Democrats and Republicans pass Warren Amendment which calls for removal of Confederate Monuments in graveyards including Arlington

We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
Nope. They wouldn't even try Jefferson Davis because they know they would lose.

They might have won the case, but lost the peace afterwards.
That didn't figure into their calculations. They knew they would lose because secession isn't treason according to the definition in the Constitution.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.
So you're saying you object to democracy? "They fought the occupation" meaning the voted against the Yankee occupiers?

No. The insurgents fought with violence and with votes (or denying it) both to fight the occupation and then to regain control of the state. At least in my home state we did.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.
So you're saying you object to democracy? "They fought the occupation" meaning the voted against the Yankee occupiers?

No. The insurgents fought with violence and with votes (or denying it) both to fight the occupation and then to regain control of the state. At least in my home state we did.
Yeah, voting is such a crime! How dare they believe they are entitled to govern themselves!

The "violence" was insignificant. It was certainly insignificant when compared to the violence federal troops inflicted on them.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
No they didnt get rehabed. They continued to defy the rules of the land by making laws to reenslave Blacks. Look up the Black Codes and educate yourself.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
No they didnt get rehabed. They continued to defy the rules of the land by making laws to reenslave Blacks. Look up the Black Codes and educate yourself.
They had black codes in the Northern states, moron.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."
God save the Queen you simplistically ignorant motherfucker
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
No they didnt get rehabed. They continued to defy the rules of the land by making laws to reenslave Blacks. Look up the Black Codes and educate yourself.
They had black codes in the Northern states, moron.
That doesnt really help your case but I would love to see the proof.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.

But they weren't a separate country, they didn't re-institute slavery, and they didn't try to secede again.

That's right, then they all settled in to the peaceful existence of the Jim Crow era. </sarcasm>
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
It was the first, second, and third reason listed you fucking idiot. :lol:
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.
So you're saying you object to democracy? "They fought the occupation" meaning the voted against the Yankee occupiers?

No. The insurgents fought with violence and with votes (or denying it) both to fight the occupation and then to regain control of the state. At least in my home state we did.
They resisted the fed govt's enforcement of civil war constitutional amendments. And they were successful. I'd like to think they lost in 1965, but nationally their successors continue to suppress black voters.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.

But they weren't a separate country, they didn't re-institute slavery, and they didn't try to secede again.

That's right, then they all settled in to the peaceful existence of the Jim Crow era. </sarcasm>

A failure of Reconstruction. Blame Booth for that one.

Also blame courts taking the law into their own hands, kind of like what we saw just recently.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.

They were not rehabilitated. After the war they fought the occupation. After the North gave up the occupation and withdrew, they fought to regain control and won. Then they instituted the era of Jim Crow and the virtual slavery of share-cropping.

But they weren't a separate country, they didn't re-institute slavery, and they didn't try to secede again.

That's right, then they all settled in to the peaceful existence of the Jim Crow era. </sarcasm>
Well no, I think they still got lynched and tortured to death over whites fears they like sex with them.

edit: I gotta amend that. It was perfectly ok for white men to frequent black brothels, and prosecuting a white man for raping a black woman (or man for that matter) did not happen, though rapes occurred.

white women's motives for lying about black males' sexual advances are less open. Carolyn Bryant, for example, never said why she lied about Emmitt Till, though she admitted she lied. And of course some white women covertly had sex with black males.
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We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
That is what we are told. Its nice and clean that way. The financier of the world wanted inroads with their fiat currencies to the Western Hemisphere. And the United States was in the way. The though was breaking up a growing powerful nation would leave one side eventually using a fiat currency controlled by the then globalists. Slavery was getting bad bad press. Pressures were building to end it. It was going to end. Maybe a decade later or so if no war happened. The financiers plied interference in our nation. They wanted a fiat currency and tried many tines. Had limited success but we returned to the gold standard every time. Until 1913.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
It was the first, second, and third reason listed you fucking idiot. :lol:
That was one state. Other states listed numerous reasons.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
Except, leaving the union was not clearly forbidden.

Furthermore, the terms of surrender included no treason for anyone and complete reconciliation after reconstruction.

