Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

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So now the govt can be to blame?
Sure, especially Democrat-controlled government. Blacks must accept a share too for a sub-culture which accepts failure, much as you do.

That was kind of the point of the thread after all.

Especially dem controlled govt or EXCLUSIVLY dem controlled govt?
Especially. Black Democrat government even moreso. Detroit, and a long list of failed black mayors of major cities (shit holes), and now a president.

Especially means that another political party has some responsibility. Did you want to change that to EXCLUSIVELY now?
No. this is getting silly. You don't have the intellect to challenge me.

Thats what the stronger person always does. Give up in the face of a weaker opponent LOL
Im glad that someone admits that white America was immoral to begin with

The entirety of humanity was FUCKING IMMORAL. It doesn't give you a right to burn down our businesses or kill us for what our great grand parents done. This isn't the solution...

And that's why is nor happening because blacks know that murdering a race of people just because of their race. Something that took whites hundreds of years to realize.

But blacks had the best teachers on brutality. You're bad... outer better your grandfather's bad

So you're seriously telling me that blacks aren't racist?

Some are racist the difference is that black racism doesn't effect you ever white racism killed people.

I know name calling probably feels like you're going to die but you're fine

ever hear of the black on white crime rate you stupid fuck?

Blacks kill 448 whites at 1/5th the population, compared to 190 for white killing blacks at 5 times the population. Do you understand how to read a chart? A lot of these murders by blacks are driven by hatred of whites. I read about how they're driven by hatred all the time. Hate is hate...

How exactly does pointing out the reality of it = racism?

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Tell us more about how blacks need to take responsibility and then tell us about how whites arent responsible for anything ever since the beginning of America.

Its always fun to hear the "majority doesnt rule / run / have any effect on anything" argument
Democrats are white too. Racism, a once sound argument, is now simply a hackneyed excuse for abysmal failure.

Exactly! Thats why I say its the fault of WHITES not of one political group

Why is it our fault? How are we holding you down??? Can you show me how the system is rigged against blacks? I realize a lot of blacks are very poor but within my opinion that has more to do with culture and personal choice. How is this opinion wrong?
It is amazing the posters you find to post. Here's the proof that democrats are the party of white superiority and these libs still deny it.
You seem to be hung up on the party that was racist, instead of the party that is racist. Why is that, and who does this sound like now? It ain't the Dems.
You lose all credibility when you claim republicans are racists, especially when you're the only person who regularly calls them ******* here. Even that poster you people think is a Nazi doesn't use that word.
I use the term because you, as a member of the party of white, won't. They don't vote for your side. It's not my opinion, it's math. Your party is racist, and they know it. The racists vote for you and the honest ones will call them stupid lazy violent ******* which is exactly what you believe.

why aren't "they" the one's that are racist?
Tell us more about how blacks need to take responsibility and then tell us about how whites arent responsible for anything ever since the beginning of America.

Its always fun to hear the "majority doesnt rule / run / have any effect on anything" argument
Democrats are white too. Racism, a once sound argument, is now simply a hackneyed excuse for abysmal failure.

Exactly! Thats why I say its the fault of WHITES not of one political group

Why is it our fault? How are we holding you down??? Can you show me how the system is rigged against blacks? I realize a lot of blacks are very poor but within my opinion that has more to do with culture and personal choice. How is this opinion wrong?

1st question: Ask Meathead. HE and others here has and continue to say it's the fault of whites....Democratic whites.

2nd and 3rd question: You defend the profiling of blacks based on black crime as a whole. So take the justice system...blacks get checked more often, blacks get arrested more often for the same crime, get a harder sentence than whites for the same crime.

That alone would make it really tough to get and keep a job. That thinking of y ours makes it so. And housing, wealth disparities etc etc but when you simply respond "whatever" it doesn't change those facts one bit. Google it

Of course it seems that way to you because in order to believe that racism of the party had NOTHING AT ALL to do with the state of blacks today.. you HAVE TO believe that history had no effect. To admit that would make whites culpable.

