No, Donald are not King

Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

In fact, one is not ‘illegal’ until he as been afforded due process of the law.

I guess the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" will be the next human right that the orange king stomps his Nazi-like cult applauds.
So Mexico can invade America and we can't do anything to stop them without giving each individual due process rights? Your nuts.

trump is creating a false crisis. Illegal Immigration is down, but he wants to inflame his base. He lies and they believe every lie. I guess this is the way Hitler controlled the Masses...
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

In fact, one is not ‘illegal’ until he as been afforded due process of the law.

I guess the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" will be the next human right that the orange king stomps his Nazi-like cult applauds.
So Mexico can invade America and we can't do anything to stop them without giving each individual due process rights? Your nuts.

trump is creating a false crisis. Illegal Immigration is down, but he wants to inflame his base. He lies and they believe every lie. I guess this is the way Hitler controlled the Masses...
40,000 illegal immigrants a month illegally cross the border. Is that a lie?
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

In fact, one is not ‘illegal’ until he as been afforded due process of the law.

I guess the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" will be the next human right that the orange king stomps his Nazi-like cult applauds.
So Mexico can invade America and we can't do anything to stop them without giving each individual due process rights? Your nuts.

trump is creating a false crisis. Illegal Immigration is down, but he wants to inflame his base. He lies and they believe every lie. I guess this is the way Hitler controlled the Masses...
40,000 illegal immigrants a month illegally cross the border. Is that a lie?

If I were in a central American country and my kids were being threatened by gangs or drug cartels....I would do everything in my power to make them safe. I would spend all and travel thousands of miles to seek asylum.

But from what u are saying....u wouldn't. That is too bad....

Again....the Republican Mantra...."I got don't....Too bad...."
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

Where does the Constitution say that?

"We the People." So you see that and think people here illegally are "the people?" Seriously?

The Constitution doesn't say it explicitly but SCOTUS ruled on it in 1898, aliens on U.S. soil (illegal or otherwise) do have the right to due process. Which only makes sense since it prevents the federal government from randomly snatching foreigners off the streets and locking them up just because the feel like it. It also prevents some government flunky from declaring a foreigner on U.S. soil as "illegal" just because he/she doesn't like the way they look.

That of course doesn't mean that foreigners can't be DENIED ENTRY without due process, since the 5th Amendment doesn't apply to foreigners who are not on U.S. soil.
I know. But the scotus doesnt have the legitimate power to create constitutional powers. Does we the people mean people here illegally?
For those Trumpette their great leader....never read. From my link

In the 1896 case Wong Wing vs. US, the Supreme Court ruled that even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being “deprived of life, liberty, or property.”

[A]ll persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guarantied by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

In the 1896 case Wong Wing vs. US, the Supreme Court ruled that even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being “deprived of life, liberty, or property.”

The President can still deport illegal aliens without a court date.

8 U. S. C. §1182(f)

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

That says nothing to dispute the fact that if they are detained ON US SOIL - they ARE entitled to due process.

They are
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Expedited Removal and Voluntary Return, neither requires the illegal entrant to be granted due process, unless of course a hearing by a BP Officer is considered due process. It only requires the illegal to be granted a hearing from an BP Officer to determine credibility if asylum is claimed. If the Officer doesn't find credible fear based on the UN recognized issues, they can be removed from the country, and they can take their little kids with them, too.
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

Where does the Constitution say that?

"We the People." So you see that and think people here illegally are "the people?" Seriously?

The Constitution doesn't say it explicitly but SCOTUS ruled on it in 1898, aliens on U.S. soil (illegal or otherwise) do have the right to due process. Which only makes sense since it prevents the federal government from randomly snatching foreigners off the streets and locking them up just because the feel like it. It also prevents some government flunky from declaring a foreigner on U.S. soil as "illegal" just because he/she doesn't like the way they look.

That of course doesn't mean that foreigners can't be DENIED ENTRY without due process, since the 5th Amendment doesn't apply to foreigners who are not on U.S. soil.
I know. But the scotus doesnt have the legitimate power to create constitutional powers. Does we the people mean people here illegally?

SCOTUS didn't create any constitutional powers with this one, it merely clarified the application of the Bill of Rights and no "we the people" doesn't mean people here illegally but you cannot determine whether or not someone is here legally or illegally without due process, unless of course you abandon the rule of law in favor of the rule of men.
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.
Its just amazing how suddenly you demand that the President follow the law.

Gee....I would hope all presidents follow the law. The one we have now....Putin's Choice....seems intent on usurping century old legal standards.

You really think his appetite for authoritarian rule will stop with the denial of human rights to illegal immigrants. His yearnings for more power will grow.

If you are a white man who is in the top 1% in economic are probably safe. If you are a person of are not.
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.

Where does the Constitution say that?

"We the People." So you see that and think people here illegally are "the people?" Seriously?

