I hate Jews

Which He, the one with the son or the one without? The one who protects Israel, or the one who vows to destroy it?

He who protects Israelis. He who protects the Muslims. He does not want to wipe Israel off the map. He did not create one to destroy the other. As I like to say, "That does not even make any sense."
All the prophesies of the End have come to pass. Now it is time for us to decide if the great wars foretold were the wars which just passed or if the wars are yet to come. I think Free Will is an excellent choice.
Are you still buying and selling without a mark on your hand or forehead? Have 2 of God's prophets been killed in the street and did they rise 3 1/2 days later, like God said they would? Who is the world President, and what are the terms of the peace treaty that Israel signed?

We've only just begun.....
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No, not really.
However, lots of people express hate for a whole group of people.

The question is, why are they so stupid?
Jews are responsible for nothing, even if the Israeli government are bastards.
Muslims are equally innocent, even when some of their number kill people without good reason.

So many of us read a story puked up by the media or government and believe it without question.

Groups are not guilty for the crimes of the few and no group is bad.

Do you agree?

You had me till the "no group is bad" line. There are plenty of bad groups. The Mafia. The Yakuza. The KKK. Etc.

Groups are bad if they are formed with their intent to do evil. Ethnicities and races are something no one chooses to join, you either are or aren't. They cannot be evil per se. Most religions are not as well. They are formed to worship not to do evil, but some can be evil if they are formed with the intention of stealing from people or some other evil act.
Are you still buying and selling without a mark on your hand or forehead? Have 2 of God's prophets been killed in the street and did they rise 3 1/2 days later, like God said they would? Who is the world President, and what are the terms of the peace treaty that Israel signed?

We've only just begun.....

I've got my theories on some of that. Some I will have to look up. :( ;)
Which He, the one with the son or the one without? The one who protects Israel, or the one who vows to destroy it?

He who protects Israelis. He who protects the Muslims. He does not want to wipe Israel off the map. He did not create one to destroy the other. As I like to say, "That does not even make any sense."

No, He who protects Israel, from the Muslims. He is going to drop them like flies when they invade Israel yet again. You are right though about the culmination of this dispute.
Hating does not make sense, and that is not the covenant God made with Abraham. Abraham's 2 children are at war over their birthright. Abraham loved both of his children. God promised to preserve Abraham's children. He allowed Christ, His Son, to pay for the sins of both lines of Abraham's children, Muslim and Jew. Neither have accepted God's gift, but they are about to.
The God of Abraham is the God of the Muslims. He is not however, the Muslim's God. They discarded the one true God and produced a less benevolent God that is more favorable to their hatred agenda against Isaac. There is a big difference, and here it is:

The most gentle and loving creation God ever produced is going to settle this dispute. The peace treaty we keep pushing won't solve the problem. In fact it will hasten Christ's return to prevent the complete wiping out of one of those 2 lines.
Christ is going to replace the hatred that Abraham's 2 sons have for one another with love for one another, and both lines of Abraham will be well pleased with the land they each inherit from Jesus, the Christ. One of your "Gods for every occasion" will keep His promise.

It is important that God has a Son. If He didn't we would have to resort to cutting everyone's head off to obtain peace. :eusa_angel:
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Except God and Allah are one and the same.

That is not true. Allah's book teaches hatred of Jewish people and commands Mohammadans to kill infidels to Mohammad's version of right and wrong.

It's two different houses, and it is not one house divided against itself. Mohammad's followers went after America for defending Jews in WWII and giving them their homeland back.

You apparently never heard of the Mufti of Jerusalem who offered to rid Europe of Jews for free and lifted his hand against six million Jews and killed them.

They hate it that the Allies gave the Jews a homeland, renaming the country of their fathers Israel.

And they want to hate America and Israel off the face of the map.

It's history, recorded by the Nazis themselves, who were proud of the six million Jews that they helped the Muslims murder in cold blood with malice aforethought.