Meat head said whites are culpable... But only ones that votes a certain way
The South is a culture. Carter is part of it and speaks the language. Voting for a "favorite son" is common. That's why his home state of Georgia voted for him in 1980 when the rest of the South went with Reagan.
. Carter lost the South in 1980 because he proved himself incompetent and the only way to remove hi was voting republican.

Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's not having it both ways. Libs claim the South turned republican because of the civil rights vote. They went for Carter, a Democrat plantation owner, in 1976, so that blows your claim. As for the 1980 election, Carter proved to be incompetent and lost the south to Reagan.

Of course it is. First you're whining "explain Carter's support in the South" and in the next breath explaining why he didn't have any.


The South DID turn Republican. Check a frickin' map. Even in the early daze of that sea change, it took a Southerner to buck the trend, and he still couldn't keep it up for two elections. 1980 was Reagan, who openly appealed to that constituency, literally kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi talking "states rights", which was already a code word for racism.
Just how many code words for racism do you racist Leftists have anyway? Is there an official list somewhere that you pass around during your Klan meetings?

I don't believe Reagan was a racist leftist but feel free to make your case.

I wouldn't know about Klan meetings either. You'll have to ask around. May I recommend Steve McRacist. If he doesn't know, nobody does.
. Carter lost the South in 1980 because he proved himself incompetent and the only way to remove hi was voting republican.

Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's not having it both ways. Libs claim the South turned republican because of the civil rights vote. They went for Carter, a Democrat plantation owner, in 1976, so that blows your claim. As for the 1980 election, Carter proved to be incompetent and lost the south to Reagan.

Of course it is. First you're whining "explain Carter's support in the South" and in the next breath explaining why he didn't have any.


The South DID turn Republican. Check a frickin' map. Even in the early daze of that sea change, it took a Southerner to buck the trend, and he still couldn't keep it up for two elections. 1980 was Reagan, who openly appealed to that constituency, literally kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi talking "states rights", which was already a code word for racism.
Just how many code words for racism do you racist Leftists have anyway? Is there an official list somewhere that you pass around during your Klan meetings?

I don't believe Reagan was a racist leftist but feel free to make your case.

I wouldn't know about Klan meetings either. You'll have to ask around. May I recommend Steve McRacist. If he doesn't know, nobody does.
Don't know why you brought up Reagan. I was just wondering if you have a list of racist code words you use at your racist gatherings.
Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's not having it both ways. Libs claim the South turned republican because of the civil rights vote. They went for Carter, a Democrat plantation owner, in 1976, so that blows your claim. As for the 1980 election, Carter proved to be incompetent and lost the south to Reagan.

Of course it is. First you're whining "explain Carter's support in the South" and in the next breath explaining why he didn't have any.


The South DID turn Republican. Check a frickin' map. Even in the early daze of that sea change, it took a Southerner to buck the trend, and he still couldn't keep it up for two elections. 1980 was Reagan, who openly appealed to that constituency, literally kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi talking "states rights", which was already a code word for racism.
Just how many code words for racism do you racist Leftists have anyway? Is there an official list somewhere that you pass around during your Klan meetings?

I don't believe Reagan was a racist leftist but feel free to make your case.

I wouldn't know about Klan meetings either. You'll have to ask around. May I recommend Steve McRacist. If he doesn't know, nobody does.
Don't know why you brought up Reagan. I was just wondering if you have a list of racist code words you use at your racist gatherings.
Reagan for lefties is a sort of butt hurt reflex. You learn to ignore it.
White America had the morality to cease black slavery and jim crow laws. Can the same be said of Africa who started black slavery?

Do you understand the word "paradox"? Well don't worry.....you didn't just present one.

Black Africans and Arabs still enslave blacks. Where in the US are whites enslaving blacks in 2014?

Wow! Imagine that, no slavery in America in 2014. We've really set high standards for ourselves now.
Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's not having it both ways. Libs claim the South turned republican because of the civil rights vote. They went for Carter, a Democrat plantation owner, in 1976, so that blows your claim. As for the 1980 election, Carter proved to be incompetent and lost the south to Reagan.

