What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

I don't want to run the country. I think that would be you.

What do u want ? Anarchy ?

What is anarchy?

Take a trip to Somalia and find out . You'd love it . No taxes, no rules , anything goes baby ! It's a utopia !

To think u can have zero taxes and still keep a society together is regoddamdiculous .

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by, "What do u want ? Anarchy ?" My answer is, no I don't want what you described.

I don't necessarily agree with your premise that a society can't exist with out some people forcibly taking the property of others.

It's not "taking property" it's "paying dues ". Shit , you make it seem like people get no benefit by living in the US .

Find me a place on the planet that doesn't have taxes ? Ok , maybe some lil oil rich country , but that's only cause they are whoreing natural resources.

Find me a place on the planet that doesn't have cancer.
Here's an idea. Run your own life and leave other people alone.
You're a perfect chump of the greedy megarch GOP billionaires. Why are you on a politics forum? LOL

I can't see any virtue in wishing to run other people's lives. I don't regard my fellow man as my children, pets, or slaves. I consider them my equals.
I want to stop megarich GOP a-holes from continuing to rob the middle class, dupe. READ SIG.

I am fully in support of laws against robbery, just not running other people's lives. My fellow man is my equal, not my slave.
You're the slave of billionaire GOP a-holes, dupe.

Well, so far my billionaire GOP a-hole masters haven't restricted my liberty. So they must be very lenient slaveowners.
Sure, "Francis"...it's not hard.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehension Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release those and allow a TRUE free market to take them and run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here and flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them back to the people.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them.

You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
You're a perfect chump of the greedy megarch GOP billionaires. Why are you on a politics forum? LOL

I can't see any virtue in wishing to run other people's lives. I don't regard my fellow man as my children, pets, or slaves. I consider them my equals.
I want to stop megarich GOP a-holes from continuing to rob the middle class, dupe. READ SIG.

I am fully in support of laws against robbery, just not running other people's lives. My fellow man is my equal, not my slave.
You're the slave of billionaire GOP a-holes, dupe.

Well, so far my billionaire GOP a-hole masters haven't restricted my liberty. So they must be very lenient slaveowners.
They're wrecking the middle class and the country for 35 years now, dupe.
You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
Carlin was no you fools...
You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
There is no such conspiracy, dupe. But the New BS GOP certainly is bought off by big money a-holes.
I can't see any virtue in wishing to run other people's lives. I don't regard my fellow man as my children, pets, or slaves. I consider them my equals.
I want to stop megarich GOP a-holes from continuing to rob the middle class, dupe. READ SIG.

I am fully in support of laws against robbery, just not running other people's lives. My fellow man is my equal, not my slave.
You're the slave of billionaire GOP a-holes, dupe.

Well, so far my billionaire GOP a-hole masters haven't restricted my liberty. So they must be very lenient slaveowners.
They're wrecking the middle class and the country for 35 years now, dupe.
First you said robbing, now you say wrecking. Getting increasingly vague. Show me how "they" have robbed me or taken my property. And I don't mean the government.
Sure, "Francis"...it's not hard.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehension Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release those and allow a TRUE free market to take them and run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here and flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them back to the people.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them.

You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Ever notice these "fair tax " threads always end up being about how you can further fuck over the poor and working stiffs .
Haven't seen a single "fair" tax proposal that doesn't raise taxes on the working poor and cut taxes on the wealthy
You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Dude, you couldn't be more wrong....political parties don't have a fucking thing to do with anything...the power elite owns both....wake the fuck up, dude.......your beloved demcrat party do not give a flying fuck about you any more than the repub.
BS. They want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, invest in AMERICA, cut lobbyists and big money. And no bs propaganda machine, dupe. Welcome to reality.