So, take your "traitor" nonsense and get the fuck out. They would have been traitors to their own state if they fought against it.

I can tell you have a very simplistic understanding of it all.
US Constitution
Article III, Sec. 3 Cls. 1
" Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. "

They were TRAITORS when they levied war against the United States in 1861, fool!

Leaving the union and the terms of surrender after the fact, are NOTWITHSTANDING, you bloody fool!
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Against the United States????


Get the fuck out of here.
Yes, TREASON against the United States, stupid! South Carolina was the first State that formally left the Union, 13 Dec,1860. The South Carolina Militia fired on Union forces in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1961. That was the day the USA first responded to the TRAITORS of what became States full of turn coat TRAITORS. So you "Get the fuck out of here."

They tried to leave the union, they fought, they lost, they were rehabilitated.

No one got convicted for treason.
No they didnt get rehabed. They continued to defy the rules of the land by making laws to reenslave Blacks. Look up the Black Codes and educate yourself.
They had black codes in the Northern states, moron.
That doesnt really help your case but I would love to see the proof.

Black Codes (United States) - Wikipedia

Black Codes were part of a larger pattern of whites trying to maintain political dominance and suppress the freedmen, newly emancipated African-American slaves. Black codes were essentially replacements for slave codes in those states. Before the war, Northern states that had prohibited slavery also enacted Black Codes: Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,[2] and New York enacted laws to discourage free blacks from residing in those states. They were denied equal political rights, including the right to vote, the right to attend public schools, and the right to equal treatment under the law. Some of the Northern states[which?] repealed such laws around the same time that the Civil War ended and slavery was abolished by constitutional amendment.
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All the slave states passed anti-miscegenation laws, banning the marriage of white and black people, as did several new free states of the former Northwest Territory, including Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.[19] Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois shared borders with the slave states across the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. The population of the southern parts of these states had generally migrated from the Upper South; their culture and values were more akin to those of the South across the river than those of the northern settlers, who had migrated from New England and New York. In some states these codes included vagrancy laws that targeted unemployed blacks, apprentice laws that made black orphans and dependents available for hire to whites, and commercial laws that excluded blacks from certain trades and businesses and restricted their ownership of property.[20]
Article 13 of Indiana's 1851 Constitution stated "No Negro or Mulatto shall come into, or settle in, the State, after the adoption of this Constitution." The Indiana Legislature decreed in 1843 that "colored students" could not attend the public schools.[21]
The 1848 Constitution of Illinois contributed to the state legislature passing one of the harshest Black Code systems in the nation until the Civil War. The Illinois Black Code of 1853 prohibited any Black persons from outside of the state from staying in the state for more than ten days, subjecting Blacks who violated that rule to arrest, detention, a $50 fine, or deportation.[22] However, while slavery was illegal in Illinois, landowners in the southern parts of the state would legally bring in slaves from adjacent Kentucky, and force them to do agricultural work for no wages. They had to be removed from the state for one day each year, thus preventing them from being citizens of Illinois and receiving the protection of its laws.
In some States, Black Code legislation used text directly from the slave codes, simply substituting Negro or other words in place of slave.[23][24]
Postwar years
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New restrictions were placed on intermarriage, concubinage, and miscegenation with slaves in Arizona in 1864, California in 1880, Colorado in 1864, Florida[when?], Indiana in 1905, Kentucky in 1866, Montana in 1909, Nebraska in 1865, Nevada in 1912, North Dakota in 1943, Ohio 1877, Oregon in 1867, Rhode Island in 1872, South Dakota in 1913, Tennessee in 1870, Texas in 1858, Utah in 1888, Virginia[when?], Washington in 1866 but promptly repealed it in 1867, West Virginia in 1863 but overturned by Loving v Virginia in 1967, and Wyoming in 1908. In all, twenty-one states put in place Jim Crow laws against miscegenation. Free whites could no longer marry a slave and thereby emancipate her and her children,[further explanation needed] and no freedman could receive a donation or inheritance from a white person.[37
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Thomas the train, law and order, and some Beatles song are also on the "chop" block.

I always say you can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist. Black holes, betsy ross flags, math, rocking chairs, and countless others.

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