Of course it is. First you're whining "explain Carter's support in the South" and in the next breath explaining why he didn't have any.


The South DID turn Republican. Check a frickin' map. Even in the early daze of that sea change, it took a Southerner to buck the trend, and he still couldn't keep it up for two elections. 1980 was Reagan, who openly appealed to that constituency, literally kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi talking "states rights", which was already a code word for racism.
Just how many code words for racism do you racist Leftists have anyway? Is there an official list somewhere that you pass around during your Klan meetings?

I don't believe Reagan was a racist leftist but feel free to make your case.

I wouldn't know about Klan meetings either. You'll have to ask around. May I recommend Steve McRacist. If he doesn't know, nobody does.
Don't know why you brought up Reagan. I was just wondering if you have a list of racist code words you use at your racist gatherings.

I wouldn't know about "racist gatheriings". What the fuck are you babbling about? Trying to pull this stream pretty far off course, are we?

The topic at the time was the South turning from one-party Democrat to one-party Republican. Reagan opening a presidential campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi was a big part of that. I can see why that's a powerful point you'd like to run away from but there it is. It ain't going away, even in a bullshit thunderstorm.
Leftism has been immeasurably damaging to black Americans. This has been true for some time and yet nothing is done to reform or discontinue the damage. Is this not proof of leftism's power over our nation and society?
Not the years of slavery
Not the years of legalized racism
Not the years of Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for blacks to start businesses let alone drink water etc.
It sure wasnt making it illegal and punishable by death to learn how to read.
It wasnt the GI Bill who let whites buy property to build family wealth and prevented blacks from doing the same.
It wasnt the burning down of successful black Cities during hundreds of race riots that destroyed and envied success
It wasnt the war on drugs
Its not the unfair justice system that punishes blacks harsher than whites
And if they are punished harsher that doesnt change the fact that the locked up person should be there for his family
Its not underfunded schools
Its not underfunded housing
Its not the development of "the projects" which is almost like Jail Light
Its not testing Syphilis on blacks who only wanted to serve this country
Its not hanging blacks from trees and taking pictures of their murders
Its not any of those things.

Its black people....Thats whats wrong with black people....Or thats what whites want blacks to believe to cover their own Holocaust in America
Post of the thread!


The damage done to generations of American Blacks by Political Correctness, Identity Politics and the soft bigotry of reduced expectations might take generations to heal and reverse, even if the healing started today.

Goddamn shame. They've been victimized enough in this nation's history.

But not Slavery and Legalized Racism tho. All that takes is a good ol "get over it" dont cha know

Yes, that was the first time they were victimized.

You think this is funny.


No what I think is funny is you see generational damage from programs like Welfare or Affirmative action while claiming that slavery has nothing to do with today

You have someone alive that remembers American slavery?
You have someone alive that remembers the American Civil War Mr. Confederate flag defender?

The damage done to generations of American Blacks by Political Correctness, Identity Politics and the soft bigotry of reduced expectations might take generations to heal and reverse, even if the healing started today.

Goddamn shame. They've been victimized enough in this nation's history.


But not Slavery and Legalized Racism tho. All that takes is a good ol "get over it" dont cha know

how can anyone expect you to "get over it" when you never experienced it?
Get over the Civil War and burn the confederate flags in your possession.

The damage done to generations of American Blacks by Political Correctness, Identity Politics and the soft bigotry of reduced expectations might take generations to heal and reverse, even if the healing started today.

Goddamn shame. They've been victimized enough in this nation's history.

But not Slavery and Legalized Racism tho. All that takes is a good ol "get over it" dont cha know

Yes, that was the first time they were victimized.

You think this is funny.


No what I think is funny is you see generational damage from programs like Welfare or Affirmative action while claiming that slavery has nothing to do with today

You have someone alive that remembers American slavery?
You have someone alive that remembers the American Civil War Mr. Confederate flag defender?

So are you stupid enough to equate a flag to human slavery?

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