Stop bringing lies to USMB.
(An ignorant attempt to attack Ashtara)

God and Allah are one and the same. Christianity and Islam are two of MANY paths to God/ YHWH/ Elohim/ Allah/ Adonai. Despite people on both sides who truly worship their creator, both religions have also been repeatedly corrupted by their leaders to indoctrinate/ control/ enslave their followers into pursuing their own agendas. Often at the expense of the lives of the devout. Christianity has blood on its hands too.

By the way, oh jealous one. You don't hate me. You don't hate Hitler, and you don't hate Muslims. You hate yourself. I hope you will find some peace in your life.
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(An ignorant attempt to attack Ashtara)

God and Allah are one and the same. Christianity and Islam are two of MANY paths to God/ YHWH/ Elohim/ Allah/ Adonai. Despite people on both sides who truly worship their creator, both religions have also been repeatedly corrupted by their leaders to indoctrinate/ control/ enslave their followers into pursuing their own agendas. Often at the expense of the lives of the devout. Christianity has blood on its hands too.

By the way, oh jealous one. You don't hate me. You don't hate Hitler, and you don't hate Muslims. You hate yourself.

The point of Christianity is to have blood on our hand. Because it is by the Blood of Jesus Christ that we are saved. It's through the blood of His sacrifice, that though our sins be as scarlet, they will be white as snow.

That is why we partake of the body and blood of Christ. To remember His Atoning Grace and to use it in our life.
The blood of Christ, perhaps. But so many have been slain, tortured, or burnt at the stake in the name of God as a result of religious leaders twisting God's name towards their own agendas. Similar violence and manipulation is evident in Islam today.
The blood of Christ, perhaps. But so many have been slain, tortured, or burnt at the stake in the name of God as a result of religious leaders twisting God's name towards their own agendas. Similar violence and manipulation is evident in Islam today.

The fact that some take the name of God in vain, doesn't mean those who sincerely take the name of God are stained.
Of course :) Thats exactly why I feel that there are those on both sides (Christianity and Islam) who are on a path to God. And there are those on both sides who are on a path away from God.
Of course :) Thats exactly why I feel that there are those on both sides (Christianity and Islam) who are on a path to God. And there are those on both sides who are on a path away from God.

There is only one path. We are just in different places and sometimes going in different directions.
I can totally understand how one might view the idea of "many paths to God" to be, instead, a single, much larger path. Both perspectives make sense.
I can totally understand how one might view the idea of "many paths to God" to be, instead, a single, much larger path. Both perspectives make sense.

Yeah, but I think your definition of love might not be pointed directly at God either. Just a thought.
I can totally understand how one might view the idea of "many paths to God" to be, instead, a single, much larger path. Both perspectives make sense.

Yeah, but I think your definition of love might not be pointed directly at God either. Just a thought.

What exactly do you assume my definition of "love" to be?

An deep eternal feeling of affection for a greater truth or existence. (Poor articulation but I think accurate enough.)
No, not really.
However, lots of people express hate for a whole group of people.

The question is, why are they so stupid?
Jews are responsible for nothing, even if the Israeli government are bastards.
Muslims are equally innocent, even when some of their number kill people without good reason.

So many of us read a story puked up by the media or government and believe it without question.

Groups are not guilty for the crimes of the few and no group is bad.

Do you agree?

I DO agree.

I would bet that more than 99% of the internet is opinion, not fact.
No, not really.
However, lots of people express hate for a whole group of people.

The question is, why are they so stupid?
Jews are responsible for nothing, even if the Israeli government are bastards.
Muslims are equally innocent, even when some of their number kill people without good reason.

So many of us read a story puked up by the media or government and believe it without question.

Groups are not guilty for the crimes of the few and no group is bad.

Do you agree?

I DO agree.

I would bet that more than 99% of the internet is opinion, not fact.

Just asking a question here. If one person goes and gathers 5 others and he teaches them how to and then leads them into a bank robbery can anyone of them, particularly the leader, be charged any different than any other?
Yeah, but I think your definition of love might not be pointed directly at God either. Just a thought.

What exactly do you assume my definition of "love" to be?

An deep eternal feeling of affection for a greater truth or existence. (Poor articulation but I think accurate enough.)

No, I asked what you think MY definition of "love" is. You said you think my definition of love may not be pointed directly at God. I wish to know what you think you meant by that.

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