What should the criminal penalty be for an abortion?

What should the criminal penalty be for an abortion?

Whatever the going rate is these days for murder or accessory-to-murder.

Justice must be served. Human rights must be upheld.

OBVIOUSLY this is a question for the anti-women's choice crowd.

I am pro-choice on matters that don't deprive another human being of its rights. Abortion deprives another human being of its right-to-life. Using the tired bumper-sticker cliche of "anti-women's choice" is intellectually and morally dishonest.

Except that even when abortion was illegal, they never charged the women who had them with anything and the people who performed them usually got very light sentences if they were prosecuted at all.
Cash Prize I say. Let's kill all them babies!

^ What a conservative believes we think.
Oh no, we know you only want to kill babies of certain despised populations.

The poor, minority, and the children of young victimized girls, in order to hide the crimes against them.
Lots of things aren't right.

It isn't right that we teach our girls that they should have sex before their married.

It isn't right that our schools revise history and teach that to our kids.

It isn't right that we have leash laws.

But none of those things are human rights violations.

Violating women, abusing women, raping women, coercing women into abortion, and killing babies...those are human rights violations.

Who teaches their girls that?
You are dumb as a box of rocks.
NO one is coerced into abortion. What you advocate is FORCING women through the power of government.
You are a closet liberal. You love government and it's power. To you MORE GOVERNMENT is always the solution.
Oh no, we know you only want to kill babies of certain despised populations.

The poor, minority, and the children of young victimized girls, in order to hide the crimes against them.

Despised populations? Despised by who? If you haven't noticed, liberals embrace the poor, minorities and victims of horrible crimes.

You're coming off full blown retard today. Stop projecting, bitch.
What should the criminal penalty be for an abortion?

Whatever the going rate is these days for murder or accessory-to-murder.

Justice must be served. Human rights must be upheld.

OBVIOUSLY this is a question for the anti-women's choice crowd.

I am pro-choice on matters that don't deprive another human being of its rights. Abortion deprives another human being of its right-to-life. Using the tired bumper-sticker cliche of "anti-women's choice" is intellectually and morally dishonest.

Except that even when abortion was illegal, they never charged the women who had them with anything and the people who performed them usually got very light sentences if they were prosecuted at all.

You are posting facts Joe. They do not understand them.
Some women react on emotion ONLY.
Oh no, we know you only want to kill babies of certain despised populations.

The poor, minority, and the children of young victimized girls, in order to hide the crimes against them.

Despised populations? Despised by who? If you haven't noticed, liberals embrace the poor, minorities and victims of horrible crimes.

You're coming off full blown retard today. Stop projecting, bitch.

Liberals don't embrace the poor. They pawn them off on the government, shut down the industries in which they work, and they kill their children. Then if anyone touches the programs they have established to support them, they pronounce that more need to die.
Ask them why we need abortion and euthanasia.

It's because of the COST of worthless humans.
What should the criminal penalty be for an abortion?

Whatever the going rate is these days for murder or accessory-to-murder.

Justice must be served. Human rights must be upheld.

OBVIOUSLY this is a question for the anti-women's choice crowd.

I am pro-choice on matters that don't deprive another human being of its rights. Abortion deprives another human being of its right-to-life. Using the tired bumper-sticker cliche of "anti-women's choice" is intellectually and morally dishonest.

Except that even when abortion was illegal, they never charged the women who had them with anything and the people who performed them usually got very light sentences if they were prosecuted at all.

The penalty before Roe v. Wade is not relevant to my response.

The question was posed "what SHOULD the criminal penalty be for an abortion?" and I answered accordingly. Notice I did NOT say that the penalty should what it was in the past. Anybody who takes the life of an innocent person should be sentenced accordingly as with any murderer or those who conspire and participate in murder.
NO one is coerced into abortion.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnHNNElDpoY]WFL 2012: Jackie Stalnaker - YouTube[/ame]

What you advocate is FORCING women through the power of government. You are a closet liberal. You love government and it's power. To you MORE GOVERNMENT is always the solution.

That's as absurd as saying rape laws are FORCING men through the power of government. Perhaps you do not understand the proper role of government, to protect the civil rights, especially the life of persons, to protect people from others who would deprive them of their rights. Might does not make right.
Whatever the going rate is these days for murder or accessory-to-murder.

Justice must be served. Human rights must be upheld.

I am pro-choice on matters that don't deprive another human being of its rights. Abortion deprives another human being of its right-to-life. Using the tired bumper-sticker cliche of "anti-women's choice" is intellectually and morally dishonest.

Except that even when abortion was illegal, they never charged the women who had them with anything and the people who performed them usually got very light sentences if they were prosecuted at all.

The penalty before Roe v. Wade is not relevant to my response.

