Ask about Islam

There have been claims recently that Islam is a feminist religion, but chapter 4 of the Quran states that a woman’s testimony is worth half of a man’s, male heirs are to receive twice the inheritance of female heirs and husbands have the right to beat disobedient wives. Does this sound feminist to anyone?
Could you qualify that statement? People who
fight oppression are acting in SELF DEFENSE in
that "self defense" includes attack on ones country
or one's nation and in a larger sense ALSO includes
fighting attack on fellow humans (from the POV of
biologists, humans are a "social animal" and
protect the SPECIES---a form of self-defense)
It's almost as if you're supporting my statement.
Because I’ve never been a Muslim, it seemed only natural to have those born into the religion telling us why they left.
Well maybe you can put it into short writing so we can do something with it. I don't mind refuting their baseless lies.
Why does Islam reject Jesus Christ, son of God who is God as Messiah
First of all saying Jesus (peace be upon him) is god and god's son at the same time is no less illogical than you saying you are your father and your fathers son.

Muslims do not reject Jesus (peace be upon him) as a messiah. He is a messiah.
Messiah and His sacrifice and resurrection are all pointed to in The Old Testament
I've seen many claims - none made any sense.
"Never would the Messiah disdain to be a servant of Allah , nor would the angels near [to Him]. And whoever disdains His worship and is arrogant – He will gather them to Himself all together." 4:172
Suradie's lack of simple factual knowledge is amazing. "inhertance" in the discussion which she
sites with absolutely no understanding refers ONLY
to the "inheritance" of fixed tribal land. Back in the
day, each of the "tribes" owned land (except for me--LEVI) That land was passed down thru the male line.
The custom and law does not refer to mom's
diamond ring or dad's gold watch or the contents
of the safety deposit box. The system no longer
exists---for more than 2000 years
Suradie's lack of simple factual knowledge is amazing. "inhertance" in the discussion which she
sites with absolutely no understanding refers ONLY
to the "inheritance" of fixed tribal land. Back in the
day, each of the "tribes" owned land (except for me--LEVI) That land was passed down thru the male line.
The custom and law does not refer to mom's
diamond ring or dad's gold watch or the contents
of the safety deposit box. The system no longer
exists---for more than 2000 years
Yes. Women couldn't inherit land unless there were no sons.
Remember the story of Ruth? Naomi was cleaning in the fields.
wrong again----Ruth was GLEANING---which means
picking up produce for free----Naomi stayed home.
Sheeeesh You seem to have a problem
remember that which you read. I never had an
actual education in religion----your sunday school
education failed---no jelly bean for you. BTW --what
does your misstatement have to do with the subject
at hand?
in islamic law-----if a man has two sons and one
converts to christianity----the muslim kids GETS
IT ALL. Even if a christian father has two sons and
ONE converts to islam----the muslim kid GETS IT ALL.
...........that is one of the many forms of islamic genocide
wrong again----Ruth was GLEANING---which means
picking up produce for free----Naomi stayed home.
Sheeeesh You seem to have a problem
remember that which you read. I never had an
actual education in religion----your sunday school
education failed---no jelly bean for you. BTW --what
does your misstatement have to do with the subject
at hand?
You're right. Ruth was gleaning for Naomi in the fields of Boaz. We were talking about women's rights...

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