotshot?

There was no equal dominion, many southern whites couldn't vote because they were confederate veterans or served in the confederate government in some capacity. The Klan was fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised southerners in Reconstruction. Blacks, scalawags, and carpetbaggers had a monopoly on political power. Had the Klan not existed, there may have never been a restoration of the voting rights of many white southern men.

Can your racist crap. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your vitriol.
Yea, let's just not talk about history. It is much better to carry on with your preconceived notions.
For most conservatives, it’s as natural as breathing.

“Tell a lie often enough, until it’s perceived to be true.”

And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Uh - where does he mention Hitler?

The quote he used is attributed to Hitler, from his manifesto, Mein Kampf, chapter 10, volume 1.
There was no equal dominion, many southern whites couldn't vote because they were confederate veterans or served in the confederate government in some capacity. The Klan was fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised southerners in Reconstruction. Blacks, scalawags, and carpetbaggers had a monopoly on political power. Had the Klan not existed, there may have never been a restoration of the voting rights of many white southern men.

Can your racist crap. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your vitriol.
Yea, let's just not talk about history. It is much better to carry on with your preconceived notions.

Quiet you. White men had plenty access to vote, black people were being oppressed, either by the KKK, or the passage of Jim Crow. You are on the wrong side of history. You are a real racist.
LOL! Nice of you to speak for Minorities. And, while they might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

The ballots speak for minorities, dumb ass. The ballot box completely debunks this topic.

Ah, you can't stand the truth, so you have to resort to vulgarities. How sad for you. As I said, minorities might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

Blow your nose and dab your eyes and try to come up with an actual rebuttal this time.

Sorry to make your butt hurt with the truth. Do you need links to the last election results by racial category? Perhaps that will help the truth sink in.

Minorities simply do not buy the piss being poured in this topic. They do not buy the GOP as friend of the minorities. The evidence is slammed right up in your face every election.

It is also slammed in your face every time a right winger starts a darkies-behaving-badly topic right here on this forum, and on every political forum in the country. It is also slammed in your face every time a right winger slams Muslims and homos and immigrants.

You are deluding yourself. Repeating a bunch of words about how much the Right loves minorities is just embedding that delusion further. Sadly for you, the actions of the GOP and the faux righties speak much louder.
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And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Uh - where does he mention Hitler?

The quote he used is attributed to Hitler, from his manifesto, Mein Kampf, chapter 10, volume 1.

I think Goebbels is credited more than Hitler...

Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

"Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik" ("Churchill's Lie Factory"), 12 January 1941, Die Zeit ohne Beispiel (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1941), pp. 364-369

This and similar lines in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf about what he claimed to be a strategem of Jewish lies using "the principle & which is quite true in itself & that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily," are often misquoted or paraphrased as: "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

Wish I could live long enough to see historians absolutely destroy the lying scumbags of the dimocrap party and what they did to the fabric of America.
The ballots speak for minorities, dumb ass. The ballot box completely debunks this topic.

Ah, you can't stand the truth, so you have to resort to vulgarities. How sad for you. As I said, minorities might let you buy their votes, I wonder if they really believe your tripe. If they did, they would be wondering why your promises never come true.

Blow your nose and dab your eyes and try to come up with an actual rebuttal this time.

Sorry to make your butt hurt with the truth. Do you need links to the last election results by racial category? Perhaps that will help the truth sink in.

Minorities simply do not buy the piss being poured in this topic. They do not buy the GOP as friend of the minorities. The evidence is slammed right up in your face every election.

It is also slammed in your face every time a right winger starts a darkies-behaving-badly topic right here on this forum, and on every political forum in the country. It is also slammed in your face every time a right winger slams Muslims and homos and immigrants.

You are deluding yourself. Repeating a bunch of words about how much the Right loves minorities is just embedding that delusion further. Sadly for you, the actions of the GOP and the faux righties speak much louder.

All you're doing is keeping them poor and stupid through your control of the American Educational process and their dependency on gubmint handouts and the Welfare State keeping the Man out of the Circle of Black Family Life. (GW fixed it, but it's too late)

I hope you're just lying because if you aren't, you're too stupid to live.
TK is right about the inception of the KKK, in that it was a wing of Southern conservative politics, which happened to be Democratic at the time. Southern conservative politics today is GOP.

That is a complete mischaracterization of my point Jake. My citation of the congressional inquiry circa 1871 and all the testimony contained therein should prove my point. Democrats condoned and in some cases worked with the KKK in the 1860's to terrorize, flog, murder, and intimidate Republican voters and black people.

dimocrap scum have always been racists and still are.

The only thing that's changed is the victims of their racism.

Today, it's whites and Jooos.

That, edge, is a deliberate mischaracterization by you.

Southern conservatives certainly included and worked with elements of the KKK.
Can your racist crap. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your vitriol.
Yea, let's just not talk about history. It is much better to carry on with your preconceived notions.

Quiet you. White men had plenty access to vote, black people were being oppressed, .

Wrong, read about the ironclad oath. Many confederate veterans couldn't vote(including my ancestors), and black republicans had power in several southern states during reconstruction. The Klan fought for the rights of disenfranchised southern voters. They were necessary in restoring the voting rights of many southerners and won in the end, driving out the occupying Federal Troops in 1878. The first Klan was one of the most successful guerilla/ dissident political organizations in history.
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