When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Thank you for your analysis. Household incomes have actually increased by 4% since Trump took office, some good news the media refuses to report. I don't know if giving all the credit to the Trump effect, or thanking a delayed reaction to Obama-era policies matters.
Does that include borrowing 1.5 trillion & handing out money?
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Thank you for your analysis. Household incomes have actually increased by 4% since Trump took office, some good news the media refuses to report. I don't know if giving all the credit to the Trump effect, or thanking a delayed reaction to Obama-era policies matters.

0.4 % - $61858 in May 2018 to $62175 in June

regardless, the more pathetic Trumpdrones become abut debt and deficits and kiss Trumps old fat ass the better they love it.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Thank you for your analysis. Household incomes have actually increased by 4% since Trump took office, some good news the media refuses to report. I don't know if giving all the credit to the Trump effect, or thanking a delayed reaction to Obama-era policies matters.
Median U.S. household income rises 1.8 percent to record $61,400 in 2017

Household income grew for the third consecutive year in 2017 but at a slower pace.
Nice try. Trump has done nothing but INCREASE our debt. He is on track to bust Obama's record debt wide open.

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)
You literally just proved otherwise!!! :lmao:

MaObama (year 1): FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
Trump (year 1): FY 2017 $665 billion

Based on your ignorance, I'm not at all surprised that you're incapable of basic math. But those figures shows that MaObama more than doubled Trump in their first year. More than double!!! And you claim that Trump is "busting" MaObama's record debt open?!? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

There you go again. The deficit was already estimated to be over a trillion when Obama took office.

Why do you assholes blame Obama for the Bush recession?

Are you just a bunch of panty wasted pussies who can't tell the truth????

Funny how we go from "OMG OMG OMG the debt!!! the Debt" when a Democrat is President to " Debt doesn't matter" under a Republican President?
Are you really this fucking stupid or what?
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Thank you for your analysis. Household incomes have actually increased by 4% since Trump took office, some good news the media refuses to report. I don't know if giving all the credit to the Trump effect, or thanking a delayed reaction to Obama-era policies matters.
Does that include borrowing 1.5 trillion & handing out money?

household income increasing 0.4% wouldnt even cover Trumps golf weekends at his CC ...

fuck Trump
Median U.S. household income rises 1.8 percent to record $61,400 in 2017

Household income grew for the third consecutive year in 2017 but at a slower pace.

A slower pace.

Just as The Heritage Foundation said:

High Debt Is a Real Drag

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.
Nice try. Trump has done nothing but INCREASE our debt. He is on track to bust Obama's record debt wide open.

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)
You literally just proved otherwise!!! :lmao:

MaObama (year 1): FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
Trump (year 1): FY 2017 $665 billion

Based on your ignorance, I'm not at all surprised that you're incapable of basic math. But those figures shows that MaObama more than doubled Trump in their first year. More than double!!! And you claim that Trump is "busting" MaObama's record debt open?!? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
You just proved that Bush handed obama a shit pile and trump inherited a much better situation. Looks like obama improved his situation and trump making it worse.
Trump is laughing at you all the way to the bank.
MaObama is laughing at you all the way to the bank. President Trump entered the White House a billionaire already. MaObama entered the White House with a few million from book sales. He's now worth many tens of millions. Idiot.
The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.
There is a glaring problem with your ignorance G-string. If you acknowledge that tax revenues increase with tax cuts (and they do), then why wouldn't you support tax cuts? If produces the same results for the federal government in terms of increased revenue, while also allowing companies to hire and expand their business and the American people keep more of what they earned, why wouldn't you support it? It's literally a rare real-world win-win. Because you're a radial ideologue and a partisan hack? Bingo!

