Perspective: How It All Happened

As to the discussion between PC and Carb, I now see where he is coming from the the dixiecrats being conservative. I have to say they and the goldwater folks seem an illustration of the adage "politics makes strange bed fellows."

I think a modern conservative like Goldwater or Reagan (haley barbour or huntsmen may be the only two in the last race) and perhaps Christie believe politics has to be more than simply getting your way, and politics is not the means for simply enforcing the status quo. History marches on. Mankind desires freedom. A loss is not defeat. And while compromise to gain is not a vice, compromiseing on the issue of the individual seeking freedom isn't acceptable to gain power. States rights is simply moving republican govt to its lowest electoral demoninator.

Dixiecrats were quite something different.
There are those that believe more progress was made in the years leading up to LBJ's civil rights bills than since the LBJ bills were passed.

Consider that statement and tell it then to the Emmett Till family.

What you suggest is simply not the case, not anywhere near it.

You tell that to the descendants of the Mississippi civil rights martyrs.

I am ashamed for you.
There are those that believe more progress was made in the years leading up to LBJ's civil rights bills than since the LBJ bills were passed.

Consider that statement and tell it then to the Emmett Till family.

What you suggest is simply not the case, not anywhere near it.

You tell that to the descendants of the Mississippi civil rights martyrs.

I am ashamed for you.

18 usc 242 came into existence in 1948 and gave rise to FBI having jurisdiction to pursue such crimes.
Eisenhower nationalizing the NG in Little Rock, Kennedy using federal marshalls, and LBJ in effect saying to the segregationists, "Lissen up, fuckheads, you are going to change or you are going to have the federal government all over your ass for the rest of your miserable worthless lives," all of which created the necessary change. The Civil Rights Act was the lynch pin with the full force and commitment of the feebs behind it.

The worthless race haters have not forgotten, not forgiven, and are still failing to rewrite the history their way.
You would be well advised to stick to things you actually know favorite Crayola, and the schedule of the 24-hour Cartoon Network.

That moronic remark is what we are getting from the far right and reactionary wings today.


...smarting from the spankings that I've administered today?


Learn from it.
Jake seems perfectly ignorant of the fact that his civil rights hero LBJ held up Ike civil rights bill for 7 years and used the "n" word like a Sunday preacher saying Jesus

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Not holding back any punches today :lol:

Just how have the democrats helped the Black population in the last 50 years? :eusa_whistle:

They only gave them one broken promise after another broken promise.
carry on.....

A black dude is president and a black lady is first lady. Not to mention all the black pols and millionaires. Do you honestly think that would have happened yet if Republicans had their way?

The economy is in the tank, and his foreign policy has given us Egypt, Libya, Iran and Syria.
Do you honestly think that would have happened if some less of an ideologue had been elected?

Or is skin color that important to you?
There are those that believe more progress was made in the years leading up to LBJ's civil rights bills than since the LBJ bills were passed.

Consider that statement and tell it then to the Emmett Till family.

What you suggest is simply not the case, not anywhere near it.

You tell that to the descendants of the Mississippi civil rights martyrs.

I am ashamed for you.

I could care less what you think of me, son. You mean nothing to me, Jake.

Like I said, Eisenhowers bills got the ball rolling for the Black population. (seems you forgot that part of the post, jake)
Voting rights and the Earl Warren appointment was huge for the Blacks.
It is where America turned the corner, Blacks were starting to get better jobs than previously.....I'm not saying that LBJ's bills didn't help, I'm saying Eisenhower's gave them hope and started the road to "equality" in this country.

After the LBJ Bills, Welfare exploded and became a career. Single parent families rose, food stamps, poverty, gangs, etc.
LBJ Bills did help, but there was "better progress" before them....
It didn't happen over night in the 1950's but it was progressing
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As to the discussion between PC and Carb, I now see where he is coming from the the dixiecrats being conservative. I have to say they and the goldwater folks seem an illustration of the adage "politics makes strange bed fellows."

I think a modern conservative like Goldwater or Reagan (haley barbour or huntsmen may be the only two in the last race) and perhaps Christie believe politics has to be more than simply getting your way, and politics is not the means for simply enforcing the status quo. History marches on. Mankind desires freedom. A loss is not defeat. And while compromise to gain is not a vice, compromiseing on the issue of the individual seeking freedom isn't acceptable to gain power. States rights is simply moving republican govt to its lowest electoral demoninator.