The question was posed "what SHOULD the criminal penalty be for an abortion?" and I answered accordingly. Notice I did NOT say that the penalty should what it was in the past. Anybody who takes the life of an innocent person should be sentenced accordingly as with any murderer or those who conspire and participate in murder.

Who determines that? You, the government?
"In the best health interests of the mother I had to perform an abortion" Dr. Z states.
And every time they get a pass on it.
Every time.
NO law stops abortion. All it does is force poor women to do different things to get one.
Middle class folks find a doctor to say, now listen once again to the facts:
"In the best health interest of the mother I had to perform an abortion".
And NO way government should or can stop that.
Just the facts. Abortion has been going on legal here since the colonial days.
The Founders sure were smart folk, weren't they? They knew THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT should never be unleashed on abortion.
No law stops murder, or rape, or theft.

We still have them, don't we? Because they do prevent them.

And because the one thing the law should do, the one thing the government should do, is protect human rights.
NO one is coerced into abortion.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnHNNElDpoY]WFL 2012: Jackie Stalnaker - YouTube[/ame]

What you advocate is FORCING women through the power of government. You are a closet liberal. You love government and it's power. To you MORE GOVERNMENT is always the solution.

That's as absurd as saying rape laws are FORCING men through the power of government. Perhaps you do not understand the proper role of government, to protect the civil rights, especially the life of persons, to protect people from others who would deprive them of their rights. Might does not make right.

You want the power of government to force poor women to have their babies they do not want and in most instances do not know how to care for them anyway.
All the time you allow government to determine who and who can not have an abortion legally.
That is a liberal's argument.
I oppose abortion but oppose the power of government more.
Over turn Roe today and this is what happens in America.
It goes back to the states as I believe you know murder is a state's jurisdiction.
So what do we end up if we criminalize abortion?
Now listen up as this is FACT:
Some states will ban it outright, no exceptions at all.
Some states will ban it with few exceptions.
Some states will ban it with many exceptions.
Some states will allow it with few exceptions.
And some states will allow it at will.
So what does a woman that has $ do if she wants an abortion and lives in a state that BANS IT OUTRIGHT? She simply goes to another state that allows it and has her abortion.
Now please tell me if you are for or against each state determining their own criminal code or do you want the power of government to force states to change their criminal procedure into federalism?
And what happens to a woman that lives in a state that bans it outright and she has no $$$?
You want to force her through the power of government to have that baby SHE DOES NOT WANT AND IN MOST CASES HAS NO CLUE HOW TO RAISE.
I know facts are hard to accept when one's mind is focused on ideology only.
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No law stops murder, or rape, or theft.

We still have them, don't we? Because they do prevent them.

And because the one thing the law should do, the one thing the government should do, is protect human rights.

So there is a doctor performing all of those murders, rapes and thefts and he says "I had to committ the murder, the theft and the rape for the health of the woman"?

Who determines that? You, the government?

Slave-owners weren't very happy with Frederick Douglass' advocacy, slave-traders weren't very happy with William Wilberforce's advocacy, I suppose people like you would complain about them using the "force of government" to "force" their views on others' rights (to deprive others of rights).

I side with true advocates for civil rights for all. I side with those who advocate for justice. I side with those who understand the proper role of government.

You should be more concerned about an oligarchy of judges who in 1973 stripped persons of their right to life based on twisted interpretation of the Constitution. They should be defending life, not removing protections of defending life.


Don't profess to a God you don't believe in.

NO law stops abortion. All it does is force poor women to do different things to get one.

Laws against abortion don't force women to obtain illegal abortions. That is purely a choice that they don't have to take.

If no law stops abortion, why did abortions skyrocket after the 1973 rulings?

As Bernard Nathanson, NARAL co-founder and former abortionist, said, "We (Lawrence Lader and Nathanson) persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one," recalls the movement's co-founder. "Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion. This is the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie. Few people care to be in the minority. We aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the U.S. The actual figure was approaching 100,000, but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1 million.

"Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans, convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law.

"Another myth we fed to the public through the media was that legalizing abortion would only mean that the abortions taking place illegally would then be done legally. In fact, of course, abortion is now being used as a primary method of birth control in the U.S. and the annual number of abortions has increased by 1,500 percent since legalization."

Big shock, abortionists lie and manipulate public opinion. Anything to fit their agenda, by any means necessary, truth and compassion be damned.

Just the facts. Abortion has been going on legal here since the colonial days.

More facts, rape has been going on since the colonial days, murder has been going on since the colonial days, heck, there are still cases of slavery (look up the sex-slavery traded) pop up even in America. Just because an atrocity goes on does not justify its legalization. Civil rights demands protection of the people in this nation.

Whether something was around in colonial days, legal or not, should not be the basis for defence of modern day atrocities.

The Founders sure were smart folk, weren't they? They knew THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT should never be unleashed on abortion.

The Founders weren't perfect. They couldn't resolve the slavery issue, an issue which still haunts politics today.

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