The Country has reached the boiling point.

Funny how this all happened during Trump's term. What a failure.

You liberals sure are sore losers.

And that remains to be seen. But if 2018 is any indication, I may be asking your the same question if a little over 3 months.

If by some miracle Biden were to win I can say with complete certainty that we wont riot,loot and burn down cities.

No, but there will be a few that will show up and surround the WH with weapons in support of Rump staying. Read the posts.

To all Democrats, you have started a shit storm now that cannot be stopped.
All it took was several deaths at the hands of pigs and the lid blew off, indeed, it was long overdue.

You mean the black guy with the lethal does of Fentanyl in his bloodstream?
Funny how this all happened during Trump's term. What a failure.

You liberals sure are sore losers.

And that remains to be seen. But if 2018 is any indication, I may be asking your the same question if a little over 3 months.

If by some miracle Biden were to win I can say with complete certainty that we wont riot,loot and burn down cities.

No, but there will be a few that will show up and surround the WH with weapons in support of Rump staying. Read the posts.

Oke dokey Nostradumbass.
No, tramp did.
So you blame Kamala Harris?

She's just a sociopath whore and she is no more competent than your meat puppet faggot messiah was.

However billionaire democrook donors like Soros certainly are responsible for the organized unrest.

Isn't it way past time for your retroactive self abortion BTW?


To all Democrats, you have started a shit storm now that cannot be stopped.

My my my....looks like MAGA didn't happen.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.
/——/ I don’t buy cheap Chinese crap so no tariffs for me.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.
/——/ I don’t buy cheap Chinese crap so no tariffs for me. really do have zero clue on how economics work.

Your neighbor may. His neighbor may. The guy two blocks over and 3 houses down may.

And when they can't find them....think REAL HARD on what they will do.

A). Do without
B). Buy the next highest priced alternative

If you chose B, you're right.

This is what leads to shortages shit brains. Your blob did this to you. You'll never admit it....but you know it's true.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.

Haven't noticed a price increase on anything I buy.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.
/——/ I don’t buy cheap Chinese crap so no tariffs for me. really do have zero clue on how economics work.

Your neighbor may. His neighbor may. The guy two blocks over and 3 houses down may.

And when they can't find them....think REAL HARD on what they will do.

A). Do without
B). Buy the next highest priced alternative

If you chose B, you're right.

This is what leads to shortages shit brains. Your blob did this to you. You'll never admit it....but you know it's true.
/—-/ Buy American, problem solved.
Funny how this all happened during Trump's term. What a failure.

You liberals sure are sore losers.

And that remains to be seen. But if 2018 is any indication, I may be asking your the same question if a little over 3 months.

If by some miracle Biden were to win I can say with complete certainty that we wont riot,loot and burn down cities.

I have to wonder if Penelope agreed with my post by accident.
No, tramp did.
/----/ What specific things did Trump do to start ANTIFA and BLM riots and looting? And why won't democRAT mayors and Governors stop it?
Trump did nothing wrong, the problem is liberals and Democrats, I will be surprised if the Country can come back from the damage, caused by these ignorant fools , it is no surprise guns are in short supply of even the bullets to put in them.

That's because of the tariffs. He screwed you on that one too.
/——/ I don’t buy cheap Chinese crap so no tariffs for me. really do have zero clue on how economics work.

Your neighbor may. His neighbor may. The guy two blocks over and 3 houses down may.

And when they can't find them....think REAL HARD on what they will do.

A). Do without
B). Buy the next highest priced alternative

If you chose B, you're right.

This is what leads to shortages shit brains. Your blob did this to you. You'll never admit it....but you know it's true.
/—-/ Buy American, problem solved.

Except theAmerican companies export their stuff overseas. Thanks to your blob’s tariffs, they don’t sell as much. Your blob screwed you. And your dumb ass just keeps asking for more
/——-/ No, the ones who screwed us were all the prior administrations repub and dem who let the Chinks walk all over us. Trump is the first one to seriously fight back and he won concessions. Maybe you think it’s cool for the Chinks to use forced slave labor so you can buy a shirt for $10. And try as you may, you can’t convince us to turn on Trump with your dopey accusations.
Ginsburg is on her last legs, and as we can see the Democrats will do anything, including committing treason, instigating a race war / civil war, fake impeachment, etc. to prevent Trump from replacing her.
Funny how this all happened during Trump's term. What a failure.

It's not that he failed. He succeeded. He succeeded in fanning the flames of racial tension for his political benefit. He never tried to do anything else.
Obama set race relations back 50 years, when he should've been a uniter. But that's what liberals do, is spread hate.
I seriously underestimated the ..amount he set race relations back.
I figured America would be back to 90s level by now. All good in the hood n stuff, but no...
I called that one wrong! This is terrible!
He should be hanged for treason.
Funny how this all happened during Trump's term. What a failure.

It's not that he failed. He succeeded. He succeeded in fanning the flames of racial tension for his political benefit. He never tried to do anything else.
Obama set race relations back 50 years, when he should've been a uniter. But that's what liberals do, is spread hate.

Obama sucked. But that has nothing to do with Trump's bullshit. He's making things worse.
No liberals are making it worse. I didn't like the election of Obama but I accepted it. Liberals are acting like a bunch of babies.
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Liberals aren't in power. Trump is. And he's responding to the lunatic left by expanding authoritarian government and obliterating checks and balance. When the liberals get back in power, you'll be sorry - very sorry - that he did this.
This has been my concern since the day he was elected -- that his administration would be so over-the-top fuckin' NUTS that he'd bring on an equal and opposite reaction.

It's all playing out, in real time.

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