By the way...your "epiphany" here was fully covered 40 years ago by Arthur Laffer and his Laffer Curve. Any idiot who understands basic economics understands there is a "sweet spot" for taxes. All that Republicans have done for the past 40 years is prove that that "sweet spot" is significantly lower than what idiot Dumbocrats set the tax rates at. You really are the laughing stock of USMB with your babbling.
simply financing government and claiming you are right, is as worthless as tax cut economics that never cover spending; and, not Only that, the right wing can't cut spending either, unless it is for the Poor.
Median U.S. household income rises 1.8 percent to record $61,400 in 2017

Household income grew for the third consecutive year in 2017 but at a slower pace.

A slower pace.

Just as The Heritage Foundation said:

High Debt Is a Real Drag

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; could put, right wing fantasy regarding fantastical inflationary pressure, to Good use.
You just proved that Bush handed obama a shit pile and trump inherited a much better situation.
Ohhh....look at the left moving the goalposts after I proved they were dead-wrong and lying. With regards to your propaganda now: the Dumbocrats (who controlled the House and Senate) handed Obama a pile of shit. He poured gasoline all over it and then threw a lit match on it. The Republicans then handed Trump a better situation - he then covered it in gold and handed it to the American people. And that is a fact.
The debt is the biggest threat to our national security.

Your hypocrisy stinks to high heaven. After whining and whining and whining about Obama's debt for eight years, you tards have all gone dead silent, despite the fact deficits are exploding under Trump.

The gig is up. Your stench cannot be washed off.

If you're so worried about debt, you should love Trump and despise the modern day Keynesian model. Trump is the only president we've had who actually wants to cut spending, but he can't do it alone. The real hypocrisy is coming from you, who claims to hate debt, but rags on the one guy trying to reign it in.

Congress writes the funding bills, not the president. As it stands, Republicans don't have a big enough majority to lock the democrats out, so they have to make concessions. It's the democrats adding hundreds of billions of $ in extraneous spending. Sure, there are RINO republicans doing it too. What's your point exactly?

Where's your outrage of Obama? Who created more debt than the entire history of presidents before him. Surely if it's Trump's fault now, it was Obama's fault then. Obama gleefully signed our future generations away. Atleast Trump bitches and moans about it on Twitter. Why aren't you promoting Trump's agenda to reduce spending, thus freeing us of this debt problem once and for all? Go read all his tweets about the gross and bloated budget bills being put on his desk. You'll surely agree with him.

Your entire argument has no merit. Revenue doesn't affect debt, spending does. It's been said repeatedly. No amount of ignorance will make that not true. If you give the government $1.00 they'll spend $1.20, if you give them $10, they'll spend $11. No matter what, revenue will be over spent because that's how unaccountable governments operate and have done so for all of human history.

If you cared about debt as anything other than a straw man to attack Trump, you'd actually be promoting real reform rather than just bashing the big mean orange boogeyman.
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The pseudocon tards have forever negated any whines they ever made about Obama's debt. They have proven in this topic they are raging hypocrites, and yet another moral benchmark has imploded.

Here is what the conservative Heritage Foundation was saying about the national debt being a threat to our security when Obama was running up debt:

Recent and projected growth in U.S. government debt poses a serious hazard to the nation. At a minimum, high levels of government debt mean substantial government resources must go toward servicing debt—to pay interest. Further, theory indicates and a growing body of research suggests a consistent relationship between high levels of government debt relative to the size of the economy and abnormally high interest rates consistent with lower levels of domestic investment.

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.

Reminder: US deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the aisle if this concerns you so. It's funny that you'd be aware enough to realize debt is such an issue, but totally ok keeping your head in the sand as to how it got this way in the first place.

You can go ahead and blame Republicans all you want. The old guard GOP deserves it just as much as democrats do, but Trump, and conservatives in general do NOT support or condone the insane debt situation. Trump is conservative, NOT Republican. Republicans are a party of bullshit like the Democrats but far less evil. Conservatism is built upon fiscal responsibility. The only reason conservatives today side with the Republican party is because the Democrats are so bat shit insane, it's the only reasonable option.

