Islam forbids

You know people have to ask themselves a question. there are more than a billion Muslims in the world. If Muslims were so violent don't you think there would be much more killings? I'm mean really.

So the amount of killings there are all ready isn't enough to make it violent? Well deary me how much do you expect them to be? Even if you take that out Sharia law calls for the death penalty and mutilation a lot so I think that is enough to make it violent.
You know people have to ask themselves a question. there are more than a billion Muslims in the world. If Muslims were so violent don't you think there would be much more killings? I'm mean really.

So the amount of killings there are all ready isn't enough to make it violent? Well deary me how much do you expect them to be? Even if you take that out Sharia law calls for the death penalty and mutilation a lot so I think that is enough to make it violent.

last time i checked the death penalty was still legal in most states in this country. and as for the beheadings and amputations. the only Muslim countries i know who do it is iran and saudi and maybe yemen. but majority of of Muslim countries don't do beheadings.
I don't blame you for leaving this thread Kalam.

You and I both have answered Mr. Fitnuts (aka Imam Cut & Paste) several times over.

Now his retarded minion Fatality, is reasking the same previously answered questions. :cuckoo:

It has just gotten way too boring for me.
I cut and paste fundamental Islamic scripture. My opinion on the matter is irrelevant .
As a Sunni there is no daylight between what I post and what your user name suggest you believe ,I just put it in focus.
If you had any scripture to abrogate what I post you would have done so
I reveal what you seek to hide kaffaar.
You aren't bored, you are incensed and outraged.
The cat is out of the bag.
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for someone to prove unequivocally using Islamic scripture that non muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

i suggest you have a listen to these lectures. it explains and gives evidence from the quran and sunnah that the likes of al-qaida are ignorant.

this one also explains well

and keep in mind these imams are considered to be conservative.
Thanks for responding to my thread, Im sorry I cannot listen to a lecture by anyone .
If you have proof bring it.
You know people have to ask themselves a question. there are more than a billion Muslims in the world. If Muslims were so violent don't you think there would be much more killings? I'm mean really.

So the amount of killings there are all ready isn't enough to make it violent? Well deary me how much do you expect them to be? Even if you take that out Sharia law calls for the death penalty and mutilation a lot so I think that is enough to make it violent.

last time i checked the death penalty was still legal in most states in this country. and as for the beheadings and amputations. the only Muslim countries i know who do it is iran and saudi and maybe yemen. but majority of of Muslim countries don't do beheadings.
Few crimes against mushrikun or zalimun carry any penalty of any consequence,most convicted criminals in Somalia and Yeman are out, the Bali bomber are an exception , they are considered heros in some circles.
You know people have to ask themselves a question. there are more than a billion Muslims in the world. If Muslims were so violent don't you think there would be much more killings? I'm mean really.

That they have eradicated the enemy at home does not mean they do not wish to continue killing elsewhere.There are few places on earth muslims are not killing to institute sharia law.

I'm going to explain Jihad in a more simple matter. Jihad was ordered on the Muslims during the prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) time because the Meccans were trying to kill the them because they chose to give up idol worship and worship Allah alone. so jihad was ordered so that they could defend themselves. So they were ordered to fight to defend themselves.
Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

The passage itself can be found in two places. (It is on page 54( in my Quran) of the Noble Qur’an
translation by Muhammad Khan and distributed by “King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an—The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. It is a footnote to Qur’an 2.190 and is designed to explain Jihad according to Allah as this is the first time the word is used.

Jihad is only suppose to happen if Muslims are not allowed to practice their faith and are oppressed if they do. Since there is no country in the world that currently forbids Muslims from worship there is NO NEED FOR JIHAD WITH A SWORD NOWADAYS.
there are different types of Jihad. Jihad doesn't just mean fighting a non-Muslim. one of the most important Jihads that every Muslim has to do is fighting the evil within one's self. So for example if you are a drug addict. your Jihad becomes fighting that urge to use drugs.
The hadith is false

A Fabricated Hadeeth - Greater & Lesser Jihad - - Muslim Forum
Any Muslim that claims a Jihad nowadays is ignorant of Islam and following a deviated version of Islam.