The Constitution doesn't say it explicitly but SCOTUS ruled on it in 1898, aliens on U.S. soil (illegal or otherwise) do have the right to due process. Which only makes sense since it prevents the federal government from randomly snatching foreigners off the streets and locking them up just because the feel like it. It also prevents some government flunky from declaring a foreigner on U.S. soil as "illegal" just because he/she doesn't like the way they look.

That of course doesn't mean that foreigners can't be DENIED ENTRY without due process, since the 5th Amendment doesn't apply to foreigners who are not on U.S. soil.
I know. But the scotus doesnt have the legitimate power to create constitutional powers. Does we the people mean people here illegally?

Go kill someone here illegally and see if the laws and rules apply to them also.
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.
Its just amazing how suddenly you demand that the President follow the law.

Gee....I would hope all presidents follow the law. The one we have now....Putin's Choice....seems intent on usurping century old legal standards.

You really think his appetite for authoritarian rule will stop with the denial of human rights to illegal immigrants. His yearnings for more power will grow.

If you are a white man who is in the top 1% in economic are probably safe. If you are a person of are not.
You mean the law that requires illegals to be locked up until prosecuted, with its attending stipulation that children cannot be housed with illegals awaiting 'due process'.

Or are you okay with ignoring that law?
For those Trumpette their great leader....never read. From my link

In the 1896 case Wong Wing vs. US, the Supreme Court ruled that even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being “deprived of life, liberty, or property.”

[A]ll persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guarantied by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

In the 1896 case Wong Wing vs. US, the Supreme Court ruled that even an immigrant who had broken immigration law still had the right to make his case to a judge before being “deprived of life, liberty, or property.”

The President can still deport illegal aliens without a court date.

8 U. S. C. §1182(f)

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

That says nothing to dispute the fact that if they are detained ON US SOIL - they ARE entitled to due process.

They are

he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants,

"I proclaim that I am suspending the entry of all asylum seekers"

I think that would turn due process into an immediate trip back across the border.

or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

"I'm restricting asylum claims to those presented at a port of entry"

I think that would turn due process for illegal entrants into an immediate trip back across the border.

What do you think?

In fact, one is not ‘illegal’ until he as been afforded due process of the law.

I guess the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" will be the next human right that the orange king stomps his Nazi-like cult applauds.
So Mexico can invade America and we can't do anything to stop them without giving each individual due process rights? Your nuts.

trump is creating a false crisis. Illegal Immigration is down, but he wants to inflame his base. He lies and they believe every lie. I guess this is the way Hitler controlled the Masses...
40,000 illegal immigrants a month illegally cross the border. Is that a lie?

If I were in a central American country and my kids were being threatened by gangs or drug cartels....I would do everything in my power to make them safe. I would spend all and travel thousands of miles to seek asylum.

But from what u are saying....u wouldn't. That is too bad....

Again....the Republican Mantra...."I got don't....Too bad...."
That explains why they would do it.
This explains why we shouldn't let them -->
Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

You CANNOT deny illegals crossing the border Due Process.

Your march to Authoritarianism has hastened lately. I guess your man win the telling you things are not looking good in the Mueller prove.
Its just amazing how suddenly you demand that the President follow the law.

Gee....I would hope all presidents follow the law. The one we have now....Putin's Choice....seems intent on usurping century old legal standards.

You really think his appetite for authoritarian rule will stop with the denial of human rights to illegal immigrants. His yearnings for more power will grow.

If you are a white man who is in the top 1% in economic are probably safe. If you are a person of are not.
You mean the law that requires illegals to be locked up until prosecuted, with its attending stipulation that children cannot be housed with illegals awaiting 'due process'.

Or are you okay with ignoring that law?

I think he and Putin would be very happy together. I think trump is a low as the belly of a black snake. I think his family is nothing more than a syndicate of crime that is enriching themselves at tax payer's expense.

And finally I think he is playing you idiots like a fiddle....having you believe that he has the best interest of the country at heart...when all he wants to do is make he and his family richer and take the country back to Jim Crow days. You and your other cult members are as easily fooled as any group of cult members I have ever seen.

I am shocked that you didn't die drinking Kool-aide in the jungles of Africa. I guess you didn't know Jim Jones.
'm not a lawyer but I'm fairly certain DUE PROCESS is a right endowed to US citizens.
Correct, a lawyer you are not. Due process is guaranteed to everyone on US soil.

Just as libs want to change IMMIGRATION laws, SANCTUARY law and ELECTORAL COLLEGE laws, here, finally is a law we really need to change. No due process for illegal aliens. Cross the border illegally, you are sent back or locked up and charged with something (spying maybe, like other countries). Libs want to do everything like other countries; time we emulate them on THIS! They'll get their "due process" when they have their day before the sentencing judge.

Meantime, if the wall were built, this wouldn't be an issue at all-- -- the money we'd save in not needing all this crap (housing, food, healthcare, court time, etc.) would PAY for the freeking wall.

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