If Republicans get a super majority of MAGA oriented people(real conservatives), then it's guaranteed we can fix this issue. As it stands though, you just appear to be deflecting with no intent on actually addressing the issue. It's pretty clear that you don't listen to a single word Trump says just whatever is filtered for your consumption.

Nothing you say is consistent.

You say: Obama fixed the economy not Trump, but It's Trump's government not Obama's so its his spending. Which is it? Which president doubled our debt? Which president runs the country during the best economy we've ever had? Make up your mind because nothing you say is consistent.

You say that the loss of revenue equals debt which is just absurd. Over spending what you can afford is how you get debt. It's that simple. If you make half as much next year, you better spend half as much or ELSE you will accrue debt. As long as you spend less than you make, you'll never go into debt.

You also claim somehow that more revenue is good for the government, but then bitch about how shitty the government is at spending it responsibly. Do you know what banks do when someone they loan money to spends it poorly? They stop giving it to them! You don't give your gambling addicted Uncle MORE money thinking that will fix his debt issue do you? Insane to even ponder this.
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Household income grew for the third consecutive year in 2017 but at a slower pace.

A slower pace.

Just as The Heritage Foundation said:

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; could put, right wing fantasy regarding fantastical inflationary pressure, to Good use.

So wrong.

Do you think if we gave everyone in the country $100, that they'd be $100 wealthier? Totally wrong. The number on your dollar bill is just ink on paper. It's underlying value has nothing to do with it's stated value. We call that inflation. The only thing you'd achieve by giving everyone $15.00 minimum wage is run away inflation on simple goods. Before you'd know it, a small latte at starbucks could cost $12.00.

If more people can afford to have x product , the price of x product goes up. If the people who make x product are paid more, then the cost to produce x product goes up y.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has never will. It's not a new concept, it's as old as Capitalism, maybe even older. We've had a lot of time to test it. There are a lot of historic anecdotes relating to it, but none of them. Not one, works. Capitalism works because it respects basic physical laws of conservation and mathematics.
Household income grew for the third consecutive year in 2017 but at a slower pace.

A slower pace.

Just as The Heritage Foundation said:

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; could put, right wing fantasy regarding fantastical inflationary pressure, to Good use.

So wrong.

Do you think if we gave everyone in the country $100, that they'd be $100 wealthier? Totally wrong. The number on your dollar bill is just ink on paper. It's underlying value has nothing to do with it's stated value. We call that inflation. The only thing you'd achieve by giving everyone $15.00 minimum wage is run away inflation on simple goods. Before you'd know it, a small latte at starbucks could cost $12.00.

If more people can afford to have x product , the price of x product goes up. If the people who make x product are paid more, then the cost to produce x product goes up y.

Socialism doesn't work. Never has never will. It's not a new concept, it's as old as Capitalism. The only difference is Capitalism works because it respects basic physical laws of conservation and mathematics.
Wrong about what? The economic effects of solving simple poverty. Recourse to an income for simply being, unemployed under Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, means even potential Labor can circulate capital, which creates demand and pays taxes. A positive multiplier effect.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage...
...ends in economic collapse.
only in right wing, dystopian fantasy.

In the US, it will be a cost of living adjustment that helps Labor, pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

Show me a left wing, Utopian paradise. To you, America is a right wing dystopian fantasy, so show me a better place on earth that is a left wing utopia. Please find one. I'll wait.

If free market economics is so bad, why does everyone want to move to America? Why is our immigration the highest in the world?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage...
...ends in economic collapse.
only in right wing, dystopian fantasy.

In the US, it will be a cost of living adjustment that helps Labor, pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

Show me a left wing, Utopian paradise. To you, America is a right wing dystopian fantasy, so show me a better place on earth that is a left wing utopia. Please find one. I'll wait.

If free market economics is so bad, why does everyone want to move to America? Why is our immigration the highest in the world?
Our federal form of government is left wing, not right wing.

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