Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

Yeah, it wasn't a banana republic after a celebrity con man incited his manipulated rubes to attack our nation's Capitol in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power like a bunch of unhinged cavemen.


Colorado's highly questionable decision came AFTER that, as a RESULT of that. As we all know.

The ends of our spectrum continue to wreck us.
You actually believe you're the good guys. We are seeing left wing Jewish men and women locked up to save their lives with Pro Hamas/Islam rioters who are Progs themselves threatening to kill them as they try to beat down the doors and exact their form of justice. At the same time the left wing Jewish men and women in the locked room is screaming those no good White Nationalists. White people are scum. Charlottsville...Charlottsville! Never mind they are white.
Good idea. They can say that their crime of insurrection is bringing in up to 20 million illegals to destroy the U.S. economy and create such lawlessness that they can institute permanent martial law changing America from a democratic republic to a totalitarian state. We are dangerously close to that now.

Absolutely. Biden's handling of the border alone is grounds for removal from the ballot in every state in country that has had illegal aliens enter it.
And people like Gator are okay with that, again, too stupid to realize it may not go the way they want it next time.
On this precedence, other states could 100% take Biden off of the ballot in their state simply by filing a civil case, and judging it.

Please get Biden off the ballot, he is terrible.

Far and away the best thing that could happen for this country is both Trump and Biden not being on the ballot
Absolutely. Biden's handling of the border alone is grounds for removal from the ballot in every state in country that has had illegal aliens enter it.
Which is pretty much if not all 50 states by now. The new legitimate talking point is that because Biden is allowing these people complete liberty to go anywhere they want and in many cases is giving them free transportation to get there, every state is a border state.

Not only are we getting the millions he is allowing in, but a new estimate of an astounding possible 13 million gottaways--people who cross the border undetected and unprocessed by the CBP is added to that. Who are these people? Are they good or bad? Nobody knows. But we do know the majority of those Biden admits are single military aged men. It's a pretty safe bet that would be even more of the case with the gottaways.

Where does the 14th amendment say insurrection only counts if it is "war fighting"?

That's right, it doesn't. "War fighting" is a meaningless term you invented.

it's the reason the amendment was put in place, i.e. the fucking intent of the amendment.

And you ignore the other 2 requirements from the civil war, secession/notice of insurrection, and/or participation in an insurrectionist/seceded government.
Right back atcha.

The fact is, we're all flawed, and we should be pooling our resources and efforts.

But no, we've decayed into simplistic tribes. That may be great for you, but not for me.
I am telling you what people do. And have believed this for many years. For humans do it over and over. We are no different in the United States. Civility is a thin veneer.
it's the reason the amendment was put in place, i.e. the fucking intent of the amendment.

And you ignore the other 2 requirements from the civil war, secession/notice of insurrection, and/or participation in an insurrectionist/seceded government.
The 14th amendment doesn't say anything about these "requirements" you invented. They don't exist.
Hey, cult fucks.

I keep asking for the link.


Just link to the page at:

The 14th amendment doesn't say anything about these "requirements" you invented. They don't exist.

That was the intent of the amendment. Also Trump has not been accused or convicted legally of Insurrection.

It's obvious to anyone not a TDS authoritarian hack.

i.e. you, you fucking mouthbreathing moron.
That was the intent of the amendment. Also Trump has not been accused or convicted legally of Insurrection.

It's obvious to anyone not a TDS authoritarian hack.

i.e. you, you fucking mouthbreathing moron.
Thank god we have you around to tell us what the authors of the amendment meant to say.

Why even bother to write any laws or amendments anymore? The text doesn't matter.
Thank god we have you around to tell us what the authors of the amendment meant to say.

Why even bother to write any laws or amendments anymore? The text doesn't matter.

Evidently 4 idiots on the Colorado Supreme Court need to be told this as well.

Just like the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed matters?

Or Free exericse of Religion matters?

Or abortion is somewhere in the text even though it really isn't?

Spare me you progressive hypocrisy on the text of the Constitution and its Amendments.
Perhaps you missed it, but In November, a trial court in Denver found that the events on Jan. 6 satisfy the definition of insurrection, and concluded that Trump engaged in insurrection through incitement.
I guess you missed it--there was no insurrection--in CO and there was no insurrection declared in DC either--so there is that. Try again commie.
You can't punish him for being an insurrectionist when he hasn't even been charged with insurrection, let alone been found guilty of it.
They didn't even cite insurrection as a cause. They claimed he "incited" an insurrection, something he has not been charged with or convicted of. Indeed, officially, there never was an insurrection. These morons have been smoking too much dope.
Somebody doesn't know the history of "Banana Republic"

".....United Fruit played on the U.S. government’s fears of communism during the 1950s. Democratically elected as the president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz focused on major social reforms, which included nationalizing uncultivated land and distributing it to landless workers for cultivation, when he began his presidency in 1951. These reforms were significant threats to United Fruit. Arbenz, who was attacked as a communist sympathizer, was ousted in 1954 by a CIA-led coup called Operation Success and replaced with a pro-business leader. The Guatemalan government continued to be run by a series of U.S.-backed military rulers during a civil war that lasted from 1960 to 1996. Although democratically elected governments returned after 1996, economic inequality that has its roots in the United Fruit era continues into the 21st century in Guatemala, where more than half the population lives in poverty."

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