Democrats and Republicans pass Warren Amendment which calls for removal of Confederate Monuments in graveyards including Arlington

We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.

We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Remember these people took up arms against England, too. It was more than that, it was about people being free.
Remember these people took up arms against England, too. It was more than that, it was about people being free.
That has nothing to do with TRAITORS taking up arms against the United States!
See my post above yours.

Who attacked whom? You are one simplistically ignorant motherfucker.

Who attacked whom? You are one simplistically ignorant motherfucker.
If you want to respond to me, my post to you is #20, you "simplistically ignorant motherfucker."
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."
Last edited:
the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights.

The right to enslave an entire race in perpetuity. Chattel Slavery.

"Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights.

The right to enslave an entire race in perpetuity. Chattel Slavery.

"Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

From the rabid Texas secessionist declaration you quote ...
“These Southern States [oppose the abolitionist’s] debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color--a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law.“

Just on a historical note, the Governor of Texas, Sam Houston, opposed the rabid secessionists, calling them “traitors.” But to no effect. His was a pro-slavery argument against secession. See Sam Houston's Proslavery Argument Against Secession
Last edited:
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren't traitors, moron. Check the definition of the term in the Constitution. Lincoln is the traitor according to that. Lincoln made war on the southern states. That's treason.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
Nope. They wouldn't even try Jefferson Davis because they know they would lose.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Wrong, turd. Southernors didn't levy war on any state until they were attacked. Lincoln levied war on the Southern states. Lincoln invaded Virginia. Lincoln is the traitor.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
Nope. They wouldn't even try Jefferson Davis because they know they would lose.

They might have won the case, but lost the peace afterwards.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.
So you're saying you object to democracy? "They fought the occupation" meaning the voted against the Yankee occupiers?
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.

But they weren't a separate country, they didn't re-institute slavery, and they didn't try to secede again.
We are a soft society. Offended by statues but not offended by our lying media and politicians. Got it! We are all in this together sans the media and the politicians. Don’t be such sheep people.
the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights.

The right to enslave an entire race in perpetuity. Chattel Slavery.

"Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. "

Thank you! In the Texas secessionist declaration you quote:

“These Southern States [oppose] the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color--a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law.“

You're welcome. Isn't that the basis of mythological White Supremacy doctrine?
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."
Nope. Read the definition. It says "levying war against against them." Note the plural. That means making war on any state is treason. Lincoln is guilty as charged.

Ft Sumter was within the boundaries of South Carolina. How is firing on your own territory an act of war?
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

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