USA.INC owns the majority of shares in those bloated rich and giant corporations and you are only kidding yourself if you believe that they would cut of the lobbyists....it's all a huge smokescreen just like the repubs said that if they got control of Congress that they would repeal Barrypuppetcare....why would they? USA.INC owns majority holdings in all insurance companies and big pharma and now you HAVE to buy it....huge premiums, huge deductions...win, win for USA,INC and if you don't have it because you can't afford it, they can confiscate your bank account as a penalty. You and reality don't even have a nodding acquaintance. You are like the little kid that is trying to convince people that there really is a Santa Claus.....
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You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
Bilderberg is just a bunch of guys who get together, drink beer, play poker and tell dirty jokes
You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Ever notice these "fair tax " threads always end up being about how you can further fuck over the poor and working stiffs .
Haven't seen a single "fair" tax proposal that doesn't raise taxes on the working poor and cut taxes on the wealthy

There is no need for any type of tax...income, property or even consumption. USA.INC is sitting on TRILLIONS in wealth. Do some research into the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and get back to me...or STFU...I get tired of trying to school morons like you.
Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
Bilderberg is just a bunch of guys who get together, drink beer, play poker and tell dirty jokes

Yeah....you have sat in on the meetings......you betcha.....
I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
Bilderberg is just a bunch of guys who get together, drink beer, play poker and tell dirty jokes

Yeah....you have sat in on the meetings......you betcha.....
Myself and several other USMB members regularly attend Bilderberg meetings

That world domination stuff is just what we tell our wives. Mostly we drink beer and play poker until the strippers show up.


Photo I took at the last Bilderberg "meeting"
Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Dude, you couldn't be more wrong....political parties don't have a fucking thing to do with anything...the power elite owns both....wake the fuck up, dude.......your beloved demcrat party do not give a flying fuck about you any more than the repub.

USA.INC owns the majority of shares in those bloated rich and giant corporations and you are only kidding yourself if you believe that they would cut of the lobbyists....it's all a huge smokescreen just like the rpeoubs said that if they got control of Congress that they would repeal Barrypuppetcare....why would they? USA.INC owns majority holdings in all insurance companies and big pharma and now you HAVE to buy it....huge premiums, huge deductions...win, win for USA,INC and if you don't have it because you can't afford it, they can confiscate your bank account as a penalty. You and reality don't even have a nodding acquaintance. You are like the little kid that is trying to convince people that there really is a Santa Claus.....
BS. Dems want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, invest in AMERICA, cut lobbyists and big money. And no bs propaganda machine, dupe. ALL blocked by the new bs GOP.

Welcome to reality.Of course Dems do all that. Read something.
Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.
He's parroting an obscure RW propaganda....What he's missing is that the elite ripping off the world are overwhelmingly RW/GOP.

Ever notice these "fair tax " threads always end up being about how you can further fuck over the poor and working stiffs .
Haven't seen a single "fair" tax proposal that doesn't raise taxes on the working poor and cut taxes on the wealthy

There is no need for any type of tax...income, property or even consumption. USA.INC is sitting on TRILLIONS in wealth. Do some research into the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and get back to me...or STFU...I get tired of trying to school morons like you.
I like roads and cops and trains and airports- now falling apart here. Thanks idiot GOP.
Timmy, I know my shit. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours going over mind-numbing dull documents trying to get an understanding as to how we got to this place. I have spent thousands of hours googling the definitions of legal terms and Black's Law dictionary so I could put it in simple terms words. I have listened to documentaries and lectures from incredible scholars that had their one piece to the puzzle solved. The rabbit hole I have been down veers off in many different directions but I stuck with it because I care what happens to us...I was just born a warrior and a hater of injustice and have been that way ever since I was a little kid. Once I had my breakthrough, everything just fell totally into place and it finally made sense to me. I did the real heavy lifting and I am not done yet but I know a great deal. I know enough to say that we have been used and abused by a very small tight knit group of elitist scum that have used our sweat and labor to live the life of kings and queens and they are deathly afraid of people waking up....which is why they OWN the media. They never counted on the internet backfiring on them like it has and now they are trying to get that genie back in the bottle. I can't do this alone. I am just one small voice but if enough of us wake up together and throw off the programming about never questioning the authorities, we can change the course...if not, we are as good as dead.....at least a good portion of us because with the robotic age coming upon us, do you REALLY believe that they are going to subsidize half of the population to sit on their asses and produce more "worthless eaters" that have no practical function? Nope, not gonna happen. There will be a "culling of the herd" if they get their way....you can bank on it.

I gotta say dale. Your stuff shows up on the kooky meter.

Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
There is no such conspiracy, dupe. But the New BS GOP certainly is bought off by big money a-holes.

