Zone1 Jesus Is My Rock My Sword And Shield

Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

Jesus stood for the poor and what is good and honorable. And there is certainly a correlation today between the downfall of Christianity in the USA and the rise of filth, vandalism, a bad economy and cancel culture.

Look at the lies of the left… to them if somebody does not support a organization like BLM or racist ideals that “white people are privileged” ….they are a racist.

But common sense and the truth shows us that every people whether they are black, white, Muslim, Jewish, Asian you name it at some point engaged in the slave trade and committed a wrongdoing or did a good deed. That is what Christianity teaches to realize common sense, be nice to everyone
Those on the left-the democrats are of their father the devil he was a liar from the beginning. All they know to do is lie.

You're right, if you do not support their filthy sin they will lie on you just as their father the devil does nothing but lie.

All BLM is, is filthy homosexual/lesbain sin- nothing but sin. They fail at trying to get adults to accept that filthy abomination sin of theirs through a BLM acronym. Likewise they fail at using gay book reading to seduce small children to accept that filthy homosexual sin of theirs.

The common sense of God's righteousness and Truth are our teachers, but the democrats are extremely demonic. They do not operate on common sense, on God's Truth, nor on anything spiritual. They only operate from a lie, with a lie, and from lie to lie.
Jesus is only friends with those who obey him.(John 15:10-14) Obey every thing he taught. Does your heart instruct your mind to do this daily?=Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his(YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)
The ones Jesus call friend, do exactly that 24/7-365. without fail.
Thank you, and God bless you. That was enlightening to read.
With whether Jesus is Lord, lunatic or liar. I don't rely on "revelations" for that--or anything, really.
we must go by what Jesus approved when he asked Peter who do you say that I am?
Peter answered Jesus and Jesus approved of Peter's answer.
Jesus the Christ our Lord and Savior

Jesus is the firstborn of all the spirit children of our Father in heaven. He is our elder brother in spirit. Before the foundation of this world, we were all born of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother through the process of procreation. Jesus is the Firstborn.
I still stand firm on the fact that Jesus is not a first born, but an only begotten Son of God. There is a difference. One can only be born of a man's seed. Jesus was not born from any man's seed. Jesus was begotten, and the only begotten.
Does he tell you to post messages each day on a message board. WWJD
Unlike your OP, Jesus is not my weapon
and you're telling me that because... ? That was given as an answer to someone else. Jesus did not say anything about being a "Weapon" Where are you getting this from???

Go back and read the question associated with this thread. It's about the "Word of God" not Jesus as your weapon.
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Human revelations are not reliable for the most part. Is this news to you?
How was this revealed to you?
When it comes to faith in a supreme power, only revelation can be relied upon. Anything less is mere hearsay. If it isn't direct communication, it is someone else's revelation second hand. This is especially true with what Jesus speaks of.
How was this revealed to you?
When it comes to faith in a supreme power, only revelation can be relied upon. Anything less is mere hearsay. If it isn't direct communication, it is someone else's revelation second hand. This is especially true with what Jesus speaks of.


There goes all of recorded history too.

There goes all of recorded history too.
Not at all. History is recorded, yes, and that is replication, not direct experience. We may choose to believe it, choose to analyse it, research it, reject it, retransmit it, insist it is true or various other choices. If we have lived through an event, it is nothing like learning about it, and often contradictory. "Living it" is what revelation is.
Not at all. History is recorded, yes, and that is replication, not direct experience. We may choose to believe it, choose to analyse it, research it, reject it, retransmit it, insist it is true or various other choices. If we have lived through an event, it is nothing like learning about it, and often contradictory. "Living it" is what revelation is.

You realize this is completely irrational I hope. I mean if this is not irrational I don't know what is.

For example:

I have never touched lava but I know enough if I see it, not to touch it. I don't need a "revelation" to understand that.

What foolishness is this, really?
Jesus is my lord and savior. The only son of God that was sent to us to let us know the meek and poor are who shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. The Uber wealthy, not looking good for them.
You realize this is completely irrational I hope. I mean if this is not irrational I don't know what is.

For example:

I have never touched lava but I know enough if I see it, not to touch it. I don't need a "revelation" to understand that.

What foolishness is this, really?
The foolishness, apparently, is thinking you would understand.
Lord, Liar or Lunatic. If Jesus is not Lord, He's either a liar or a lunatic. --summarized from CS Lewis

neither of those ...

only for those that chose the 4th century christian bible written by self motivated imposters, the state religion of the roman empire - for their religion.

jesus met an untimely death, would they have left a manuscript otherwise no one knows - having not their teachings of liberation theology, self determination the spoken religion of antiquity is far more a valid religion than anything found in any of the three desert religions - than sour sue as well.

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