Dixiecrats were quite something different.

Dixicrats were Democrats.

They weren't Republicrats.
Eisenhower nationalizing the NG in Little Rock, Kennedy using federal marshalls, and LBJ in effect saying to the segregationists, "Lissen up, fuckheads, you are going to change or you are going to have the federal government all over your ass for the rest of your miserable worthless lives," all of which created the necessary change. The Civil Rights Act was the lynch pin with the full force and commitment of the feebs behind it.

The worthless race haters have not forgotten, not forgiven, and are still failing to rewrite the history their way.

I wonder what would have happened to MLK and his marching if Eisenhower hadn't passed those bills?
PS....I consider Martin Luther King a great man.
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1. For a full century after the Civil War, the Democrat Party was correctly identified as the party of slavery and segregation. In fact.....they killed every anti-lynching bill that made its way to the Senate. Democrats.

Then, the party saw the light...or at least saw a method to make itself supreme: don the mantle of civil rights. But not via an apology and admission of its dark past, but, controlling the schools and the media allowed it to blow smoke, and pretend that it had always been such.

2. The agenda, the ladder to the top, had very specific rungs: in the 1960's, they told America that black people could not control their own economic destiny due to centuries of racism and segregation. Of course, the trick was not mentioning that they were the racists and segregationists.

a. "Despite frequent assertions to the contrary, many seemingly intractable problems encountered by a significant number of black Americans do not result from racial discrimination, but rather from the policies, regulations, and restrictions emanating from federal, state, and local government. The free market and the profit motive, far from enemies to blacks, have been their friends. The real threat are the coercive powers of government, used to stifle market competition. They are the limitations on black socioeconomic progress, not racial discrimination."
“Race & Economics,” by Walter E. Williams, chapter one.

b. " Then there is the mistaken belief that the rise of blacks from poverty into middle class occupations can be traced from some time after the 60’s civil rights movement and government actions, when, in reality, the most dramatic improvements occurred in the to decades prior to the 60’s!"
Thomas Sowell, "Economic Facts and Fallacies," chapter eight.

3. Next, the nation 'learned' that white Americans could only "atone for the sins of slavery and segregation through support of poverty programs and by the redistribution of their wealth via taxation. Black Americans were told that greed was the reason wealthy whites prospered ad that those wealthy whites were to blame for economic barriers that stopped blacks from obtaining success. Anyone who disagreed was labeled a bigot." Star Parker, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," p. 74.

And lots of good-hearted Americans bought it like it was on sale!

4. Once the poor bought into these ideas, which, one must admit, are very attractive: "it's not your fault, and you're not responsible for taking any actions..." then the social engineers of the Left were able to take control housing, schooling, childcare, healthcare, abortion, and...coming soon: euthanasia. Via this step in the agenda, Leftism came to be seen as the new religion, called statism....or Liberalism.

a. Don't think that religion itself hasn't played a role!
"In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the mainline Protestant churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ( "one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union." ...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churches called for: Ultimately, "a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....
APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

5. Well, it's been a great ride while it lasted, the first hundred years makes for inspiring reading....but the recent hundred represents a cautionary tale...for whom? I really don't know.

Perhaps some future folks will look back and recognize the flaws in human nature that always seem to lead people to be envious, to be lazy, to want someone else to take care of them, and are willing to rationalize whatever they want as something they need. Then again, the warnings were there this time, and no one paid heed to Alexis de Tocqueville when he predicted what we would become, almost 200 years ago.

So....start accumulating mementos of the late, great United States of America....your great-grand-kids may be able to hawk 'em on some future Ebay....

One should not cut and paste crazy articles from sources that dont even know the name of the Democratic Party, they are not credible sources, and many things change over a hundred years, read about the positions Republican Presidents like Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt took and you will see they were opposite of what today's Republican Party stands for.

You would be well advised to stick to things you actually know favorite Crayola, and the schedule of the 24-hour Cartoon Network.

Say the person that does not even know the name of one of the two major political parties in the U.S. and is pasting this absurd nonsense.
As to the discussion between PC and Carb, I now see where he is coming from the the dixiecrats being conservative. I have to say they and the goldwater folks seem an illustration of the adage "politics makes strange bed fellows."