Wow, Franco...sounds like you are accusing the neocon GOP of being involved in a conspiracy...but that can't be true because there is no such thing as conspiracies....right? Let me explain a few home truths to you....the demise of the middle class was deemed necessary by a think tank group that wrote the Iron Mountain Report that was finished in 1967 and that an exponential threat would have to be manufactured to keep a growing population in line and subservient to an authoritative power. Read the report yourself...you can find it on-line. It's pretty boring for the most part but it does have some chilling sections that have led us to where we are now. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N came into existence two years after this report and came out with their "Zero growth" plan in the early 70's and that is when the environmental movement took place. Look up the quotes of Maurice Strong, look up the 1992 Rio summit, Agenda 21 and the map that they proposed for the United States and then compare it to all the federal land "da gubermint" has claimed ownership of and tell me that they don't mirror each other....I know my shit....I live and breathe this stuff. I am an avid researcher and an expert at putting the pieces together. I would LOVE to get a politician into a debate on live TV...especially a president and lay all this out and watch them stutter and stammer. I would have all the documentation and quotes in paper form for their perusal.....they wouldn't touch this stuff in a live forum with a ten foot pole because they know they would be stone cold BUSTED.
Truth is stranger than fiction and I have to admit, had someone posted the things I have when I was still in the dark? I would have the same reaction so no offense is taken. I had people try and wake me up that things were not as they seemed but I was stuck in the left versus right paradigm...stuck in the matrix and I wasn't willing to budge. It was the revelations of Eric Snowden that the Patriot Act was written well in advance of 9/11 and the security apparatus for a spy grid was in place beforehand that shook me out of my complacency. When I realized that everything I believed in had been a lie...I suffered from depression to the point that I could not eat or sleep for a solid month. Fortunately I had a boss that knew what I was going through and he cut me all kinds of slack. He said it's a helluva thing to learn that everything you believed in was a lie but to hang in there and that he had my back. I got over it and I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed that I became an information junkie. I gave my TV away which was hard as hell to do because I was so addicted to having that noise in the background that I couldn't fall asleep without it...then I realized that it was part of the problem and that it was nothing but a propaganda tool....they call it "program" for a reason.

So down the rabbit hole I went with a conviction and a desire for truth that burns even unto this day. I bought an I-Pod so I could download lectures and documentaries and listen to them at work while I repaired machines. I jot down notes so I can do the vetting of information when I get home. I have become an expert at finding real information that is out there readily available. I started sharing some of the information i have learned on other blog sites like the Yahoo news boards especially about the Federal Reserve only to find that my work would be deleted. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted by Yahoo for posting about the Fed so I know that I am hitting too close to the truth. All I can say to you is that you will need your own "Come to Jesus" understanding of how things really are and they are not what you think. I can only do what I can to try and wake people up as to what has been done to them. As someone that has spent so much time learning the things I have? It's so easy for me to see but I know it is hard for others. There were many that tried to wake me up but I shunned them....wish I could find them now and tell them that they were right. Good on ya......if you decide to take the red pill and want some direction, all you need to do is ask.
Hey nutjob....Tell us about Bilderberg

What is there to say about them? They are just another offshoot group of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Committee of 300 that decide which economies will be wrecked and which ones will be allowed to thrive, make long range plans just so long as it serves their globalist agenda. There was serious denial for a couple of decades that there was an actual meeting of the powerful elite...those that said there was.... were called "conspiracy theorists"...only to find out that they were right all along. George Carlin, a flaming liberal even did a routine about the Bilderburgers.........I guess he was a kook as well, no? Is it really that big of a conspiracy that the people that control all the wealth would get together and have a plan? Seriously, you are unbelievably naive....anyone that would take your fool-fueled rants to heart would need the IQ of a kitten......
Bilderberg is just a bunch of guys who get together, drink beer, play poker and tell dirty jokes

Yeah....you have sat in on the meetings......you betcha.....
Myself and several other USMB members regularly attend Bilderberg meetings

That world domination stuff is just what we tell our wives. Mostly we drink beer and play poker until the strippers show up.


Photo I took at the last Bilderberg "meeting"

Gotta admit...that's some funny shit....ain't gonna lie.....

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