What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Untrue. If government employees didn't do their jobs, the entire economy would collapse into chaos, and there wouldn't be any tax revenue at all.

Arguments like yours only work if you imagine the government's contribution of law and order and public service being provided by acts of God, or benevolent fairies or something.

The government could contact those jobs out and get all the same work done for less money

First of all, untrue. Look at anything where third party companies are involved compared to direct government employees, and you'll find it always costs more, all due to the profit taken by the private company. That's why student loans have been taken away from the banks as middlemen.

Proof? You are seriously telling me that a federal employee costs less than a private employee? Wrong

Federal Government Pay Tops Businesses: CBO Report - ABC News

Compared with private sector employees, federal workers are paid about 16 percent more when benefits including health insurance, retirement plans and paid vacation are taken into account, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office.

Secondly, irrelevant even if it was true; it would still be the government spending resources to get a result, and your argument, if valid, would hold true either way. It doesn't, therefore it's NOT valid.

Yes the government would still spend money I never said the government wouldn't spend money did I?

But according to the CBO government employees are 16% more expensive than private sector employees.

I don't know about you but I think 16% is a significant savings.
How exactly would a government employee not doing his/her job stop me from buying or trading goods and services with someone else?

How will someone in government not doing their job prevent me from, say, mowing someone's lawn in exchange for a loaf of bread?

The question is not how ONE government employee not doing his job would affect matters. The question is how ALL government employees not doing their jobs would. Think about it, I'm sure it will come to you.
Federal Government Pay Tops Businesses: CBO Report - ABC News[/url]

Yes, I am telling you that, and it's not wrong. That study compares the pay including benefits of ALL federal employees (regardless of what they do) to ALL private-sector employees (regardless of what they do). There are no burger-flippers or minimum-wage clerks employed by the federal government. Compare comparable jobs, and the pay plus benefits are less in government work.

But even if they were the same, the private company would still rake off a share for its owners, and that would make it more expensive. What I'm saying here is no more controversial than saying buying wholesale is cheaper than buying retail.

Yes the government would still spend money I never said the government wouldn't spend money did I?

Not directly but it's a requirement of your argument making any sense that it not do so.
Federal Government Pay Tops Businesses: CBO Report - ABC News[/url]

Yes, I am telling you that, and it's not wrong. That study compares the pay including benefits of ALL federal employees (regardless of what they do) to ALL private-sector employees (regardless of what they do). There are no burger-flippers or minimum-wage clerks employed by the federal government. Compare comparable jobs, and the pay plus benefits are less in government work.

But even if they were the same, the private company would still rake off a share for its owners, and that would make it more expensive. What I'm saying here is no more controversial than saying buying wholesale is cheaper than buying retail.

Yes the government would still spend money I never said the government wouldn't spend money did I?

Not directly but it's a requirement of your argument making any sense that it not do so.

My argument was that government employees do not add to the net tax revenue of the government.

This particular tangent was all your doing.
Good chunk of my money goes to private sector so you're the one that's dense as hell with your envy.

The money you spend was first taken from people like me who don't work for the government.

So tell me how is taking money from me and giving it to you so you can spend it better than letting me keep it and spend it myself?

The private sector wouldn't get nearly enough money without the money federal workers spend.

Federal Workers wouldn't get shit, in open competition. Is your head really that far up your ass???
This envy against federal workers is retarded, both sectors depend on each other, the private sector makes most of its money, its big money from contracts with the federal government so quit complaining about the hand that feeds you, we all have to pay taxes and have our money taken, I know fed workers who pay lots of taxes just like private sector workers and the private sector treats their workers like crap and don't give them great benefits, sick leave nd pensions, but thats your individual choice to work wherever the hell you want.
This envy against federal workers is retarded, both sectors depend on each other, the private sector makes most of its money, its big money from contracts with the federal government so quit complaining about the hand that feeds you, we all have to pay taxes and have our money taken, I know fed workers who pay lots of taxes just like private sector workers and the private sector treats their workers like crap and don't give them great benefits, sick leave nd pensions, but thats your individual choice to work wherever the hell you want.