I think a modern conservative like Goldwater or Reagan (haley barbour or huntsmen may be the only two in the last race) and perhaps Christie believe politics has to be more than simply getting your way, and politics is not the means for simply enforcing the status quo. History marches on. Mankind desires freedom. A loss is not defeat. And while compromise to gain is not a vice, compromiseing on the issue of the individual seeking freedom isn't acceptable to gain power. States rights is simply moving republican govt to its lowest electoral demoninator.

Dixiecrats were quite something different.

Dixicrats were Democrats.

They weren't Republicrats.

They became Republicans and kind of obvious considering how red the south is politically.
Just how have the democrats helped the Black population in the last 50 years? :eusa_whistle:

They only gave them one broken promise after another broken promise.
carry on.....

A black dude is president and a black lady is first lady. Not to mention all the black pols and millionaires. Do you honestly think that would have happened yet if Republicans had their way?

The economy is in the tank, and his foreign policy has given us Egypt, Libya, Iran and Syria.
Do you honestly think that would have happened if some less of an ideologue had been elected?

Or is skin color that important to you?

You started the thread, twinkie. Obviously it is a subject you obsess over.
A black dude is president and a black lady is first lady. Not to mention all the black pols and millionaires. Do you honestly think that would have happened yet if Republicans had their way?

The economy is in the tank, and his foreign policy has given us Egypt, Libya, Iran and Syria.
Do you honestly think that would have happened if some less of an ideologue had been elected?

Or is skin color that important to you?

You started the thread, twinkie. Obviously it is a subject you obsess over.

Such as racism and misogyny are topics you liberals lament over. What is that I smell? Ahh yes, your hypocrisy.
As to the discussion between PC and Carb, I now see where he is coming from the the dixiecrats being conservative. I have to say they and the goldwater folks seem an illustration of the adage "politics makes strange bed fellows."

I think a modern conservative like Goldwater or Reagan (haley barbour or huntsmen may be the only two in the last race) and perhaps Christie believe politics has to be more than simply getting your way, and politics is not the means for simply enforcing the status quo. History marches on. Mankind desires freedom. A loss is not defeat. And while compromise to gain is not a vice, compromiseing on the issue of the individual seeking freedom isn't acceptable to gain power. States rights is simply moving republican govt to its lowest electoral demoninator.

Dixiecrats were quite something different.

Dixicrats were Democrats.

They weren't Republicrats.

They became Republicans and kind of obvious considering how red the south is politically.

Only Strom Thurmond and at least two other guys became Republicans. Let's not play the revisionist game if at all possible.
The economy is in the tank, and his foreign policy has given us Egypt, Libya, Iran and Syria.
Do you honestly think that would have happened if some less of an ideologue had been elected?

Or is skin color that important to you?

You started the thread, twinkie. Obviously it is a subject you obsess over.

Such as racism and misogyny are topics you liberals lament over. What is that I smell? Ahh yes, your hypocrisy.
Thanks for stopping by to deflect.

By the way, I know PC isn't a racist or obsessed with skin color. She merely likes using blacks as tools in her effort to make Republicans look good. It's actually pretty comical.
Dixicrats were Democrats.

They weren't Republicrats.

They became Republicans and kind of obvious considering how red the south is politically.

Only Strom Thurmond and at least two other guys became Republicans. Let's not play the revisionist game if at all possible.

What does it matter what party they were in? They were states rights conservative segregationists,

that's really all there is to it that is relevant.

Can you name the states rights conservative Democrats in today's Democratic Party?

Give me a list.
You keep saying it's not true, Jake.
Where did you get your info?
Ron Kessler wrote a book, "Inside The White House" who was a trusted journalist that says differently. Not to mention other valid sources.
Did you know that Eisenhower's two sponsered Civil Rights Bills were rejected by LBJ back in the 50's?

Do you know that the party of Eisenhower got about 39% of the black vote in 1956?

That means that the Republican party over the last 50 years has 'evolved' itself into losing about 80% of the black vote that it used to get.

Now, seriously, do you really want to argue that that happened for no reason?

You are really grasping now, aren't you?

When you take into account all the promises made to the Blacks and the giveaways from the democrats, yes, they will be led around like sheep. But, to this day, they really aren't any better off than they were 50 years ago, Carb. Wake up, dude.
You should be embarrassed at this point....but......

Fuck off.

So your position is that we should have left the South's legalized mandated segregationist policies in place.

I would say that makes you a racist.

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