'Umdat as-Salik wa 'Uddat an-Nasik

Page 602
“it is offensive to conduct a military expedition against hostile non-Muslims without the caliph’s permission,” but “if there is no caliph, no permission is required.”

Islamic scripture proves disbelief is an act of aggression a hostile act.
You know people have to ask themselves a question. there are more than a billion Muslims in the world. If Muslims were so violent don't you think there would be much more killings? I'm mean really.

That they have eradicated the enemy at home does not mean they do not wish to continue killing elsewhere.There are few places on earth muslims are not killing to institute sharia law.

I'm going to explain Jihad in a more simple matter. Jihad was ordered on the Muslims during the prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) time because the Meccans were trying to kill the them because they chose to give up idol worship and worship Allah alone. so jihad was ordered so that they could defend themselves. So they were ordered to fight to defend themselves.
Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

The passage itself can be found in two places. (It is on page 54( in my Quran) of the Noble Qur’an
translation by Muhammad Khan and distributed by “King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an—The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. It is a footnote to Qur’an 2.190 and is designed to explain Jihad according to Allah as this is the first time the word is used.

Jihad is only suppose to happen if Muslims are not allowed to practice their faith and are oppressed if they do. Since there is no country in the world that currently forbids Muslims from worship there is NO NEED FOR JIHAD WITH A SWORD NOWADAYS.
there are different types of Jihad. Jihad doesn't just mean fighting a non-Muslim. one of the most important Jihads that every Muslim has to do is fighting the evil within one's self. So for example if you are a drug addict. your Jihad becomes fighting that urge to use drugs.
The hadith is false

A Fabricated Hadeeth - Greater & Lesser Jihad - - Muslim Forum
Any Muslim that claims a Jihad nowadays is ignorant of Islam and following a deviated version of Islam.

'Umdat as-Salik wa 'Uddat an-Nasik

Page 602
“it is offensive to conduct a military expedition against hostile non-Muslims without the caliph’s permission,” but “if there is no caliph, no permission is required.”

Islamic scripture proves disbelief is an act of aggression a hostile act.

Oh yes the lesser and greater jihad. I often thought they may have had it backward :eusa_angel:

Qur'an [4:95-96]
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I don't blame you for leaving this thread Kalam.

You and I both have answered Mr. Fitnuts (aka Imam Cut & Paste) several times over.

Now his retarded minion Fatality, is reasking the same previously answered questions. :cuckoo:

It has just gotten way too boring for me.
You aren't bored, you are incensed and outraged.

I didn't know that :lol: :lol: :lol:
Question for muslims: I'm looking to get married. Which country lets me marry the youngest girls?
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

They will not answer that clear direct question. For good reason.

The fact that you have repeatedly asked it is evidence that they know they cannot offer any meaningful and honest answer to it.
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

They will not answer that clear direct question. For good reason.

The fact that you have repeatedly asked it is evidence that they know they cannot offer any meaningful and honest answer to it.
That question has been answered several times over by both Kalam and myself.

It's not our fault if you Liability, Mr. Fitnuts, or his idiot friend Fatality, are unable to understand the answer. :cuckoo:
Regardless of what meaning you choose to ascribe to adh-dhulm, the Qur'an gives Muslims the following commandment:

And kill not the soul which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause. And whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority -- but let him not exceed the limit in slaying. Surely he will be helped. - 17:33​

What is "unjust"?

O you who believe, be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice; and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably. Be just; that is nearer to observance of duty. And keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Aware of what you do. - 5:8​

Failure to act equitably. Therefore it can be concluded (again) that the slaying of innocents is forbidden.
So in other words, you can kill in the name of Allah, but it has to be a mullah sanctioned hit? Or is fatwa against the koran?
So in other words, you can kill in the name of Allah, but it has to be a mullah sanctioned hit? Or is fatwa against the koran?

Presently, no religious leader or body of leaders can speak for every Muslim. Jihad is permitted in response to hostilities initiated by one's enemies, but must be carried out in a manner that is consistent with the Qur'anic notion of justice.

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