Can't we all just get along??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are out of touch. The scale is not only off balance, it is corrupted. Shouldn't have took more than you gave Syndrome. You have been weighed and found wanting. It's clean up time. :)
This envy against federal workers is retarded, both sectors depend on each other, the private sector makes most of its money, its big money from contracts with the federal government so quit complaining about the hand that feeds you, we all have to pay taxes and have our money taken, I know fed workers who pay lots of taxes just like private sector workers and the private sector treats their workers like crap and don't give them great benefits, sick leave nd pensions, but thats your individual choice to work wherever the hell you want.

Can't we all just get along??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are out of touch. The scale is not only off balance, it is corrupted. Shouldn't have took more than you gave Syndrome. You have been weighed and found wanting. It's clean up time. :)

Whatever, I'll never let some private sector chump tell me I'm not worthy of having my job after I've served my country and elected to continue to do so as a federal employee, I took an oath to do this job the same way I did as an airman.
Whatever, I'll never let some private sector chump tell me I'm not worthy of having my job after I've served my country and elected to continue to do so as a federal employee, I took an oath to do this job the same way I did as an airman.

Why do you presume that those in the private sector aren't serving their country as well?

In fact, the only honest way to make money is by serving others with the goods and services they need and desire. Money is just one way to guage how well you are serving your fellow man.
Whatever, I'll never let some private sector chump tell me I'm not worthy of having my job after I've served my country and elected to continue to do so as a federal employee, I took an oath to do this job the same way I did as an airman.

Why do you presume that those in the private sector aren't serving their country as well?

In fact, the only honest way to make money is by serving others with the goods and services they need and desire. Money is just one way to guage how well you are serving your fellow man.

Private sector employees don't take oaths, we federal workers do and are serving our country in an *OFFICIAL* capacity, private sector employees work and serve their bosses and or whoever runs their company.
Liberals are always trying to move forward towards a non-existant, utopian future.

Conservatives are always trying to move backwards towards a non-existant, utopian past.
Stupid question: What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Straightforward answer: The precepts of our Constitutional Republic and a government of limited and enumerated powers.
Private sector employees don't take oaths, we federal workers do and are serving our country in an *OFFICIAL* capacity, private sector employees work and serve their bosses and or whoever runs their company.

I did.

However, oaths aren't a prerequisite for service.

Sounds like you are more worried about prestige than actual service. I have more respect for the woman cutting my hair and providing her service to her community that way than most Federal workers.
Liberals are always trying to move forward towards a non-existant, utopian future.

Conservatives are always trying to move backwards towards a non-existant, utopian past.

Not trying to move backwards whatsoever. We are trying to preserve liberty and establish justice.
Private sector employees don't take oaths, we federal workers do and are serving our country in an *OFFICIAL* capacity, private sector employees work and serve their bosses and or whoever runs their company.

I did.

However, oaths aren't a prerequisite for service.

Sounds like you are more worried about prestige than actual service. I have more respect for the woman cutting my hair and providing her service to her community that way than most Federal workers.

Yes they are, as a federal employee you must take an oath and if you break that oath you can fired and or prosecuted under federal law.
Stupid question: What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Straightforward answer: The precepts of our Constitutional Republic and a government of limited and enumerated powers.

Yup, by gay bashing and trying to make their religion the law of the land, :rolleyes:
The tax dollars that federal workers "pay" come from the private sector. ALL tax revenue comes from the private sector, therefore the private sector pays for everything including roads.

Tell me where does the money come from to pay government workers?

Since you can't seem to figure it out I'll tell you. ALL the money used to pay government workers comes from the private sector.

Now if government workers pay taxes where does the money to pay those taxes come from? It comes from their salary which is 100% funded by the private sector. So ALL tax revenue is collected from the private sector.

Taxation is mandated by the Constitution. And the government provides a plethora of infrastructure that allows the private economy to thrive.

But if you are so into the "private sector", perhaps you can find a country started by the private sector?

Because I don't think one ever existed.

So who wrote the Constitution that established our government?

A bunch of white dudes, who were deist and Christian, that were smart enough to set the law regarding amendment.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management


I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

5 U.S.C. §3331
Stupid question: What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Straightforward answer: The precepts of our Constitutional Republic and a government of limited and enumerated powers.

Yup, by gay bashing and trying to make their religion the law of the land, :rolleyes:

I am a conservative but I seek neither to bash gays nor impose ANY religion on anybody.

SOME so-called "social" conservatives have an agenda somewhat along those lines, occasionally. But you confuse those few for Conservatives in general.

Besides, since when did a bigot like you care about gay bashing? :rolleyes:

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